92 research outputs found

    Helicity amplitudes and electromagnetic decays of strange baryon resonances

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    We present results for the helicity amplitudes of the lowest-lying hyperon resonances Y*, computed within the framework of the Bonn constituent-quark model, which is based on the Bethe-Salpeter approach. The seven parameters entering the model are fitted against the best known baryon masses. Accordingly, the results for the helicity amplitudes are genuine predictions. Some hyperon resonances are seen to couple more strongly to a virtual photon with finite Q^2 than to a real photon. Other Y*'s, such as the S_{01}(1670) Lambda resonance or the S_{11}(1620) Sigma resonance, have large electromagnetic decay widths and couple very strongly to real photons. The negatively-charged and neutral members of a Sigma* triplet may couple only moderately to the Sigma(1193), while the positively-charged member of the same Sigma* triplet displays a relatively large coupling to the Sigma^+(1193) state. This illustrates the necessity of investigating all isospin channels in order to obtain a complete picture of the hyperon spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, Proceedings of the Conference "International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Baryons NSTAR 05", Tallahassee, Florida (USA), Oct. 2005, contributed tal

    Electromagnetic form factors of hyperons in a relativistic quark model

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    The relativistically covariant constituent quark model developed by the Bonn group is used to compute the EM form factors of strange baryons. We present form-factor results for the ground-state and some excited hyperons. The computed magnetic moments agree well with the experimental values and the magnetic form factors follow a dipole Q2Q^2 dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings for NSTAR '04 conference in Grenoble, France, March 24-27, 2004 (World Scientific

    Helicity amplitudes and electromagnetic decays of hyperon resonances

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    We present results for the helicity amplitudes of the lowest-lying hyperon resonances Y*, computed within the framework of the Bonn constituent-quark model, which is based on the Bethe-Salpeter approach. The seven parameters entering the model were fitted to the best known baryon masses. Accordingly, the results for the helicity amplitudes are genuine predictions. Some hyperon resonances are seen to couple more strongly to a virtual photon with finite Q^2 than to a real photon. Other Y*'s, such as the S_{01}(1670) Lambda resonance or the S_{11}(1620) Sigma resonance, couple very strongly to real photons. We present a qualitative argument for predicting the behaviour of the helicity asymmetries of baryon resonances at high Q^2.Comment: 20 pages, 26 figures, uses svjour.cls style, submitted to the European Physical Journal

    Fermion family recurrences in the Dyson-Schwinger formalism

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    We study the multiple solutions of the truncated propagator Dyson-Schwinger equation for a simple fermion theory with Yukawa coupling to a scalar field. Upon increasing the coupling constant gg, other parameters being fixed, more than one non-perturbative solution breaking chiral symmetry becomes possible and we find these numerically. These ``recurrences'' appear as a mechanism to generate different fermion generations as quanta of the same fundamental field in an interacting field theory, without assuming any composite structure. The number of recurrences or flavors is reduced to a question about the value of the Yukawa coupling, and has no special profound significance in the Standard Model. The resulting mass function can have one or more nodes and the measurement that potentially detects them can be thought of as a collider-based test of the virtual dispersion relation E=p2+M(p2)2E=\sqrt{p^2+M(p^2)^2} for the charged lepton member of each family. This requires three independent measurements of the charged lepton's energy, three-momentum and off-shellness. We illustrate how this can be achieved for the (more difficult) case of the tau lepton

    Electric and magnetic form factors of strange baryons

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    Predictions for the electromagnetic form factors of the Lambda$, Sigma and Xi hyperons are presented. The numerical calculations are performed within the framework of the fully relativistic constituent-quark model developed by the Bonn group. The computed magnetic moments compare favorably with the experimentally known values. Most magnetic form factors G_M(Q^2) can be parametrized in terms of a dipole with cutoff masses ranging from 0.79 to 1.14 GeV.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Kaon photoproduction: background contributions, form factors and missing resonances

