189 research outputs found

    Blood Protein Binding of Cyclosporine in Transplant Patients

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    The objective of this study was to compare the binding of cyclosporine to blood proteins between four healthy subjects and five liver and eight renal transplant patients. Fresh heparinized blood was obtained, to which sufficient quantities of tritium-labelled cyclosporine and unlabelled cyclosporine were added to blood samples or red blood cell (RBC) suspensions. Concentrations of cyclosporine in whole blood, plasma, RBC suspension, and phosphate buffer were estimated by liquid scintigraphy. The blood:plasma ratio of cyclosporine in transplant patients was significantly lower (P < .05) than that in healthy volunteers. The RBC:buffer ratio, a measure of affinity of RBCs for cyclosporine, was highest in those with liver transplants and lowest in those with kidney transplants. The unbound fraction of cyclosporine in plasma was less in transplant patients than in healthy volunteers. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in blood protein binding of cyclosporine between transplant patients that may contribute to the differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of this drug

    Lokális, regionális és globális környezeti faktorok hatásai vonuló madarakra = Effects of local, regional and global environmental factors on migrating birds

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    Fecskéken végzett munkáink az első között mutatták ki az afrikai telelő/vonulási területen bekövetkező változások okozta gyors mikro-evolúciós módosulásokat és a fészkelési időszakban az egyedek párválasztási, párzási, ivadéknevelési sikerét befolyásoló hatásokat. Elsőként tártuk fel, hogy a vonuló és Afrikában azonos helyen telelő madarak a fészkelő területen belül tíz kilométeres körzetekben elkülönülő állományokban költhetnek. Igazoltuk, hogy a vizsgált füsti fecske állomány egyedei a túlélési ráta vs. NDVI index módszerünk által azonosított telelő területen (Karoo) nagyobb valószínűséggel telelnek, mint Dél-Afrika más részein. Az ismert fészkelő és telelő területen növesztett madártollak stabil izotóp és kémiai elemösszetétel profiljait elsőként összehasonlítva megállapítottuk, hogy az izotóp profil térbeli felbontása jóval alacsonyabb a telelő területeken. Kimutattuk, hogy a tavaszi hőmérséklet növekedése a költés korábbi kezdetét és a másodköltések gyakoriságának növekedését válthatják ki a partifecskéknél, de a növekedő szeles napok száma negatívan befolyásolhatja a fészekalj méreteket és a tavaszi időjárás hatással van a fiókák kullancs fertőzésére. A kirepülő fiókák számát jelentősen befolyásolja az etető párok denzitása. Elsőként mutattuk ki a fészkelő területen lévő radioaktív környezeti szennyezés negatív hatását a füsti fecskék túlélési rátájára, és feltártuk a tollparazita fertőződés közvetlen hatását az egyedek túlélésére, párválasztási és szaporodási sikerére. | Our works on swallow species showed the first the rapid micro-evolutionary process caused by environmental changes in the wintering/migration areas, and the habitat condition in these areas modify the pairing, mating and breeding success of the individuals. We showed, that population of long-distance migrants, wintering different areas, could breed in separate, 10 km radius, neighbouring regions. We verified, that wintering areas of a studied barn swallow population (Karoo), identified by our survival rate vs.NDVI index method, used with much higher probability by the given population than other areas in South Africa. Comparing the stable isotope and trace element profiles of swallow feathers, collected at known moulting areas in the breeding and wintering areas, revealed that isotope profile has much lower spatial resolution than the trace element profile. In the case of sand martin, the expected increasing spring temperature could cause earlier breeding and higher number of second clutch, but the expected more frequent windy days could cause lower clutch size. We found that the spring weather influence the tick prevalence of the nestlings and the reproductive success is highly depend on the density of feeding pairs. We showed the first, the negative effect of radiation on the survival of breeding barn swallow and found that level of infection of ectoparasite, measured by number of feather holes, influence the survival, pairing and reproductive success of the swallows

    Pharmacokinetic profile of a 24-hour controlled-release OROS(® )formulation of hydromorphone in the presence and absence of food

