1,430 research outputs found

    Design principles of the pluriversal design paradigm

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    When scientists embrace a different paradigm, this naturally leads to a shiftin academic behavior. While the importance and necessity of the pluriversal design framework are evident, understanding how this paradigm influences academic conduct is less clear. Through a systematic literature review of 103 academic papers on the pluriversal approach, it is deducted what it is that researchers do or suggest to do when shaping their research and design practice through the pluriversal design paradigm. In this study, the pluriversal design paradigm is distilled into a set of foundational prerequisites and design principles. These design principles can be applied by both scholars and practitioners across various design contexts. Since behavior and ethicsare intertwined, this study also delves into the ethical considerations of pluriversal design.<br/

    A design thinking perspective on human rights

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    Weinig gevaar van distelzaad

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    Telers zijn zeer beducht op de verspreiding van akkerdistelzaad uit natuurgebieden, omdat ze bang zijn voor veronkruiding van percelen. Toch blijkt deze verspreiding erg mee te vallen, zo blijkt uit veldproeven van PPO-AGV en PRI

    The Communication Effects of the Relative Width of Males’ Faces in Business Portraits

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    van Zeeland, E., & Henseler, J. (2021). E-perceptions and Business ‘Mating’: The Communication Effects of the Relative Width of Males’ Faces in Business Portraits. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-17. [605926]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.605926This study investigates the relative impacts of the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) on the first impressions business professionals form of business consultants when seeing their photographs on a corporate website or LinkedIn page. By applying conjoint analysis on field experiment data (n = 381), we find that in a zero-acquaintance situation business professionals prefer low-fWHR business consultants. This implies that they prefer a face that communicates trustworthiness to one that communicates success. Further, we have investigated the words that business professionals use to describe their preferred consultant. These approach motivations help practitioners to improve the picture-text alignment. The results underline the necessity to critically assess the pictures and text used on websites and media platforms such as LinkedIn for business purposes, and to see them as a key element of business and self-communication that can be altered in order to improve business ‘mating.’publishersversionpublishe

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    Objective To report a surgical technique for treatment of chronic, recurrent cloacal prolapse in a sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). Study Design Clinical report Animals Sulphur-crested cockatoo (n = 1) Methods The bird was admitted with a 2-year history of periodic lethargy, decreased appetite, dyschezia, tenesmus, and colocloacal prolapse. An incisional colopexy was performed under general anesthesia to permanently reduce the colocloacal prolapse. To gain access to the coelomic cavity, a ventral U-shaped incision was made, after which the colon and cloaca were restored in their normal anatomic position. Subsequently, the distal colon was sutured to the left abdominal wall. Results Colocloacal prolapse was successfully reduced. One month later, cloacoplasty was performed to reduce cloacal width. Long-term follow-up, including a barium contrast study, revealed normal function and an intact colopexy, without recurrence of the prolapse. Conclusions Incisional colopexy is feasible despite a bird's relative small body size

    Vullen en reiniging spuitapparatuur als mogelijke emissieroutes van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen : enquete gehouden onder akkerbouwers binnen Telen met toekomst netwerk

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    Is de reiniging van spuitapparatuur een (mogelijk) belangrijke oorzaak van de normoverschrijdende belasting van het oppervlaktewater met gewasbeschermingsmiddelen? Doel van het onderzoek is het vaststellen van de omvang van de emissie die ontstaat bij het reinigen van spuitapparatuur. De mogelijke verschillende emissieroutes tijdens het vul- en/of reinigingsproces van de spuitapparatuur moeten worden benoemd en er moet een inschatting van de omvang van de emissie via deze routes worden gemaakt. Daartoe is in 2007 een enquête gehouden, waarover in dit verslag gerapporteerd word

    Levenscyclusanalyse groencompost: grootschalig en zelf composteren.

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    Door PPO-AGV is in 2009 een studie uitgevoerd om in een levenscyclusanalyse (LCA) de bereiding van groencompost op het agrarisch bedrijf te vergelijken met de bereiding van groencompost op regioschaal door gespecialiseerde composteerbedrijven. Bereiding van groencompost op het agrarisch bedrijf heeft het voordeel dat flink bespaard kan worden op energieverbruik en vrachtvervoer op de weg. Daar staat tegenover dat gespecialiseerde groencomposteerders gebruik kunnen maken van schaalgroottevoordelen, betere sturing kunnen geven aan gewenste composteercondities en dat zij gebruik kunnen maken van groenafval van natuurgebieden. De studie bouwt voort op de studie die in 2008 is uitgevoerd, waarbij o.a. een LCA voor GFT-compost is opgesteld. Voor zover dat mogelijk is, zijn de kengetallen voor de bereiding van groencompost vergeleken met die van GFTcompost

    Extraction of state machines of legacy C code with Cpp2XMI

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    Analysis of legacy code is often focussed on extracting either metrics or relations, e.g. call relations or structure relations. For object-oriented programs, e.g. Java or C++ code, such relations are commonly represented as UML diagrams: e.g., such tools as Columbus [1] and Cpp2XMI [2] are capable of extracting from the C++ code UML class, and UML class, sequence and activity diagrams, respectively. New challenges in UML diagram extraction arise when a) additional UML diagrams and b) non-object-oriented programs are considered. In this paper we present an ongoing work on extracting state machines from the legacy C code, motivated by the popularity of state machine models in embedded software [3]. To validate the approach we consider an approximately ten-years old embedded system provided by the industrial partner. The system lacks up-to-date documentation and is reportedly hard to maintain