5,444 research outputs found

    Mining energy consumption as a function of ore grade decline: the case of lead and zinc

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    Demand for raw materials is increasing exponentially. To satisfy that demand, more minerals need to be mined from the Earth’s crust. As a result, minerals are being exhausted, and ore grades decline. Lower ore grade mines also mean more energy, which in turn entails fossil fuel emissions and more climate change. This paper estimates the specific energy for the beneficiation process of metals lead and zinc as case studies. The evaluation is performed with specialized software, HSC Chemistry which assesses the specific energy for every stage: comminution, flotation, and refining. Different scenarios have been established to simulate the behavior of a mine when it approaches depletion. Preliminary results show that energy consumption for lead would increase by five times when compared to the current situation if ore grades decrease until the level of tailings, while for zinc by almost two

    Synthesis of H2 in dirty ice mantles by fast ion energy loss: New experimental results increase the relevance of this mechanism

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    Recent experimental results support the importance of H2 production in molecular clouds by cosmic ray bombardment of the mantles of grains. The formation of molecules different from those originally present in the irradiated layer can be explained by the production of molecular fragments induced by the release of energy if the impinging fast particle. One way of considering the process is in terms of a transiently hot cylinder, initially about 50 A in diameter, that exists around the track of an individual fast ion. Since ice has a relatively low thermal conductivity, energy lost by the ion in the ice layers remains confined around the track for time long enough to be thermalized. The hot cylinder increases in diameter and decreases in temperature on a time scale of 10(exp -11) to 10(exp -10) sec. Molecular fragments that are formed in this high temperature region acquire enough mobility to recombine with different partners, forming new molecules. A Monte Carlo simulation of the interaction between cosmic rays and grain mantles, at various depths in the core of a spherical molecular cloud, was performed. The simulation was continued until 40,000 ions had hit each grain of the type and size chosen. During the performed experiments thin icy films made of H2O and CD4 mixed in the gas phase and deposited on a cold finger at 9 K were irradiated with 1.5 MeV helium beams. Among synthesized molecules were found H2, HD, and D2

    Análisis sedimentológico del embalse de Barasona, Huesca

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    [Resumen] La pérdida de capacidad debido al aterramiento es un grave problema en numerosos embalses. El pantano de Barasona, en la cuenca del Esera-Isábena, Pirineos Centrales, uno de los más antiguos de España, ha perdido un tercio de su 3 capacidad inicial (71 Hm ) desde su construcción en 1932. El estudio de 23 sondeos ha permitido caracterizar el sedimento,definir facies sedimentarias, reconstruir tridimensionalmente el relleno del vaso y proponer un modelo deposicional dominado por las fluctuaciones en el régimen de aporte de los ríos. Las variaciones en la composición mineralógica proporcionan información sobre áreas fuente y procesos de erosión y transporte en la cuenca. Correlacionando los niveles de limos arenosos con los episodios de avenidas, se ha construido una cronología preliminar que permitirá evaluar variaciones en la tasa de aporte de sedimentos al embalse y en la dinámica del sistema embalse-cuenca..[Abstract] Sediment deliver and consequent loss of water storage capacity aggravate reservoir management problems. The Barasona reservoir in the Esera-Isabena watershed, Central Pyrenees, is one of the oldest in Spain (1932) and has lost one 3 third of its initial water capacity (71 Hm ). In this study we analyze the composition of the infilling of the Barasona reservoir, identify sedimentary facies, and reconstruct the tri-dimensional geometry based on 23 cores. Sedimentary dynamics is mainly controlled by fluctuations in the river inflow. Changes in mineral composition inform of sediment provenance and transport processes in the catchment area. A preliminary chronology based on the identification of floods in the sedimentary record (sandy silt layers) will allow to investigate changes in the sediment yield and in the interaccions reservoir-catchment

    Ab initio data-analytics study of carbon-dioxide activation on semiconductor oxide surfaces

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    The excessive emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere threaten to shift the CO2 cycle planet-wide and induce unpredictable climate changes. Using artificial intelligence (AI) trained on high-throughput first principles based data for a broad family of oxides, we develop a strategy for a rational design of catalytic materials for converting CO2 to fuels and other useful chemicals. We demonstrate that an electron transfer to the π-antibonding orbital of the adsorbed molecule and the associated bending of the initially linear molecule, previously proposed as the indicator of activation, are insufficient to account for the good catalytic performance of experimentally characterized oxide surfaces. Instead, our AI model identifies the common feature of these surfaces in the binding of a molecular O atom to a surface cation, which results in a strong elongation and therefore weakening of one molecular C-O bond. This finding suggests using the C-O bond elongation as an indicator of CO2 activation. Based on these findings, we propose a set of new promising oxide-based catalysts for CO2 conversion, and a recipe to find more

    Springtime connections between the large-scale sea-level pressure field and gust wind speed over Iberia and the Balearics

