181 research outputs found

    Uses of Economic Rhetoric – Told by Designers, Represented by Economic Press

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    The design discipline is constantly moving and reshaping itself. As the practices are often new and still evolving, the professionals in the field need to position their own activities to the context in which they are practiced (Valtonen, 2007). In the case of industrial design, the practice is conducted and increasingly discussed in the realm of the economic world. When issues such as global competitiveness or companies’ competitive advantages are discussed, design is often seen as a mean to improve business. This is the case especially where(onko tämä where ok?) competing on merely price or technological advantage becomes increasingly difficult. This paper shows how the designers present industrial design as an economically viable action and how the economic press represents industrial design in the context of economy. Keywords: Economic Rhetoric; Industrial Design; Interviews; Media; Rhetorical Analysis</p

    Lasten ajankäyttö ja vähintään kohtuukuormitteinen fyysinen aktiivisuus varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Background: The role of early childhood education and care (ECEC) is crucial in the implementation of the physical activity recommendations during long ECEC days. Young children should engage in 180 minutes of physical activity spread throughout the day, including 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). To attain the goal more information is needed on children’s time use and PA in children’s activities. Aim: The purposes of this quantitative observational study were twofold: (a) to examine children’s time use and (b) to describe which children’s activities best generate physical activity, specifically MVPA, in ECEC. Setting: Altogether, 2,879 Finnish children, aged 1- to 6-years, participated in this study. Methods: The data of 57,881 observations were analysed using cross-tabulation and a z-test. Results: Daily routines (e.g. eating, dressing, napping and transition), task or seatwork and material play accounted for almost 70% of children’s sedentary behaviour and less than 10% of MVPA. The best MVPA generators were physical activities (that generated 57.4% of all MVPA in boys vs. 62.8% in girls, respectively), rule play (11% in boys vs. 6.7% in girls), and role play (10.1% in boys vs. 9.9% in girls), as well as action not allowed (3.3% in boys vs 1.2% in girls). Conclusions: Educators should integrate physical activities, rule play and role play more in ECEC day to support the realization of the recommendations.Peer reviewe

    Fourth Graders’ Objectively Measured Week Long Physical Activity

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    We explored 10–11 year-old children’s moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) to describe how it is distributed within weekdays, weekend days, the segments of a schoolday and how it meets the global recommendation of ≥ 60 min daily MVPA. Participants were from two fourth classes (N = 33, 20 boys, 13 girls) in the city of Vantaa, capitol area of Finland. PA was measured using a Polar Active® (PAC) wrist-worn accelerometer. A diary supported the accelerometer data. Raw metabolic equivalent (MET) data from accelerometers were transmitted to computer, organized and uploaded to SPSS. We used MET-thresholds moderate PA (MPA) ≥ 3 < 6, vigorous (VPA) ≥ 6 and consequently moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) ≥ 3. Average daily MVPA was 92 min. Differences between weekdays and weekend days existed, but they were at least partly caused by the weather. Global recommendation was met by 21 %, more often by girls than boys. However, almost everyone met the recommendation ≥ 4 a week. Segments of the schoolday (lessons, long recesses, short recesses and lunch breaks) were physically quite active with 5, 12, 4 and 8 min, respectively. Hypothetically summed up schoolday accumulated 50 min MVPA. Boys accumulated quite systematically slightly more MVPA during schooldays and leisure time. Schooldays play an important role in children’s total MVPA and the current situation is decent. However, teacher educators, decision makers, school administration, principals, teachers and school staff should still aim at finding new ways of making the schooldays even more physically active.We explored 10–11 year-old children’s moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) to describe how it is distributed within weekdays, weekend days, the segments of a schoolday and how it meets the global recommendation of ≥ 60 min daily MVPA. Participants were from two fourth classes (N = 33; 20 boys, 13 girls) in the city of Vantaa, capitol area of Finland. PA was measured using a Polar Active® (PAC) wrist-worn accelerometer. A diary supported the accelerometer data. Raw metabolic equivalent (MET) data from accelerometers were transmitted to computer, organized and uploaded to SPSS. We used MET-thresholds moderate PA (MPA) ≥ 3 < 6, vigorous (VPA) ≥ 6 and consequently moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) ≥ 3. Average daily MVPA was 92 minutes. Differences between weekdays and weekend days existed, but they were at least partly caused by the weather. Global recommendation was met by 21%, more often by girls than boys. However, almost everyone met the recommendation ≥ 4 a week. In segments of the schoolday (lessons, long recesses, short recesses and lunch breaks) the children were physically quite active at 5, 12, 4 and 8 minutes, respectively. Hypothetically summed up, a schoolday accumulated 50 minutes MVPA. Boys accumulated quite systematically slightly more MVPA during schooldays and leisure time. Schooldays play an important role in children’s total MVPA and the current situation is decent. However, teacher educators, decision makers, school administration, principals, teachers and school staff should still aim at finding new ways of making schooldays even more physically active.Peer reviewe

