263 research outputs found

    Flower Bud Differentiation in Quercus suber L.

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    Background and Purpose: Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is one of the most important forest species growing in the Western Mediterranean region. This investigation intends to assess the timing of flowering differentiation of cork oak and contribute to the deepening of the knowledge about the process of the sexual reproduction of the species. Materials and Methods: In 2010 four trees were selected (9, 14, 24, 25) from a plot of 25 trees located at Quinta da Serra, Portugal. A total of 240 buds were collected from these four trees, on three days (8, 14 and 23 March), from 4 branches per tree and 5 positions per branch for the assessment of meristem differentiation. Results: Meristem differentiation analysed on the sampling days revealed there were only vegetative structures by 8 March; a few male and female primordia on 14 March; and fully differentiated reproductive structures on 23 March. Conclusions: Flowering sex determination of cork oak occurs about one month before the flowering onset

    Probing New Limits for the Violation of the Equivalence Principle in the solar-reactor neutrino sector as a next to leading order effect

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    New limits for the Violation of Equivalence Principle (VEP) are obtained considering the mass-flavor mixing hypothesis. This analysis includes observations of solar and reactor neutrinos and has obtained a limit for the VEP parameter Δγ|\Delta \gamma| contributing to the νe\nu_e and νˉe\bar{\nu}_e disappearance channels of the order Δγ<1014|\Delta \gamma|<10^{-14}, when it is assumed that neutrinos are mainly affected by the gravitational potential φ105\varphi\approx 10^{-5} due to the Great Attractor.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Genetic diversity assessment among Corema album (L.) D. Don (Ericaceae) genotypes based on ISSR markers and agro-morphological traits

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    Research ArticleCorema album (L.) D. Don is the only species of the genus Corema growing naturally on sand dunes throughout the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, noted for the white coloured berries and nutritional value. The lack of information on genetic studies of the species is one of the most limitations for the establishment of this species as a new culture. Thus, this study focuses on the assessment of the genetic diversity based on inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular markers and morphological traits. Seventy-one female plants, from four different sampled sites, were evaluated using six ISSR loci and eight morphological traits. Fifty polymorphic loci were detected. The dendrogram based on the UPGMA method and the principal coordinate analysis classified the 71 C. album genotypes into distinct clusters. The analyses revealed that accessions from the same geographical area were generally, but not entirely, clustered into the same group. Analysis of molecular variance was higher among populations, than within populations. The analysis of morphological traits revealed that there is no distinct separation among the C. album genotypes grown in different geographic areas. To our knowledge, this is the first study on the assessment of the genetic diversity in this speciesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quality attributes of cultivated white crowberries (Corema album (L.) D. Don) from a multi-origin clonal field

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    There is a growing interest in Corema album (L.) D. Don fruits due to the unique white colour, mildly acidic lemony flavour and health-promoting properties associated with its bioactive composition. This study performs a physical–chemical characterisation of cultivated C. album fruits from a multi-origin clonal field. The field comprises ten wild populations with distinct geographical origins, grown under the same edaphoclimatic conditions. We analysed fruits CIELab colour parameters, texture profile (TPA), pH, acidity (TA, g.100 mL−1), soluble solids content (SSC, %) and total phenolic content (TPC, mg CAE.100 g−1). Our results showed differences between fruits physical–chemical attributes. Variation patterns in fruits SSC and hardness suggest that the differences might be related to the original geographical location of the populations. The determined TPC levels in all samples were very encouraging at a bioactive level, ranging from 185.3 to 355.6 mg CAE.100 g−1. Fruits from Mira and Pego populations stood out from the ten geographical provenances. Mira fruit samples had higher sweetness and lower acidity, while the Pego ones had firmer fruits and higher phenolic content. The multi-origin clonal field allowed us to offer an interesting scientific comparative background, highlighting the large potential of these berries for introduction in the commercial market. Not only our results support the potential of white crowberry as a new crop; the detected differences also indicate a hidden capacity for small fruit market diversification.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Statins are associated with reduced likelihood of sarcopenia in a sample of heart failure outpatients: a cross-sectional study

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    Background Sarcopenia is prevalent in heart failure (HF) patients, contributing to its poor prognosis. Statin use is postulated as a probable risk for developing sarcopenia, but little is known regarding this association in HF patients. This work aims at classifying and characterising sarcopenia and at describing the association of statin use with sarcopenia in a sample of Portuguese HF outpatients. Methods In this cross-sectional study, a sample of 136 HF patients (median age: 59 years, 33.8% women) was recruited from an HF outpatients' clinic of a University Hospital in Portugal. Sarcopenia was defined according to the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2. Clinical, nutritional, and dietary data were collected. Results A total of 25 (18.4%) individuals were categorised as sarcopenic, ranging from 12.2% in younger (< 65 years) participants vs. 30.4% in older ones and from 3.3% in men vs. 47.8% in women. Severe sarcopenia accounted for 7.4% of the sample and sarcopenic obesity was identified in 5.1% of the individuals. A total of 65.4% of the participants were statin users. In multivariable analysis (n = 132, 25 sarcopenic), the use of statins was inversely associated with sarcopenia (OR = 0.03; 95% CI = 0.01, 0.30). Each additional age year was associated with a 9% increase in the likelihood of being sarcopenic (OR = 1.09; 95% CI = 1.01, 1.17), and each Kg.m(-2) increment in body mass index was associated with a 21% decrease in the likelihood of sarcopenia (OR = 0.79; 95% CI = 0.65, 0.96). The daily use of five or more medicines was also directly associated with sarcopenia (OR = 26.87; 95% CI = 2.01, 359.26). On the other hand, being a man and being physically active were inversely associated with sarcopenia (OR = 0.01; 95% CI = 0.00, 0.07 and OR = 0.09; 95% CI = 0.01, 0.65, respectively). Conclusions Contrary to what was expected, patients medicated with statins were less likely to be sarcopenic. Although this finding deserves further research, we hypothesise that this might be related to the pleiotropic effects of statins on endothelial function, contributing to better neuromuscular fitness