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    The photoproduction p(gamma, K+)Lambda process is studied within a field-theoretic approach. It is shown that the background contributions constitute an important part of the reaction dynamics. We compare predictions obtained with three plausible techniques for dealing with these background contributions. It appears that the extracted resonance parameters drastically depend on the applied technique. We investigate the implications of the corrections to the functional form of the hadronic form factor in the contact term, recently suggested by Davidson and Workman (Phys. Rev. C 63, 025210). The role of background contributions and hadronic form factors for the identification of the quantum numbers of ``missing'' resonances is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Times of Minima of 116 Eclipsing Binary Systems (2010-2015)

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    We present 201 times of CCD photometric minima collected from observing sites in Belgium and Greece during the years 2010 till 2015 for 116 eclipsing binary systems

    The nature of the Lambda(1405)

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    We present here some results supporting the nature of the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) resonance as dynamically generated from the meson baryon interaction in coupled channels and resulting from the superposition of two close-by poles. We find support for this picture in the Kpπ0π0Σ0K^- p \to \pi^0 \pi^0 \Sigma^0 reaction, which shows a different shape than the one obtained from the πpK0πΣ\pi ^- p \to K^0 \pi \Sigma reaction. We also call the attention to the KpγπΣK^- p \to \gamma \pi \Sigma with πΣ\pi \Sigma in the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) region, which shows a narrow peak in the calculations around 1420 MeV. We also report on recent calculations of the radiative decay of the two Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) states and on reactions to obtain information on these decay modes. Finally, we present results for the pppK+Λ(1405)pp\to p K^+\Lambda(1405) reaction recently measured at ANKE/COSY and compare them with theoretical results.Comment: Talk given at the NSTAR2007 Workshop, Bonn September 200

    Constraints on background contributions from K+ Lambda electroproduction

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    Results for response functions for kaon electroproduction on the proton are presented. A tree-level hadrodynamical model is adopted and it is shown that some of the electroproduction response functions are particularly powerful with the eye on gaining control over the parameterization of the background diagrams. The existing data set for the p(e,e'K+)Lambda reaction appears to rule out the use of a g_{K+ Lambda p} coupling constant beyond the boundaries of softly broken SU(3) flavor symmetry. Also the use of soft hadronic form factors, which has been proposed as a valid alternative for a hadrodynamical description of the p(gamma,K+)Lambda data in the resonance region, seems to be disfavored by the magnitude of the measured p(e,e'K+)Lambda cross sections.Comment: Accepted for publication in PRC. Includes new data, additional paragraph and figur

    The field high-amplitude SX Phe variable BL Cam: results from a multisite photometric campaign. II. Evidence of a binary - possibly triple - system

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    Short-period high-amplitude pulsating stars of Population I (δ\delta Sct stars) and II (SX Phe variables) exist in the lower part of the classical (Cepheid) instability strip. Most of them have very simple pulsational behaviours, only one or two radial modes being excited. Nevertheless, BL Cam is a unique object among them, being an extreme metal-deficient field high-amplitude SX Phe variable with a large number of frequencies. Based on a frequency analysis, a pulsational interpretation was previously given. aims heading (mandatory) We attempt to interpret the long-term behaviour of the residuals that were not taken into account in the previous Observed-Calculated (O-C) short-term analyses. methods heading (mandatory) An investigation of the O-C times has been carried out, using a data set based on the previous published times of light maxima, largely enriched by those obtained during an intensive multisite photometric campaign of BL Cam lasting several months. results heading (mandatory) In addition to a positive (161 ±\pm 3) x 109^{-9} yr1^{-1} secular relative increase in the main pulsation period of BL Cam, we detected in the O-C data short- (144.2 d) and long-term (\sim 3400 d) variations, both incompatible with a scenario of stellar evolution. conclusions heading (mandatory) Interpreted as a light travel-time effect, the short-term O-C variation is indicative of a massive stellar component (0.46 to 1 M_{\sun}) with a short period orbit (144.2 d), within a distance of 0.7 AU from the primary. More observations are needed to confirm the long-term O-C variations: if they were also to be caused by a light travel-time effect, they could be interpreted in terms of a third component, in this case probably a brown dwarf star (\geq 0.03 \ M_{\sun}), orbiting in \sim 3400 d at a distance of 4.5 AU from the primary.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&