2,441 research outputs found

    3D Reconstruction with Uncalibrated Cameras Using the Six-Line Conic Variety

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    We present new algorithms for the recovery of the Euclidean structure from a projective calibration of a set of cameras with square pixels but otherwise arbitrarily varying intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. Our results, based on a novel geometric approach, include a closed-form solution for the case of three cameras and two known vanishing points and an efficient one-dimensional search algorithm for the case of four cameras and one known vanishing point. In addition, an algorithm for a reliable automatic detection of vanishing points on the images is presented. These techniques fit in a 3D reconstruction scheme oriented to urban scenes reconstruction. The satisfactory performance of the techniques is demonstrated with tests on synthetic and real data

    Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Mechanisms and Mitigation Strategies for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

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    Fuel cells represent a viable option for the diversification of renewable energies, necessary to meet the increasing energy demand and reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Among the challenges polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) face for their deployment, are the adverse effects that the presence of CO provokes in their performance and durability. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms occurring during the poisoning is needed in order to develop more efficient mitigation strategies that contribute to the competitiveness of PEMFCs. In this work, the spatial variations and temporal dynamics occurring in the presence of CO were studied. As a means of mitigating the effects of CO poisoning, short-circuiting strategies were evaluated. First, preliminary studies that evaluated the short-term effects of CO under different operating conditions were presented in a single cell. Next, an array of localised reference electrodes measured directly the anodic overpotential in three different locations of an MEA exposed to CO under galvanostatic control, where self-sustained potential oscillations were observed. This information was complemented by the measurement of the concentration of CO2 in the outlet that followed the evolution of the oxidation of CO. In the following study, a segmented-in-series system combined with different diagnostic techniques including thermal imaging, current interrupt and mass spectrometry was studied in the presence of two different concentrations of CO. The setups studied contributed to show the variations in the coverage of CO throughout the systems, and the effects of the local conditions in the oxidation of CO. These results highlight the importance of the distribution of the poisoning for the design and optimization of mitigation strategies against poisoning. Short-circuiting of the individual cells of a segmented-in-series stack was presented as an alternative, as the different patterns of the shorts (length and frequency) can be adjusted depending on the degree of poisoning, dependant on the location of the cells in the stack

    Psychopathological verbal expression of self-perceived stress in three groups of psychotic patients

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    Producción CientíficaSelf-perceived stress in 293 psychotic patients (schizophrenic, toxic and brief reactive psychoses) and a control group of 40 sane individuáis was evaluated by means of the Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire. For this purpose, scores obtained in 6 'complementary Ítems' of the third versión of this questionnaire were studied, both in global and in detailed form. These Ítems reflect coping mechanisms exerted towards situations perceived as stressful which can produce clinical manifestations similar to the wellknown 'negative symptoms' of schizophrenia. Results show that self-perceived stress in all groups of patients is significantly higher than in the control group. In contrast, no significant differences among the three groups of patients are obtained. In conclusión, we point out the relevance of studying the psychotic patient's self-perceived stress in order to detect and minimize or even avoid the patient's risk situations, independen! of his/her diagnosis. This will be especially useful to obtain optimal conditions for rehabilitatio

    Squaring the circle: The BHLS concept

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    The transport systems known as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) was launched in Curitiba, Brazil, in 1974 as a means of offering efficient and effective bus travel within the fast expanding city. This experience, together with other big examples like in Ottawa (since 1983) or in Quito (since 1994), have proven to be an efficient and effective solution to mass transport. Throughout Europe similar experiences have started to be developed, but responding to a different concept of quality of service. Bus systems such as the “trunk network”, in Sweden, the Metrobus, in Germany, or the BHNS (Bus à Haut Niveau de Service), broach the quality of service from a wider perspective than the BRT, as it considers aspects such as image, confort...,apart from speed, frequency or reliability. These new systems - BHLS (Buses with a High Quality of Service) - allow to combine quality of service of tramways with the lower costs and higher flexibility of bus systems, and offers very interesting solutions in terms of accessibility, a wide range of service levels, that allows the system to be adapted to the different urban contexts (size, population, density…) In the economic situation we are now living, the lack of funds provides BHLS an important role in public transport. Less costs with the same quality of service seems to be a very attractive option. The aim of this article is to compare the different European experiences of tramways and BHLS, specially from the economic point of view, considering the costs, benefits and advantages of each of them

