5,260 research outputs found

    Avances en la legislación migratoria argentina y persistencia en las prácticas laborales precarias : el caso de los migrantes bolivianos en la agricultura de Mendoza

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    El presente trabajo se propone visibilizar las dificultades que se encuentran en Mendoza al momento de alcanzar la efectiva implementación de la nueva política migratoria, por medio del análisis de contenido (Krippendorff, 1990) de denuncias periodísticas publicadas en medios de comunicación locales y nacionales en el período 2007 - 2012. La anticipación de sentido que guía el trabajo reside en que a pesar de la ampliación de derechos que trae consigo la nueva ley de migraciones, las condiciones de vulnerabilidad que exhiben los grupos de trabajadores migrantes se mantienen. Como caso paradigmático se señala a la agricultura, rama productiva que arroja las mayores denuncias por trabajo informal e infantil, y que exhibe las condiciones laborales más precarias en el contexto provincial, siendo uno de los principales destinos para los trabajadores migrantes bolivianos que viven o transitan por Mendoza.Fil: Moreno, Marta Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasFil: Martín Valdez, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Rosari

    Microfacies carbonáticas de la Formación San Juan (Ordovícico) en la sección Talacasto-Quebrada Ancha, Precordillera Central (San Juan, Argentina)

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    En la presente contribución se realiza la descripción e interpretación de las microfacies carbonáticas de los niveles medios-superiores de la Formación San Juan en la sección de Talacasto-Quebrada Ancha, abarcando el intervalo temporal Dapingiano-Darriwiliano temprano. Se reconocieron ocho microfacies: M1: packstone-grainstone bioclástico bioturbado, M2: floatstone intrabioclástico, M3: wackestone-packstone intraclástico peloidal, M4: wackestone silicificado, M5: floatstone intraclástico, M6: floatstone bioclástico bioturbado, M7: floatstone oncoidal, y M8: wackestone bioclástico bioturbado. Este análisis permitió el reconocimiento de un ambiente de depositación general de plataforma carbonática interna submareal somera. En ella, se reconocen variaciones en la energía del medio, indicados por tres configuraciones paleoambientales a través del lapso temporal estudiado: plataforma abierta somera de alta energía, plataforma somera con el desarrollo de biostromos dominados por esponjas y pulcrilaminoides (Zondarella communis) y plataforma abierta somera de baja energía. El arreglo vertical de dichos subambientes indica un arreglo general transgresivo para la sucesión estudiada

    Osteología craneal del subgénero Catemaco género Bramocharax (Teleostei: Characidae): relaciones Filogenéticas y Biogeografía

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    Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Zoología) U.A.N.L.UANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Daño social y cultura del narcotráfico en México : estudio de representaciones sociales en Sinaloa y Michoacán

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    El presente estudio tuvo la finalidad de explorar la representación social del narcotráfico en dos ciudades mexicanas que se han caracterizado por la presencia de esta actividad ilícita: Culiacán, en Sinaloa y Apatzingán, en Michoacán. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Objetivación y Valoración del Narcotráfico a 240 sujetos para explorar el contenido y estructura de la representación. Los resultados indican que la representación social del narcotráfico se organiza a partir de dos categorías: manifestaciones culturales y daños sociales del narcotráfico. Pese a la coincidencia en el contenido, se encontraron diferencias en la estructura de la representación social en cada contexto.El present estudi va tenir la finalitat d'explorar la representació social del narcotràfic en dues ciutats mexicanes que s'han caracteritzat per la presència d'aquesta activitat il·lícita, Culiacán, Sinaloa i Apatzingán, Michoacán. Es va aplicar el Qüestionari d'Objectivació i Valoració del Narcotràfic a 240 subjectes per explorar el contingut i estructura de la representació. Els resultats indiquen que la representació social de narcotràfic s'organitza a partir de dues categories: manifestacions culturals i danys socials del narcotràfic. Malgrat la coincidència en el contingut, es van trobar diferències en l'estructura de la representació social en cada context.The following study was aimed at exploring the social representation of drug trafficking in two Mexican cities that have characterized by the presence of this criminal activity: Culiacan, Sinaloa and Apatzingan, Michoacan. The Cuestionario de Objetivacion y Valoración del Narcotrafico was administered to 240 subjects to determine the content and structure of the social representation. The results showed that the social representation of drug trafficking is organized through two categories: cultural manifestations and social damage of drug trafficking. Regardless of the similarities in content, the structure of the representation is different in each context

