647 research outputs found

    GEOGRAFIA: Els encavalcaments de la Serra de Miramar

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    Itinerari 5: el Tossall Gros de la Serra de Miramar

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    The phase diagram of 2D antiferromagnets

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    The magnetic phase diagram of thin-layered antiferromagnets is revealed experimentally by investigating the tunnelling conductance as a function of magnetic field. A rich magnetic behaviour in CrCl3 is uncovered, from which relevant magnetic information is extracted that is not easily available with other approaches

    Sobre el azar, el reflejo y la ambición: picardías electorales como respuesta a los cambios constitucionales en un escenario subnacional

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    En el artículo se analizan diferentes formas de candidaturas identificadas en las elecciones municipales de la Provincia del Chaco en 1995, que surgieron como respuestas a los cambios en los sistemas electorales. Se identificó la utilización de dos estrategias electorales singulares. En una los candidatos se presentan como cabeza para el ejecutivo y a la vez como candidatos a un cargo legislativo; y en la otra, encabezan varias listas partidarias para el ejecutivo con distinta composición para el legislativo. De los resultados se deduce que estas estrategias solo pueden ser utilizadas en localidades pequeñas o en partidos con bajo caudal de afiliados.The article analyzes different forms of candidacies that were identified in the municipal elections in the Province of El Chaco in 1995, which arose as responses to changes in the electoral systems. The use of two unique electoral strategies was identified. In one, candidates stood as heads of the Executive and at the same time ran as candidates for legislative positions; on the other, they headed several partisan lists for the Executive post and ran with a different arrangement for the legislative. Results showed that these strategies can only be used in small localities or in political parties with very few members.Fil: Valenzuela, Sergio David. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social. Cátedra de Fundamentos de Ciencia Politica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Medina, Marcos Walter. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social. Cátedra de Fundamentos de Ciencia Politica; Argentin

    El ensayo de flexotracción y el ensayo de hendimiento del hormigón

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    Distributed Risk... Lottery-like Bets in Politics as a Response to Constitutional Changes

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    The paper aims to analyze the simultaneous candidatures used in municipal elections in the province of Chaco in 1995, as responses to changes in electoral systems. The analysis is centered on the candidates who ran concurrently to two positions – mayor and councilor - at the same level of government in the same election; Discriminating winners from losers. It can be stated that the term quinieleras candidacies, resulted in a strategy that, out of a total of forty candidates, served to win to the head (mayor) three candidates of the Provincial party Acción Chaqueña; And in the prizes was effective for 11 candidates, of which nine correspond to Acción Chaqueña and two to the Radical Civic Union, political party of national order. The conclusions that the work leaves could be used for the analysis of the internal rules of the political parties, and to propose norms that really regulate the operation of the political parties

    Theoretical study of Covalent Organic Frameworks based on C3-symmetric Central Cores

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    In recent years, the design and synthesis of COFs (covalent organic frameworks) has been deeply investigated. These materials are constructed from the union of different covalently linked conjugated platforms and they have a wide range of analytical applications, such as adsorption and / or separation of certain compounds, catalysis or identification of analytes, among others.1 On the other hand, the π-conjugated nature of these systems together with their extended 3D nature make them excellent candidates to be used in organic electronics.2 Recently, in collaboration with the group of Dr. Berta Gómez-Lor, we have studied the electronic and optical properties of four new porous truxene-based polymers.3 The results of this work opens the door to the control of the degree of π-conjugation and therefore to the optoelectronic properties of these materials (i.e., their potential as nitroaromatic compound sensors) through the substitution position of the truxene units. Here we propose to expand this study to COFs (Figure 1) derived from platforms with C3 symmetry based not only on truxene (X=C) but also on triindole (X=N) and truxenone (X=CO) units by means of periodic DFT-calculations (see Figure 1). Specifically, we study how the different structural modifications affect the intra- and intermolecular properties of the systems for their subsequent synthesis and real application in organic electronic devices.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Un gran pas cap als ordinadors amb alta capacitat d'emmagatzematge

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    Un grup d'investigadors del Centre d'Investigació en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, CIN2 (ICN-CSIC), ubicat al Parc de Recerca UAB, han realitzat un important avenç en el camp de l'espintrònica, una tecnologia emergent que posseeix un enorme potencial en el camp de l'electrònica i l'emmagatzematge i transmissió de dades.Un grupo de investigadores del Centro de Investigación en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, CIN2 (ICN-CSIC), ubicado en el Parc de Recerca UAB, ha realizado un importante avance en el campo de la espintrónica, una tecnología emergente que posee un enorme potencial en el campo de la electrónica y en el almacenamiento y transmisión de datos


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