2,194 research outputs found

    Drosophila Chromosomal Polymorphism: From Population Aspects to Origin Mechanisms of Inversions

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    High rates of chromosomal rearrangements are remarkably abundant in Drosophila Fallén, 1832 (Insecta, Diptera) genus, highlighting the paracentric inversions. Since different species of this genus are paradigms for genetics, evolutionary, and population studies, polymorphism analyses for chromosomal inversions have provided basic knowledge for beautiful biological questions. Chromosomal inversions suppress meiotic recombination and thus, natural selection can act to preserve favorable gene complexes. Analyses of natural and laboratory populations show that these polymorphisms provide adaptive advantages to their carriers in relation to diverse factors, such as niche exploration and climatic factors. In addition, due to their monophyletic origin, they also serve as genetic markers for the construction of unrooted phylogenies. With the increasing domain of molecular techniques and genome sequencing, factors such as the reuse of breakpoints by different inversions and the mechanisms that give rise to these polymorphisms have been exploited with scientific refinement. These analyses show the presence of regions that are hot spots for breakpoints, fitting the fragile breakage chromosomal evolution model, as well as the involvement of transposition elements at the origin of chromosomal inversions

    A quem interessa a morte da saúde privada?

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    Tutela della coscienza, tra freedom to resign e indeclinabilità delle funzioni pubbliche

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    Contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Freedom to act. Ammissibilità e limiti all’esercizio dell’obiezione di coscienza - 2. Convincimenti religiosi e prestazioni lavorative - 3. Il principio di laicità nella ponderazione tra valori. Note a margine dell’affaire Ebrahimian c. France - 4. La giurisprudenza di Strasburgo: freedom to resign e limiti all’obiezione di coscienza a partire dalla sentenza Eweida - 5. I labili confini dell’agere licere, tra indeclinabilità delle funzioni pubbliche e tutela dei diritti altrui - 6. Un’osservazione conclusivaABSTRACT: This paper analyzes admissibility and limits of the objection’s recognition, in the relationship between the protection of conscience and job performance. The reflection on the mandatory duties of solidarity extends to the compatibility with the agent's subjective status, which imports a peculiar munus publicum. The recognition of the objection will be considered legitimate only where it proves strictly necessary and proportionate to the need to ensure the supply of services and the satisfaction of other people's rights that would otherwise be compromised

    Misure di prevenzione e de-radicalizzazione religiosa alla prova della laicità (a margine di taluni provvedimenti del Tribunale di Bari)

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Terrorismo e fenomeno religioso - 2. Politiche della sicurezza e diritti fondamentali - 3. La legislazione italiana contro il terrorismo nell’interpretazione giurisprudenziale - 4. Misure di prevenzione. Ampliamento delle categorie di pericolosità qualificata e prescrizioni atipiche - 5. Misure di prevenzione e libertà religiosa - 6. Best practice. Il provvedimento del Tribunale di Bari, Misure di Prevenzione, n. 71 del 2017 - 7. Il percorso di de-radicalizzazione.Religious prevention and de-radicalization measures to the test of secularity (at the margin of some of the Court’s measures of Bari).The article examines how the terrorist emergence of Islamic matrix has reproached the issue of reconciliation between the need for security and the protection of the rights of liberty, in particular religious freedom. It highlights the need to accompany, to purely punitive nature rules, the spread of a novel paradigm, covering preventive interventions, educational and formative, in order to promote intercultural and inter-religious integration. The decree of the court, which, in accordance with the principle of secularism, has prescribed, in view of the social recovery of the subject proposed for the application of the prevention measure, a process of de-radicalization, through the involvement of an intercultural mediator, on the basis of Guide-lines developed by the University of Bari

    The flower flies and the unknown diversity of Drosophilidae (Diptera): a biodiversity inventory in the Brazilian fauna

