203 research outputs found

    La regulación aduanera en las zonas francas y el reto de la logística en Colombia

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    Las Zonas Francas (ZF) empezaron a ser reguladas por La Ley 105 y la Ley 109 del año 1958 donde se establecieron las actividades que tienen permitido realizar en el país, años más tarde, en julio de 1994 se dio el proceso de privatización de las ZFs existentes y desde entonces el funcionamiento de estas ha sido de gran importancia por ser gran generador de empleo e impulsar la competitividad en el país mediante los beneficios tributarios, aduaneros y logísticos; Además, es importante destacar que Colombia es referente en implementación de las ZFs debido al gran número de estas existente y por el desarrollo que han tenido, por lo que el objetivo principal del presente trabajo es comprobar mediante estudios y estadísticas ya realizados que hace falta para llegar a generar una competitividad a nivel de otros países pioneros; se evidencio que el mayor problema con el que se enfrenta Colombia, es el tema de la logística, específicamente en la infraestructura que afecta los costos y tiempo de transporte de la mercancía por lo que con el fin de que el país se convierta más atractivo para el comercio exterior se tienen cinco retos logístico que afrontar en cuanto a transporte, normatividad, seguridad, comercio electrónico y servicio. En conclusión, todas estas se convierten en limitaciones para la economía nacional ya que es un tema de importancia para el comercio internacional teniendo en cuenta que esto representa un atraso considerable en los retos mencionados que afectan significativamente la logística del país, por esto se espera que se logren cumplir con estas necesidades al asumir dichos retos puesto que Colombia sigue siendo un punto estratégico para los inversionistas extranjeros.The Free Zones (ZF) began to be regulated by Law 105 and Law 109 of the year 1958 where activities were established that are allowed to be carried out in the country, years later, in July 1994 the privatization process of the Existing ZFs and since then the operation of these has been of great importance for being a great generator of employment and boosting competitiveness in the country through tax, customs and logistics benefits; In addition, it is important to highlight that Colombia is a reference in the implementation of the ZFs due to the large number of these existing and the development they have had, so the main objective of this work is to verify through studies and statistics that are needed to get to generate competitiveness at the level of other pioneer countries; it was evident that the biggest problem Colombia faces is the logistics issue, specifically in the infrastructure that affects the costs and transport time of the merchandise so that in order to make the country more attractive for Foreign trade has five logistical challenges to face in terms of transport, regulations, security, electronic commerce and service. In conclusion, all of these become limitations for the national economy since it is an issue of importance for international trade considering that this represents a considerable delay in the aforementioned challenges that significantly affect the country's logistics, so it is expected that These needs are met by assuming these challenges since Colombia remains a strategic point for foreign investors.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira - Facultad de Ingenierias - Ingeniería Financier

