132 research outputs found

    Canvis en l'alimentació càrnia a Catalunya entre els segles XII i III AC

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de la alimentación de origen cárnico a lo largo del Ier milenio a. C. en Cataluña. Por un lado, se exponen los diferentes registros faunísticos de estas comunidades, y también se compara el consumo de animales domésticos respecto al de animales salvajes. Uno de los objetivos prioritarios ha sido el de inferir cuáles fueron las interrelaciones entre los yacimientos en cada época, analizando la homogeneidad o diferenciación de sus registros faunísticos. Asímismo, hemos considerado el volumen de carne aportado por cada especie �a partir de su peso teórico�y, por otro lado, hemos intentado determinar los posibles indicadores que nos proporciona el registro faunístico, con el objetivo de perfilar mejor futuras interpretaciones en lo referente a la explotación del territorio

    Ciervos, ovejas y vacas: el registo faunístico de Mesas do Castelinho

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    En el presente artículo se presenta y se analiza el registro arqueozoológico de Mesas do Castelinho entre la edad del hierro y la fase imperial. El estudio se centra en la composición de la alimentación de origen cárnico a lo largo de la cronología para detectar cambios relacionables con el contexto histórico de cada fase.Así mismo, se detalla la representación anatómica de los taxones principales y la conservación de los restos óseos. Finalmente, se analiza la gestión de los taxones domésticos y su uso a partir de los perfiles de mortalidad.The present study describes the zooarchaeological record of Mesas do Castelinho between the Iron Age and the Roman period. The composition of the diet in the chronological arch considered is analysed in order to detect any change related to the historical context. The anatomical representation of the main taxa, as well as the bone preservation is described. Finally, the mortality profiles are analysed to infer the flock management strategies and the use of animals

    Romanización y Arqueozoología en el limes del Imperio. El caso de Lusitania entre la Edad del Hierro y el Bajo Imperio (s. VIII a.C.-V d.C.)

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    El presente trabajo supone una síntesis de estudios arqueozoológicos sobre conjuntos de la edad del hierro y época romana del suroeste de la Península Ibérica. El objetivo es caracterizar la composición de la alimentación cárnica en esta zona y cronología, y analizar si se producen cambios en la ganadería o la alimentación cárnica tras la conquista romana. Los resultados demuestran una gran diversidad y continuidad de las prácticas ganaderas y cinegéticas a lo largo de la cronología analizada, donde destaca el elevado consumo de ciervo.This study offers a synthesis of zooarchaeological studies dating from the Iron Age and the Roman period in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Our objective is to characterize husbandry practices and meat diet in this territory and time frame, and to analyse whether any change occurred after the Roman conquest. The results show a great diversity and continuity in husbandry and meat diet during the time period analysed, as well as a very high consumption of red deer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    zoolog R package: Zooarchaeological analysis with log-ratios

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    Log Size Indexes (LSI) allow the increase of the number of data and have been used in a number of zooarchaeological studies since 1950. However, some standards to calculate the log ratios remain unpublished, the calculation of the indexes can be tedious, and it is further hindered by the diversity of data recording practices. The R package ‘zoolog’ enables calculation of thousands of log-ratios in seconds, with the advantage that the users can choose between different public references, which increases the repeatability and comparability of the results, allowing the smooth integration of references and databases with heterogeneous nomenclatures. Alternatively, the users may use their own references. This paper presents the main functionalities and procedures enabled by the package ‘zoolog’, together with some examples of use. A real dataset and several examples with R code are provided with the aim of facilitating osteometrical analyses in zooarchaeology.This work was developed as part of the ERC-Starting Grant ZooMWest (Grant agreement 716298)

    Equid use and provision during the Early Iron Age in Can Roqueta (NE Iberian Peninsula). Zooarchaeological study and first strontium isotope results

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    This article reports the results of a zooarchaeological study (including, mortality profiles, and anatomical and pathological descriptions) of the Early Iron Age (8th-6th c. BC) equid remains at the Can Roqueta site (Sabadell, Barcelona), together with the first strontium isotope results to determine their geographical origin. The zooarchaeological study reveals a remarkable number of equid remains at the site, the bone pathologies of which suggest their use for riding, drafting and load-carrying. The mortality and sex profiles point to the presence of adult animals, while the absence of neonatal and juvenile remains raises the question as to whether these individuals may have originated from other sites specialised in equid breeding. The strontium values obtained from six individuals suggest that some equids were reared in a geological area with a similar strontium signature to that of the Vallès area, where the site is located. However, three equids present a different strontium signature, pointing to a possibly different geographical origin

    From Anatolia to Algarve : Assessing the Early Stages of Neolithisation Processes in Europe

