87 research outputs found

    Probing the statistical decay and alpha-clustering effects in 12c+12c and 14n+10b reactions

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    An experimental campaign has been undertaken at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Italy, in order to progress in our understanding of the statistical properties of light nuclei at excitation energies above particle emission threshold, by measuring exclusive data from fusion-evaporation reactions. A first reaction 12C+12C at 7.9 AMeV beam energy has been measured, using the GARFIELD+Ring Counter experimental setup. Fusion-evaporation events have been exclusively selected. The comparison to a dedicated Hauser-Feshbach calculation allows us to give constraints on the nuclear level density at high excitation energy for light systems ranging from C up to Mg. Out-of-equilibrium emission has been evidenced and attributed both to entrance channel effects favoured by the cluster nature of reaction partners and, in more dissipative events, to the persistence of cluster correlations well above the 24Mg threshold for 6 alphas decay. The 24Mg compound nucleus has been studied with a new measurement 14N + 10B at 5.7 AMeV. The comparison between the two datasets would allow us to further constrain the level density of light nuclei. Deviations from a statistical behaviour can be analyzed to get information on nuclear clustering.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to conference proceedings of the 25th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2013

    Energy measurement and fragment identification using digital signals from partially depleted Si detectors

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    A study of identification properties of a Si-Si DE-E telescope exploiting an underdepleted residual-energy detector has been performed. Five different bias voltages have been used, one corresponding to full depletion, the others associated with a depleted layer ranging from 90% to 60% of the detector thickness. Fragment identification has been performed using either the DE-E technique or Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA). Both detectors are reverse mounted: particles enter from the low field side, to enhance the PSA performance. The achieved charge and mass resolution has been quantitatively expressed using a Figure of Merit (FoM). Charge collection efficiency has been evaluated and the possibility of energy calibration corrections has been considered. We find that the DE-E performance is not affected by incomplete depletion even when only 60% of the wafer is depleted. Isotopic separation capability improves at lower bias voltages with respect to full depletion, though charge identification thresholds are higher than at full depletion. Good isotopic identification via PSA has been obtained from a partially depleted detector whose doping uniformity is not good enough for isotopic identification at full depletion.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures 5 tables; submitted to European Physical Journal

    ASPEK SOSIAL BUDAYA DALAM NOVEL MENAK JINGGO SEKAR KEDATON KARYA LANGIT KRESNA HARIADI (Kajian Sosiologi Sastra, Nilai Pendidikan Karakter, dan Relevansinya dengan Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan aspek sosial budaya masyarakat Kerajaan Majapahit yang terungkap dalam novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH., (2) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tanggapan pembaca di daerah Banyuwangi dan Surakarta terhadap novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton Karya LKH, (3) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat dalam novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton Karya LKH, dan (4) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan relevansi novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton Karya LKH dengan Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode content analysis (analisis isi). Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah membaca, mencermati, menafsirkan, dan menganalisis novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) teks, novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH; (2) catatan lapangan hasil wawancara yang terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu bagian deskripsi dan bagian refleksi; (3) tanggapan pembaca terhadap novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH dan (4) buku-buku literatur yang relevan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan analisis dokumen dan wawancara secara mendalam. Trianggulasi dilakukan dengan trianggulasi sumber, metode, dan teori dengan pengecekan data dokumen dan hasil wawancara untuk mendapatkan simpulan yang sama. Data tersebut diperoleh dengan mengkaji novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH melalui analisis isi, yaitu melakukan penafsiran terhadap teks untuk dipahami isinya. Teknik cuplikan yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, sampel mewakili informasinya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis model interaktif yang meliputi tiga komponen yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan simpulan. Hasil penelitan dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) aspek sosial budaya masyarakat Majapahit yang terungkap dalam novel meliputi: a) sistem religi, yakni kepercayaan agama Hindu dan Budha. Sistem nilai dan pandangan hidup, yakni berani mengucap sumpah, Hamukti Palapa. Upacara keagamaan yang terungkap yaitu Abiseka, Srada, Upacara Pitra Yadnya (Ngaben), Upacara keagamaan Pahargyan; b) sistem kemasyarakatan, terdiri dari sistem kekerabatan, assosiasi dan pekumpulan masyarakat, dan sistem kenegaraan; c) sistem pengetahuan terdiri dari pengetahuan musim, flora dan fauna, waktu, ruang, dan bilangan, dan perilaku antar sesama manusia; d) sistem bahasa, yaitu bahasa lisan dan bahasa tulisan Jawa Kuno; e) sistem kesenian yaitu lukis dan gambar, tata rias, bagunan, seni musik, dan kesusastraan; f) sistem mata pencaharian meliputi: bercocok tanam atau bertani, pegawai atau petugas pemerintah, nelayan atau perikanan; g) sistem peralatan hidup meliputi: alat transportasi, peralatan komunikasi, bentuk peralatan konsumsi dalam bentuk wadah, pakaian dan perhiasan, tempat berlindung dan perumahan, dan senjata; (2) tanggapan pembaca di daerah Banyuwangi dan Surakarta memberikan kontribusi yang positif dan menambah wawasan; (3) nilai pendidikan karakter yang terungkap yaitu 11 nilai; dan (4) memiliki relevansi terhadap pembelajaran sastra di SM

