336 research outputs found

    El té literario de Dorio de Gádex: plagio para un homenaje a Oscar Wilde

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    [Resumen] El escritor modernista Dorio de Gádex se ocupó, como tantos otros autores españoles en los primeros años del siglo XX, de la figura y de la obra de Oscar Wilde. Lo hizo en sus libros Lolita Acuña (1909) y De los malditos, de los divinos... (1914), a través de un mismo texto que, primero en el marco de una ficción y después en el de un ensayo, modificó con ligeras variantes. Al margen del contenido de sus páginas ―especialmente interesante para el estudio de la recepción de Wilde en España―, sorprende que las ideas sostenidas por él a propósito del autor de A Woman of No Importance no le pertenecían de ningún modo: fueron flagrantemente plagiadas de un artículo de Enrique Díez-Canedo, el renombrado crítico literario de la époc

    Selection, tinkering and emergence in complex networks: crossing the land of tinkering

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    Complex biological networks have very different origins than technologic ones. The latter involve extensive design and, as engineered structures, include a high level of optimization. The former involve (in principle) contingency and structural constraints, with new structures being incorporated through tinkering with previously evolved modules or units. However, the observation of the topological features of different biological nets suggests that nature can have a limited repertoire of ”attractors” that essentially optimize communication under some basic constraints of cost and architecture or that allow the biological nets to reach a high degree of homeostasis. Conversely, the topological features exhibited by some technology graphs indicate that tinkering and internal constraints play a key role, in spite of the ”designed” nature of these structures. Previous scenarios suggested to explain the overall trends of evolution are re-analyzed in light of topological patterns.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Poesía y filosofía: la lectura social de Baudelaire en Walter Benjamín

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    Baudelaire como poeta de la destrucción de la vida moderna y de la abstracción social de la economía capitalista es lo que pretende ver este artículo a través de la lectura alegórica que Benjamin hizo del poeta francés hace ya más de 70 años. La recuperación de Baudelaire de la alegoría que había estado olvidada por más de 100 años viene exigida por condiciones objetivas: la abstracción de la vida social y la pérdida de un sentido unificante

    A Speculative Theory of Politics: Logic of the Party-Form

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. March 2017. Major: Political Science. Advisors: Raymond Duvall, Antonio Vazquez-Arroyo. 1 computer file (PDF); 172 pages.The dissertation provides a defense of political partisanship from a philosophical perspective by a) arguing that classical and contemporary philosophy have been unable to understand such phenomenon due to its moral and metaphysical prejudices, b) that the Hegelian speculative tradition has been almost alone in defending something like a partisan conception of truth, and that c) Marx and the socialist and communist tradition that followed preserved this speculative conception of truth by tracing it to the social universe and applying it to the practical tasks of party building and organization. In tracing and reinterpreting that history, the dissertation provides a marker on how to connect abstract philosophical questions with practical matters of politics. I believe following Lenin that there is no revolution without revolutionary theory, no politics without philosophy, and conversely, that there is no political philosophy if it does not provide guidelines for political practice and exercise

    Process Model for Continuous Testing of Web Accessibility

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    The lack of accessibility on websites can result in people with disabilities not accessing information online. Therefore, this research aims to create a process model for continuous web accessibility testing by adapting and customizing three methodologies: Deming cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM), and Total Quality Management. The process model is composed of four phases. The first phase (Plan) allows defining the accessibility problem, its importance, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) against which it will be evaluated. In addition, determine the current situation of the websites, the potential causes of accessibility problems, classify the success criteria by principles, guidelines, and levels of conformity, to elaborate the solution plan and the action plan. The second phase (Do) allows the execution of the action plan to correct the accessibility problems. In this phase, we should perform continuous testing with automatic evaluation tools, end-users, and experts to corroborate that the changes have had an effect. The third phase (Check) allows measuring compliance and non-compliance with the defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This phase also explains the reasons for non-compliance. The fourth and last phase (Act) documents the solutions learned for inclusion in future developments. It was tested using a case study to determine the viability of the process model, which allowed corroborating its functionality and applicability. In future work, we plan to adapt the process model to different workgroups, develop accessible mobile applications, and comply with web accessibility in electronic documents.This work was supported by the Catholic University of Cuenca; the EduTech project (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and the project “Development of IoT systems for people with disabilities” (PID2019-111196RB-I00) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Evaluation of the Accessibility of the Homepages of the Web Portals of Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions Ranked in Webometrics