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    Diptera is a megadiverse order, reaching its peak of diversity in Neotropics, although our knowledge of dipteran fauna from this region is grossly lacking. This applies even to the most studied families, such as Drosophilidae. Despite its prominence, most aspects of the biology of these insects are still poorly understood, especially those linked to natural communities. Field studies on drosophilids are highly biased towards fruit-breeding species. Flower-breeding drosophilids, however, are worldwide distributed, especially in tropical regions, although being mostly neglected. The present paper shows the results of a biodiversity inventory of flower-breeding drosophilids carried out in several localities in Brazil, based on samples of 125 plant species, from 47 families. Drosophilids were found in flowers of 56 plant species, from 18 families. The fauna discovered turned out to be mostly unknown, comprising 28 species, with 12 of them (> 40%) still undescribed. Not taking into account opportunistic species, two-thirds of the flower-exclusive diversity was undescribed. The Drosophila bromeliae species group was the most representative taxon, with eight species (six undescribed), including four polyphagous and four Solanum-specialized species. This specialization on Solanum is reported for the first time for Drosophilidae. Other taxa of restricted flower-breeding drosophilids were the Drosophila lutzii species group and two species of the genus Zygothrica Wiedemann. Some specimens of the genera Cladochaeta Coquillett, Rhinoleucophenga Hendel and Scaptomyza Hardy were found, but their relations to flowers are unclear. Additionally, ten species of broad niche were found using flowers opportunistically. Localities and host plants were recorded for all species collected.Diptera is a megadiverse order, reaching its peak of diversity in Neotropics, although our knowledge of dipteran fauna from this region is grossly lacking. This applies even to the most studied families, such as Drosophilidae. Despite its prominence, most aspects of the biology of these insects are still poorly understood, especially those linked to natural communities. Field studies on drosophilids are highly biased towards fruit-breeding species. Flower-breeding drosophilids, however, are worldwide distributed, especially in tropical regions, although being mostly neglected. The present paper shows the results of a biodiversity inventory of flower-breeding drosophilids carried out in several localities in Brazil, based on samples of 125 plant species, from 47 families. Drosophilids were found in flowers of 56 plant species, from 18 families. The fauna discovered turned out to be mostly unknown, comprising 28 species, with 12 of them (> 40%) still undescribed. Not taking into account opportunistic species, two-thirds of the flower-exclusive diversity was undescribed. The Drosophila bromeliae species group was the most representative taxon, with eight species (six undescribed), including four polyphagous and four Solanum-specialized species. This specialization on Solanum is reported for the first time for Drosophilidae. Other taxa of restricted flower-breeding drosophilids were the Drosophila lutzii species group and two species of the genus Zygothrica Wiedemann. Some specimens of the genera Cladochaeta Coquillett, Rhinoleucophenga Hendel and Scaptomyza Hardy were found, but their relations to flowers are unclear. Additionally, ten species of broad niche were found using flowers opportunistically. Localities and host plants were recorded for all species collected.Diptera is a megadiverse order, reaching its peak of diversity in Neotropics, although our knowledge of dipteran fauna from this region is grossly lacking. This applies even to the most studied families, such as Drosophilidae. Despite its prominence, most aspects of the biology of these insects are still poorly understood, especially those linked to natural communities. Field studies on drosophilids are highly biased towards fruit-breeding species. Flower-breeding drosophilids, however, are worldwide distributed, especially in tropical regions, although being mostly neglected. The present paper shows the results of a biodiversity inventory of flower-breeding drosophilids carried out in several localities in Brazil, based on samples of 125 plant species, from 47 families. Drosophilids were found in flowers of 56 plant species, from 18 families. The fauna discovered turned out to be mostly unknown, comprising 28 species, with 12 of them (> 40%) still undescribed. Not taking into account opportunistic species, two-thirds of the flower-exclusive diversity was undescribed. The Drosophila bromeliae species group was the most representative taxon, with eight species (six undescribed), including four polyphagous and four Solanum-specialized species. This specialization on Solanum is reported for the first time for Drosophilidae. Other taxa of restricted flower-breeding drosophilids were the Drosophila lutzii species group and two species of the genus Zygothrica Wiedemann. Some specimens of the genera Cladochaeta Coquillett, Rhinoleucophenga Hendel and Scaptomyza Hardy were found, but their relations to flowers are unclear. Additionally, ten species of broad niche were found using flowers opportunistically. Localities and host plants were recorded for all species collected

    The flower flies and the unknown diversity of Drosophilidae (Diptera): a biodiversity inventory in the Brazilian fauna

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    Diptera is a megadiverse order, reaching its peak of diversity in Neotropics, although our knowledge of dipteran fauna from this region is grossly lacking. This applies even to the most studied families, such as Drosophilidae. Despite its prom-inence, most aspects of the biology of these insects are still poorly understood, especially those linked to natural communities. Field studies on drosophilids are highly biased towards fruit-breeding species. Flower-breeding drosophilids, however, are worldwide distributed, especially in tropical regions, although being mostly neglected. The present paper shows the results of a biodiversity inventory of flower-breeding drosophilids carried out in several localities in Brazil, based on samples of 125 plant species, from 47 families. Drosophilids were found in flowers of 56 plant species, from 18 families. The fauna discovered turned out to be mostly unknown, comprising 28 species, with 12 of them (> 40%) still undescribed. Not taking into account oppor-tunistic species, two-thirds of the flower-exclusive diversity was undescribed. The Drosophila bromeliae species group was the most representative taxon, with eight species (six undescribed), including four polyphagous and four Solanum-specialized species. This specialization on Solanum is reported for the first time for Drosophilidae. Other taxa of restricted flower-breeding drosophilids were the Drosophila lutzii species group and two species of the genus Zygothrica Wiedemann. Some specimens of the genera Cladochaeta Coquillett, Rhinoleucophenga Hendel and Scaptomyza Hardy were found, but their relations to flowers are unclear. Additionally, ten species of broad niche were found using flowers opportunistically. Localities and host plants were recorded for all species collected