    Los efectos de los diferentes tipos de reconducción presupuestal en las entidades federativas de México

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    Este artículo analiza las distintas modalidades de reconducción presupuestal adoptadas en las 32 entidades federativas de México. En primer lugar, se describen las características formales de cada diseño institucional y se proyectan los posibles efectos de las reglas presupuestales en la moderación del conflicto ejecutivo-legislativo. En segundo lugar, se analizan los diseños de reconducción del presupuesto con el fin de cuestionar la creencia común de que la sola adopción de fórmulas de reconducción basta para incentivar los acuerdos entre los actores que deciden el presupuesto en los estados. Argumentamos que los diseños institucionales de reconducción presupuestal adoptados en los estados abren una gama de opciones a los jugadores del proceso presupuestario, cuyas estrategias pueden orientarse a agilizar o frenar la aprobación de un nuevo presupuesto. Las variaciones en el diseño de las instituciones de reconducción presupuestal son importantes, ya que las cláusulas simples —como la vigencia automática del presupuesto del año anterior— diseñadas para evitar la parálisis legislativa pueden producir consecuencias no esperadas, que lleven a los actores a reducir el sentido de urgencia y a posponer el acuerdo sobre el paquete presupuestal. Para aproximarnos a los efectos de las reglas de reconducción, en la parte final del artículo analizaremos el caso de la negociación presupuestal en el estado de Sonora, en una coyuntura en la que se puso a prueba la efectividad de la cláusula presupuestal y su capacidad para atenuar el riesgo de parálisis gubernamental.This document analyzes the different designs of reversionary appropriations that were adopted in the thirty-two subnational Mexican states. First, we describe the formal characteristics of every institutional design and we project the potential effects of the appropriations procedure rules, in the bargaining game between executive and legislative branches. Secondly, we analyze the different appropriations designs, to know if the design proceedings are enough to increase political agreements between the actors who decide the budget in the subnational states. We argue that the appropriations institutional designs adopted in the Mexican states open an array of options to veto players in the appropriation process, with strategies that help to facilitate or obstruct a new budget approval. Variety in appropriations institutional designs matter, because simple clauses, –as the continuing application of the most recent appropriation law–, designed to avoid governmental paralysis, can produce unintended consequences, driving actors to reduce their urgency sense of endorsement, and postponing the final appropriations agreement. In the last part of this article, as an approximation of the reversionary rules effects, we analyze the appropriations bargaining in the State of Sonora that evidenced the effectiveness of their appropriations reversion design to attenuate the risk of governmental paralysis

    "Análisis Socio-Jurídico de la Vulnerabilidad de Género en el Delito de Trata de Personas en el Estado de México"

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    Se incluyen gráficos y tablas de comparación.El trabajo forzado y la trata de personas son formas contemporáneas de esclavitud, la explotación sexual se genera por sujetos activos del delito, a través de una serie de mecanismos donde reclutan personas, las cuales sufren comercialización de su cuerpo, entendiéndose dicho acto como mercancía sexual. Los motivos por los que desarrollamos esta tesis es porque hoy día, el delito de trata de personas se considera el segundo negocio ilícito más lucrativo a nivel mundial, sólo superado por el tráfico de drogas, el cual, cada año genera a nivel mundial ganancias que van de 32,000 a 36,000 millones de dólares, aproximadamente (ONU, 2016), situación que nos parece alarmante ya que sabemos que nadie puede disponer ni ser objeto de transacciones de cualquier tipo, mucho menos de índole sexual