    Parasite-induced aggression and impaired contest ability in a fish host

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    Abstract Background Success of trophically transmitted parasites depends to a great extent on their ability to manipulate their intermediate hosts in a way that makes them easier prey for target hosts. Parasite-induced behavioural changes are the most spectacular and diverse examples of manipulation. Most of the studies have been focused on individual behaviour of hosts including fish. We suggest that agonistic interactions and territoriality in fish hosts may affect their vulnerability to predators and thus the transmission efficiency of trophically transmitted parasites. The parasite Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda) and juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were used to study whether infection can alter aggression rates and territorial behaviour of intermediate fish hosts. Results The changes in behaviour of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, infected with an eye fluke Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda), was monitored over the course of an experimental infection for 1.5 months. At the beginning of their development, not yet infective D. spathaceum metacercariae decreased the aggressiveness of rainbow trout. By the time that metacercariae were fully infective to their definitive hosts, the aggressiveness increased and exceeded that of control fish. Despite the increased aggressiveness, the experimentally infected fish lost contests for a territory (dark parts of the bottom) against the control fish. Conclusions The results obtained indicate that the parasitized fish pay the cost of aggressiveness without the benefit of acquiring a territory that would provide them with better protection against predators. This behaviour should increase transmission of the parasite as expected by the parasite manipulation hypothesis

    Animal welfare control – inspection findings and the threshold for requesting a police investigation

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    An increasing proportion of animal welfare violations in Finland are related to companion animals. However, only a small number of these issues are investigated or prosecuted. The aims of this study were (i) to describe the inspection findings and the resulting actions of the official municipal veterinarians in the Finnish Capital Region and (ii) to identify the factors that predict their submissions of investigation requests to the police. Our data consisted of animal welfare complaints and official veterinarians' inspection reports and decisions from 811 cases of animal welfare control in the Finnish Capital Region. The data covered the period from March 2019 to April 2020. We performed logistic regression analyses to identify the factors that best predict when official veterinarians detect non-compliances and report the cases for police investigation. In 86% (696/811) of the cases, the veterinarians performed at least one animal welfare inspection, and/or received information from the police, or otherwise investigated the complaint. The most common forms of non-compliance were lack of basic maintenance and care (42%, 295/696) and insufficient veterinary care (27%, 185/696). The veterinarians requested for a police investigation in 9.6% (44/460) of all cases with detected non-compliances. The best predictors for detecting non-compliances with the animal welfare legislation were complaints of insufficient veterinary care (OR 1.9, CI 1.1-3.4), the cases assessed by the information from the police and/or an animal shelter (OR 15.2, CI 7.9-29.2), at least one inspection in an animal's premises with prior warning (OR 11.2, CI 5.5-22.6), and without prior warning (OR 17.0, CI 9.7-29.5). Complaints of violence against animals were negatively associated with detecting non-compliances (OR 0.5, CI 0.3-0.9). However, the detection of violence against animals predicted requests for police investigations (OR 9.3, CI 3.1-27.9), as did the execution of permanent urgent measures by official veterinarians (OR 4.9, CI 1.9-12.9). To improve the animal welfare control system and the investigation of crimes against animals, cooperation between officials should be developed. Further studies are needed to improve the understanding of the prevalence of violence against animals, and to advance methods used by animal welfare control to identify cases of violence.Peer reviewe

