761 research outputs found

    Formation of Emotional Climate in Human Resource Management

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    Research is concentrated on efficient human resource management while pursuing organizational goals and benefits for every employee and organization as a whole. Under the requirements of global market, managers expect their subordinates to be effortlessly managed, confident, dynamic in completion of assigned tasks, and ensuring maximum work efficiency. Such a possibility is theoretically analysed in this article by employing deductive thinking in interdisciplinary integration. The article describes the formation of employee emotional climate, which has impact on employee behaviour in individual as well as in team work, based on application of human resource evaluation factor with contribution of manipulations. Hypothetical presumptions resulted in assumptions that have shown dominance of disjunction (or); it means that interaction between alternatives is impossible. Therefore, logical interactions were prepared on the basis of deductive thinking by usage of Law (or principle) of the Excluded Third. These logical interactions resulted in models of emotional climate formation.

    GVSU Sustainable Agriculture Project: Composting

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    Currently, the S.A.P. (Sustainable Agricultural Project) has a working composting pile that isn’t reaching its full optimization potential, due to a lack in systems planning. Our group has worked toward analyzing the S.A.P.’s current processes to eliminate the inefficiencies and to maximize the quality of the composting process and product. This final product will be used to inoculate the S.A.P.’s nursery and planting beds to produce higher quality produce for the community

    Sodium valproate stimulates potassium and chloride urinary excretion in rats: gender differences

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    Background: The diuretic effect of valproates and its relation to urinary potassium (K+) and chloride (Cl-) excretion have not yet been investigated, so the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a single dose of sodium valproate (NaVPA) on 24-h urinary K+ and Cl- excretion in young adult Wistar rats of both genders. For measurement of K+ in urine, the same animals and samples as in our earlier publication were used (Pharmacology 2005 Nov, 75:111–115). The authors propose a new approach to the pathophysiological mechanisms of NaVPA effect on K+ and Cl- metabolism. Twenty six Wistar rats were examined after a single intragastric administration of 300 mg/kg NaVPA (13 NaVPA-male and 13 NaVPA-female), 28 control intact Wistar rats (14 males and 14 females) were studied as a control group. The 24-h urinary K+, Cl-, creatinine and pH levels were measured. Results: Total 24-h diuresis and 24-h diuresis per 100 g of body weight were found to be significantly higher in NaVPA-rats of both genders than in rats of the control group (p 0.05). 24-h urinary K+ excretion per 100 g of body weight in NaVPA-male rats was significantly higher than in control males (p = 0.025). NaVPA enhanced Cl- urinary excretion: 24-h Cl- urinary excretion, 24-h urinary Cl- excretion per 100 g of body weight and the Cl-/creatinine ratio were significantly higher in NaVPA-male and NaVPA-female rats than in gendermatched controls (p < 0.05). 24-h chloriduretic response to NaVPA in male rats was significantly higher than in female rats (p < 0.05). Conclusion: NaVPA causes kaliuretic and chloriduretic effects with gender-related differences in rats. Further investigations are necessary to elucidate the mechanism of such pharmacological effects of NaVPA

    Fatal Hyperammonemic Brain Injury from Valproic Acid Exposure

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    Background: Hyperammonemia is known to cause neuronal injury, and can result from valproic acid exposure. Prompt reduction of elevated ammonia levels may prevent permanent neurological injury. We report a case of fatal hyperammonemic brain injury in a woman exposed to valproic acid. Case: A 38-year-old woman with schizoaffective disorder and recent increase in valproic acid dosage presented with somnolence and confusion and rapidly progressed to obtundation. Brain MRI showed diffuse bilateral restricted diffusion in nearly the entire cerebral cortex. She had normal liver function tests but serum ammonia level was severely elevated at 288 μmol/l\mu mol/l. Genetic testing showed no mutation in urea cycle enzymes. Despite successful elimination of ammonia with hemodialysis she developed fatal cerebral edema. Conclusion: Cerebral edema secondary to hyperammonemia is potentially reversible if recognized early. Ammonia excretion can be facilitated by initiation of hemodialysis and administration of scavenging agents (sodium phenylacetate and sodium benzoate). Severe hyperammonemia can result from valproic acid exposure even in the absence of hepatotoxicity or inborn errors of metabolism. It is important to check serum ammonia in any patient with encephalopathy who has had recent valproic acid exposure

    Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy of Malignant Diseases

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    Oponentinės funkcijos ir spalvų skiriamoji geba

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    The paper deals with the problem of a construction of opponent functions, which stem from the linear summation of three receptor (R, G, B) signals. It is considered two stages model: stage of the receptors and stage of the opponent cells. Each stage has the own intrinsic independent generators of noise. The colour is determined by the point in three-dimensional space with coordinates {xi}, (i=l, 2, 3), where xi is value of the output signals of the opponent cells. Let V be the volume of “colour body” and be the volume of sphere, where an end of a colour vector is located with a given probability P0. Then a ratio V/s characterizes a colour discriminability: the greater ratio V/s the greater discriminability of the system. It is looking for such transformation of receptor signals into opponent those (i.e. searching a linear operator A), that the ratio V/s would be maximal. The properties of the proposed model were investigated. They fit well to the properties obtained in traditional psychophysical experiments: opponent colour functions, hue coefficients, wavelength and saturation discrimination, achromatic channel sensitivity, non-additivity of brightness. This led to conclusion that the possible role of the colour opponency is ensuring optimal colour discriminability in human vision.Šiame darbe aptariama oponentinių funkcijų konstrukcijos problema, kylanti iš linijinio trijų receptorių (R, G, B) sumavimo. Modelis turi du etapus: receptorių etapą ir oponentinių ląstelių etapą. Kiekvienas etapas turi būdingus nepriklausomus garso generatorius. Spalva apibrėžiama kaip tam tikras taškas tridimensinėje plokštumoje su koordinatėmis {xi}, (i=l, 2, 3), kur xi yra oponentinių ląstelių išeigos signalo dydis. Tarkime, V yra „spalvos kūno” apimtis ir sferos apimtis, kur spalvos vektoriaus pabaiga išsidėsčiusi su P0 tikimybe. Tuomet V/s santykis apibrėžia spalvoų skiriamąją gebą: kuo didesnis V/s koeficientas, tuo geresnė skiriamoji geba. Buvo ieškoma tokios receptorių signalų transformacijos (t.y. ieškoma linijinio operatoriaus A), kad santykis V/s būtų maksimalus. Straipsnyje pateikta regos sistemos modelio oponentinių funkcijų skaičiavimo metodika, įvertinanti receptorių, oponentinių ląstelių ir kitų neuroninio tinklo elementų triukšmus ir garantuojant maksimalią sistemos spalvų skiriamąją gebą. Pateikto modelio funkcinės charakteristikos praktiškai sutampa su analogiškomis žmogaus bei gyvūnų regos sistemos charakteristikomis. Siūloma oponentines funkcijas skaičiuoti atsižvelgiant į spalvinės informacijos funkcinę reikšmę gyvam organizmui