18 research outputs found

    Una nova necròpoli tumular en la Foia de Zucaina: Peñas de Villanueva (Zucaina, Alt Millars)

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    Resultats preliminars de la campanya d’excavació del 2014 en l’àrea de la necròpoli tumular Las Peñas de Villanueva. L’aspecte més rellevant d’aquesta campanya ha estat fonamentalment la localització d’una agrupació tumular que consta de dos túmuls.Preliminary results of the 2014 campaign of excavation in the area of the burial necropolis of Las Peñas de Villanueva. The most relevant aspect of this campaign has primarily been the location of a burial group consisting of two burial mounds

    Urinary extracellular vesicles miRNA—A new era of prostate cancer biomarkers

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    Prostate cancer is the second most common male cancer worldwide showing the highest rates of incidence in Western Europe. Although the measurement of serum prostate-specific antigen levels is the current gold standard in PCa diagnosis, PSA-based screening is not considered a reliable diagnosis and prognosis tool due to its lower sensitivity and poor predictive score which lead to a 22%–43% overdiagnosis, unnecessary biopsies, and over-treatment. These major limitations along with the heterogeneous nature of the disease have made PCa a very unappreciative subject for diagnostics, resulting in poor patient management; thus, it urges to identify and validate new reliable PCa biomarkers that can provide accurate information in regard to disease diagnosis and prognosis. Researchers have explored the analysis of microRNAs (miRNAs), messenger RNAs (mRNAs), small proteins, genomic rearrangements, and gene expression in body fluids and non-solid tissues in search of lesser invasive yet efficient PCa biomarkers. Although the presence of miRNAs in body fluids like blood, urine, and saliva initially sparked great interest among the scientific community; their potential use as liquid biopsy biomarkers in PCa is still at a very nascent stage with respect to other well-established diagnostics and prognosis tools. Up to date, numerous studies have been conducted in search of PCa miRNA-based biomarkers in whole blood or blood serum; however, only a few studies have investigated their presence in urine samples of which less than two tens involve the detection of miRNAs in extracellular vesicles isolated from urine. In addition, there exists some discrepancy around the identification of miRNAs in PCa urine samples due to the diversity of the urine fractions that can be targeted for analysis such as urine circulating cells, cell-free fractions, and exosomes. In this review, we aim to discuss research output from the most recent studies involving the analysis of urinary EVs for the identification of miRNA-based PCa-specific biomarkers

    Cdc42 promotes transendothelial migration of cancer cells through β1 integrin.

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    Cancer cells interact with endothelial cells during the process of metastatic spreading. Here, we use a small interfering RNA screen targeting Rho GTPases in cancer cells to identify Cdc42 as a critical regulator of cancer cell-endothelial cell interactions and transendothelial migration. We find that Cdc42 regulates β1 integrin expression at the transcriptional level via the transcription factor serum response factor (SRF). β1 integrin is the main target for Cdc42-mediating interaction of cancer cells with endothelial cells and the underlying extracellular matrix, as exogenous β1 integrin expression was sufficient to rescue the Cdc42-silencing phenotype. We show that Cdc42 was required in vivo for cancer cell spreading and protrusion extension along blood vessels and retention in the lungs. Interestingly, transient Cdc42 depletion was sufficient to decrease experimental lung metastases, which suggests that its role in endothelial attachment is important for metastasis. By identifying β1 integrin as a transcriptional target of Cdc42, our results provide new insight into Cdc42 function