    Corema album (L.) D. Don Phenological Growth Stages according to Extended BBCH Scale

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    The wild dioecious plant Corema album, endemic to the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, has potential to become a new crop and to integrate the berry fruit market. Due to its potential, the aim of this study was to propose a BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and CHemical Industry) scale for the species. Based on field observation, the principal growth stages were described and sequentially established. Photographs and stereomicroscope acquisition software were used to illustrate the phenological stages of male and female plants. The scale includes seven principal stages starting with bud development (stage 0), followed by leaf development (Stage 1), main stem elongation (Stage 3), inflorescence emergence (Stage 5), flowering (Stage 6), fruit development (Stage 7) and ending with fruit maturation (stage 8), with mesostages for male and female inflorescence (stage 5) and flower development (stage 6). Through field observations carried out in plants in different growth conditions, the proposition of this extended BBCH scale was made, to have a standardized system for Corema album phenological stages. This study will have an application especially in fields of agronomy and plant breeding and will also be a stepping stone for the inclusion of this species as a novelty crop in a nearby futureinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Influência da Equoterapia no Desempenho Motor e Alinhamento Postural da Criança com Paralisia Cerebral Espástico-Atetóide – Acompanhamento de um Caso

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar, através de um estudo de caso, os benefícios no desempenho motor e no alinhamento postural de tronco no pré e póstratamento com a equoterapia em uma criança portadora de paralisia cerebral espástico-atetóide. A criança foi avaliada por meio da escala GMFM (Gross Motor Function Measure), sempre antes e após cada sessão de equoterapia, durante 10 sessões, avaliando o desempenho motor da criança. Para a avaliação do alinhamento postural de tronco foram analisados os registros fotográficos das vistas lateral direita, lateral esquerda e posterior antes e após cada sessão, com a criança colocada na postura sentada em um banco sem encosto, os pés apoiados na superfície, verificando o endireitamento de tronco e o posicionamento cefálico. Os resultados obtidos permitiram observar que não houve melhora significativa no desempenho motor, porém com relação ao alinhamento postural verificou-se importante melhora após cada sessão

    Acolhimento de refugiados: alimentação e necessidades nutricionais em situações de emergência

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    A Europa é neste momento um dos principais destinos de um intenso fluxo migratórioprovocado por diferentes conflitos armados no Médio Oriente e em África, tendo a ComissãoEuropeia (CE) acordado na distribuição de uma parte destas pessoas em clara necessidade deproteção nacional, pelos diversos Estados Membros. As populações em trânsito e ascaracterísticas do seu acolhimento possuem especificidades que podem comprometer oacesso a uma alimentação adequada e a cuidados básicos de saúde, influenciando amorbilidade e a mortalidade nos grupos afetados.Este manual pretende estabelecer um referencial para a intervenção alimentar e nutricionalaos refugiados que chegam a Portugal. Destina-se a todos aqueles que prestam apoio, quer anível individual, quer a nível institucional, e que sejam responsáveis por qualquer aspetorelacionado com a saúde e a alimentação dessas populações, facilitando a operacionalizaçãoda assistência e fornecendo ferramentas para a tomada de decisões.O manual está organizado em 3 partes. Inicia-se com a avaliação do estado nutricional dapopulação a acolher, apresenta depois diversas estratégias para o desenho da intervençãoalimentar e nutricional tendo por base as necessidades nutricionais previstas para estes grupospopulacionais e, na parte final, aborda a importância de garantir a higiene e segurança dosalimentos na prestação desta assistência alimentar. Este manual apresenta ainda algumasconsiderações relacionadas com os cuidados básicos na área da psicologia destinados àsequipas que estão no terrenoEurope is now a major destination of an intense migratory flow caused by armed conflicts inthe Middle East and Africa. In this sense, the European Commission (EC) agreed on thedistribution of some of these people in clear need of international protection by variousMember States. The populations in transit and the characteristics of its reception havespecificities that can compromise the access to adequate food and basic health care. They canalso influence morbidity and mortality in affected groups.This manual aims to establish a framework of nutrition and food intervention to refugees inPortugal. It is aimed at all those who support it, either individually or institutionally, and areresponsible for any aspect related to the health and nutrition of these populations, facilitatingthe implementation of care and providing tools for decision making. The manual is organizedinto 3 parts. It begins with the assessment of nutritional status of the population. Then presents several strategies to support the design of food and nutrition intervention based onthe estimated nutritional needs for these population groups. In the final section it addressesthe importance of ensuring food safety and hygiene when providing this food assistance. Thismanual also addresses some considerations towards basic psychological interventionprinciples, destined to help the teams on the field