    A new cryptic species of Leberis Smirnov, 1989 (Crustacea, Cladocera, Chydoridae) from the Mexican semi-desert region, highlighted by DNA barcoding

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    DNA barcoding, based in the sequence of a gene from the mitochondria, the Citochrome C oxidase (CO1), has been proved to be an excellent tool to identify many animal groups from invertebrates to vertebrates. After barcode several Cladocera, we gathered evidence about the existence of two Leberis species in the north of Mexico. Minimal CO1 divergence between both taxa was 14.3%, due to the GC% in the third codon position. A detailed morphological analyses uncovered one of the species as L. davidi, dwelling from South America to Mexico and the other as Leberis chihuahuensis new species, apparently restricted to semi-desert temporary pools. The parthenogenetic female of the latter is characterized by a small size, blunt rostrum, long and curved spine in the first exopodal segment of the second antenna, absence of accessory seta and sensilla in the first thoracic limb, and a brush-shaped seta in the fourth limb, among other characters. Males have a long and narrow postabdomen and a series of similar sized spinules in the posterior margin of the valves. By the first time a cladoceran is described from both views, the morphology and CO1 sequence

    Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Scientific Production about Genetically Modified Maize

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    Maize is the grain cereal that is the basis of human and animal diets in Mexico and Latin America; it constitutes an essential crop for global food security. The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial–temporal evolution of scientific production on the theme of GMO maize, through a bibliometric analysis of the texts available in the main editorial houses (Elsevier, Scopus, and Springer), open access journal articles database (Conricyt, Scielo, Redalyc, Latindex, Claryvate Analytics, Periodica, and DOAJ), and freely accessible web search engine Google Scholar, to determine the factors that influence the impact of the studies. From 1991 to 2019, 917 texts were found whose spatial–temporal evolution showed a linear growth that concentrated in Latin America (58.56%). The low impact (measured by the number of bibliographic citations) of scientific studies developed in countries of Latin America was related to their publication in journals edited in their own countries and in Spanish, which restricts the constructive criticism of peer review. For the case of Mexico, a spatial discrepancy was also found between research centers and production areas, which limits the transference of technology; and no specialized author in theme of GMO maize was found; the researchers responded to “scientific trends” in agreement with the agrarian policies of the timeS

    Beyond the Colours: Discovering Hidden Diversity in the Nymphalidae of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico through DNA Barcoding

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of DNA barcoding in the discovery of overlooked species and in the connection of immature and adult stages. In this study, we use DNA barcoding to examine diversity patterns in 121 species of Nymphalidae from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Our results suggest the presence of cryptic species in 8 of these 121 taxa. As well, the reference database derived from the analysis of adult specimens allowed the identification of nymphalid caterpillars providing new details on host plant use. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We gathered DNA barcode sequences from 857 adult Nymphalidae representing 121 different species. This total includes four species (Adelpha iphiclus, Adelpha malea, Hamadryas iphtime and Taygetis laches) that were initially overlooked because of their close morphological similarity to other species. The barcode results showed that each of the 121 species possessed a diagnostic array of barcode sequences. In addition, there was evidence of cryptic taxa; seven species included two barcode clusters showing more than 2% sequence divergence while one species included three clusters. All 71 nymphalid caterpillars were identified to a species level by their sequence congruence to adult sequences. These caterpillars represented 16 species, and included Hamadryas julitta, an endemic species from the Yucatan Peninsula whose larval stages and host plant (Dalechampia schottii, also endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula) were previously unknown. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This investigation has revealed overlooked species in a well-studied museum collection of nymphalid butterflies and suggests that there is a substantial incidence of cryptic species that await full characterization. The utility of barcoding in the rapid identification of caterpillars also promises to accelerate the assembly of information on life histories, a particularly important advance for hyperdiverse tropical insect assemblages