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento Valle del Cauca, Municipios Tuluá, Palmira, Buga y Santiago de Cali.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia Departamento Valle del Cauca, Municipios Tuluá, Palmira, Buga y Santiago de Cali.Este documento se realiza con el fin de analizar y valorar eventos psicosociales traumáticos desde una perspectiva psicológica basados en los casos del libro “Voces: historias de violencia y esperanza en Colombia”. Principalmente se trata de tomar el enfoque narrativo desde el campo de la psicología como una mirada terapéutica y psicosocial de la violencia sistémica. Así pues habrá un acercamiento hacia los relatos para el abordaje de subjetividades inmersas en contextos de violencia pues se evidencia que los efectos sobre la salud mental no tienen que ver únicamente con las emociones que presentan las personas como consecuencia de los hechos de violencia y conflicto armado, sino que estos deben ser vistos desde todos los puntos de vista incluyendo los aspectos ambientales, económicos, políticos, sociales y culturales , producidos como principal consecuencia del conflicto armado; es decir, con un enfoque psicosocial.[1]. Se observa en la historia de Edison Medina, que fue víctima de un conflicto armado, donde vemos que dejó atrás el miedo y tuvo valor para triunfar a pesar de las adversidades, esta historia y experiencia pusieron todo su esfuerzo para superar estos episodios de dolor. Provocando en Edison la admiración, el coraje por haber enfrentado tantas adversidades y salir adelante, donde el amor por sus seres queridos le da una gran fuerza para tomar una buena decisión ante las dificultades vividas de la violencia, transformando su vida y su entorno. Ahora con el caso Edison Medina se realizará un análisis a partir de preguntas orientadoras resaltando los esfuerzos personales, familiares, colectivos y comunitarios que en él se movilizan para romper ciclos de violencia e injusticia. Con ello se construirán construirá tres preguntas estratégicas, tres circulares, tres reflexivas. Con el fin de ampliar la reflexión sobre el abordaje psicosocial del caso. Finalmente Respecto al caso de la población de Pandurí se contestaran unas preguntas desde el ámbito psicosocial para ahondar en la manera como estas personas sufrieron, vivieron, y saldrán delante del trauma ocasionado por la violencia. Palabras Clave: Violencia, Psicosocial, Desplazamiento forzado, Conflicto armado.This document is made with the purpose of analyzing and evaluating traumatic psychosocial events from a psychological perspective based on the cases of the book "Voices: stories of violence and hope in Colombia". It is mainly about taking the narrative approach from the field of psychology as a therapeutic and psychosocial view of systemic violence. So there will be an approach to the stories to address subjectivities immersed in contexts of violence because it is evident that the effects on mental health have nothing to do only with the emotions that people present as a result of acts of violence and armed conflict , but these must be seen from all points of view including the environmental, economic, political, social and cultural aspects, produced as the main consequence of the armed conflict; that is, with a psychosocial approach. [1]. It is observed in the story of Edison Medina, who was the victim of an armed conflict, where we see that he left fear behind and had the courage to succeed despite the adversities, this history and experience put all their effort to overcome these episodes of pain. Provoking in Edison the admiration, the courage for having faced so many adversities and getting ahead, where the love for his loved ones gives him a great strength to make a good decision before the lived difficulties of violence, transforming his life and his environment. Now with the Edison Medina case, an analysis will be carried out based on guiding questions, highlighting the personal, family, collective and community efforts that are mobilized in it to break cycles of violence and injustice. This will be built to build three strategic questions, three circular, three reflective. In order to broaden the reflection on the psychosocial approach of the case. Finally Regarding the case of the population of Panduri, some questions will be answered from the psychosocial field to delve into the way in which these people suffered, lived, and will come out of the trauma caused by the violence. Key Words: Violence, Psychosocial, Forced Displacement, Armed Conflict

    Huevos Campegg

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    Humanity in recent years has increased the line of damage in food habits, as industries use chemicals to improve their production and therefore their profitability, in addition to this they make the hens go through living conditions worse than those of any other farm animal; as explained in the article "Food Empowerment Project which speaks of that, at the age of 18 weeks, the hens are placed in what is known as "battery cages". In each cage, 5 to 10 hens are placed, leaving a space of just 67 square inches (0.04 m2 ) for each hen, the area of a computer mouse pad" (Projet, n.d.). About 95% of hens in the U.S. egg industry live under these conditions until they are killed when they reach 18 to 24 months of age. Unable to dust bathe, care for their feathers, move or even stretch their wings, hens are in a state of constant physical and psychological stress, thus causing potential diseases, creating new bacteria and viruses, which can affect not only the birds but also people's lives. Create a marketing plan to make Campegg a recognized, competitive and preferred brand by our consumers as a healthy and environmentally friendly brand in Eastern Antioquia and the Aburrá Valley.Rionegro, Antioqui

    Climate-based risk models for Fasciola hepatica in Colombia

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    A predictive Fasciola hepatica model, based on the growing degree day-water budget (GDD-WB) concept and the known biological requirements of the parasite, was developed within a geographical information system (GIS) in Colombia. Climate-based forecast index (CFI) values were calculated and represented in a national-scale, climate grid (18 x 18 km) using ArcGIS 9.3. A mask overlay was used to exclude unsuitable areas where mean annual temperature exceeded 25 °C, the upper threshold for development and propagation of the F. hepatica life cycle. The model was then validated and further developed by studies limited to one department in northwest Colombia. F. hepatica prevalence data was obtained from a 2008-2010 survey in 10 municipalities of 6,016 dairy cattle at 673 herd study sites, for which global positioning system coordinates were recorded. The CFI map results were compared to F. hepatica environmental risk models for the survey data points that had over 5% prevalence (231 of the 673 sites) at the 1 km2 scale using two independent approaches: (i) a GIS map query based on satellite data parameters including elevation, enhanced vegetation index and land surface temperature day-night difference; and (ii) an ecological niche model (MaxEnt), for which geographic point coordinates of F. hepatica survey farms were used with BioClim data as environmental variables to develop a probability map. The predicted risk pattern of both approaches was similar to that seen in the forecast index grid. The temporal risk, evaluated by the monthly CFIs and a daily GDD-WB forecast software for 2007 and 2008, revealed a major July-August to January transmission period with considerable inter-annual differences

