9,587 research outputs found

    Toroidal and Klein bottle boundary slopes

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    Let M be a compact, connected, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold and T' an incompressible torus boundary component of M such that the pair (M,T') is not cabled. By a result of C. Gordon, if S and T are incompressible punctured tori in M with boundary on T' and boundary slopes at distance d, then d is at most 8, and the cases where d=6,7,8 are very few and classified. We give a simplified proof of this result (or rather, of its reduction process), based on an improved estimate for the maximum possible number of mutually parallel negative edges in the graphs of intersection of S and T. We also extend Gordon's result by allowing either S or T to be an essential Klein bottle. to the case where S or T is a punctured essential Klein bottle.Comment: Preliminary version, updated. We use a new approach that yields a stronger conclusion. 28 pages, 18 figure

    Expresión autoetnográfica: consciencia de oposición en las literaturas de los Estados Unidos

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    El estudio sobre la autoetnografía y su polémica ofrece un método especialmente sobresaliente para leer un tipo particular o una tendencia de consciencia de oposición racial en la literatura estadounidense. Este artículo considera las críticas a la autoetnografía -entre ellas, las relativas a sus tendencias narcisistas y supuestamente esencialistas- y revisa el trabajo de varios estudiosos que intentan definir y conformar el campo de la autoetnografía. Un rápido examen de las múltiples definiciones de un término en un ámbito tan discutido, como es la autoetnografía, es en realidad el único camino para movilizar de modo responsable esta noción en la crítica literaria y para evitar también el error de muchos al apropiarse precipitadamente la definición, porque les abre fácilmente un ángulo como posibilidad de ataque que no suele estar presente en sus trabajos. Este artículo finalmente argumentará a favor de una definición delimitada del “género” que toma en cuenta la teoría de la consciencia de oposición, sostenida por Chela Sandoval, y la particular definición de autoetnografía de Pratt. Al hacerlo, se presentarán dos ejemplos específicos de las literaturas estadounidenses del siglo XX que dan voz a un modo peculiar de expresión autoetnográfica.A study of autoethnography and its polemic offers an especially salient mode of reading a particular type, or pattern, of oppositional racial consciousness in American Literature, then. This article will consider criticism of autoethnography -such as regards its “narcissistic” and purportedly essentialist tendencies- and rapidly review a number of scholars attempting to define and shape the field of autoethnography A rapid-fire consideration of multiple definitions of a term in a contested field such as autoethnography is really the only way to responsibly mobilize the notion in a literary critique and also avoids the mistake some make in too hastily appropriating a definition that will make it easy to give their work an unusual angle of attack. Given the frequently insufficiently researched use of the term, this article will ultimately argue for a delimiting definition of the “genre” which takes into account Chela Sandoval’s theory of oppositional consciousness and Pratt’s particular definition of autoethnography itself. In so doing, it will present two specific examples from 20th Century American Literatures that give voice to a peculiar mode of autoethnographic expression

    Immature embryo rescue of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) after an extended period of seed trace culture

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    In this work the effect of time on in vitro culture of seed traces is evaluated. Without changing media, there was no decline in the number of rescued embryos for any cross within and up to 210 d of culture. After that period a decline was shown for varieties producing abundant callus from the external tegument. Direct germination of embryos increased in all crosses except for Blush Seedless x 73049, which stopped direct germination after 90 d. The polyembryony was advantageous for the cross Superior Seedless x Dawn Seedless, because it increased the percentage of normal plantlets. Multiple embryos showed a higher capacity to germinate in all cases. More embryos were obtained by excision and they presented a higher percentage of normal plantlets in comparison to plantlets obtained by embryos germinated directly. Embryos from the varieties Ruby Seedless, Blush Seedless and Bronx Seedless mainly produced normal plantlets while Crimson Seedless, Superior Seedless and Fantasy Seedless embryos mostly produced abnormal plantlets.

    Seifert Klein bottles for knots with common boundary slopes

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    Small and Medium manufacturing companies, as a result of globalization, have serious difficulties to compete in international markets, studies show that has been difficult for these businesses to adopt new methods of work organization, that does become more competitive and productive. In Mexico, SME’s have successfully integrated the administrative processes into information and communication technology; moreover the processes of quality and production have less support by ICT’s. This research project proposes a model of strategic alignment between the key business processes of SME’s and the ICT’s, using enterprise architectures. The proposal was applied to a firm of a pilot sample, finding a complete support of management processes by ICT’s. Partial support for production and quality processes, resulting an improvement proposal for the integration of the essential processes of manufacturing SME’s into ICT’s