259 research outputs found

    Nationalsozialistische Geschlechterkonzepte in Feldpostbriefen

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    Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit nationalsozialistischen Geschlechterkonzepten in Feldpostbriefen, wobei zur Untersuchung ein konkreter Briefwechsel herangezogen wurde. Die Korrespondenz des Wiener Ehepaares Carhoun, beide überzeugte Nationalsozialisten, welche sich über den Zeitraum 1939 bis 1944 erstreckt und aus insgesamt 709 erhalten gebliebenen Postkarten und Briefen besteht, wurde von der „Sammlung Frauennachlässe“ an der Universität Wien für diese Diplomarbeit zur Verfügung gestellt und bildet ihre Quellenbasis. Die Diplomarbeit untersuchte, inwieweit sich nationalsozialistische Geschlechterkonzepte in Feldpostbriefen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg finden lassen. Dabei ging es vor allem um die Frage, in welchem Ausmaß die beiden Ehepartner die Geschlechterbilder des Nationalsozialismus verinnerlicht hatten, in ihre persönlichen Rollenbilder einfließen ließen und diese in den Briefen rezipierten. Durch den Umstand, dass von dem Briefwechsel Carhoun neben den vielen Briefen des Ehemannes auch einige der Ehefrau erhalten geblieben sind, konnte diese Fragestellung nicht nur von der „männlichen“, sondern - zumindest ansatzweise - auch von der „weiblichen“ Perspektive aus analysiert werden. Dabei lag ein Fokus der Arbeit auf einem Vergleich zwischen den Ehepartnern, um so geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede deutlich zu machen. Die Auswertung der Briefkorrespondenz erfolgte sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ. In einem ersten Schritt wurde die Korrespondenz zahlenmäßig erfasst, um die jeweilige Schreibfrequenz der Ehepartner darzustellen. Des Weiteren wurden die in den Briefen behandelten Themen herausgefiltert, kategorisiert und quantitativ ausgewertet. Dabei wurde insbesondere gezeigt, wer welche Themen wie oft ansprach und inwieweit sich dies im Verlauf des Krieges veränderte. Im Anschluss erfolgte die qualitative Untersuchung der Briefe, welche sich auf die inhaltlichen Aspekte „Schreiben über das Schreiben“, „Selbstbilder“, „Fremdbilder“ und „Beziehung, Liebe und Sexualität“ konzentrierte. Dabei war die Bezugnahme auf die im ersten Teil der Arbeit herausgearbeiteten Konzepte der nationalsozialistischen Geschlechterpolitik sowie die Feldpostforschung stetig präsent, um die Analyseergebnisse mit jenen aus der Literatur vergleichen zu können

    Scratching resistance of SiC-rich nano-coatings produced by noble gas ion mixing

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    SiC-rich nano-layers were produced at room temperature by applying ion beam mixing of various C/Si multilayer structures using argon and xenon ions with energy in the range of 40–120 keV and fluences between 0.25 and 3 × 1016 ions/cm2. The mechanical behavior of the layers was characterized by scratch test. The scratching resistance of the ion mixed samples has been measured by standard scratch test applying an atomic-force microscope with a diamond-coated tip (radius < 15 nm) and they were compared to that measured on Si single crystal. The applied load varied in the range of 4–18 μN. The scratching resistance of the samples correlated with the effective areal density of the SiC; with increasing effective areal density the scratch depth decreases. Above sufficiently high effective areal density of SiC the scratch resistance (hardness) of the produced layer was somewhat higher than that of single crystal silicon. Previously it has been shown that such layers have excellent corrosion resistive properties as well. These findings allow to tune and design the mechanical and chemical properties of the SiC protective coatings

    De nuevo, sobre la subrogaciĂłn por pago del hipotecante por deuda ajena: comentario a la Sentencia del TS de 30 diciembre 2015

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    SENTENCIA: INCONGRUENCIA: inexistencia: cambio de punto de vista jurĂ­dico sin merma del derecho de defensa: Sentencia que estima a favor del hipotecante no deudor la acciĂłn subrogatoria tras la realizaciĂłn forzosa de la finca hipotecada cuando en la demanda se ejercita la acciĂłn subrogatoria ex art. 1838 CCiv.SENTENCE: INCONGRUITY: nonex-istence: changing legal point of view without compromising the right of defense: Judgment that estimates for the mortgagee no debtor subrogation action following the forced reali-zation of the mortgaged property when demand subrogation action is brought exart.1838 CCiv

