177 research outputs found

    Animación low-cost: la expansión de técnicas masivas de animación digital

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    La animación audiovisual ha pasado de ser una serie de técnicas dispersas muy exclusivas y profesionalizadas a convertirse en un conjunto digital de recursos de uso frecuente que abarca todo el espectro funcional desde los aficionados a los medios masivos de comunicación. Este artículo pretende aportar valor a algunos de los recursos tecnológicos de apariencia cotidiana que han potenciado y expandido la animación como medio de expresión multitudinaria. Asímismo, este hecho parece haber sido influido por alguna de sus aplicaciones estrella, como es el caso de los videojuegos o de la aparición e incremento de canales de comunicación social alternativos en Internet (redes, portales, videoblogs,…). Uno de los principales objetivos de este estudio consiste en la catalogación y posterior categorización de los principales recursos tecnológicos de animación disponibles en este momento, tanto físicos como lógicos (hardware y software). A todo ello le sigue un enorme interés en las posibles contribuciones efectuadas sobre las fórmulas expresivas contemporáneas. Es decir, un análisis de las apariciones, desapariciones y mutaciones de los contenidos y sus formas, de sus funciones y ámbitos interaccionales, comunicacionales y estéticos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Birth of a Lake

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe in a simple way the whole process, from beginning to end, of creating our final music piece. This includes discussions about the methods of finding a script, the composing process, recording preparation and post-production of the recording session at London AIR Studios. This thesis aims to demonstrate the development of the concept through all of the stages: initial concept, research, writing of the music, preparation needed, recording and mixing the final audio. This is the culmination experience of our Scoring for Film, Television and Video Game (SFTV) program on Berklee Valencia, and our chance to expose our talent and acquire knowledge on the last year.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/1113/thumbnail.jp

    Do you have to be tall and educated to be a migrant? Evidence from Spanish recruitment records, 1890-1950

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    We use Spanish military records stemming from the late-19th to the mid-20th century to assess internal migrants' self-selection. We find that migrants were, on average over the whole period, around one centimeter taller than non-migrants, and in the booming 1920s, the height advantage of movers reached three centimeters. The positive self-selection was larger for migrants originating in poorer provinces and traveling longer distances. A further finding is that migrants were positively selected in terms of literacy and socio-economic status according to their occupation. Professionals were most likely to have migrated internally and farmers least

    Educational and health centres: a proposal to promote the physical and emotional well-being of ill children.

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    RESUMEN: El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en una propuesta para promover el bienestar físico y emocional de la infancia durante el proceso de enfermedad, con el objetivo de dar respuesta a las necesidades de la primera infancia que el aula hospitalaria debe cubrir, como espacio de atención y formación integral del niño y su familia. En primer lugar, se incluye un marco teórico, abordando el impacto que tiene la enfermedad y la hospitalización sobre el binomio niño-familia. A continuación, se realiza un breve repaso del concepto y origen de las Aulas Hospitalarias, desde el ámbito europeo y nacional, adentrándose en el Centro de Atención Educativa Hospitalaria y Domiciliaria en la comunidad autónoma de Cantabria. Termina planteando una serie de propuestas prácticas que girarán en torno a la educación y bienestar emocional como instrumento terapéutico para la evasión, relajación y fuente de placer del niño, con el propósito de normalizar y compensar la situación de enfermedad.ABSTRAC: The present bachelor´s degree thesis is focused on a proposal to promote the physical and emotional well-being of the sick child during the disease process. The hospital school should cover early childhood´s needs, as it is a space which should pay attention to the child and his family, as the same time it should provide with education to the patient. Firstly, it refers to the theoretical background, dealing with the impact of the disease and the hospitalization may have both on the hospitalized child and his family. Secondly, a brief review about the concept “hospital school” and its origin, starting from the European and national frame, to finally focus on the hospital care in Cantabria. Thirdly, and to end with, it provide several educative activities, which can provide emotional well-being, as a therapeutic instrument to help patients to relax and enjoy. They have been conceived as a tool to normalize the situation of the children who are suffering of serious illnesses.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Infanti

    Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex cancels out the cost of selective retrieval on subsequent analogical reasoning

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    Analogical reasoning involves mapping the relation between two concepts within a specific field into a new domain to selectively retrieve a possible solution. Neuroimaging studies have shown that both selective retrieval and reasoning by analogy are related to activity in prefrontal regions such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). In the present study, we investigate the role of the right DLPFC in modulating memory accessibility and its impact on analogical reasoning by using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Participants performed a four-term reasoning task after performing repeated selective retrieval of previously presented items, some of which could be used as solutions in the analogical test. During selective retrieval, half of the participants received cathodal tDCS over the right DLPFC and the other half received sham stimulation. The results reveal that whereas the sham group showed the expected cost in performance that is associated with selective retrieval, the cathodal group did not exhibit such an impairment in reasoning. No general effects of tDCS on analogical performance were observed. Altogether, our results support the involvement of the right DLPFC as a core component of a control network that selectively contributes to the retrieval component of analogical reasoning, but with little role in mapping relations between different domains.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness grants FPU014/07066 to TMV, PSI2015-65502-C2-1-P and PGC2018-093786-B-I00 to TB, and PSI2015-65502-C2-2-P to CJGA

    Electrophysiological correlates of interference control at retrieval predict performance on a subsequent analogical reasoning task