    Structure of Drosophilidae Assemblage (Insecta, Diptera) in Pampa Biome (São Luiz Gonzaga, RS)

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    O Pampa brasileiro (extremo sul do país) está, atualmente, vastamente modificado devido ao aumento das atividades agrícolas. Em muitos lugares, apenas pequenos fragmentos de campo permanecem em uma paisagem agrícola. Drosophilidae (Diptera) tem sido amplamente utilizadas como bioindicadores para monitorar os efeitos das mudanças antropogênicas em ambientes naturais. Porém, a fauna de Drosophilidae no Bioma Pampa de ambientes naturais ou perturbados, ainda permanece amplamente desconhecida. O presente estudo é uma das primeiras tentativas de preencher esta lacuna, apresentando resultados de coletas mensais no município de São Luiz Gonzaga (28º24'28"S, 54º57'39"W), no Pampa brasileiro. Um inventário de espécies foi conduzido em dois ambientes contrastantes, uma zona urbana e um remanescente de floresta (zona rural). Em ambos os locais, armadilhas com banana fermentada foram usadas para capturar drosofilideos adultos. A identificação foi feita através da morfologia externa e da terminália dos machos. No total, 13,379 drosofilideos foram analisados (zona rural: N = 8,812 and Sobs = 25; zona urbana: N = 4,567 and Sobs = 16). No presente estudo, 16 (60%) das 26 espécies coletadas foram encontradas exclusivamente ou preferencialmente no fragmento de mata. O período de maior riqueza foi entre os meses de junho a novembro (inverno-primavera), e o período de menor riqueza foi de dezembro a maio (verão-outono). Uma análise de cluster pelo Coeficiente de Jaccard mostrou que a composição da assembléia muda ligeiramente quando o período do ano com temperaturas mais elevadas (janeiro-maio) é comparado com o período de temperaturas menos elevadas (junho-outubro). A abundância das espécies foi também altamente afetada pela sazonalidade, como revelou o Índice de Morisita, onde as amostras foram agrupadas em períodos consecutivos dentro de uma mesma estação, mostrando a preferência sazonal de algumas espécies. O componente tempo foi determinante na diversidade da assembléia, superando o efeito espacial. A forte redução na diversidade na área urbana quando comparada com o pequeno fragmento de floresta, torna evidente a importância do ambiente natural para a preservação da diversidade no bioma Pampa, atualmente com sua paisagem altamente alterada.The Brazilian Pampa (the southernmost end of the country) is currently a highly modified environment because of increasing agricultural activities. In many places, only small parts of grasslands remain inside an agricultural landscape. Drosophilidae (Diptera) have been widely used as a potential bioindicators to monitor the effects of anthropogenic changes in natural environments. However, the fauna of Drosophilidae in the Pampa Biome from natural and disturbed environments, still remains largely unknown. The present study represents one of the first attempts to fill this gap, showing results from monthly collections in the municipality of São Luiz Gonzaga (28º24'28"S, 54º57'39"W), in the Brazilian Pampa. A species inventory was carried out in two contrasting environments, an urban zone and a forest remnant (rural zone). In both areas banana-baited traps were used to capture adult drosophilids. The identification was made using external morphology and male terminalia. In total, 13,379 drosophilids were analyzed (rural zone: N = 8,812 and Sobs = 25; urban zone: N = 4,567 and Sobs = 16). In the present study, 16 (60%) out of 26 species were found exclusively or preferentially in the forest. The period of highest richness was between the months of June to November (roughly winter and spring), and the period of lowest richness was from December to May (roughly summer and autumn). An analysis of cluster by the Coefficient of Jaccard showed that species composition slightly changes when the period of the year with higher temperatures (from January to May) is compared with the period with lower temperatures (from June to October). The species abundances were also highly affected by seasonality, as revealed by the Morisita Index, since the samples clustered into similar groups in consecutive periods and in the same season, showing the seasonal preference of some species. The time component was a determinant in the diversity of the assemblage, surpassing the spatial effect. The strong reduction in diversity in the urban area when compared to a small forest patch is evidence of the importance of the natural environments in maintaining the diversity in the Pampa biome, currently a highly disturbed landscape

