771 research outputs found

    El lenguaje en la terapia narrativa

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    El trabajo consiste en una revisión teórica de la literatura reciente relacionada con el uso del lenguaje del terapeuta desde la terapia narrativa, esta es entendida como una alternativa de intervención basada en el marco del modelo familiar sistémico. La terapia narrativa comprende la intervención como un espacio dialógico, en el cual mediante la relación creada entre terapeuta y consultante emerge un nuevo relato. El terapeuta busca co-construir relatos alternativos por medio de la externalización del problema, para lo cual usa herramientas como preguntas, analogías, metáforas, ritos y elementos escritos. Se encontró que en la actualidad diversos autores brindan conceptualizaciones acerca del modelo narrativo, mas no se da a conocer a profundidad el uso de la terapia narrativa en estudios empíricos.The assignment consists of a theoretical revision of the recent literature related to the use of language of the therapist from narrative therapy, which is understood as an alternative intervention based on the framework of the systemic family model. Narrative therapy understands intervention as a dialogical space, in which a new story emerges through the relationship established between therapist and consultant. The therapist seeks to co-construct alternative stories by externalizing the problem, for which he or she uses tools as questions, analogies, metaphors, rites and written elements. It was found that at present various (several) authors provide conceptualizations about the narrative model, but the depth of the use of narrative therapy is not fully known in empirical studies

    Formulación de estrategias para avanzar en la estructuración del sistema de gestión ambiental organizacional en la Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    Los Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental Organizacional, establecen las responsabilidades ambientales de las organizaciones, las normas ambientales que deben seguir con el fin de reducir los impactos ambientales presente en los procesos de cada organización. Las universidades son consideradas organizaciones gracias a sus tres fines fundamentales: el desarrollo de la enseñanza, la extensión y la investigación, allí se presentan consumos del recurso hídrico, recurso energético y generación de residuos sólidos y líquidos, estableciendo impactos ambientales. Por esta razón, el desarrollo de este trabajo se basa en la formulación de estrategias para lograr un avance en el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental Organizacional en la Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, de esta manera se tienen en cuenta los impactos generados con el fin de plantar lineamientos que disminuyan los impactos ambientales, aumentando la eficiencia del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental Organizacional

    Herramientas digitales para el diseño biomimético sustentable

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    A finales del siglo XIX nace la “epistemología la complejidad” en contraste con el pensamiento del siglo XVIII y al dualismo cartesiano, ya inadecuados a comprender y explicar las ciencias modernas, en particular la física, así como expuesto por el premio Nobel de física de 1969, Murray Gell-Mann.

    The building information modeling for the retrofitting of existing buildings. A case study in the University of Cagliari.

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    Italy's very consistent buildings stock has become the major field for real estate investments and for the related projects and actions. The urge of working on built environment is however facing some crucial issues. The first is the lack of documentation on the construction history and on the real constructive layout of existing buildings (in terms of components, installations, plants, etc.). The second is the poor activity in surveying their current status, with reference to use (energy behaviour, real consumptions, etc.) and maintenance (conservation status, previous maintenance works, compliance with current regulations, etc.). These obstacles cause a deep inefficiency in the planning, programming and controlling of requalification and/or refunctionalisation works. Starting from these assumptions, this paper shows the findings of a research shared by the Politecnico of Milan and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari. It is aimed at testing the use of building information modeling (BIM) to structure the necessary knowledge to evaluate intervention scenarios. The research is focused on the Mandolesi Pavilion of the University of Cagliari, designed by Enrico Mandolesi. It is a highly stimulating architectural object because it incorporates values that require a conservative approach, but at the same time, like most contemporary buildings, it was designed and built for innovation and not for “long duration”. The work has actually led to the realization of a BIM model of the case study. It represents the first prefiguration of an approach that develops from construction history and continues with advanced diagnostics on the statical and energy performances of the building. The model formalizes knowledge and information on a significant building, aimed at its management. It allows also the setting of intervention scenarios that can be evaluated with real-time simulations of cost, time and ROI

