35 research outputs found

    Dal government alla governance: un percorso per l'area PIT Penisola sorrentina amalfitana

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    INDICE Capitolo I Il governo della complessita'  Introduzione 1 Governance e sviluppo 2 New Public Management: un nuovo approccio alla gestione della cosa pubblica 3 La governance europea tra coesione sociale e ricerca dell'efficienza 4 Brevi considerazioni sulla riforma della Pubblica Amministrazione in Italia 41 La riforma del pubblico impiego 42 Il decentramento amministrativo 43 La riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione 5 Il modello reticolare Capitolo II Pratiche di Governance Introduzione 1 I documenti delle Istituzioni locali 2 La programmazione negoziata 3 Il programma Leader plus 4Il Progetto Integrato Rurale ambito Salerno 1 Costiera Amalfitana Monti Lattari 5 I Progetti Integrati Territoriali 6 PIT Campania 7 PIT penisola sorrentina-amalfitana Capitolo III Analisi Territoriale Introduzione 1 Penisola sorrentina-amalfitana: incrocio di storia e cultura 2 Accessibilita' 31 Analisi territoriale: struttura geomorfologia 32 Ambiente 33 La costa 34 L'erosione costiera 35 Le aree protette: esempio di biodiversita'  e serbatoio di opportunita'  36 La Riserva Marina Statale Punta Campanella Il Parco Regionale Monti Lattari 4 Il clima 5 Analisi demografica 61 Analisi economica 62 Turismo 7 Agricoltura 8 Imprese 9 Commercio e servizi alle imprese 10 Il sistema amministrativo 11 Strumenti di programmazione negoziata 12 Il Piano urbanistico territoriale (PUT) 13 Analisi Field 14 Analisi SWOT Capitolo IV Idea Forza 1L'idea complessa di ambiente come idea forza 12Lo sviluppo sostenibile da Stoccolma ad oggi 13 L'Agenda 21 locale 14 Articolazione del Processo 15 Criticita' riscontrate in Italia 2 Dalla teoria alla pratica 21 Caso Calvia  22 Local Agenda 21 di Calvia  23 Gli obiettivi della Local Agenda 21 24 Le proposte della Local Agenda 21 a Calvia  25 Risultati ottenuti 26 L'esperienza in cifre 27 La Spezia e le cinque Terre 28 Il ruolo di Agenda 21 all'interno della pianificazione strategica 3 Logical framework analysis 31 analisi stakeholder 32 analisi dei problemi e degli obiettivi 33 Quadro logico 4 Idea Progetto: ufficio operativo Agenda 21 41 Dal piano di azione ai piani operativi 42 Piano delle attivita' 43 Piano delle attivita' e progetto dei costi Allegato 1 cronogramma delle attivita'Â

    Approaches to improve the diagnosis and management of infertility

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    Recent advances in our understanding of the causes of infertility and of assisted reproductive technology (ART) have led to the development of complex diagnostic tools, prognostic models and treatment options. The Third Evian Annual Reproduction (EVAR) Workshop Meeting was held on 26-27 April 2008 to evaluate evidence supporting current approaches to the diagnosis and management of infertility and to identify areas for future research efforts. Specialist reproductive medicine clinicians and scientists delivered presentations based on published literature and ongoing research on patient work-up, ovarian stimulation and embryo quality assessment during ART. This report is based on the expert presentations and subsequent group discussions and was supplemented with publications from literature searches and the authors' knowledge. It was agreed that single embryo transfer (SET) should be used with increasing frequency in cycles of ART. Continued improvements in cryopreservation techniques, which improve pregnancy rates using supernumerary frozen embryos, are expected to augment the global uptake of SET. Adaptation and personalization of fertility therapy may help to optimize efficacy and safety outcomes for individual patients. Prognostic modelling and personalized management strategies based on individual patient characteristics may prove to represent real progress towards improved treatment. However, at present, there is limited good-quality evidence to support the use of these individualized approaches. Greater quality control and standardization of clinical and laboratory evaluations are required to optimize ART practices and improve individual patient outcomes. Well-designed, good-quality studies are required to drive improvements to the diagnosis and management of ART processes

    Dal government alla governance: un percorso per l'area PIT Penisola sorrentina amalfitana [presentazione PPT]