    The epitaxy of gold

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    Photodegradation of Bamboo: A Study on Changes in Mechanical Performances

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    One of the main concerns in using natural materials in construction, such as bamboo, regards their durability. Ultra violet (UV)irradiation is claimed as a damaging agent; therefore, it is important to study its effect. Several studies have shown that bamboo components such as lignin are subjected to photochemical degradation, but it is not well understood how this affects the mechanical properties of bamboo. The aim of this paper is to explore the correlation between photodegradation and bamboo mechanical performance. Bamboo samples were exposed to accelerated UV ageing for different times (from 6 to 360 h) and then subjected to a four-point bending test. Since one of the ways to stabilize bamboo is to thermally treat it, the tests were conducted on natural untreated bamboo and treated bamboo with a traditional flame treatment. Modifications of the chemical features of the material were analyzed with Fourier Trasform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy, while modifications of the morphological features were analyzed byEnvironmental Scanning Electron Microscopy ESEM and optical microscopy observations. The results show that the bending behavior of bamboo is not compromised by UV exposure up to 360 h. In fact, although a progressive degradation of lignin is reported and cracks in the fiber walls are highlighted from micrographs, no effects were found on the fiber length

    Zeolitic-type Bronsted-Lowry sites distribution imaged on clinochlore

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    Although Bronsted-Lowry (B-L) sites in solids, such as zeolites, have been studied extensively, all previous investigations were conducted on a bulk (average) basis. In contrast, the imaging and distribution of B-L sites on atomic flat Al-rich chlorite are presented by using Scanning probe and Kelvin probe force microscopy. These techniques are used to correlate, at the nanoscale, the contrast due to the surface potential (related to the B-L proton) with the surface morphology and crystal chemistry. Quantum mechanical modeling (DFT) is consistent with the experimental results. Imaging of the distribution of B-L sites in solids and the existence of two-dimensional (2D) arrays of zeolitic-type B-L sites in chlorites is shown. The study demonstrates the general validity of the Bronsted-Lowry acid-base theory extended to pure solids without any solution medium. The experimental approach developed here can facilitate the search of B-L site architectures in minerals

    Intra-specific and inter-specific variability of the sulcus acusticus of sagittal otoliths in two gurnard species (Scorpaeniformes, Triglidae).

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    Morphology, morphometries and compounds of sulcus acusticus of sagittal otoliths of two gurnard species (Aspitrigla cuculus and Eutrigla gurnardus) from central Adriatic Sea (northeastern Mediterranean) were investigated. The study objectives were to find morphometric variables and shape variability of sulcus acusticus of these two close related sound producers species linked to developmental changes from juvenile to adult stage and species-specific pattern which influenced ecomorphological adaptations of the auditory system. The method used was a combination of multivariate techniques, X-ray diffractions pattern and ultrastructural investigation by SEM. Multivariate analysis (PCA, LDA and PERMANOVA) performed on standardised morphometrics of a total of 202 individuals, significantly separated four groups: A. cuculus juveniles, A. cuculus adults, E. gurnardus juveniles and E. gurnardus adults due to different life history characteristics. At intra-specific levels higher mean values of sulcus area/otoltih area (S:O) ratio of adults than the juveniles were observed within A. cuculus and not for E. gurnardus. At inter-specific levels significantly differences were showed between adults and not between juvenile groups. Considering all the groups, the main variability on sulcus area were observed for caudal part of the sensorial macula. Althought no difference about compounds were showed by X-ray diffraction at intra-specific level, the crystals on sulcus acusticus were different in shape, size and arrangement between juveniles and adults of each gurnard. The crystals of juveniles were quite enmeshed into otolith matrix and showed a rod/smooth-shape. The crystalline arrangement of adults became more complex with larger, rod/rectangular-shape and well-formed faces. Ontogenetic and specie-specific differences might be related to specie-specific physiological factor (i.e sexual maturity), depth distribution and feeding patterns that changing during gurnards growth. These changes, relating to both endogenous and exogenous factors, were marked by the sulcus acusticus which provided a useful tool for fish ontogenetic, physiological and ecological studies
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