145 research outputs found

    Why Campaigns for Local Transportation Initiatives Succeed or Fail: An Analysis of Four Communities and National Data, MTI Report 00-01

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    As funding from state and national sources has dwindled and demands for relief from traffic and congestion have grown, local governments and transportation agencies are increasingly left to develop their own sources of enhanced revenues. Frequently the bid to increase available revenues comprises a local ballot measure, enabling the citizens served by these governments and agencies to express their preferences for or against increased taxation in support of an improved transportation system. What determines the success of campaigns in support of such ballot measures? To answer this question, this report includes the use of two different approaches and data sources. 1) A statistical analysis of community-level characteristics. Data from localities across the nation, as well those within the state of California, that have conducted elections for transportation tax increase are analyzed to determine what factors seem to affect the outcome of such elections. 2) Case studies of four communities that recently conducted elections for transportation tax increases (Santa Clara and Sonoma Counties in California, and the Denver and Seattle metropolitan areas). The case studies allow for in-depth, qualitative understanding of what election strategies and other campaign elements comprise successful or unsuccessful efforts to raise local revenues. Among the most significant findings from the statistical analysis of local elections were the following: Efforts to fund transportation with taxes where the proportion of elderly is greater than 9 percent are more likely to succeed In communities where the percentage of elderly is greater than 9 percent, the analysis indicates that voters may be more willing to accept local transportation taxes. However, in communities where the percentage of elderly is less than 9 percent, transportation measures may require significantly more determined marketing to enhance the probability of passage. Efforts to increase sales taxes for transportation programs will be less successful in communities with higher sales taxes. A relatively strong and negative relationship between sales tax and support for transportation tax initiatives was identified in the national election data. This suggests that communities with relatively higher sales taxes will be hard pressed to convince citizens to support additional increases

    Analisis kinerja keuangan BPD DIY dan BPD BJB menggunakan analisis likuiditas, profitabilitas, dan solvabilitas

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    This study describes the Financial Performance Analysis of PT Bank BPD DIY and PT BPD Jawa Barat and Banten Tbk by comparing financial performance in financial statements using analysis of liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and solvency ratios in the 2016-2018 period. Both are companies owned by Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD). PT Bank BPD DIY is a BUMD managed privately in its capital and share ownership, in contrast to PT BPD Jawa Barat and Banten Tbk, which have "go public" in share ownership managed openly. This study uses secondary data in the form of financial statements obtained from each company in balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and other supporting data. This research method uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The purpose of this study was to analyze the financial performance of the two companies viewed from the liquidity aspect to determine the extent to which the company could cover its current liabilities using current assets owned by each company. Then measure the performance of the two companies seen from the company's ability to generate profits in each accounting period. From these two aspects, it is also necessary to look at the solvency aspect by measuring the assets owned by the company by comparing it with all assets owned and the capital owned by a comparison of its liabilities. Then, from the two companies' measurements, a conclusion can be drawn. The results showed that the financial performance of the two companies went well from the analysis of liquidity, solvency, and profitability

    Underreporting of musculoskeletal disorders in 10 regions in France in 2009

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    BACKGROUND: Underreporting of occupational diseases (OD) has been quantified, in particular in the United States, but little information is available in other countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate underreporting of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in France in 2009. METHODS: We calculated an indicator that approximated the underreporting rate of MSD in 10 regions of France. Two databases were used: data on OD compensated by insurance funding and data from the surveillance program for uncompensated work-related diseases. Analyses were performed for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and elbow, shoulder, and lumbar spine MSD. RESULTS: The underreporting rate was estimated at 59% (range 52-64%) for CTS, 73% (range 67-79%) for elbow MSD, 69% (range 63-74%) for shoulder MSD, and 63% (range 50-76%) for lumbar spine MSD. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that MSD are substantially underreported in France, as in the United States, despite the differences in workers\u27 compensation systems