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    INDICE Capitolo I Il governo della complessita' Introduzione 1 Governance e sviluppo 2 New Public Management: un nuovo approccio alla gestione della cosa pubblica 3 La governance europea tra coesione sociale e ricerca dell'efficienza 4 Brevi considerazioni sulla riforma della Pubblica Amministrazione in Italia 41 La riforma del pubblico impiego 42 Il decentramento amministrativo 43 La riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione 5 Il modello reticolare Capitolo II Pratiche di Governance Introduzione 1 I documenti delle Istituzioni locali 2 La programmazione negoziata 3 Il programma Leader plus 4Il Progetto Integrato Rurale ambito Salerno 1 Costiera Amalfitana Monti Lattari 5 I Progetti Integrati Territoriali 6 PIT Campania 7 PIT penisola sorrentina-amalfitana Capitolo III Analisi Territoriale Introduzione 1 Penisola sorrentina-amalfitana: incrocio di storia e cultura 2 Accessibilita' 31 Analisi territoriale: struttura geomorfologia 32 Ambiente 33 La costa 34 L'erosione costiera 35 Le aree protette: esempio di biodiversita' e serbatoio di opportunita' 36 La Riserva Marina Statale Punta Campanella Il Parco Regionale Monti Lattari 4 Il clima 5 Analisi demografica 61 Analisi economica 62 Turismo 7 Agricoltura 8 Imprese 9 Commercio e servizi alle imprese 10 Il sistema amministrativo 11 Strumenti di programmazione negoziata 12 Il Piano urbanistico territoriale (PUT) 13 Analisi Field 14 Analisi SWOT Capitolo IV Idea Forza 1L'idea complessa di ambiente come idea forza 12Lo sviluppo sostenibile da Stoccolma ad oggi 13 L'Agenda 21 locale 14 Articolazione del Processo 15 Criticita' riscontrate in Italia 2 Dalla teoria alla pratica 21 Caso Calvia 22 Local Agenda 21 di Calvia 23 Gli obiettivi della Local Agenda 21 24 Le proposte della Local Agenda 21 a Calvia 25 Risultati ottenuti 26 L'esperienza in cifre 27 La Spezia e le cinque Terre 28 Il ruolo di Agenda 21 all'interno della pianificazione strategica 3 Logical framework analysis 31 analisi stakeholder 32 analisi dei problemi e degli obiettivi 33 Quadro logico 4 Idea Progetto: ufficio operativo Agenda 21 41 Dal piano di azione ai piani operativi 42 Piano delle attivita' 43 Piano delle attivita' e progetto dei costi Allegato 1 cronogramma delle attivita

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a new therapeutical approach in autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – a review

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    Introduction and aim. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) neurobiology reveals a complex picture of altered excitation-inhibition balance, aberrant neuronal and neurotransmitter activity, and network disorganization that could be addressed through repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In this paper, we provide a narrative review of the most recent literature on the use of TMS to treat patients with ASD and ADHD. Material and methods. Literature search from 2018 up to November 2022 has been conducted on PubMed database. Keywords reflected diagnoses and treatment modalities of interest. Analysis of the literature. Eleven clinical trials regarding the use of TMS as a therapeutic tool in ASD, and seven studies (of which 3 are case reports) for ADHD have been reported. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is the most frequent area stimulated. Heterogeneity in stimulation parameters, patient age, and outcome measures limited the interpretation of findings. Conclusion. TMS as a therapeutic tool for neurodevelopmental disorders is still in its infancy. To define the real efficacy of TMS, future studies must be randomized, sham-controlled, and double-blind, and should include a larger sample with adequate inclusion/exclusion criteria, and longitudinal follow-up

    Orexin system: Network multi-tasking

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    Orexin system regulates sleep/wake states and its deficiency result in narcolepsy thus indicating the crucial role of orexins in maintaining wakefulness. There are two types of orexin peptides: the orexin-A (OXA or hypocretin 1) and orexin-B (OXB or hypocretin 2). The Majority of the central nervous system orexin peptides are synthesized in neurons located in the lateral and back hypothalamus and send projections throughout the brain regions Orexin neurons are "multi-tasking" hence regulating also energy homeostasis, reward systems and feeding behaviour through connection with hypothalamic nuclei and through responsiveness to leptine and glucose. It has recently been found a connection with lymbic system suggesting a further possible role of orexins in regulating emotions. All the studies conducted confirm that orexin system regulates vigilance states, energy homeostasis, reward system, and emotions. These crucial role might be the target to develope treatments of narcolepsy, obesity, emotional stress, and drug addiction

    Correlation between mutations and mRNA expression of APC and MUTYH genes: new insight into hereditary colorectal polyposis predisposition.

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    BACKGROUND: Transcript dosage imbalance may influence the transcriptome. To gain insight into the role of altered gene expression in hereditary colorectal polyposis predisposition, in the present study we analyzed absolute and allele-specific expression (ASE) of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and mutY Homolog (MUTYH) genes. METHODS: We analyzed DNA and RNA extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of 49 familial polyposis patients and 42 healthy blood donors selected according similar gender and age. Patients were studied for germline alterations in both genes using dHPLC, MLPA and automated sequencing. APC and MUTYH mRNA expression levels were investigated by quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis using TaqMan assay and by ASE assays using dHPLC-based primer extension. RESULTS: Twenty out of 49 patients showed germline mutations: 14 in APC gene and six in MUTYH gene. Twenty-nine patients did not show mutations in both genes. Results from qRT-PCR indicated that gene expression of both APC and MUTYH was reduced in patients analyzed. In particular, a significant reduction in APC expression was observed in patients without APC germline mutation vs control group (P\u2009<\u20090.05) while APC expression in the mutation carrier patients, although lower compared to control individuals, did not show statistical significance. On the other hand a significant reduced MUTYH expression was detected in patients with MUTYH mutations vs control group (P\u2009<\u20090.05). Altered ASE of APC was detected in four out of eight APC mutation carriers. In particular one case showed a complete loss of one allele. Among APC mutation negative cases, 4 out of 13 showed a moderate ASE. ASE of MUTYH did not show any altered expression in the cases analyzed. Spearman's Rho Test analysis showed a positive and significant correlation between APC and MUTYH genes both in cases and in controls (P\u2009=\u20090.020 and P\u2009<\u20090.001). CONCLUSIONS: APC and MUTYH showed a reduced germline expression, not always corresponding to gene mutation. Expression of APC is decreased in mutation negative cases and this appears to be a promising indicator of FAP predisposition, while for MUTYH gene, mutation is associated to reduced mRNA expression. This study could improve the predictive genetic diagnosis of at-risk individuals belonging to families with reduced mRNA expression regardless of presence of mutation