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetic profile of a novel, once-daily, controlled-release formulation of hydromorphone (OROS(® )hydromorphone) under fasting conditions with that immediately after a high-fat breakfast in healthy volunteers. The effect of the opioid antagonist naltrexone on fasting hydromorphone pharmacokinetics also was evaluated. METHODS: In an open-label, three-way, crossover study, 30 healthy volunteers were randomized to receive a single dose of 16 mg OROS(® )hydromorphone under fasting conditions, 16 mg OROS(® )hydromorphone under fed conditions, or 16 mg OROS(® )hydromorphone under fasting conditions with a naltrexone 50-mg block. Plasma samples taken pre-dose and at regular intervals up to 48 hours post-dose were assayed for hydromorphone concentrations. Analysis of variance was performed on log-transformed data; for mean ratios of 0.8 to 1.2 (20%), differences were considered minimal. Bioequivalence was reached if 90% confidence intervals (CI) of treatment mean ratios were between 80% and 125%. RESULTS: The mean geometric ratios of the fed and fasting treatment groups for maximum plasma concentration (C(max)) and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC(0-t); AUC(0-∞)) were within 20%. Confidence intervals were within 80% to 125% for AUC(0-t )and AUC(0-∞ )but were slightly higher for C(max )(105.9% and 133.3%, respectively). With naltrexone block, the hydromorphone C(max )increased by 39% and the terminal half-life decreased by 4.5 hours. There was no significant change in T(max), AUC(0-t )or AUC(0-∞). CONCLUSION: Standard bioavailability measures show minimal effect of food on the bioavailability of hydromorphone from OROS(® )hydromorphone. Naltrexone co-administration results in a slight increase in the rate of absorption but not the extent of absorption. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials.gov NCT0039929

    Magyarországi triász-jura határszelvények ciklussztratigráfiai vizsgálata

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    Dolgozatomban ciklussztratigráfiai és asztrokronológiai vizsgálatokat végeztem a csővári vár-hegyi szelvény és a tatai kálvária-dombi szelvény esetében

    Spöken &amp; Tjuvar : En genusbaserad filmanalys av mottagande från publiken kring remakes och de filmer de är baserade

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    This is a study that with a gender-conscious analysis compares four films with each other. There are two "original" films with men starring in them, Ocean's eleven from 2001 and Ghostbusters from 1984. As well as remakes of these films with women starring in them, Ocean's eight from 2018 and Ghostbusters from 2016. This trend to do remakes of films and replace men with women have become increasingly popular among the people who create them. Despite this, the result is not very positive among the audience. In this study, we will take a look into the movies and their reception.   Here, websites (imdb.com &amp; rottentomatoes.com) were used to analyze the comments about the four different films, both the positive and the negative ones. The film analysis itself consists of selected scenes that was compared with each other in the various films. To make a comparison of the whole movies would need a much longer examination. That is why only some scenes were selected. The conclusion shows that it is rather the same films over and over again that are the problem for the audience rather than the female aspect

    Natural science and the question of truth : A criticism of the deficit model in the gender debate