    Furcocercous cercariae (Trematoda) from freshwater snails in Central Finland

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    A total of eight species of furcocercous cercariae of four families (Strigeidae, Diplostomidae, Schistosomatidae and Sanguinicolidae), were found in 2005 in Lake Konnevesi in Central Finland in four snail species (Valvata macrostoma, Lymnaea stagnalis, Bathyomphalus contortus and Planorbarius corneus). Australapatemon burti (Miller, 1923), Australapatemon sp., Cotylurus brevis Dubois et Rausch, 1950, Cercaria spinulosa Ginetsinskaya, 1959 and Sanguinicola sp. are new species records for Finland. Ichthyocotylurus variegatus (Creplin, 1825) and Bilharziella polonica (Kowalewski, 1895) were first recorded as cercariae in Finland. The most common cercariae were A. burti (prevalence 13.3%) and Diplostomum pseudospathaceum Niewiadomska, 1984 (10.0%). Our study represents the first host record of Valvata macrostoma for larval stages of Australapatemon sp. and Sanguinicola sp

    Ajankäyttö ja vähintään kohtuukuormitteinen fyysinen aktiivisuus lasten toiminnoissa varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    The role of early childhood education (ECE) is significant in children’s physical activity. Young children should engage in moderate- to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) for at least 60 minutes per day, which – according to the recommendations – should be spread throughout the day, including the ECE days. The purposes of this study were to explore children’s time use and MVPA in children’s activities and to see which activities are the most efficacious for MVPA in three different age groups (1–3-year-olds; 4–5-year-olds; 6–7-year-olds) during ECE days. Altogether, 2,879 children participated in this study in Southern Finland. The children were systematically observed for 6 mornings and for one afternoon. Children’s activities were classified to 11 different categories and the intensity level in each time interval was categorized into three levels. The data of 51,427 observations were analysed using cross-tabulation and a z-test. Significant differences in time-spent in the activities and in MVPA among the age groups were found. All age groups spent most of their time in daily routines (1–7-year-olds: 41%; 4–5-year-olds: 35%; 6–7-year-olds: 26%), which were ineffective in generating MVPA, as were tasks, reading and material play. Physically active play (e.g. running) and role play (the player has a role) accumulated the greatest amount of MVPA in all age groups, as did rule play (e.g. dodgeball), specifically in 6–7-yearolds. The variation was the highest in rule play. It is important that the educators include physically active play and role play in all common activity settings for all age groups, and rule play, especially for 6–7-year-olds. The contents and properties of the efficacious action not allowed would be worth examining both in preschools and in the future studies.Peer reviewe

    Terveydenhoitotyön asiantuntijuus : Vain joka toinen kuolee tupakkaan -tupakkateemapäivä