    Genetic diversity of HIV in seminal plasma remains higher than in blood after short-term antiretroviral therapy

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    Objective: To provide insight on viral kinetics and genetic diversity of HIV in seminal plasma at baseline and 1 month after initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART). Patients and methods: Blood and seminal samples from patients with newly diagnosed HIV were obtained before ART initiation (T0) and 1 month after ART initiation (T1). HIV env genetic diversity was studied using deep sequencing Nextera and V3 chemistry in a MiSeq Illumina platform. The number of viral quasispecies (5% cut-off) and Shannon Index were used to analyse diversity. Results: Forty-seven ART-naive patients were recruited between September 2016 and November 2018. At enrolment, the number of quasispecies in blood (median 4 (IQR 2-5)) was lower than in the seminal compartment (median 6, (IQR 4-8)) (p<0.01); the Shannon Index was also higher (p<0.001) in the seminal compartment than in blood (1.77 vs 0.64). At T1, for the 13 patients with detectable HIV in both blood/seminal plasma, viral diversity remained higher (p=0.139) in seminal plasma (median 2 (IQR 1-4.5)) than in blood (median 1 (IQR 1-1.5)) Integrase inhibitors (INI)-based regimens achieved higher levels of undetectability and led more frequently to lower variability (p<0.001) than protease inhibitors (PI) or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI). Conclusion: We provide here further evidence of a larger genetic diversity in seminal plasma, both at diagnosis and short term after ART initiation. Our results strengthen previous findings on HIV diversity in seminal plasma. In addition, INIs decrease variability more rapidly than PI and NNRTI in both blood and seminal plasm

    Atypical modulations of N170 component during emotional processing and their links to social behaviors in ex-combatants

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    Emotional processing (EP) is crucial for the elaboration and implementation of adaptive social strategies. EP is also necessary for the expression of social cognition and behavior (SCB) patterns. It is well-known that war contexts induce socio-emotional atypical functioning, in particular for those who participate in combats. Thus, ex-combatants represent an ideal non-clinical population to explore EP modulation and to evaluate its relation with SCB. The aim of this study was to explore EP and its relation with SCB dimensions such as empathy, theory of mind and social skills in a sample of 50 subjects, of which 30 were ex-combatants from illegally armed groups in Colombia, and 20 controls without combat experience. We adapted an Emotional Recognition Task for faces and words and synchronized it with electroencephalographic recording. Ex-combatants presented with higher assertion skills and showed more pronounced brain responses to faces than Controls. They did not show the bias toward anger observed in control participants whereby the latter group was more likely to misclassify neutral faces as angry. However, ex-combatants showed an atypical word valence processing. That is, words with different emotions yielded no differences in N170 modulations. SCB variables were successfully predicted by neurocognitive variables. Our results suggest that in ex-combatants the links between EP and SCB functions are reorganized. This may reflect neurocognitive modulations associated to chronic exposure to war experiences. © 2017 Trujillo, Valencia, Trujillo, Ugarriza, Rodríguez, Rendón, Pineda, López, Ibañez and Parra

    Tendencias en producción científica en el uso del Internet de las Cosas en servicios de restaurantes. Un enfoque bibliométrico

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    Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) have revolutionized the way processes are managed in organizations, including restaurants. The objective is to identify trends in scientific production in the use of IoT in restaurant services. A literature review was conducted in Scopus (107 records) to build quantity and structure indicators. The results highlight growing research and dissemination, particularly in India, United States, China and Arab Emirates, by different authors and institutions. The research trends are associated with the use, automation and routing of smart mobile devices, IoT-mediated interconnection in smart cities, use of data from the Web, application of neural networks to generate recommendations, waste management and the application of IoT in industrial services. It is concluded that the benefits are reflected in improved decision making and productivity, inventory control, waste reduction, cost savings and improved customer experienceIndustria 4.0 e Internet de las Cosas (IoT) han revolucionado la forma de gestionar procesos en organizaciones, incluidos los restaurantes. El objetivo es identificar tendencias en producción científica en uso del IoT en servicios de restaurantes. Se realiza revisión de literatura en Scopus para construir indicadores de cantidad y estructura. Los resultados resaltan creciente investigación y difusión, particularmente, India, Estados Unidos, China y Emiratos Árabes, por diferentes autores e instituciones. Las tendencias investigativas se asocian con el uso, automatización y enrutamiento de dispositivos móviles inteligentes, interconexión mediada por IoT en ciudades inteligentes, utilización de datos procedentes de la Web, implementación de redes neuronales para generar recomendaciones, gestión de residuos, aprendizaje automático y la aplicación del IoT en servicios industriales. Se concluye que los beneficios se reflejan en mayor toma de decisiones y productividad, control de inventario, reducción de deshechos, ahorro de costos y mejora en experiencia del cliente