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    När boken ”Könet sitter i hjärnan” publicerades 2007 skapade bokens författare, tillika läkaren, Annica Dahlström stor kontrovers eftersom hon menade att typiskt manliga och kvinnliga beteenden skapas i hjärnan och att män och kvinnor redan från födseln är olika varandra. Det stora diskussionsämnet var dock inte uteslutande hennes påstående om hur hjärnan formar könen, utan hennes åsikter om hur man bör förvalta denna nya kunskap. Exempelvis föreslog Dahlström att mamman i heterosexuella relationer borde ta ett större ansvar för hemomsorgen eftersom kvinnor var bättre lämpade för omvårdnad än män. I sin bok och diverse tidningsartiklar påstod hon att pappor är benägna att skada barnet, är mindre tålmodiga och menade att de inte borde få ha vårdnad för barnet förrän det är mer än 3 år gammalt.[1] Dahlströms sades hänvisa till tvivelaktiga vetenskapliga rön och sin egen forskning för att sprida ideologier och felaktiga påståenden om kvinnligt och manligt. Ett huvudsakligt problem i debatten som följde var den bristfälliga bevisningen för hennes påståenden. De fakta som presenterades i boken sades vara populariserade och Dahlström fick kritik för att de inte kunde kopplas till några säkra källor, trots att hon hävdade motsatsen. Samtidigt väckte boken också uppmuntran hos läkare, biologer och vanliga människor som kände igen sig i Dahlströms åsikter och utsatta läge. ”Politiskt korrekta forskare kräver stopp för obekväm forskning om kvinnor och mäns olika hjärnor”[2] skrev Dahlström i en insändare i DN som ett svar på kritiken. Det tydligaste problemet var att Könet sitter i hjärnan och de kritiska artiklar som följde inte skapade några vetenskapliga diskussioner. Det som uppstod var istället en maktkamp om vem som representerade sanningen, naturvetenskapen och vilken roll forskaren egentligen hade i spridandet av kunskap. Uppsatsens syfte var att med hjälp av de kritiska artiklarna och hennes bok studera hur de båda lägren, i sina texter, använde vetenskap för att legitimera sina åsikter. Ett annat var att ta reda på vilka naturvetenskapliga sanningsanspråk de gjorde. Det tredje syftet var att ta reda på hur synen på forskarens roll i kunskapsspridningen representerades i Könet sitter i hjärnan och i de kritiska tidningsartiklar som följde bokens publicering. Resultatet blev en kritik av den linjära spridningsmodellen. Denna modell innebär en föreställning om hur vetenskap på ett enkelriktat vis översätts, förmedlas via neutrala medier och sprids till en bildningstörstande allmänheten. Problemet med modellen är att kunskapsspridningen visas som en enkelriktad process när den i själva verket är en samverkan mellan, vetenskap, medium och allmänhet. Både Annica Dahlström och hennes kritiker visar i debatten hur denna syn på forskarens roll är framträdande.     [1] http://www.aftonbladet.se/wendela/barn/article476974.ab 2009-01-10 [2] http://www.dn.se/opinion/debatt/langt-farre-kvinnliga-an-manliga-genier-1.450563 2008-12-01 2009-01-1

    Opplæring av pasienter med diabetes mellitus type 2 - er det likeverdig helsetilbud uavhengig deres etniske bakgrunn?

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    Background: I Norway, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 is higher among immigrants compared with the general population. Ethnic minorities have worse glycaemic control despite more use of glucose lowering agents compared with Norwegians. Startkurs 2 is offered to all patients with T2DM. With an increasing population of immigrants in the coming years it is needed for a culturally and language adapted diabetes education (startkurs 2) for these patients. Methods: To explore whether the education for patients with T2DM in Norway is equal regardless of the patient´s ethnic background. Design: A quantitative approach was used to map whether the hospitals in Norway and districts in Oslo offer Startkurs 2 adapted to patients with minority background in 2018. Further, we investigated the contents of Startkurs 2 offered to immigrants with T2DM by exploring reports from the Startkurs 2 and by interviewing the organizer of the course. Results: In 2018, only two hospitals in Norway offered Startkurs 2 in languages other than Norwegian. Sagene, Alna, Grorud and Stovner are the districts in Oslo that offer Startkurs 2 adapted to patients with minority background. The courses used certified interpreters and non-professionals with specific cultural knowledge. It was adapted to low health literacy and focused on teaching the patients how to avail themselves of health services. Recruitment of patients with minority background represents a challenge, several courses have been canceled due to low participation. Conclusion: The content of the courses in Oslo is highly adapted to minority patients, but the majority of immigrants cannot avail themselves of Startkurs 2, because the offer is unavailable to most of them. Currently there is not equal education for patients with T2DM regardless of their ethnic background

    Spöken &amp; Tjuvar : En genusbaserad filmanalys av mottagande från publiken kring remakes och de filmer de är baserade

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    This is a study that with a gender-conscious analysis compares four films with each other. There are two "original" films with men starring in them, Ocean's eleven from 2001 and Ghostbusters from 1984. As well as remakes of these films with women starring in them, Ocean's eight from 2018 and Ghostbusters from 2016. This trend to do remakes of films and replace men with women have become increasingly popular among the people who create them. Despite this, the result is not very positive among the audience. In this study, we will take a look into the movies and their reception.   Here, websites (imdb.com &amp; rottentomatoes.com) were used to analyze the comments about the four different films, both the positive and the negative ones. The film analysis itself consists of selected scenes that was compared with each other in the various films. To make a comparison of the whole movies would need a much longer examination. That is why only some scenes were selected. The conclusion shows that it is rather the same films over and over again that are the problem for the audience rather than the female aspect