    HIF pathway and c-Myc as biomarkers for response to sunitinib in metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is a heterogeneous disease with a different clinical behavior and response to targeted therapies. Differences in hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) expression have been used to classify von Hippel-Lindau gene (VHL)-deficient ccRCC tumors. c-Myc may be driving proliferation in HIF-2α-expressing tumors in a growth factor-independent manner. To explore the HIF-1α, HIF-2α and c-Myc baseline expression as potential predictors of sunitinib outcome as well as the effectiveness and safety with sunitinib in patients with metastatic ccRCC in routine clinical practice. This was an observational and prospective study involving 10 Spanish hospitals. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primary tumor samples from metastatic ccRCC patients who received sunitinib as first-line treatment were analyzed. Association between biomarker expression and sunitinib treatment outcomes was evaluated. Kaplan-Meier method was applied to measure progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival. Eighty-one patients were included: median PFS was 10.8 months (95% CI: 7.4-13.5 months), median overall survival was 21.8 months (95% CI: 14.7-29.8 months) and objective response rate was 40.7%, with 7.4% of patients achieving a complete response. Molecular marker staining was performed in the 69 available tumor samples. Significant association with lower PFS was identified for double c-Myc/HIF-2α-positive staining tumors (median 4.3 vs 11.5 months, hazard ratio =2.64, 95% CI: 1.03-6.80, P =0.036). A trend toward a lower PFS was found in positive c-Myc tumors (median 5.9 vs 10.9 months, P =0.263). HIF-1α and HIF-2α expression levels were not associated with clinical outcome. These preliminary results suggest that predictive subgroups might be defined based on biomarkers such as c-Myc/HIF-2α. Further validation with more patients will be needed in order to confirm it. Outcomes with sunitinib in metastatic ccRCC in daily clinical practice resemble those obtained in clinical trials

    RhoD Inhibits RhoC-ROCK-Dependent Cell Contraction via PAK6.

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    RhoA-mediated regulation of myosin-II activity in the actin cortex controls the ability of cells to contract and bleb during a variety of cellular processes, including cell migration and division. Cell contraction and blebbing also frequently occur as part of the cytopathic effect seen during many different viral infections. We now demonstrate that the vaccinia virus protein F11, which localizes to the plasma membrane, is required for ROCK-mediated cell contraction from 2 hr post infection. Curiously, F11-induced cell contraction is dependent on RhoC and not RhoA signaling to ROCK. Moreover, RhoC-driven cell contraction depends on the upstream inhibition of RhoD signaling by F11. This inhibition prevents RhoD from regulating its downstream effector Pak6, alleviating the suppression of RhoC by the kinase. Our observations with vaccinia have now demonstrated that RhoD recruits Pak6 to the plasma membrane to antagonize RhoC signaling during cell contraction and blebbing

    Radixin regulates cell migration and cell-cell adhesion through Rac1

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    The ERM proteins ezrin, radixin and moesin are adaptor proteins that link plasma membrane receptors to the actin cytoskeleton. Ezrin and moesin have been implicated in cell polarization and cell migration, but little is known about the involvement of radixin in these processes. Here we show that radixin is required for migration of PC3 prostate cancer cells, and that radixin, but not ezrin or moesin, depletion by RNAi increases cell spread area and cell-cell adhesion mediated by adherens junctions. Radixin depletion also alters actin organization and distribution of active phosphorylated ezrin and moesin. Similar effects were observed in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. The phenotype of radixin-depleted cells is similar to that induced by constitutively active Rac1, and Rac1 is required for the radixin knockdown phenotype. Radixin depletion also increases the activity of Rac1 but not Cdc42 or RhoA. Analysis of Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) suggests that radixin affects the activity of Vav GEFs. Indeed, Vav GEF depletion reverts the phenotype of radixin knockdown and reduces the effect of radixin knockdown on Rac1 activity. Our results indicate that radixin plays an important role in promoting cell migration by regulating Rac1-mediated epithelial polarity and formation of adherens junctions through Vav GEFs.</jats:p

    Prostate-derived sterile 20-like kinases (PSKs/TAOKs) are activated in mitosis and contribute to mitotic cell rounding and spindle positioning

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    Prostate-derived sterile 20-like kinases (PSKs) 1-α, 1-β, and 2 are members of the germinal-center kinase-like sterile 20 family of kinases. Previous work has shown that PSK 1-α binds and stabilizes microtubules whereas PSK2 destabilizes microtubules. Here, we have investigated the activation and autophosphorylation of endogenous PSKs and show that their catalytic activity increases as cells accumulate in G(2)/M and declines as cells exit mitosis. PSKs are stimulated in synchronous HeLa cells as they progress through mitosis, and these proteins are activated catalytically during each stage of mitosis. During prophase and metaphase activated PSKs are located in the cytoplasm and at the spindle poles, and during telophase and cytokinesis stimulated PSKs are present in trans-Golgi compartments. In addition, small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown of PSK1-α/β or PSK2 expression inhibits mitotic cell rounding as well as spindle positioning and centralization. These results show that PSK catalytic activity increases during mitosis and suggest that these proteins can contribute functionally to mitotic cell rounding and spindle centralization during cell division