3 research outputs found

    Morphological spectrum and clinical features of myopathies with tubular aggregates

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    Tubular aggregates (TAs) are aggregates of densely packed tubules in human skeletal muscle fibers with particular histochemical and ultrastructural features that most probably arise from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Some studies have shown an additional mitochondrial origin of TAs. We studied the histopathological spectrum and clinical features in a large cohort of patients with TAs in their muscle biopsy (106 biopsies), derived from our muscle biopsy archive (15,412 biopsies in total). In particular, we examined light microscopic, enzyme histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features in the muscle biopsies, as well as the patients’ clinical data. We found TAs in 0.5% of all muscle biopsies. Based on the size of TAs, we identified two sub-groups: (1) myopathies with large TAs (29 biopsies) in type 2 fibers and sometimes also in type 1 fibers, absence of any other associated disorder, and a familial history in half of the cases, and (2) myopathies with small TAs (77 biopsies), exclusively in type 2 fibers, presence of another associated disease in the majority of patients and mostly no familial history. In the sub-group with large TAs, we observed a high variability of ultrastructural changes. The most frequent clinical symptom in both groups was limb muscle weakness. No significant differences in clinical presentation, age at onset or disease duration at the time of biopsy were found between the two groups. In conclusion, myopathies with TAs can be sub-divided into a group with large TAs, probably corresponding to the so-called primary TA myopathies, and into a group with small TAs as a feature of another underlying condition

    Morphological spectrum and clinical features of myopathies with tubular aggregates

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    Tubular aggregates (TAs) are aggregates of densely packed tubules in human skeletal muscle fibers with particular histochemical and ultrastructural features that most probably arise from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Some studies have shown an additional mitochondrial origin of TAs. We studied the histopathological spectrum and clinical features in a large cohort of patients with TAs in their muscle biopsy (106 biopsies), derived from our muscle biopsy archive (15,412 biopsies in total). In particular, we examined light microscopic, enzyme histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features in the muscle biopsies, as well as the patients' clinical data. We found TAs in 0.5% of all muscle biopsies. Based on the size of TAs, we identified two sub-groups: (1) myopathies with large TAs (29 biopsies) in type 2 fibers and sometimes also in type 1 fibers, absence of any other associated disorder, and a familial history in half of the cases, and (2) myopathies with small TAs (77 biopsies), exclusively in type 2 fibers, presence of another associated disease in the majority of patients and mostly no familial history. In the sub-group with large TAs, we observed a high variability of ultrastructural changes. The most frequent clinical symptom in both groups was limb muscle weakness. No significant differences in clinical presentation, age at onset or disease duration at the time of biopsy were found between the two groups. In conclusion, myopathies with TAs can be sub-divided into a group with large TAs, probably corresponding to the so-called primary TA myopathies, and into a group with small TAs as a feature of another underlying condition.magna cum laude; Thesis to obtain "Dr. med." title in Germany, Faculty of Medicine.status: publishe

    Sähkönlaadun ja energiankulutuksen tutkimus

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    Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan sähkönlaadun ja energiankulutusta Raute Oyj:n rakentamissa vaneri- ja LVL-viilupalkkikoneissa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää esiintyykö Raute Oyj:n valmistamissa koneissa sähkönlaatua heikentäviä tekijöitä, kuten harmonisia yliaaltoja. Sähkönlaatua heikentävien tekijöiden lisäksi opinnäytetyössä selvitetään mahdollisuutta moottorikeskusten mitoituksessa käytettävän korjauskertoimen tarkentamiselle. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosassa esitellään sähkönlaatuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä, sekä niiden vaikutuksia sähköverkkoon ja verkonkäyttäjälle. Lisäksi teoriaosassa käydään läpi ratkaisuja, joilla esimerkiksi sähköverkossa esiintyvien yliaaltojen pitoisuutta voidaan vähentää tai poistaa kokonaan. Verkossa esiintyville häiriöille kuten harmonisille yliaalloille, taajuuden ja jännitteen vaihteluille on määritelty rajoituksia standardilla SFS-EN 50160, myös näitä rajoituksia ja niiden vaikutuksia sähkönlaatuun käydään läpi opinnäytetyön teoriaosassa. Sähkönlaatua ja energiankulutusta mitattiin kahdessa Raute Oyj:n koneessa, ja näiden mittaukseen käytettiin Fluken power quality analyzer mallia olevaa mittalaitetta. Mittaustuloksissa huomattiin sähkönlaadun olevan yleisesti hyvällä tasolla ja täyttävän standardissa SFS-EN 50160 sähkönlaadulle määritellyt raja-arvot. Tulosten perusteella huomattiin myös, että joissakin tapauksissa keskusten mitoituksessa käytettäviä korjauskertoimia pystyy tarkentamaan.The study researches the quality of electricity and the energy consumption on plywood and laminated veneer lumber (LVL) machines manufactured by Raute Plc. The Thesis aims to examine the potential existence of factors reducing the quality of electric, such as harmonic waves, on machines manufactured by Raute Plc. In addition to examine the electricity quality and consumption of energy, the thesis looks into the possibility of elaboration of motorcabin’s equalisation. The theory part of the Thesis presents factors that influence electric quality, as well as their influences on the electricity network and network’s users. Additionally, the theory part discusses solutions, which for instance reduce or eliminate harmonic waves in electric network. SFS-EN 50160 standard defines restrictions for disturbance in electric network such as harmonic waves, frequency and voltage variation, these restrictions are also presented in the theory part of the Thesis. In this study, electric quality and energy consumption were measured in two different machines manufactured by Raute Plc, and the measurements were conducted by Fluke power quality analyser measuring device. Electric quality was generally high according to the measurements, and it meets the electric quality standards defined in SFS-EN 50160. The measurements also indicated that in some cases the equalisation is possible to elaborate