    Physical Implications of the Extrapolation and Statistical Bootstrap of the Nucleon Structure Function Ratio F2nF2p\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p} for Mirror Nuclei 3^3He and 3^3H}

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    A nuclear physics example of statistical bootstrap is used on the MARATHON data nucleon structure function ratio, F2nF2p\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p}, in the quark momentum fraction xB→0x_B\rightarrow0 and xB→1x_B\rightarrow1 regions. The extrapolated F2F_2 ratio value as quark momentum fraction xB→1x_B\rightarrow 1 approaches 0.4 and this value is compared to theoretical predictions. The extrapolated ratio when xB→0x_B\rightarrow 0 favors the simple model of isospin symmetry with the complete dominance of seaquarks at low momentum fraction. At high-xBx_B, the proton quark distribution function ratio d/ud/u is derived from the x→1x\rightarrow 1 ratio F2nF2p→0.4\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p}\rightarrow 0.4 and found to be d/u→1/6d/u \rightarrow 1/6. Our extrapolated values for both the F2nF2p\frac{F_2^n}{F_2^p} ratio and the d/ud/u parton distribution function ratio most closely match perturbative QCD values from quark counting and helicity conservation arguments but still differ by roughly 7%7\%. The mismatch to theoretical predictions may be ameliorated if two compatible models act simultaneously in the nucleon wavefunction. One such example is nucleon wavefunctions composed of a linear combination of a quark-diquark state and a 3-valence quark correlated state with coefficients that combine to give the extrapolated F2F_2 ratio of 0.40.4

    Des indicateurs en santé travail - Les troubles musculo-squelettiques du membre supérieur en France

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    France has sought to develop a series of indicators intended to monitor health trends at the national level. Since its creation in 1998, the Department of Occupational Health (DST) of the French Institute of Public Health Surveillance (InVS) has worked to develop monitoring programs, with the goal of producing such data regularly and thus improving our knowledge of occupational health risks. The data sources have expanded over time. In 2009, the DST established a program for the regular production of indicators intended to report the national workplace health situation and its trends over time. These indicators come from various sources and will be published regularly on the InVS website: www.invs.sante.fr. This third report covers musculoskeletal diseases of the upper limbs. This document summarizes data about their frequency in terms of prevalence and incidence, as well as about the frequency of exposures to the principal known risk factors, according to sex, age, occupational categories, and broad activity sectors. It also provides information about the proportion of these musculoskeletal diseases that are attributable to work, according to occupational categories and broad activity sectors, and about the scale of their under-reporting generally and as compensable occupational diseases. Finally, some questions enable us to put the results presented into perspective

    Diseño estructural de una vivienda rural utilizando Bambú en El Tingo-Amazonas-2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como lugar de estudio el distrito, El Tingo en la provincia de Luya - Región Amazonas. En esta parte del país la mayoría de las viviendas estas construidas de manera informal, es decir sin el criterio de un profesional, los materiales más usados son el adobe, madera rolliza y en algunos casos material noble, por otro lado podemos agregar a esta problemática el aumento de los costos de los materiales de construcción en el último año, esto conlleva a que la calidad de vida de la población sea precaria, una alternativa para poder salir de esta situación es aprovechar los materiales que nos brinda la naturaleza y obtener beneficios económicos, sociales, etc., para ello se propone el uso del bambú en las construcciones de la zona, además usar este material también conllevaría al cultivo masivo de esta planta muy beneficiosa para el medio ambiente. Esta investigación fue de tipo descriptiva-explicativa- no experimental, ya que el objetivo general fue diseñar estructuralmente una vivienda rural utilizando Bambú en El Tingo-Amazonas y para lograr este objetivo general nos apoyamos de los siguientes objetivos específicos ; identificar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del bambú según la norma E.100; realizar el estudio de suelos el cual nos ayudó en encontrar la capacidad portante de la zona donde se realizó la propuesta de la vivienda; realizar un diseño arquitectónico , realizar el análisis sísmico, realizar el diseño estructural y finalmente realizar las instalaciones eléctricas y sanitarias. Para poder realizar esta investigación nos apoyamos de los software Excel ( hojas de cálculo), AutoCAD( planos), ETABS( análisis símico y diseño estructural) finalmente se pudo diseñar una vivienda de 256 m2 incluida su área libre, el suelo fue el adecuado para la construcción el factor Z= 0.25, el tipo de suelo fue S2; la categoría de la vivienda fue de tipo C; es así que cumpliendo con los parámetros sísmicos establecidos en la norma E.030 se analizó y diseño la estructura, dando como resultado una edificación sismorresistente que podría construirse en la zona