    Interaction forces between pegylated star-shaped polymers at mica surfaces

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    We present a study focused on characterizing the interaction forces between mica surfaces across solutions containing star-shaped polymers with cationic ends. Using the Surface Forces Apparatus, we show that the interaction forces in pure water between surfaces covered with the polymer can be adequately described by the dendronized brush model. In that framework, our experimental data suggest that the number of branches adsorbed at the surface decreases as the concentration of polymer in the adsorbing solution increases. The onset of interaction was also shown to increase with the concentration of polymer in solution up to distances much larger that the contour length of the polymer suggesting that the nanostructure of the polymer film is significantly different from a monolayer. High compression of the polymer film adsorbed at low polymer concentration revealed the appearance of a highly structured hydration layer underneath the polymer layer. The results support that charged polymer chains do not necessarily come into close contact with the surface even if strong electrostatic interaction is present. Altogether, our results provide a comprehensive understanding of the interfacial behavior of star-shaped polymers and revealed the unexpected role of hydration water in the control of the polymer conformation

    Control of Polymer Brush Morphology, Rheology, and Protein Repulsion by Hydrogen Bond Complexation

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    Polymer brushes are widely used to alter the properties of interfaces. In particular, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and similar polymers can make surfaces inert toward biomolecular adsorption. Neutral hydrophilic brushes are normally considered to have static properties at a given temperature. As an example, PEG is not responsive to pH or ionic strength. Here we show that, by simply introducing a polymeric acid such as poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA), the highly hydrated brush barrier can change its properties entirely. This is caused by multivalent hydrogen bonds in an extremely pH-sensitive process. Remarkably, it is sufficient to reduce the pH to 5 for complexation to occur at the interface, which is two units higher than in the corresponding bulk systems. Below this critical pH, PMAA starts to bind to PEG in large amounts (comparable to the PEG amount), causing the brush to gradually compact and dehydrate. The brush also undergoes major rheology changes, from viscoelastic to rigid. Furthermore, the protein repelling ability of PEG is lost after reaching a threshold in the amount of PMAA bound. The changes in brush properties are tunable and become more pronounced when more PMAA is bound. The initial brush state is fully recovered when releasing PMAA by returning to physiological pH. Our findings are relevant for many applications involving functional interfaces, such as capture-release of biomolecules

    Towards quantitative Low Energy Ion Scattering on CaSiO3_3 from Comparison to Multiple-Scattering-Resolved Dynamical Binary Collision Approximation Simulations

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    We perform Low Energy Ion Scattering with 1\,keV He ions on CaSiO3_3 using a commercial electrostatic detector system and determine the charge fraction of scattered ions from comparison with Binary Collision Approximation simulations. The simulations take dynamical surface changes due to surface cleaning Ar sputtering into account and scattered He particles are separated into single, dual, and multiple scattering trajectories. We find that the charge fraction of single and dual scattered He is about 10 times higher than the one for multiple collisions. Our results show that quantitative concentration profiles can be inferred from this method, if the charge fraction components are determined first

    Modelling molecule-surface interactions-an automated quantum-classical approach using a genetic algorithm

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    We present an automated and efficient method to develop force fields for molecule-surface interactions. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to parameterise a classical force field so that the classical adsorption energy landscape of a molecule on a surface matches the corresponding landscape from density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The procedure performs a sophisticated search in the parameter phase space and converges very quickly. The method is capable of fitting a significant number of structures and corresponding adsorption energies. Water on a ZnO(0001) surface was chosen as a benchmark system but the method is implemented in a flexible way and can be applied to any system of interest. In the present case, pairwise Lennard Jones (LJ) and Coulomb potentials are used to describe the molecule-surface interactions. In the course of the fitting procedure, the LJ parameters are refined in order to reproduce the adsorption energy landscape. The classical model is capable of describing a wide range of energies, which is essential for a realistic description of a fluid-solid interface

    In Situ Mechanical Analysis of the Nanoscopic Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Anodes of Li-Ion Batteries

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    The interfacial decomposition products forming the so-called solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI) significantly determine the destiny of a Li-ion battery. Ultimate knowledge of its detailed behavior and better control are required for higher rates, longer life-time, and increased safety. Employing an electrochemical surface force apparatus, it is possible to control the growth and to investigate the mechanical properties of an SEI in a lithium-ion battery environment. This new approach is here introduced on a gold model system and reveals a compressible film at all stages of SEI growth. The demonstrated methodology provides a unique tool for analyzing electrochemical battery interfaces, in particular in view of alternative electrolyte formulations and artificial interfaces. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, Weinhei
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