37 research outputs found

    Regional Virtual Health Libraries in Spain: where are we and where should we be going to?

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    In line with the technological developments and the increasing access to the Internet, and after the health competences transfer, almost all Autonomous Communities (ACs) created virtual health sciences libraries which provide access to electronic resources and offer librarian services to the professionals of the health service. The creation of the virtual libraries has not followed common patters in all ACs and today, we can appreciate different organizational designs of the virtual libraries in health sciences in the ACs. However, all of them should offer a minimum of resources and services to ensure the equity in the access to relevant information needed for clinical decision making, which will has a direct impact on the quality of health care

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de neuromas interdigitales múltiples en un mismo pie. Caso clínico y revisión bibliográfica.

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    It is a singular case of multiple neuromas, in first, second, third and fourth interdigital spaces, associated with hallux abductus valgus/hallux limitus (HAV/HL) and second hammertoe. A description of the tumors, the surgical procedure used for the surgical removal of these and other pathologies of the forefoot, post-operative treatment and the histopathological study. At the same time is a literature review of various studies done about the frequency of multiple interdigital neuromas.Se presenta un singular caso de neuromas múltiples, en primer, segundo, tercer y cuarto espacios interdigitales, asociado a hallux abductus valgus/hallux limitus (HAV/HL) y segundo dedo en martillo. Se hace una descripción de los tumores, el procedimiento quirúrgico utilizado para la extirpación quirúrgica de éstos y de las otras patologías del antepié, el tratamiento post-operatorio y el estudio anatomopatológico. Al mismo tiempo se hace una revisión bibliográfica de los diversos estudios hechos acerca de la frecuencia de los neuromas interdigitales múltiples

    Synovial Cyst in the Posterior Tibial Muscle Tendon. Case Report, Biomechanical Considerations and Literature Review

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    Se presenta un caso de quiste sinovial localizado en la cara interna del tobillo derecho de una paciente que presenta pies pronados de articulación subastragalina con el antepié patológicamente compensado en supinación. Se describe el procedimiento quirúrgico, el tratamiento postquirúrgico y el estudio anatomopatológico. Al mismo se hacen algunas consideraciones acerca de la etiología patomecánica de los quistes sinoviales y una revisión bibliográfica de los tumores benignos y malignos que afectan a las vainas tendinosas y a las membranas sinoviales.A case of synovial cyst located on the inner side of the right ankle of a patient presenting joint subtalar pronate foot with forefoot pathologically compensated in supination is presented. Describes the surgical procedure, postsurgical treatment and the histopathological study. At the same time which are made some considerations about the pathomechanical etiology of synovial cysts and a literature review of benign and malignant tumors that affect the tendon sheaths and synovial membranes

    Regional Virtual Health Libraries in Spain: where are we and where should we be going to?

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    In line with the technological developments and the increasing access to the Internet, and after the health competences transfer, almost all Autonomous Communities (ACs) created virtual health sciences libraries which provide access to electronic resources and offer librarian services to the professionals of the health service. The creation of the virtual libraries has not followed common patters in all ACs and today, we can appreciate different organizational designs of the virtual libraries in health sciences in the ACs. However, all of them should offer a minimum of resources and services to ensure the equity in the access to relevant information needed for clinical decision making, which will has a direct impact on the quality of health care

    Proyectos internacionales de bibliotecas virtuales en ciencias de la salud: características y buenas prácticas

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    The characteristics of a representative set of Health Sciences virtual libraries were analyzed with the further aim of identifying good practices that could be to put into practice in the Spanish context. Projects were selected in countries with a decentralized health management system similar the Spanish one. The following variables were analyzed: structure, financing, content, process coordination and interlibrary cooperation bodies. Also, good practices that can be applied to the Spanish national model were identified, of which we highlight the centralization of processes and the presence of organisms or interlibrary cooperation

    Laser surgery in gastrointestinal neoplasms: study and planning

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    RESUMEN: Las neoplasias presentan una gran incidencia entre las diferentes patologías que afectan al tracto gastrointestinal. Algunas de ellas, como la ectasia vascular antral gástrica o la proctitis actínica pueden requerir una intervención quirúrgica endoscópica que generalmente se realiza mediante Coagulación con Argón Plasma o radiofrecuencia. Entre los inconvenientes asociados con estas técnicas destacan un área de tratamiento reducida e incompatibilidades con la resonancia magnética. La cirugía óptica podría salvar dichos inconvenientes y permitir un control más preciso de los efectos tanto ablativos como coagulativos del tratamiento. En este trabajo se estudia la aplicación de cirugía láser para la resección de tumores en el colon mediante un modelo predictivo que integra tanto la propagación de la radiación láser como el proceso de ablación óptica. Los resultados obtenidos permiten analizar el volumen tumoral eliminado en diferentes tejidos malignos bajo diferentes configuraciones del láser. Lo que posibilita una planificación óptima del tratamiento.ABSTRACT: Neoplasms incidence is high among different pathologies that affect the gastrointestinal tract. Some of them, such as gastric antral vascular ectasia or actinic proctitis may require an endoscopic surgical procedure that is usually performed by means of Argon Plasma Coagulated or radiofrequency. The reduced treated area or magnetic resonance incompatibility are some drawbacks associated with these conventional techniques. Optical surgery could help solve such problems and would provide a more accurate control of both ablative and coagulative effects. In this work, laser surgery application to the resection of colon tumors is studied by a predictive model that integrates both the laser radiation propagation and the ablation process. Results show the removed tumor volume taking into account different types of malignant tissues under different laser settings. Therefore they are of great interest in treatment planning to select the optimum source parameters to remove a particular tumor