    Acessórios de moda, malas: evolução dos acessórios de moda e conceção de coleção

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    Os acessórios de moda, também chamados complementos são, hoje, verdadeiros ícones de um determinado estilo. Limitando-nos à moda, um acessório é um item que complementa um look/visual, no entanto na sociedade contemporânea estes ganharam extrema importância e tal como a roupa estão sujeitos a tendências. A mala enquanto objeto portátil da moda é a chave para um look atual e também o veículo para expressar ideias e marcar a individualidade e singularidade de quem a usa. Este trabalho pretende-se que seja de caráter teórico/prático. O enquadramento teórico visa estudar a evolução dos acessórios de moda, especificamente a mala na abrangência que este termo adquire e compreender a importância do acessório de moda na sociedade atual. Este estudo incide na evolução da mala desde o seu aparecimento até às tendências atuais fazendo sempre o paralelismo com a história da moda de forma a enquadrar esta evolução a nível político, económico, tecnológico e social. O comportamento do consumidor será um ponto-chave nesta investigação, bem como a importância da marca para a aquisição de um acessório. Na componente prática foi analisado o consumidor recorrendo à realização de um inquérito online. Posteriormente, e em função das preferências dos inquiridos foi desenvolvida uma coleção de uma coleção de acessórios de moda. Conceber malas com design atual não negligenciando a função bem como o conforto e segurança, seguindo as tendências propostas para o verão 2013. Adaptando-se a um look casual/chique, simples e minimalista, onde o detalhe (acessório) ganha ênfase e marca o estilo. Desenvolveu-se uma coleção sob o tema CELEBRAÇÃO & RITUAL. Os rituais, o folclore e romantismo mexicano dão mote para o desenvolvimento de acessórios de moda (malas). O tradicional festival Día de los Muerto - Ritual que celebra a vida dos ancestrais realiza-se pelo menos há três mil anos – foi a inspiração para o desenvolvimento do projeto. O romantismo da Dama de la Muerte (ou Noiva Fiel) foi explorado para criar peças femininas e apaixonadas combinadas com as listras tradicionais, a geometria asteca e as cores quentes, saturadas, intensas e vibrantes tipicamente mexicanas. Os símbolos tradicionais e míticos inspiraram este projeto, as “caveiras mexicanas” traduzem os rituais que celebram a morte e o renascimento com origem nas civilizações pré-hispânica como astecas, maias, purépechas, náuatles e totonacas são objetos de culto, ricos em formas, cores, texturas que acarretam um valor cultural inestimável. Os tons quentes, fortes, saturados, vibrantes e apaixonados compõem a paleta de cores, combinados com os tons neutros e suaves que harmonizam a coordenação de cores. Além do desenvolvimento de uma coleção é também objetivo deste trabalho ilustrar, modelar e confecionar um protótipo, bem como analisar e selecionar os materiais que melhor se adaptam as especificidades dos modelos e a preferência do público-alvo.The fashion accessories, also called complements, are today true icons of a particular style. Limiting ourselves to the fashion, an accessory is an item that complements a look and a visual, however in today's society they gained a great importance and such as clothing they are subject to the trends. The bag as a portable object of fashion is the key to a current look and also the way to express ideas and enforce individuality and uniqueness of the person that wears it. This work is intended to be theoretical also practical. The theoretical framework aims to study the evolution of fashion accessories, specifically the bag in the coverage that this term acquires and understand the importance of fashion accessory in today's society. This study focuses on the evolution of the bag since its appearance until the current trends always making the parallel with the history of fashion in order to fit this evolution at a political, economic, technological and social level. Consumer behavior is the key point in this research as well as the importance of the brand to purchase an accessory. In the practical component the consumer was analyzed using for that an inquiry online. Subsequently, depending on the preferences of the respondents a fashion accessories collection was developed. Designing bags with current design, without forgetting its function as well as its comfort and safety, following the trends proposals for summer 2013. Adapting to a casual and chic look, simple and minimalist, where the detail (optional) gets emphasis and define the style. A collection was developed under the theme CELEBRATION & RITUAL. The Mexican rituals, folklore and romanticism give us the theme for the development of fashion accessories (bags). The traditional festival Día de los Muerto – A ritual celebrating the lives of ancestors is carried out at least three thousand years ago – this was the inspiration for the project development. The romanticism of the Dama de la Muerte (or Faithful Bride) was explored to create passionate and feminine pieces combined with traditional stripes, Aztec geometry, warm and strong colors, intense and vibrant, typically Mexican. The traditional and mythical symbols inspired this project, the "Mexican skulls" translate the rituals that celebrate the death and rebirth with origins in the pre-Hispanic civilizations such as the Aztecs, Mayans, purépechas, náuatles and Totonaca and are cult objects, rich in shapes, colors, textures that emphasizes a precious cultural value. The warm tones, strong, saturated, vibrant and passionate are the color palette, combined with neutral tones and smooth harmonizing color coordination. Besides the development of a collection, it is also the aim of this study illustrate, modeling and makes a prototype, also analyze and select the best materials that best fit the specific models and the preference of the target group