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    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a disease characterized by cycles of apneas and hypopneas, frequent micro awakenings during the night and also daytime hypersomnolence. Because this pathology is under diagnosed, it causes high incidences in traffic accidents, such as in the workplace. The latest studies have revealed that this pathology is accompanied by complications and development of various cardiovascular, metabolic and ophthalmological diseases, among others (1). Method: Descriptive study that aims to measure and collect information independently, evaluating the change in the quality of life of the patient diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, by establishing positive pressure in the airway. The patient has decided to voluntarily access and filled out the due informed consent, will undergo the quality of life analysis using the SF 12 questionnaire. This instrument provides a profile of the state of health and is one of the most widely used generic scales in the evaluation of the clinical results, being applicable both for the general population and for patients with a minimum age of 14 years and in both descriptive and evaluation studies It consists of 12 items from the 8 dimensions of the SF-36 Physical Function, Social Function, Physical Role, Emotional Role, Mental Health, Vitality, Body Pain, General Health. The response options form Likert-type scales that assess intensity or frequency. The number of response options ranges from three to six, depending on the itemEl síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño es una enfermedad caracterizada por ciclos de apneas e hipopneas, micro despertares frecuentes durante la noche y así mismo hipersomnolencia diurna. Debido a que esta patología es sub diagnosticada, causa altas incidencias en accidentes de tránsito, como en el campo laboral. Los últimos estudios han revelado que esta patología se acompaña de complicaciones y desarrollo de diversas enfermedades tanto cardiovasculares como metabólicas y oftalmológicas entre otras (1). Método: Estudio descriptivo que pretende medir y recoger información de manera independiente, evaluando el cambio en la calidad de vida del paciente diagnosticado con síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño, al instaurarle presión positiva en la vía aérea. El paciente ha decidido acceder voluntariamente y diligenciado el debido consentimiento informado, se someterá al análisis de calidad de vida por medio del cuestionario SF 12. Este instrumento proporciona un perfil del estado de salud y es una de las escalas genéricas más utilizadas en la evaluación de los resultados clínicos, siendo aplicable tanto para la población general como para pacientes con una edad mínima de 14 años y tanto en estudios descriptivos como de evaluación. Consta de 12 ítems provenientes de las 8 dimensiones del SF-36 Función Física, Función Social, Rol físico, Rol Emocional, Salud mental, Vitalidad, Dolor corporal, Salud General. Las opciones de respuesta forman escalas de tipo Likert que evalúan intensidad o frecuencia. El número de opciones de respuesta oscila entre tres y seis, dependiendo del íte

    Atypical modulations of N170 component during emotional processing and their links to social behaviors in ex-combatants

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    ABSTRACT: Emotional processing (EP) is crucial for the elaboration and implementation of adaptive social strategies. EP is also necessary for the expression of social cognition and behavior (SCB) patterns. It is well-known that war contexts induce socio-emotional atypical functioning, in particular for those who participate in combats. Thus, ex-combatants represent an ideal non-clinical population to explore EP modulation and to evaluate its relation with SCB. The aim of this study was to explore EP and its relation with SCB dimensions such as empathy, theory of mind and social skills in a sample of 50 subjects, of which 30 were ex-combatants from illegally armed groups in Colombia, and 20 controls without combat experience. We adapted an Emotional Recognition Task for faces and words and synchronized it with electroencephalographic recording. Ex-combatants presented with higher assertion skills and showed more pronounced brain responses to faces than Controls. They did not show the bias toward anger observed in control participants whereby the latter group was more likely to misclassify neutral faces as angry. However, ex-combatants showed an atypical word valence processing. That is, words with different emotions yielded no differences in N170 modulations. SCB variables were successfully predicted by neurocognitive variables. Our results suggest that in ex-combatants the links between EP and SCB functions are reorganized. This may reflect neurocognitive modulations associated to chronic exposure to war experiences