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    This paper investigates, by means of Singular Value Decomposition analysis, the springtime relationships between the mean sea-level pressure field over the North Atlantic and the regional wind gusts over the Iberian Peninsula, identifying the main atmospheric circulation patterns linked to gust wind speed anomaly configurations. The statistical significance of the obtained modes is investigated by means of Monte Carlo approach. The analysis highlighted that the covariability is dominated by two main large-scale features of the atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic. The first mode relates to Iberian gust wind speeds to the Scandinavian pattern (SCAND), linking the large-scale pattern to above-normal wind gusts. The second covariability mode, associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) pattern, correlates with maximum wind speeds over Iberia. An enhanced spring NAO pattern is related to positive (negative) wind gust correlations over northern (southern) Iberia. To find true relationships between large-scale atmospheric field and the gust wind speeds, composite maps were built up to give an average atmospheric circulation associated with coherent wind gust variability over Iberia

    Uncertainty quantification and predictability of wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula

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    During recent decades, the use of probabilistic forecasting methods has increased markedly. However, these predictions still need improvement in uncertainty quantification and predictability analysis. For this reason, the main aim of this paper is to develop tools for quantifying uncertainty and predictability of wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula. To achieve this goal, several spread indexes extracted from an ensemble prediction system are defined in this paper. Subsequently, these indexes were evaluated with the aim of selecting the most appropriate for the characterization of uncertainty associated to the forecasting. Selection is based on comparison of the average magnitude of ensemble spread (ES) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). MAPE is estimated by comparing the ensemble mean with wind speed values from different databases. Later, correlation between MAPE and ES was evaluated. Furthermore, probability distribution functions (PDFs) of spread indexes are analyzed to select the index with greater similarity to MAPE PDFs. Then, the spread index selected as optimal is used to carry out a spatiotemporal analysis of model uncertainty in wind forecasting. The results indicate that mountainous regions and the Mediterranean coast are characterized by strong uncertainty, and the spread increases more rapidly in areas affected by strong winds. Finally, a predictability index is proposed for obtaining a tool capable of providing information on whether the predictability is higher or lower than average. The applications developed may be useful in the forecasting of wind potential several days in advance, with substantial importance for estimating wind energy production

    Occurrence of foodborne pathogens in Italian soft artisanal cheeses displaying different intra- and inter-batch variability of physicochemical and microbiological parameters

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    Artisanal cheeses are produced in small-scale production plants, where the lack of full automation and control of environmental and processing parameters suggests a potential risk of microbial contamination. The aim of this study was to perform a longitudinal survey in an Italian artisanal factory producing a spreadable soft cheese with no rind to evaluate the inter- and intra-batch variability of physicochemical and microbial parameters on a total of 720 environmental and cheese samples. Specifically on cheese samples, the evaluation was additionally performed on physicochemical parameters. Cheese samples were additionally collected during 15 days of storage at constant temperatures of 2 and 8 degrees C, as well as a dynamic profile of 2 degrees C for 5 days and 8 degrees C for 10 days. Furthermore, Enterobacteriaceae isolates were identified at species level to have a better knowledge of the environmental and cheese microbiota potentially harboring human pathogens. High inter-batch variability was observed for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and total bacteria count (TBC) in cheese at the end of production but not for pH and water activity. A temperature of 8 degrees C was associated with a significantly higher load of Enterobacteriaceae in cheeses belonging to batch 6 at the end of storage, and this temperature also corresponded with the highest increase in LAB and TBC loads over cheese shelf life. Results from generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) indicated that drains in the warm room and the packaging area were associated with higher levels of TBC and Enterobacteriaceae in cheese. Regarding foodborne pathogens, no sample was positive for verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) or Listeria monocytogenes, whereas six Staphylococcus aureus and one Salmonella pullorum isolates were collected in cheese samples during storage and processing, respectively. Regarding Enterobacteriaceae, 166 isolates were identified at species level from all batches, with most isolates belonging to Klebsiella oxytoca and pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Hafnia alvei, and Citrobacter freundii evidencing the need to focus on standardizing the microbial quality of cow milk and on hygienic procedures for cleaning and disinfection especially in warm and maturation rooms. Further studies should be performed to investigate the potential pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance of the identified Enterobacteriaceae species in artisanal cheeses

    Iberian autumnal precipitation characterization through observed, simulated and reanalysed data

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    International audienceA 44-year (1958?2001) homogeneous Mediterranean high-resolution atmospheric database was generated through dynamical downscaling within the HIPOCAS Project framework. The present work attempts to provide a validation of the monthly 41-autumnal (1961?2001) HIPOCAS precipitation over the Iberian Peninsula, being also provided an evaluation of its improvement versus current global reanalysis data sets. A statistical comparative analysis between observed, HIPOCAS and global reanalyses precipitation data sets was carried out, highlighting the noticeable agreement existing between the observed and the HIPOCAS precipitation data sets in terms of not only time and spatial distribution, but also in terms of total amount of precipitation. A principal component analysis is carried out showing that the patterns derived from the HIPOCAS data largely capture the main characteristics of the studied field. Moreover, it is worth to note that the HIPOCAS patterns reproduce accurately the observed regional characteristics linked to the main orographic features of the study domain