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    The introduction and spread of the Neolithic “way of life” in Europe was a process that took several millennia, followed by different rhythms and displayed singularities in each geographic area. It was therefore a very complex phenomenon that, despite highly significant advances in research in recent decades, is yet to be fully understood. To deepen our understanding of the very early stages of the introduction of herding and agriculture throughout the Old Continent, the 1st Conference on the Early Neolithic of Europe was organised in Barcelona on 6–8 November 2019. The conference was a great success with more than 200 participants, creating a stimulating arena to discuss and debate, exclusively, the transition to the Neolithic in Europe. This special issue brings together 52 of the contributions presented in Barcelona, offering an interesting overview of the current state of research across Europe, from the Anatolia to the Algarve, highlighting the geographical, chronological and socioeconomic diversity of the transformation processes involved in the Neolithisation of Europe and providing useful starting points for future research.The work was financed by a grant generously provided by the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) (grant reference: SGR-2017-995) of the Generalitat de Catalunya

    Iron age genomic data from Althiburos – Tunisia renew the debate on the origins of African taurine cattle

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    The Maghreb is a key region for understanding the dynamics of cattle dispersal and admixture with local aurochs following their earliest domestication in the Fertile Crescent more than 10,000 years ago. Here, we present data on autosomal genomes and mitogenomes obtained for four archaeological specimens of Iron Age (∼2,800 cal BP–2,000 cal BP) domestic cattle from the Eastern Maghreb, i.e. Althiburos (El Kef, Tunisia). D-loop sequences were obtained for an additional eight cattle specimens from this site. Maternal lineages were assigned to the elusive R and ubiquitous African-T1 haplogroups found in two and ten Althiburos specimens, respectively. Our results can be explained by post-domestication hybridization of Althiburos cattle with local aurochs. However, we cannot rule out an independent domestication in North Africa considering the shared ancestry of Althiburos cattle with the pre-domestic Moroccan aurochs and present-day African taurine cattle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Demeter project. Eight millennia of agrobiodiversity changes in the northwest Mediterranean basin

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    The development of agricultural societies is closely entangled with that of domestic animals and plants. Local and traditional domestic breeds and varieties are the result of millennia of selection by farmers. DEMETER (2020-2025) is an international project which is aiming to characterize the changes in animal and plant agrobiodiversity (pigs, sheep, goats, and barley) in relation with environmental and socioeconomic factors in the northwestern Mediterranean basin since the beginnings of agriculture. The project is based on a combination of approaches including phenomics (through geometric morphometrics), databasing, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, climate modeling, paleoproteins (ZooMs) and statistical analyses. Several hundreds of archaeological sites from the South of France and Catalonia will be studied, covering the maximum environmental, societal and cultural diversity of context over the course of the last eight millennia

    The Elderly people: great forgotten by the scientific dissemination

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    [EN] Although scientific dissemination programmes related to Archaeology seem prepared for all types of audiences, the reality is clearly different. Museums, archaeological parks, guided visits to archaeological sites usually have a “captive” or faithful audience, such as children and young people from primary or high schools, and families with resources that usually participate in scientific events, such as Science Week or Museum’s Night. In this sense, other target groups are ignored by these programmes and even they are not considered in their design. Among them are included the elderly people, those who have some physical or intellectual disabilities, people in risk of social exclusion or newly immigrants without economic resources. In this paper, we present our experience with elderly people, some of whom are in a difficult economic situation due to the pension they receive or present physical and mental difficulties. This situation become even more critical when, being interested, they cannot afford the payment of a bus or they have difficulties to move alone. The model and methodology employed in our activities can be a reference for other research groups or educators who work or pretend to begin a scientific dissemination program with elderly people.[ES] Aunque los programas de divulgación científica relacionados con la arqueología parecen preparados para todo tipo de públicos, la realidad es muy diferente. Los museos, los parques arqueológicos, las visitas a yacimientos, suelen tener un público “cautivo” o fiel como son los niños y jóvenes de escuelas e institutos, y las familias con ciertos recursos que suelen participar en las Semanas de la Ciencia, la Noche de los Museos, etc. En este sentido, muchos otros colectivos quedan al margen de tales programas y ni siquiera se piensa en ellos a la hora de diseñarlos. Entre ellos estarían, por ejemplo, las personas de la Tercera Edad, las que tienen alguna discapacidad física e intelectual, las que por distintos motivos están en riesgo de exclusión social o los inmigrantes recién llegados que no tienen los mínimos recursos económicos. En el presente artículo queremos detenernos en nuestra experiencia con personas de la Tercera Edad, algunas de las cuales se encuentran en una situación económica complicada por la pensión que reciben o presentan ciertas dificultades físicas y psíquicas. Esta situación, evidentemente, se hace aún más crítica cuando, estando interesados, les es imposible costearse un autobús o tienen dificultades para trasladarse solos. El modelo y metodología empleada en las actividades que organizamos pueden servir de referencia para otros grupos de investigación o educadores que trabajan o pretenden iniciar un programa de divulgación científica con nuestros mayores.Las actividades que venimos realizando desde 2013 han sido posible gracias a la financiación que nos ha ofrecido la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) en tres proyectos: #RavalEsCiencia: La Ciencia te acerca al pasado. Raval una historia de hace más de 6000 años (FCT-13-6944), #BCN-ConCiencia: Barcelona, una Historia de hace 6000 años. ¡Conoce a sus protagonistas! (FCT-16-10722) e Integra>Ciencia: Divulgación científica sin barreras (FCT-17-11972).Peer reviewe