605 research outputs found

    Students’ Independent Use of Screencasts and Simulations to Construct Understanding of Solubility Concepts

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    As students increasingly use online chemistry animations and simulations, it is becoming more important to understand how students independently engage with such materials and to develop a set of best practices for students’ use of these resources outside of the classroom. Most of the literature examining students’ use of animations and simulations has focused on classroom use with some studies suggesting that better outcomes are obtained when students use simulations with minimal guidance while others indicate the need for appropriate scaffolding. This study examined differences with respect to (1) student understanding of the concept of dissolution of ionic and covalent compounds in water and (2) student use of electronic resources when students were asked to complete an assignment either by manipulating a simulation on their own or by watching a screencast in which an expert manipulated the same simulation. Comparison of students’ pre- and posttest scores, answers to assignment questions, near-transfer follow-up questions, and eye-tracking analysis suggested that students who viewed the screencast gained a better understanding of the dissolving process, including interactions with water at the particulate level, particularly for covalent compounds. Additionally, the eye tracking indicated that there were significant differences in the ways that the different treatment groups (screencast or simulation) used the electronic resources

    New methodology for specific inhalation challenges with occupational agents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inhalation challenges are used for diagnosing occupational asthma (OA). The initial methodology consisted of a "realistic" exposure without monitoring nor controlling exposure. Our aim was to design an equipment, called the GenaSIC, that allows the generation of various agents regardless of the formulation and to assess the feasibility of its use in patients investigated for OA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GenaSIC can generate lactose, flour, malt, isocyanates, formaldehyde and N-butyl acetate with precise and fairly stable concentrations. Using N-butyl-acetate as a control agent and real time measurement, we show that normal breathing has a negligible effect on the concentration. We exposed forty-four different subjects to a control agent and/or to a suspected occupational agent. Nineteen of the subjects were only exposed to N-butyl acetate as a control agent without experiencing any significant irritant effect (no significant changes in spirometry thereafter). Eight subjects who were exposed to both N-butyl acetate and formaldehyde did not show significant reactions. Seven subjects were exposed to dry particles (flour in six instances, malt in the other) and five showed immediate asthmatic reactions which changes in FEV1 from 20% to a maximum of 28%. Finally, ten subjects were exposed to isocyanates, four of whom showed a positive reaction, including one subject with immediate maximum changes in FEV1 of 22%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GenaSIC offers the possibility of reliable and safe exposures to dry particles, formaldehyde and isocyanates in the investigation of OA.</p

    Improving conceptual understanding of gas behavior through the use of screencasts and simulations

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    Engagement with particle-level simulations can help students visualize the motion and interactions of gas particles, thus helping them develop a more scientifically accurate mental model. Such engagement outside of class prior to formal instruction can help meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds and provide instructors with a common experience upon which to build with further instruction. Yet, even with well-designed scaffolds, students may not attend to the most salient aspects of the simulation. In this case, a screencast where an instructor provides narrated use of the simulation and points students towards the important observations may provide additional benefits. This study, which is part of the larger ChemSims project, investigates the use of simulations and screencasts to support students’ developing understanding of gas properties by examining student learning gains

    The role of cisapride in the treatment of pediatric gastroesophageal reflux.

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    Dieta com baixo teor de FODMAPs para distúrbios de dor abdominal funcional em crianças: revisão crítica do conhecimento atual (Low FODMAPs diet for functional abdominal pain disorders in children: critical review of current knowledge)

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    Objective: This narrative review aimed to provide practitioners a synthesis of the current knowledge on the role of a low Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols diet in reducing symptoms associated with functional abdominal pain disorders in children. This review is focused on the pathophysiology, efficacy and criticism of low Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols diet in children. / Sources: Cochrane Database, Pubmed and Embase were searched using specific terms for Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols diet interventions and functional abdominal pain disorders. / Summary of the findings: In children, only one Randomized Control Trial and one open‐label study reported positive results of low Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccha‐rides and Polyols diet; one Randomized Control Trial showed exacerbation of symptoms with fructans in children with Irritable Bowel Syndrome; no effect was found for the lactose‐free diet whilst fructose‐restricted diets were effective in 5/6 studies. / Conclusions: In children there are few trials evaluating low Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols in functional abdominal pain disorders, with encour‐aging data on the therapeutic efficacy particularly of fructose‐restricted diet. Additional effort sare still needed to fill this research gap and clarify the most efficient way for tailoring dietary restrictions based on the patient's tolerance and/or identification of potential biomarkers of low Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols efficacy, to maintain nutritional adequacy and to simplify the adherence to diet by labeling FermentableOligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols content in commercial products

    Impact of Rhinitis on Work Productivity : A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is increasingly acknowledged as having a substantial socioeconomic impact associated with impaired work productivity, although available information remains fragmented. OBJECTIVE: This systematic review summarizes recently available information to provide a quantitative estimate of the burden of AR on work productivity including lost work time (ie, absenteeism) and reduced performance while working (ie, presenteeism). METHODS: A Medline search retrieved original studies from 2005 to 2015 pertaining to the impact of AR on work productivity. A pooled analysis of results was carried out with studies reporting data collected through the validated Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) questionnaire. RESULTS: The search identified 19 observational surveys and 9 interventional studies. Six studies reported economic evaluations. Pooled analysis of WPAI-based studies found an estimated 3.6% (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.4; 4.8%) missed work time and 35.9% (95% CI, 29.7; 42.1%) had impairment in at-work performance due to AR. Economic evaluations indicated that indirect costs associated with lost work productivity are the principal contributor to the total AR costs and result mainly from impaired presenteeism. The severity of AR symptoms was the most consistent disease-related factor associated with a greater impact of AR on work productivity, although ocular symptoms and sleep disturbances may independently affect work productivity. Overall, the pharmacologic treatment of AR showed a beneficial effect on work productivity. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review provides summary estimates of the magnitude of work productivity impairment due to AR and identifies its main determinant factors. This information may help guide both clinicians and health policy makers. (C) 2017 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & ImmunologyPeer reviewe

    Asymétrie d’information et marchés financiers : une synthèse de la littérature récente

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    Cet article est une synthèse des recherches récentes en matière d’asymétrie d’informations sur les marchés financiers. L’impact de différentes hypothèses sur l’existence et l’efficience informationnelle des équilibres est étudié. Le cas de la concurrence parfaite est d’abord analysé (Grossman et Stiglitz, 1980). Puis la concurrence imparfaite est analysée. On distingue deux cas, selon que le bruit qui empêche le prix d’être parfaitement révélateur provient d’une offre exogène (KyIe, 1985, 1989), ou d’une dotation aléatoire des agents informés (Glosten, 1989; Bhattacharya et Spiegel, 1990; Bossaerts et Hughson, 1991). Dans le premier cas, l’équilibre existe toujours. Dans le second cas, il n’existe que si le bruit est assez élevé ou si le support de sa distribution est borné.The impact of different hypotheses on the existence and informativeness of rational expectations equilibria is analyzed within a simple synthetic model. The case of perfect competition is first analyzed (Grossman and Stiglitz, 1980). Second imperfect competition with exogenous noise trading is studied (KyIe 1985, 1989). Informational efficiency is lower than in the previous case, because of the strategic behaviour of the insider. Third, imperfect competition without noise trader, but with unknown random endowments of the informed agent is analyzed (Glosten, 1989; Bhattacharya and Spiegel, 1990; Bossaerts and Hughson, 1991). In contrast with the previous case, equilibrium exists only if there is enough noise


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    The objective of this presentation is to discuss the participation of students at the University of Liège to the educational spacecraft project SSETI-ESEO proposed by the European Space Agency