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    Previous research has shown that variations in the accessibility of relevant information that stem from retrieval practice may impair analogical reasoning. In the present study, we sought to examine the neural signatures of inhibitory control during selective retrieval and its effects on a subsequent analogical reasoning task by employing electrophysiological measures. At a behavioral level, we found that selective retrieval of a subset of potential solutions led to impaired performance on the analogy test. ERPs analyses during selective retrieval revealed that (1) the repeated presentation of retrieval cues was associated with decreased amplitudes for the FN400 ERP effect, possibly reflecting reduced reactivation of competitor associates and interference across retrieval attempts; (2) this effect correlated positively with the retrieval-related impairment in analogical reasoning performance. During the analogy test, the production of control solutions (non-affected by prior retrieval practice) was characterized by more positive modulations of anterior frontal and parietal ERPs than the production of unstudied solutions, whereas inhibited solutions elicited similar amplitudes to unstudied solutions. This effect was restricted to the retrieval phase of the analogy where the actual solutions had to be retrieved, but it did not affect the mapping phase where the accessibility status of the possible solutions failed to reveal significant amplitude differences. These findings suggest that control during selective retrieval may lead to the downregulation of competing memory representations and advance our understanding of the neural correlates of analogical thinking.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the Andalusian Government (Fondos FEDER) grants: FPU014/07066 to TMV, PSI2015-65502-C2-1-P, A.CTS.111.UGR18 and PGC2018-093786-B-I00 to TB, and PSI2015-65502-C2-2-P to CJGA. Thanks to Borja Molina for his technical support and the two reviewers for their helpful feedback and comments on a previous version of this manuscript

    Inhibitory control during selective retrieval may hinder subsequent analogical thinking

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    Analogical reasoning is a complex cognitive activity that involves access and retrieval of pre-existing knowledge in order to find a suitable solution. Prior work has shown that analogical transfer and reasoning can be influenced by unconscious activation of relevant information. Based on this idea, we report two experiments that examine whether reduced access to relevant information in memory may further disrupt analogical reasoning unwittingly. In both experiments, we use an adaptation of the retrieval practice paradigm [1] to modulate memory accessibility of potential solutions to a subsequent set of analogy problems of the type ‘A is to B as C is to ?’. Experiment 1 showed a retrieval-induced impairment in analogical problem solving. Experiment 2 replicated this finding and demonstrated that it cannot be due to the deliberative episodic retrieval of the solutions to the analogies. These findings, predictable from an inhibitory framework of memory control, provide a new focus for theories of analogical transfer and highlight the importance of unconscious memory processes that may modulate problem solving.The study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness grants FPU014/07066 to TMV, PSI2015-65502-C2-1-P to TB, PSI2015-65502-C2-2-P to CJGA and PCIN- 2015-165-C02-01 to TMV, TB and CJG

    Una reflexión crítica acerca del paradigma del “Buen Vivir” como alternativa al modelo de desarrollo

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    El “Buen Vivir”, conjunto de ideas, saberes y prácticas, constituye una alternativa al modelo del desarrollo en Latinoamérica. Aquí se ofrece una reflexión crítica en torno a este paradigma, especialmente en base a aportes de Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui y Lorena Cabnal, y a nociones provenientes de experiencias de feminismos latinoamericanos.Buen Vivir, a set of ideas, knowledge and practices, constitutes an alternative to the development model in Latin America. This article presents a critical reflection on this paradigm, especially based on contributions from Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui and Lorena Cabnal, and on notions from experiences of Latin American feminisms.Fil: Marqués, Tania. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Roldan, Macarena del Valle. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudio sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Psicología - Grupo Vinculado CIPSI; Argentin

    Perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in mathematics: exploring latent profiles

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    This study aims to use a person-centred approach to identify possible student motivational profiles in mathematics. These profiles are made up of various combinations of two motivational variables: perceived competence and intrinsic motivation. Once the profiles are identified, we examine the differences between them in negative emotions and mathematics performance. Our sample comprised 863 students (50.2% boys, 49.8% girls) aged between 9 and 13 years old. The results indicated three motivational profiles. One group of students with moderately high perceived competence and intrinsic motivation who demonstrated the best performance and the lowest levels of negative feelings about themselves. A second group was defined by moderately low levels of perceived competence and intrinsic motivation. The third group was characterized by very low perceived competence and low intrinsic motivation and demonstrated the worst performance in mathematics and the highest levels of anxiety and negative emotions towards mathematicsThis study was performed thanks to financing from research projects EDU2013-44062-P (MINECO) and EDU2017-82984-P (MEIC), and financing received by one of the authors from the FPI program (Ref: PRE2018/084938), granted by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain)S

    Las creencias de autoeficacia percibida de estudiantes de pregrado de pedagogía en inglés

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    En este estudio se examinan las creencias de autoeficacia percibida de estudiantes de pregrado de Pedagogía en Inglés de una universidad chilena. Se aplicó un pre y postest a estudiantes antes y después de su participación en dos semestres lectivos y en experiencias prácticas en establecimientos educacionales locales, buscándose diferencias significativas entre y en los grupos de estudiantes de primero a quinto ano. Se examinaron los resultados considerando las sub-escalas de Gestión de la sala de clases, Compromiso del estudiante y Estrategias de ensenanza. Los resultados son consistentes con hallazgos de investigaciones previas e indican que hay una diferencia significativa entre las creencias de autoeficacia percibida de los estudiantes que están en la mitad de su proceso formativo (tercer ano) y aquéllos que están finalizando el Programa (quinto ano). El principal propósito de esta investigación es contribuir a la comprensión del desarrollo de las creencias de autoeficacia entre los futuros profesionales de la educación