    Long-term hippocampal interneuronopathy drives sex-dimorphic spatial memory impairment induced by prenatal THC exposure

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    Prenatal exposure to Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most prominent active constituent of cannabis, alters neurodevelopmental plasticity with a long-term functional impact on adult offspring. Specifically, THC affects the development of pyramidal neurons and GABAergic interneurons via cannabinoid CB1 receptors (CB1R). However, the particular contribution of these two neuronal lineages to the behavioral alterations and functional deficits induced by THC is still unclear. Here, by using conditional CB1R knockout mice, we investigated the neurodevelopmental consequences of prenatal THC exposure in adulthood, as well as their potential sex differences. Adult mice that had been exposed to THC during embryonic development showed altered hippocampal oscillations, brain hyperexcitability, and spatial memory impairment. Remarkably, we found a clear sexual dimorphism in these effects, with males being selectively affected. At the neuronal level, we found a striking interneuronopathy of CCK-containing interneurons in the hippocampus, which was restricted to male progeny. This THC-induced CCK-interneuron reduction was not evident in mice lacking CB1R selectively in GABAergic interneurons, thus pointing to a cell-autonomous THC action. In vivo electrophysiological recordings of hippocampal LFPs revealed alterations in hippocampal oscillations confined to the stratum pyramidale of CA1 in male offspring. In addition, sharp-wave ripples, a major high-frequency oscillation crucial for learning and memory consolidation, were also altered, pointing to aberrant circuitries caused by persistent reduction of CCK+ basket cells. Taken together, these findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the long-term interneuronopathy responsible for the sex-dimorphic cognitive impairment induced by prenatal THC.The authors declare no conflict of interest. This work was supported by grants PI18-00941 to IG-R cofinanced by the European Development Regional Fund "A way to achieve Europe"; RTI2018-095311-B-100 to MG, BFU2015-66887-R to LM-P, and 2017-SGR-138 to MP from the Generalitat de Catalunya. DG-R was supported by Fundacion Tatiana Perez de Guzman; DG-D was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2013-064171). JP-L and JA were supported by FPI and FPU program fellowships, respectively (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte) and S. S-S. was supported by Fondo Social Europeo-YEI (CT101/18-CT102/18PEJD-2018-PRE/BMD-7933). CM is recipient of a Marie Curie program fellowship (747487)

    Long-term hippocampal interneuronopathy drives sex-dimorphic spatial memory impairment induced by prenatal THC exposure

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    Prenatal exposure to Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most prominent active constituent of cannabis, alters neurodevelopmental plasticity with a long-term functional impact on adult offspring. Specifically, THC affects the development of pyramidal neurons and GABAergic interneurons via cannabinoid CB1 receptors (CB1R). However, the particular contribution of these two neuronal lineages to the behavioral alterations and functional deficits induced by THC is still unclear. Here, by using conditional CB1R knockout mice, we investigated the neurodevelopmental consequences of prenatal THC exposure in adulthood, as well as their potential sex differences. Adult mice that had been exposed to THC during embryonic development showed altered hippocampal oscillations, brain hyperexcitability, and spatial memory impairment. Remarkably, we found a clear sexual dimorphism in these effects, with males being selectively affected. At the neuronal level, we found a striking interneuronopathy of CCK-containing interneurons in the hippocampus, which was restricted to male progeny. This THC-induced CCK-interneuron reduction was not evident in mice lacking CB1R selectively in GABAergic interneurons, thus pointing to a cell-autonomous THC action. In vivo electrophysiological recordings of hippocampal LFPs revealed alterations in hippocampal oscillations confined to the stratum pyramidale of CA1 in male offspring. In addition, sharp-wave ripples, a major high-frequency oscillation crucial for learning and memory consolidation, were also altered, pointing to aberrant circuitries caused by persistent reduction of CCK+ basket cells. Taken together, these findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the long-term interneuronopathy responsible for the sex-dimorphic cognitive impairment induced by prenatal THC.The authors declare no conflict of interest. This work was supported by grants PI18-00941 to IG-R cofinanced by the European Development Regional Fund "A way to achieve Europe"; RTI2018-095311-B-100 to MG, BFU2015-66887-R to LM-P, and 2017-SGR-138 to MP from the Generalitat de Catalunya. DG-R was supported by Fundacion Tatiana Perez de Guzman; DG-D was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2013-064171). JP-L and JA were supported by FPI and FPU program fellowships, respectively (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte) and S. S-S. was supported by Fondo Social Europeo-YEI (CT101/18-CT102/18PEJD-2018-PRE/BMD-7933). CM is recipient of a Marie Curie program fellowship (747487)

    Physico-chemical, biological and geological study of an underwater volcano in a degassing stage: Island of El Hierro

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto “Physico-chemical, biological and geological study of an underwater volcano in a degassing stage: Island of El Hierro”, (VULCANO-II) es estudiar, desde un punto de vista totalmente interdisciplinar, la fase de desgasificación activa del único volcán submarino monitoreado desde su nacimiento en aguas españolas. De esta forma, se pretende además, dar continuidad a los estudios multidisciplinares realizados sobre el volcán submarino de la isla de El Hierro en el contexto del proyecto del Plan Nacional VULCANO-I, (CTM2012-36317) y VULCANA (Vulcanología Canaria Submarina, IEO). Para ello, se realizará la monitorización de las propiedades físico-químicas, biológicas y geológicas del proceso eruptivo submarino de la isla de El Hierro y otros puntos sensibles, como el volcán de Enmedio entre Gran Canaria y Tenerif