    Approche de la sous-déclaration des troubles musculo-squelettiques dans sept régions françaises en 2007

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    Introduction – Les troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) représentent la première maladie professionnelle (MP) indemnisée par le régime général de Sécurité sociale. Les statistiques du système de réparation des MP sont régulièrement critiquées en raison d’une sous-déclaration qui a été peu évaluée jusqu’à présent. L’objectif de cette étude était d’approcher la sous-déclaration des TMS de l’épaule, de la main-poignet-doigts et du rachis lombaire. Matériel-méthodes – Cette étude s’est appuyée sur les TMS reconnus en MP au régime général de Sécurité sociale et sur ceux signalés comme maladies à caractère professionnel (MCP) par un réseau de médecins du travail volontaires dans sept régions françaises en 2007. Un indicateur approchant le taux de sous-déclaration a été construit et analysé par sexe, âge et secteur d’activité. Résultats – L’indicateur de sous-déclaration était de 68% (fourchette de variation 63-72) pour les TMS de la main-poignet-doigts, 74% (fourchette de variation 69-78) pour ceux de l’épaule et 80% (fourchette de variation 72-89) pour le rachis lombaire. Il tendait à diminuer avec l’âge pour l’épaule et variait peu selon les secteurs d’activité. Discussion-conclusion – Cet indicateur constitue une approche permettant de mesurer l’importance du phénomène de sous-déclaration. La sous-déclaration plus importante des pathologies rachidiennes pourrait être liée au fait que la balance bénéfice (médico-social) / risque (pour l’emploi) est moins favorable que pour les autres localisations. Les résultats montrent également que la sous-déclaration est un phénomène largement répandu quels que soient les secteurs d’activité

    Topiramate plus nortriptyline in the preventive treatment of migraine: a controlled study for nonresponders

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    A sizeable proportion of migraineurs in need of preventive therapy do not significantly benefit from monotherapy. The objective of the study is to conduct a randomized controlled trial testing whether combination therapy of topiramate and nortriptyline is useful in patients who had less than 50% decrease in headache frequency with the use of the single agents. Patients with episodic migraine were enrolled if they had less than 50% reduction in headache frequency after 8 weeks of using topiramate (TPM) (100 mg/day) or nortriptyline (NTP) (30 mg/day). They were randomized (blinded fashion) to have placebo added to their regimen, or to receive the second medication (combination therapy). Primary endpoint was decrease in number of headache days at 6 weeks, relative to baseline, comparing both groups. Secondary endpoint was proportion of patients with at least 50% reduction in headache frequency at 6 weeks relative to baseline. A total of 38 patients were randomized to receive combination therapy, while 30 continued on monotherapy (with placebo) (six drop outs in the combination group and three for each single drug group). For the primary endpoint, mean and standard deviation (SD) of reduction in headache frequency were 4.6 (1.9) for those in polytherapy, relative to 3.5 (2.3) for those in monotherapy. Differences were significant (p < 0.05]. Similarly, 78.3% of patients randomized to receive polytherapy had at least 50% headache reduction, as compared to 37% in monotherapy (p < 0.04). Finally we conclude that combination therapy (of TPM and NTP) is effective in patients with incomplete benefit using these agents in monotherapy
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