392 research outputs found

    Administration Versus Extermination: The Wehrmacht’s Initiatives Toward Executing the Final Solution Between the Eastern and Western Fronts

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    This article compares and contrasts the Wehrmacht’s execution of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution to the Jewish Question between the Eastern and Western fronts of the Second World War. It seeks to answer the broader question of why regular Wehrmacht infantry contributed directly to the atrocities of the Eastern Front in Poland and Soviet Russia while the Western Front--France, Belgium, and the Netherlands--remained comparatively quiet, even under German occupation. This article’s thesis concludes that the war in the East was intended as a ‘war of extermination’ against world Jewry while the war in the West was more so an ‘administrative occupation.’ Thus, the Eastern Front--viewed by Hitler as the ‘real’ war-- demanded the participation of frontline soldiers whereas the Western Front was treated more or less as a territorial extension of Germany. This means that Jews in the East were subject to immediate executions by frontline soldiers while those in the West were rounded up by both German and local officials and deported to concentration camps also in the East. This article is further subdivided into several research questions: What were the strategic, ideological differences between the Eastern and Western fronts as well as their underlying importance to National Socialism? Who were the primary or intended perpetrators on each front? What factors curbed the vigor with which the Final Solution was executed in occupied western countries like France? Most importantly, what motivated Wehrmacht troops on the Eastern Front to actively contribute to the Final Solution by routinely rounding up and shooting Jews

    Les emplois de QVOMODO chez Lucifer de Cagliari

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    International audienceL'objet de cette étude est de vérifier si tous les emplois de QVO(=)MODO qui ont émergé du IIIe s. avant J.-C. jusqu'au IIe s. aprÚs J.-C. dans des textes appartenant à des genres littéraires différents se maintiennent au IVe s. de notre Úre dans les écrits de Lucifer de Cagliari, qui, produits dans un contexte culturel spécifique, témoignent aussi d'une facture spécifique. Certains des emplois antérieurs de base de QVO(=)MODO (interrogatif-exclamatif, relatif, indéfini) n'y sont-ils éventuellement plus attestés? De nouveaux effets de sens apparaissent-ils dans un contexte et des agencements de phrase particuliers? Est-ce que, dans le corps du texte, les citations bibliques constituent un micro-systÚme qui donne lieu à certains usages particuliers de QVO(=)MODO

    Ovidius Naso dans l'interstice : la signature cryptée du poÚte des Héroïdes

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    International audienceHow can an author sign with his own name a text which does not allow it because of its special enonciative system? That is the question this paper deals with, regarding Ovid's Heroides. What is “Naso”'s strategy for showing himself inside of a text written, by convention, by male or female heroes of Greek mythology?Comment signer de son nom un texte qui ne le permet pas Ă  cause de sa situation d'Ă©nonciation ? C'est ce que propose de regarder cet article, Ă  propos des HĂ©roĂŻdes d'Ovide. Quelle est la stratĂ©gie de « Naso » pour se montrer tout de mĂȘme dans un texte censĂ©ment Ă©crit par des hĂ©roĂŻnes et des hĂ©ros de mythes grecs

    A szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pes latin dialektolĂłgia rĂ©gi-Ășj Ăștjain: a vulgĂĄris latin magĂĄnhangzĂł-fĂșziĂłk, a szinkĂłpa Ă©s a hangsĂșly korrelĂĄciĂłja

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    A tanulmĂĄny egy olyan összefĂŒggĂ©srendszerrel foglalkozik, melyet Herman JĂłzsef fedezett fel Ă©s közölt egy 1965-ben publikĂĄlt tanulmĂĄnyĂĄban: eszerint a kĂ©sei latin feliratokon, a vulgĂĄris latin magĂĄnhangzĂł-fĂșziĂłk okozta betƱcserĂ©k hangsĂșlyos Ă©s hangsĂșlytalan szĂłtagban tapasztalhatĂł terĂŒletileg szignifikĂĄnsan eltĂ©rƑ megoszlĂĄsa a latin szĂłhangsĂșly terĂŒletileg eltĂ©rƑ nyomatĂ©kĂĄval magyarĂĄzandĂł. TehĂĄt, ahol a magĂĄnhangzĂł-fĂșziĂłk okozta betƱcserĂ©k magasabb arĂĄnyĂĄt figyelhetjĂŒk meg hangsĂșlyos szĂłtagban, ott alacsonyabb nyomatĂ©kĂș volt a hangsĂșly, Ă©s fordĂ­tva: ahol kevesebb, magĂĄnhangzĂł-fĂșziĂłk okozta tĂ©vesztĂ©s regisztrĂĄlhatĂł hangsĂșlyos szĂłtagban, ott a hangsĂșlynak erƑsebb nyomatĂ©kĂșnak kellett lennie. Herman megfigyelĂ©seit nem meggyƑzƑnek Ă©s fenti elmĂ©letĂ©t elfogadhatatlannak nyilvĂĄnĂ­totta J. N. Adams 2007-es monogrĂĄfiĂĄjĂĄban. A szinkĂłpa-jelensĂ©gek bevonĂĄsĂĄval a HermantĂłl feltĂ©telezett összefĂŒggĂ©srendszerbe, valamint a CsĂĄszĂĄrkori latin feliratok szĂĄmĂ­tĂłgĂ©pes nyelvtörtĂ©neti adatbĂĄzisĂĄra tĂĄmaszkodva, a tanulmĂĄny megkĂ­sĂ©rli a fenti problĂ©ma megoldĂĄsĂĄt, a Herman Ă©s Adams közti „vita” eldöntĂ©sĂ©t

    Miscellanea. FolyĂłirat-referĂĄtumok

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    FolyĂłirat-referĂĄtumok. DiabetolĂłgia A szĂ­velĂ©gtelensĂ©g kimenetele magas cardiovascularis kockĂĄzatĂș, 2-es tĂ­pusĂș diabeteses betegek empagliflozinkezelĂ©se mellett (Heart failure outcomes with empagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk: results of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME Âź trial) Fitchett D, Zinman B, Wanner C, et al. (St Michael’s Hospital, Division of Cardiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Kanada; e-mail: [email protected]): Eur Heart J. 2016; 37: 1526–1534. | RehabilitĂĄciĂł TestmozgĂĄs-elƑírĂĄs a krĂłnikus betegsĂ©gekben (Prescribing exercise interventions for patients with chronic conditions) Hoffmann TC, Maher CG, Briffa T, et al. (Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Robina, AusztrĂĄlia; e-mail: thoffmann@bond. edu.au): Can Med Assoc J. 2016; 188: 510–518. | TĂŒdƑgyĂłgyĂĄszat A keringƑ tumorsejtek vizsgĂĄlatĂĄnak diagnosztikus teljesĂ­tƑkĂ©pessĂ©ge tĂŒdƑrĂĄkban: Szisztematikus ĂĄttekintĂ©s Ă©s metaanalĂ­zis (Diagnostic performance of circulating tumor cells in lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis) Zeng C, Fan W, Zhang N et al. (Department of Oncology, The Second Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, NO. 74, Linjiang Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 400010, KĂ­na; e-mail: [email protected]): Int J Clin Exp Med. 2017; 10: 1805–1815

    Democratic governance for development: The structures of cooperation in municipalities at risk of depopulation of the Valencian Community

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    [ES] La muerte anunciada de muchos municipios del interior montañoso y rural de España pone de relieve la catĂĄstrofe que puede suponer en tĂ©rminos de pĂ©rdida poblacional, patrimonial, cultural, econĂłmica y medioambiental. La toma de conciencia de ese problema obliga a poner en marcha polĂ­ticas que modifiquen esta deriva. Nuestro propĂłsito en Ășltimo tĂ©rmino es diseñar una polĂ­tica de desarrollo integral para estos territorios. A este fin, el objeto concreto de este trabajo es realizar un diagnĂłstico territorial en relaciĂłn a las estructuras de cooperaciĂłn existentes en los territorios en riesgo de despoblaciĂłn de la Comunidad Valenciana.[EN] The announced death of many municipalities in the mountainous and rural interior of Spain highlights the catastrophe that it can mean in terms of population, heritage, cultural, economic and environmental loss. The awareness of this problem forces to put in place policies that modify this drift. Our ultimate goal is to design a comprehensive development policy for these territories. To this end, the specific purpose of this work is to carry out a territorial assessmentof the cooperation structures existing in the territories at risk of depopulation of the Valencian Community.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigaciĂłn Sostenibilidad social, conectividad global y economĂ­a creativa como estrategias de desarrollo en el ĂĄrea metropolitana de Valencia (Referencia CSO2016-74888-C4-1-R), de la convocatoria 2016-Proyectos I+D+IPrograma estatal de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la Sociedad del Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad.MartĂ­n Cubas, J.; Velasco Mentgod, J.; Ojeda Izaguirre, I.; Granell Oteiza, X.; Requena, IC. (2020). Gobernanza democrĂĄtica para el desarrollo: Las estructuras de cooperaciĂłn en los municipios en riesgo de despoblaciĂłn de la Comunitat Valenciana. EconomĂ­a Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 19(2):133-162. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2019.02.07OJS13316219

    Determination of Raman emission cross-section ratio in microcrystalline silicon

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    The determination of the crystalline volume fraction from the Raman spectra of microcrystalline silicon involves the knowledge of a material parameter called the Raman emission cross-section ratio y. This value is still debated in the literature. In the present work, the determination of y has been carried out on the basis of quantitative analysis of medium-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs performed on one layer deposited by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (VHF- PECVD) close to the amorphous/microcrystalline transition. Subsequent comparison of these data with the crystallinity as evaluated from measured Raman spectra yields a surprisingly high value of y = 1.7. This result is discussed in relation to previously published values (that range from 0.1 to 0.9). © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