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    The Web is essential for education and e-learning. This situation has been boosted by migration to distance education due to the SARS-Co V-2. However, students with disabilities have been seriously affected because online teaching is very often not accessible. For this reason, this research aims to evaluate the accessibility of the homepages of the web portals of the Ecuadorian higher education institutions ranked in the Webometrics with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 of the World Wide Web Consortium. The results obtained determined that the 65 homepages analyzed of the web portals have accessibility errors. Therefore, we concluded that we should adopt the WCAG in the web sites to comply with the Ecuadorian technical regulation RTE INEN 288 “Accessibility for web content.”This work was supported by the Catholic University of Cuenca; the EduTech project (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and the project “Development of IoT systems for people with disabilities” (PID2019-111196RB-I00) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Robótica inteligente: Implementación de sensores 3D para desenvolvimiento de robots móviles y vehículos autónomos

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Mecatrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Área Académica de Ingeniería en Mecatrónica, 2015.This project was developed in the Universidade de São Paulo in Brasil, on the campus located in the city of São Carlos. The work was done specifically in the Laboratório de Robótica Móvel, which belongs to the Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e Computação. As its name indicates, this laboratory does research and develops applications related to the area of mobile robotics. The project consisted on developing an application that allows a mobile robot to navigate autonomously, avoiding obstacles, until it reaches a specific coordinate point defined by the user. For the design and implementation of this application, it is necessary to keep in mind that navigation and obstacle detection are based on the use of 3D sensors. For this purpose, the Kinect was selected. The simulation and testing of the project was done in a special simulation environment for robotic applications, called V-REP. The project development process began with the elaboration of navigation algorithms for obstacle avoidance. Once this goal was achieved, the potential fields theory was implemented and other sensors were used to determine the robot‟s spatial position and orientation, with the objective of defining a trajectory to the goal coordinate point, thus doing a more efficient navigation. Finally, real data from the physical sensors was used to corroborate the functioning of the application, with the purpose of comparing it with the previously obtained results from the simulated part.Laboratório de Robótica Móvel- ICMC- Universidade de São Paul

    Empirical Studies on Web Accessibility of Educational Websites: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Web accessibility means that people with some type of disability can make use of the Web in the same conditions as the rest of the people. When we talk about web accessibility, we refer to a web design and development that allows these people to perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the Web. Web accessibility also benefits other people, including elderly people whose abilities have declined as a result of age. The Web is an essential resource in human activity: education, employment, government, commerce, health, entertainment and many others benefit of the power of the Web. The aim of this systematic literature review is to analyze the empirical methods of evaluating accessibility to educational websites, disabilities and their errors described in a total of 25 selected studies. The results show that in 20 of the 25 papers, web accessibility was evaluated with automatic tools, in 2 papers it was evaluated with real users and in the other 3 papers with automatic tools, real users and experts. There is also evidence that all the educational websites analyzed in the papers need to correct errors. In conclusion, educational websites do not meet any version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and their conformance levels. According to the results, the empirical evaluation methods used for web accessibility could be improved by adopting automatic evaluation tools for website construction and manual mechanisms with web accessibility experts. The challenge for educational institutions is to carry out web accessibility projects to comply with WCAG and other web accessibility standards and current laws of educational inclusion.This work was supported in part by the Catholic University of Cuenca and in part by the EduTech Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under Grant 609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP