39 research outputs found

    Telescola um método de ensino

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    Mestrado em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré – Escolar e nos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino BásicoEsta dissertação tem como objectivo compreender a finalidade, a organização e funcionamento da Telescola, nomeadamente no que respeita ao ensino da Estatística no período compreendido entre 1968 e 1991, numa época influenciada pelo Movimento da Matemática Moderna. De acordo com o objectivo o estudo pretende responder às seguintes questões: 1) Quais as causas que deram origem à criação da Telescola? 2) Como era o funcionamento da Telescola? 3) Como eram desenvolvidos os conteúdos de Estatística nos manuais dos alunos, nos seus testes e nos livros do professor na Telescola entre 1968 e 1991? De acordo com o objectivo decide-se por uma metodologia de investigação histórica, cujas fontes são documentos, manuais dos alunos e livros do professor e entrevistas a professoras – monitoras. O aumento da escolaridade obrigatória de quatro para seis anos implica o surgimento da Telescola, para suprir a falta de estabelecimentos de ensino. Os cursos aí ministrados são criados em portaria pelo Ministério da Educação Nacional e as disciplinas são as mesmas do Ciclo Preparatório do Ensino Secundário. Os professores – monitores seguem as orientações pedagógicas relativas à Matemática, divulgadas no boletim do Instituto de Meios Audiovisuais de Ensino (IMAVE), devido à introdução da Matemática Moderna. O sistema audiovisual é misto, utiliza a emissão televisiva e a exploração posterior é realizada pelo professor – monitor, professor do ensino primário em funções de acumulação. Os depoimentos orais mostram que as emissões facilitam a aprendizagem e motivam os alunos. O Ordenamento da Rede Educativa em Julho de 2003 extingue este ensino. Os programas de Matemática entre 1968 e 1991 apresentam a Estatística associada a outros temas. Nos livros do professor de Matemática da Telescola são dadas informações sobre a organização, a construção, a interpretação e a leitura de gráficos de barras e gráficos circulares, a construção de histogramas e a interpretação de pictogramas, mas associados a Conjuntos e Números, Geometria, Grandezas e Proporcionalidade. Em simultâneo, também, os manuais do aluno de Matemática da Telescola lhe pedem que interprete e construa gráficos de barras e gráficos circulares e calcule a frequência absoluta e a frequência relativa. A análise de uma prova normal de aproveitamento de Matemática da Telescola mostra que o aluno tem que interpretar um gráfico de barras e fazer comparações entre os dados apresentados.SUMMARY The aim of this study is to understand how the called Telescola was recognized, how it contributed to the Educational System mainly in what concerned Statistic between 1968 and 1991, on the period influenced by the Modern Mathematics. According to the aim the study pretend to answer some questions, such as. 1- What were the reasons why Telescola was created? 2- How did it work? 3- How was developed Statistic on students’ books, on tests and on teachers’ books between 1968 and 1991? According to the main purpose of the study, we decide for a Historical method of investigation, based on students and teachers books as well as interviews to teachers. Telescola happened because the Portuguese Educational System changed and students had to attend school for 6 years. As in Portugal there were not enough schools the Portuguese Ministry of Education created the Telescola with the same subjects and teachers (monitores) also received the same instructions dealing with Mathematics pedagogy as the teachers in the regular schools. Those instructions were known in a magazine created to help teachers boletim do Instituto de Meios Audiovisuais de Ensino (IMAVE) mainly because of the Modern Mathematics. The audiovisual system deals with television when they exhibited the videos and there were also primary school teachers that supported students in the classroom. According to some interviews we concluded that the televion method was well appreciated by the students, which frequently achieve better marks than those enrolled in the classical teaching method. In July 2003 that system was extinguished by the Ordenamento da Rede Educativa. The Mathematics Curriculums between 1968 and 1991 presented Statistic associated to other themes. On the Mathematics` teachers books of the Telescola there were information about organization, construction, comprehension and reading of bar graphs and pie charts, the construction of histograms and the comprehension of pictograms associated to Sets and Numbers, Geometry, Quantities and Proporcionalide. At the same time the Mathematics students’ books of the Telescola also asked students to interpret and build bar graphs and pie charts, to calculate the absolute frequency and the relative frequency. Analysing an ordinary evaluation Mathematics tests of Telescola, students must interpret bar graphs and compare the results and at last they have to choose the right answer between the five statements they have

    Lógicas dominantes no arranque do ano escolar em uma escola pública: perceção de alunos e professores

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    Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Administração e Políticas EducativasEsta dissertação é o resultado da investigação efetuada no seio de uma escola pública de tipologia básica e secundária, no ano escolar 2015/2016. É uma investigação de natureza qualitativa na forma de estudo de caso, uma vez que decorreu no ambiente natural de uma escola e porque não constitui objetivo da mesma a sua generalização a outros contextos similares. O objeto de estudo privilegia a vertente organizacional da escola, em particular as dinâmicas organizacionais relacionadas com o arranque do ano escolar. Foram propósitos da investigação conhecer o arranque do ano escolar em uma escola pública, identificar o suporte político-normativo que o sustenta e caraterizar, com base nas perceções de alunos em início de ciclo de estudos (5.º, 7.º e 10.º anos de escolaridade) e professores, as lógicas em que assenta a preparação, organização e abertura do novo ano escolar Em consonância com a consideração de que a escola é uma organização de cariz educativo, aspeto que a diferencia das demais organizações, foram identificadas nas várias ações organizacionais desenvolvidas na escola relativas ao arranque do ano escolar evidências da tipologia burocrática e comunitária. O referencial teórico explorado permite perceber que a imagem burocrática da escola e a imagem da escola como comunidade educativa têm caraterísticas dissemelhantes: a primeira com o peso do centralismo que a carateriza, é racional, legalista e formal, promotora de uma escola rotineira onde os procedimentos e formas de atuar estão estandardizados e pratica-se uma pedagogia uniforme, constituída em uma comunidade escolar restrita; a segunda tem um projeto partilhado, o seu projeto educativo, que lhe confere autonomia (ainda que relativa), funde-se no contexto envolvente, reconhece uma comunidade educativa, que a alicerça, a identifica e diferencia das outras escolas.This dissertation is the outcome of an investigation accomplished within the context of a primary and secondary public school, in the present school year of 2015/2016. It is an investigation of a quality nature in the form of a study case, therefore it’s not part of its aim to apply the generalization of these results to any other similar contexts. The main objective of this study is mainly directed to the organizational procedures of this school, in particular the structural dynamic of the school year’s beginning. This investigation aimed at getting to know how a school year starts in a public school, identify the political / legal backup that supports it and characterize, according to the students’ perceptions when starting a new cycle of studies (5th, 7th and 10th forms) as well as of teachers’, all the procedures and norms on which a new school year stands. Taking into consideration that a school is an organization with an educational purpose, which makes it different from any other kind of organization, it was possible to identify in all the different organizational actions related to the beginning of the school year that were developed, evidence of bureaucratic and community types. The theoretical reference explored makes it possible to understand that the bureaucratic image of the school and the school itself as an educational community, has dissimilar characteristics: the former with the corresponding weight of the Board, is rational, legal and formal, promoting routines and procedures as well as standardized actions, where a unanimous pedagogy is imposed on a restrict educational community; the latter has a shared and common project, the educational project, which gives the school autonomy ( though relatively), merges in the overall context, acknowledges an educational community, builds it up, identifies it and makes it different from any other school

    Hippocrateaceae da Mata de Encosta do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro e Arredores, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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    In the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden hillside forest and surroundings, five taxa of Hippocrateaceae occur: Cheiloclinium glaziovii A.C.Sm., Cheiloclinium serratum (Cambess.) A.C.Sm., Hippocratea volubilis L., Tontelea leptophylla A.C.Sm., and Tontelea miersii (Peyr.) A.C.Sm. A key for identification of the genera and species, with their morphological descriptions, examined material and additional material, geographic distribution, popular names, phenology, and illustrations are presented.Na mata de encosta do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro e arredores ocorrem cinco táxons de Hippocrateaceae: Cheiloclinium glaziovii A.C.Sm., Cheiloclinium serratum (Cambess.) A.C.Sm., Hippocratea volubilis L., Tontelea leptophylla A.C.Sm. e Tontelea miersii (Peyr.) A.C.Sm. Para identificação das espécies apresenta-se uma chave analítica, seguida de descrições morfológicas, citação do material examinado e material adicional, distribuição geográfica, nomes populares, dados fenológicos e do hábitat, comentários e ilustrações

    Speech and language therapy service delivery: overcoming limited provision for children

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    Objectives: To test an alternative Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service delivery model based on partnerships between a University and local schools and charities, and to report on the impact and feasibility of intervention based on long-term outcome measures and three case studies with individual analysis of Reliable Change. Study design: The following six-step model was tested: 1—establishing partnerships; 2—flagging children; 3—pre-treatment SLT assessment; 4—reporting and discussion with parents and teachers; 5—treatment; 6—post-treatment assessment. Case studies are presented. Methods: A partnership was established with one kindergarten in a pre-test and a total of 25 kindergartens during the second phase of the process. A group of 139 children were then flagged and assessed. The following long-term outcomes (18 months post-therapy) were investigated: phonetic-phonological standardised test percentiles and raw scores; receptive and expressive language percentiles and raw scores according to a standardised language test; percentage of syllables stuttered; duration of stuttering moments; academic achievement in norm-tests’ core areas (mathematics, Portuguese language and social studies). Case studies and a 95% credible interval analysis to assess Reliable Change are presented. Results: Seventy five (54%) children needed SLT support. Fifty (67%) of those children returned to the clinic for long-term assessments and the analysis of all outcome measures showed significant improvements in their performance, 18 months post-therapy. Case Studies Reliable Change analysis revealed a statistically significant improvement, which also clearly shows the feasibility and the positive impact of the intervention. Conclusions: This specialised and differentiated care network constitutes an alternative delivery system of SLT services that addresses the lack of support currently experienced by children and their families. The long-term outcome measures and the 95% credible interval analysis are reliable methods to determine the impact of interventions

    Isomerisation of pinene oxide in the presence of an indenyl Molybdenum carbonyl complex

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    Trabalho apresentado 18th IUPAC International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis, 28 june - 2 july 2015, Barcelona, Spaininfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: to investigate the sociodemographic and surgical profile of neuro-oncology patients subjected to neurological surgeries.Method: a descriptive and retrospective study with a quantitative approach, conducted during a five-year period (2014-2018) in a hospital with 236 beds, which is a reference in cancer treatment in the state of Pará. The data were collected from September to December 2019 and analyzed by means of descriptive statistics.Results: the profile was characterized by the age group of 41 to 50 years old (30.8%; n=20) and by individuals with complete elementary school (44.6%; n=29). They were subjected to elective surgeries (87.7%; n=57), considered clean (95.4%; n=62), and large (96.9%; n=63). The main complications were surgical site infection (10.7%; n=8) and tumors located in the encephalus (60%; n=39).Conclusion: the paper contributed to delineate the profile of the population served by the hospital, enabling the expansion of debates aimed at improving hospital planning and at refining the quality of the health services and of the Nursing assistance.Objetivo: investigar o perfil sociodemográfico e cirúrgico de pacientes neuro-oncológicos submetidos a neurocirurgias.Método: estudo descritivo, retrospectivo de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em um hospital com 236 leitos de referência em câncer no estado do Pará, no período de cinco anos (2014-2018). Os dados foram coletados em setembro a dezembro de 2019 e analisados por meio da estatística descritiva.Resultados: o perfil foi a faixa etária 41 a 50 anos (30,8%; n=20), ensino fundamental completo (44,6%; n=29). Foram submetidos a cirurgia eletiva (87,7%; n=57), consideradas limpas (95,4%; n=62) e de grande porte (96,9%; n=63); A principal complicação apresentada foi infecção de sitio operatório (10,7%; n=8) e tumores localizados no encéfalo (60%; n=39).Conclusão: o trabalho contribuiu para delinear o perfil do público atendido pelo hospital, viabilizando a ampliação de debates que visem aprimorar o planejamento hospitalar, aperfeiçoar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde e da assistência de enfermagem.Objetivo: investigar el perfil sociodemográfico y quirúrgico de pacientes neuro-oncológicos sometidos a neurocirugías. Método: estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo con enfoque cuantitativo, realizado en un hospital con 236 camas de referencia en cáncer en el estado de Pará durante un período de cinco años (2014-2018). Los datos se recolectaron entre septiembre y diciembre de 2019 y fueron analizados por medio de estadística descriptiva. Resultados: el perfil incluyó personas pertenecientes al grupo etario de 41 a 50 años (30,8%; n=20) y con enseñanza primaria completa (44,6%; n=29). Fueron sometidos a cirugías electivas (87,7%; n=57), consideradas limpias (95,4%; n=62) y de gran magnitud (96,9%; n=63). Las principales complicaciones que se hicieron presente fueron infección de la herida quirúrgica (10,7%; n=8) y tumores localizados en el encéfalo (60%; n=39). Conclusión: el trabajo contribuyó para delinear el perfil del público atendido por el hospital, viabilizando la ampliación de debates que tenga como objetivo mejorar la planificación hospitalaria y perfeccionar la calidad de los servicios de salud y de la asistencia de Enfermería

    Schistosomus reflexus in a Dog and a Cat

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    Background: Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a congenital anomaly, that the animal presents exposed abdominal and thoracic organs. The alterations includes limbs malformation, abnormal spinal column, liver and diaphragm hypoplasia, genitourinary and gastrointestinal changes, on this way, the fetus can not survive. The aim of this study was to report the first SR case in dog and cat in Brazil, and describe anatomical, pathological and radiographic changes.Case: The puppy had ventral midline defect in the abdominal and thoracic wall extending from the sternum to the pubis with viscera exposition, including the heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestine, spleen, kidneys, moreover right army was abnormal, however no spinal column was present. It was performed radiography to evaluate bone abnormalities, and was diagnosed agenesis of carpal, metacarpal and phalange bones. The kitten had ventral midline defect measuring 4 x 2 cm, in the abdominal wall and exposition of liver, stomach, intestine and spleen, as well as tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags. It was performed fetus radiography and no spinal column change was diagnosed.Discussion: Schistosomus reflexus is a congenital abnormality common in ruminants. Although it was few reported in dogs and cats. The two cases in this study are the firsts reposts in Brazil in these especies. In our case, the dog had exposition of abdominal and thoracic organs and died one hour after born, similar to this, another author reported a case where the thoracic and abdominal evisceration and the puppy died ten minutes after born. However, in another case with abdominal evisceration only, the puppy survived for eight days. Probably it happened because respiratore function was not compromised. The kitten had abdominal opening only, in turn, other authors reported a case whose abdominal viscera exposition was by pelvic fissure, and another case, what presented thoracic and abdominal evisceration, like our dog case. Some authors affirm that this defect causes fetal dystocia on ruminants, because of the vertebral column abnormality, what promote passage difficult at born moment. On the other hand, dogs did not present these kind of changes and dystocia was not related to this pathology on cases in dogs and cats, however most of these authors performed cesarean because the female did not get normal born. As well as, on two cases in kitten were reported vertebral column abnormalities, what can be related to dystocia. Even no animal of our study present any vertebral column abnormality, other bone changes were found, like carpal, metacarpal and phalange agenesis on army of the dog and tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags of the cat fetus. The others report in dogs did not found vertebral column or bone changes, but in cats it was observed vertebral column abnormalities and other changes, like arthrogryposis on four limbs, skull flattening, mandibular brachignathism, reduced ossification of the cranial vault bones, palatoschisis and unfused eyelids. SR etiology is not clearly known, it may be related with genetic, mechanic, endocrine, metabolic, nutrition and infectious factors. The moment of embryonic development, where these factors influence the changes is related with abnormality grade. Although, Chromosomic abnormalities, like chromatid and chromosome breaks, non-homologous pairing of chromosomes was shown. In this study the bitch did not present any metabolic, endocrine or nutritional change, on other hand the queen was submitted to exogenous hormonal treatment to avoid pregnancy, what may be related to SR development. SR is a rare abnormality in dog and cat, fetus radiographic, anatomical and pathological findings confirmed to being this congenital defect, and this are the first reports in Brazil in these species

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Third Eyelid of Cat

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    Background: The third eyelid neoplasms are uncommon in cats. The squamous cell carcinoma are easily found in head and neck of same specie, although is unusual in eye region. The more commun localization is eyelid and eyeball, being 60 and 15%, respectively. It could bee diagnosed by citology, histopathology, imunohistochemistry and molecular biology. The surgery is more effective treatment, because the tumor can be totally removed and it must available surgical margin. The aim of this study was to report a case of squamous cell carcinoma in third eyelid of a cat and show how it was treated with radical surgery. Case: A 11-year-old spayed female domestic short-haired white and black colored cat was presented for evaluation at Maria Dias Teixeira Hospital of Amazonia Federal Rural University (UFRA), of an red ocular mass fast growth in the left eye for 2 months. Physical exam was within normal limits. The animal presented discomfort on the region, when it was manipulated. The mass was ulcerated and blood-tinged ocular discharge, had 3.3 x 2 cm, beginning on third eyelid and overlay all the eyeball. Blood was collated to make exams. Complete blood count and serum chemistry profiles were within normal ranges, but leukocytes were increased and it was treated with Amoxicillin (22 mg/kg). It was performed biopsy to histopathology and immunohistochemistry diagnose, and radiography and ultrasonography to found metastasis. Ocular tissues were fixed in 10% formalin and processed routinely for histological examination. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and diagnosed poorly differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-cytokeratin 1:200, anti-vimentin 1:150 and anti-actin alpha smooth muscle 1:700 antibodies. The tumor cells were positive for cytokeratin and negative for vimentin. In tumor stroma was immunostaining of myofibroblasts by actina alpha smooth muscle. Because of malignment and infiltrative neoplasm, it was chosen to perform eye and eyelid enucleation. At post-operative evaluation no complication was found and in tem days, surgical wound was held. Seven months post-operative no neoplastic tissue had growth on local. Discussion: A retrospective study at Belem and some close cities, which took all neoplasms and classified, found only 1.5% of ocular neoplasms, and no one was in cats. Similarly occurred with another study, that 1.21% out of ocular masses, just 12.5% was diagnosed in cats, showing how uncommon is ocular neoplasm in cats. Including theses lesions, less of then are only in third eyelid. Ultraviolet radiation is the most related probably causes of squamous cell carcinoma. At Belem City ultravioleta radiation is very high, can bee 11 in some stations, in a scale of 0 to 14, the medial temperature is 27ºC. Another factor that could influence squamous cell carcionoma progress is skin color, animals’ wich skin is light have more probably to develop this neoplasm. On our case, close to eye, skin was dark, although the carcinoma was growth at third eyelid mucosa, a local that have no protection to ultraviolet radiation. Myofibroblasts observed in the tumor stroma are important in the invasion process of this tumor in humans. The treatment used in this case was radical surgery, with no other adjuvant, what is indicate for some authors. Another authors prefer exscind only third eyelid, but sometimes it is not possible, because this kind of neoplasm is very infiltrate. The localization and the nodular form of squamous cell carcinoma found in this study is uncommon, mainly in cats. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis were important for definitive diagnostic. The treatment by enucleation of eyeball and removing the eyelids was effective, without relapse in 7 months after surgery. Keywords: oncology, ophthalmology, ocular neoplasm, feline