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    Helsingin kaupunki toteuttaa Savuton Helsinki - Tupakoinnin ehkäisy- ja vähentämisohjelman Helsingissä vuosina 2007-2015. Ohjelman tavoitteena on tukea lasten ja nuorten tupakoimattomuutta sekä saada helsinkiläiset vähentämään tupakointia. Kouluterveyskyselyjen tuloksissa runsaasti tupakoivana ryhmänä nousivat esiin ammatillisten oppilaitosten opiskelijat. Suunnittelimme teemapäivän yhteistyötahojen kanssa kahteen ammatilliseen oppilaitokseen kevään ja syksyn 2008 aikana. Tarkoituksenamme oli pitää teemapäivä tupakoinnin haitoista ja vaikutuksista terveyteen toiminnallisia keinoja hyväksi käyttäen. Terveyden edistämisen tutkimusten mukaan pelkän tiedon jakamisen on todettu olevan tehoton tapa vaikuttaa nuoren päätökseen olla tupakoimatta. Toteutimme teemapäivät Suomen liikemiesten kauppaopistossa Pasilassa 28.10.2008 ja Helsingin liiketalousopistossa Malmilla 30.10.2008. Teemapäivän tarkoituksena oli saada opiskelijat pohtimaan tupakoimistaan ja mahdollista lopettamista sekä vahvistaa tupakoimattomien opiskelijoiden päätöstä olla tupakoimatta. Tarjosimme nuorille mahdollisuuden tutustua tupakoinnin terveysriskeihin eri aisteja hyödyntäen. Tarjosimme ajatussätkiä eli paperikääröjä, joihin oli kirjoitettu tupakointiin liittyviä kantaaottavia lauseita. Eri aistipisteissä nuorilla oli mahdollisuus kuunnella kuulokkeista tupakkayskää, haistaa pahvilaatikossa olevan tuhkakupin avulla, miltä tupakoitsija haisee ja samaistua keuhkoahtaumatautiin sairastuneen hengitykseen hengittämällä ohuen pillin läpi. Havainnollistimme tupakoinnin yhteyttä erektiohäiriöön laatikkoon asetetun tekopeniksen ja jauholla täytetyn kondomin avulla. Tupakan vaikutusta makuaistiin nuoret saivat kokeilla juomalla laimeaa mehua. Olimme tehneet myös ihmisfiguurin ja postereita, joissa kerroimme tupakoinnin haitoista terveyteen. Kaikilla teemapäivään osallistuneilla oli mahdollisuus osallistua väittämävisailukilpailuun. Tilassa oli esillä aiheeseen liittyviä julisteita ja muuta jaettavaa materiaalia. Teemapäivää varten tuottamamme materiaali jää Helsingin kaupungin opiskeluterveydenhuollon käyttöön. Lyhyellä aikavälillä teemapäivän vaikuttavuuden arviointi on vaikeaa. Pitkän aikavälin tavoitteena on kannustaa nuoria savuttomuuteen. Palautteen perusteella kokemuksellisuus on hyvä tapa välittää tietoa tupakoinnin haitoista. Katsomme onnistuneemme tavoitteessamme pysäyttää nuoret hetkeksi pohtimaan tupakoinnin mielekkyyttä. Tämänkaltainen teemapäivä ei yksin riitä tukemaan nuoria savuttomiksi, vaan teemapäivä tulisi niveltää osaksi koulun kokonaissuunnitelmaa tupakoinnin vähentämiseksi.This final thesis is a project executed in co-operation with Finnish Cancer Organisations, City of Helsinki School and Student Health Care, Haaga-Helia University of applied sciences, Helsinki and Finnish Business College, Helsinki. Our purpose was to develop a new approach to a anti-smoking campaign among young people and especially second level students at two vocational schools in Helsinki, where up to 20 per cent of students smoke at 16 years of age. Previous research indicated that just putting out information is in fact not effective when it comes to making a decision to stay smokefree, so we decided to take on a more functional method of educating the students. The theme day offered the participants a chance to become acquainted with the dangers of smoking in a new method using various senses. We had come up with for example “thought cigarettes”, paper rolls that resemble cigarettes but only contain snide remarks about smoking; an odour box, a cardboard box from which one can actually smell the “sweet smell of tobacco”; we offered everyone a glass of extra-mild juice to exemplify what smoking does to one’s sense of flavour; one could try breathing through a straw to get a feel as to what it’s like to have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); we even had a cardboard box with two fake penises inside – one stiff and the other a condom filled with flour – to clarify the fact that smoking causes impotence. We also had posters and a quiz for all the participants to fill. The results were encouraging. Mostly the feedback we got from the participants was positive. Based on this experience we concluded that making good use of one’s senses is indeed a good method of educating young people on the hazards of smoking. Then again it seemed that we got a better response from the students when their participation was not based on volunteering. It is quite hard to assess the immediate effect of our theme day, but in the long run our objective was to give the students information and education. Thus we think they now have some new tools for making the decision themselves to cease smoking. However, such a theme day would most likely be more effective if it was combined with an overall antismoking policy at the school it was held at.Henna Leppälä, Jenna Meriläinen, Heini Murtonen, Paula Nylander, Minna Osmala, Tanja Seppänen. (Kaikki tekijät eivät mahtuneet tekijäkenttään.


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    Käypä hoito -suositus. Päivitystiivistelmä. English summar
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