    Valle Giumentina (Abruzzes, Italie)

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    Données scientifiques produites : Valle Giumentina par l’EFRGéolocalisation par l’EFRValle Giumentina par le CEPAM Chroniques de l’EFR : Chroniques 2020 Extraire et lire les archives sédimentaires de Valle Giumentina Valle Giumentina est un gisement des Abruzzes du Paléolithique ancien et moyen de plein air, connu grâce aux travaux approfondis des années 1950 menés par le préhistorien A.M. Radmilli et le géographe J. Demangeot. Sept horizons archéologiques avaient été mis au jour au sein d’un..

    Sustainable House Manufacturing for Smart Matching Cities

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    In bottom-up approach to the smart city, the construction of the house and its related land consumption is the fundamental cell for governing urban development and its sustainable relationship with society and the rural area. Given the situation in northern Argentina, the research outlines a construction system based on the sustainable wood supply chain, with industrialized production of wood wafer panels and the proposal of a deconstructible house whose elements can be transported by truck. Sustainability of the building system is achieved through the use of wood from rotational forests and the proposed re-purposing of river and rail transport, while building sustainability is pursued through the integrated use of photovoltaics, heat pump, rainwater and surface geothermal energy. The designed dwelling envelope results B rated, according to the IRAM 11605 Argentine standard and the “Minimum Quality Standards for Social Housing”

    A case of design-enabled public policy formulation process

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    Governments are increasingly applying design practices to address public challenges. While the study of these practices evidences their utility for designing public services, the specific design activities and their value for policy formulation are rather unclear. To shed light in this direction, this paper presents a case study on the collaboration of LABgobar and SENASA in reforming the Bovine Tuberculosis regulations in Argentina. By analysing the project’s documentation and interviewing project members, this study illustrates design practices that complement traditional policy formulation processes. These practices include methods for problem understanding and reframing, idea generation, and collaborative policy prototyping. Interestingly, these adapt elements coming from multiple disciplines. Despite the potential value of design in policy formulation processes, real adoption remains tied to local -and often small scale- experiments. This paper adds further studies for a more robust understanding of design's contribution to addressing policy challenges

    Mapping the lithoceramic claddings conservation status in a BIM environment

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    Italian Modern Movement architecture is characterized above all by the research and use of innovative, experimental and autarkic materials. Lithoceramics is one of the most interesting and widespread cladding materials and represents the Italian reinterpretation of klinker, a very popular ceramic material in Germany and in the Netherlands. Despite the excellent technical performances of the ceramic cladding, increasingly frequent detachment episodes make maintenance interventions necessary on this building stock. Starting from a brief illustration of the characteristics of lithoceramics and of the most significant applications, the paper intends to present a BIM-based digitization methodology for mapping the conservation status of this façade cladding technology, through exemplification on a significant case study. The BIM model contains all the information necessary for the mapping of the state of conservation, for the recovery and maintenance activities of the ceramic elements. The proposed methodology allows a faster and more efficient visualization of the present faults and proposes a targeted intervention system, in relation to the detected fault. This approach contributes to protecting the historical connotation of this building heritage, favoring restoration and cleaning, reducing the time and, consequently, costs of maintenance

    Desarrollo de un sistema de información para aumentar las ventas en el canal TAT. Subsector droguerías Alpina Productos Alimenticios S.A.

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    El presente proyecto, busca desarrollar un sistema de información para el área de Trade Marketing de Alpina Productos Alimenticios, ya que gracias al diagnóstico realizado se evidenció que existen algunas falencias en la comunicación entre las partes que llevan a cabo el proceso de la Red de Frío de Alpina lo cual está impidiendo un aumento en las ventas del canal TAT, subsector droguerías.This project seeks to develop an information system for the Trade Marketing area in Alpina, because the previous research made it clear that there are some gaps in communication between the parties of the process of the cold chain in Alpina which preventing an increase in sales channel TAT, drug stores subsector.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad