21 research outputs found

    Poly(ADP-ribose)-binding protein RCD1 is a plant PARylation reader regulated by Photoregulatory Protein Kinases

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    Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation) is a reversible post-translational protein modification that has profound regulatory functions in metabolism, development and immunity, and is conserved throughout the eukaryotic lineage. Contrary to metazoa, many components and mechanistic details of PARylation have remained unidentified in plants. Here we present the transcriptional co-regulator RADICAL-INDUCED CELL DEATH1 (RCD1) as a plant PAR-reader. RCD1 is a multidomain protein with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) separating its domains. We have reported earlier that RCD1 regulates plant development and stress-tolerance by interacting with numerous transcription factors (TFs) through its C-terminal RST domain. This study suggests that the N-terminal WWE and PARP-like domains, as well as the connecting IDR play an important regulatory role for RCD1 function. We show that RCD1 binds PAR in vitro via its WWE domain and that PAR-binding determines RCD1 localization to nuclear bodies (NBs) in vivo. Additionally, we found that RCD1 function and stability is controlled by Photoregulatory Protein Kinases (PPKs). PPKs localize with RCD1 in NBs and phosphorylate RCD1 at multiple sites affecting its stability. This work proposes a mechanism for negative transcriptional regulation in plants, in which RCD1 localizes to NBs, binds TFs with its RST domain and is degraded after phosphorylation by PPKs

    Extracellular peptide Kratos restricts cell death during vascular development and stress in Arabidopsis

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    During plant vascular development, xylem tracheary elements (TEs) form water-conducting, empty pipes by genetically regulated cell death. Cell death is prevented from spreading to non-TEs by unidentified intercellular mechanisms, downstream of METACASPASE9 (MC9)-mediated regulation of autophagy in TEs. Here, we identified differentially abundant extracellular peptides in vascular-differentiating wild-type and MC9-down-regulated Arabidopsis cell suspensions. A peptide named Kratos rescued the abnormally high ectopic non-TE death resulting from either MC9 knockout or TE-specific overexpression of the ATG5 autophagy protein during experimentally induced vascular differentiation in Arabidopsis cotyledons. Kratos also reduced cell death following mechanical damage and extracellular ROS production in Arabidopsis leaves. Stress-induced but not vascular non-TE cell death was enhanced by another identified peptide, named Bia. Bia is therefore reminiscent of several known plant cell death-inducing peptides acting as damage-associated molecular patterns. In contrast, Kratos plays a novel extracellular cell survival role in the context of development and during stress response.Peer reviewe

    Dissecting the interaction of photosynthetic electron transfer with mitochondrial signalling and hypoxic response in the Arabidopsis rcd1 mutant

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    The Arabidopsis mutant rcd1 is tolerant to methyl viologen (MV). MV enhances the Mehler reaction, i.e. electron transfer from Photosystem I (PSI) to O-2, generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the chloroplast. To study the MV tolerance of rcd1, we first addressed chloroplast thiol redox enzymes potentially implicated in ROS scavenging. NADPH-thioredoxin oxidoreductase type C (NTRC) was more reduced in rcd1. NTRC contributed to the photosynthetic and metabolic phenotypes of rcd1, but did not determine its MV tolerance. We next tested rcd1 for alterations in the Mehler reaction. In rcd1, but not in the wild type, the PSI-to-MV electron transfer was abolished by hypoxic atmosphere. A characteristic feature of rcd1 is constitutive expression of mitochondrial dysfunction stimulon (MDS) genes that affect mitochondrial respiration. Similarly to rcd1, in other MDS-overexpressing plants hypoxia also inhibited the PSI-to-MV electron transfer. One possible explanation is that the MDS gene products may affect the Mehler reaction by altering the availability of O-2. In green tissues, this putative effect is masked by photosynthetic O-2 evolution. However, O-2 evolution was rapidly suppressed in MV-treated plants. Transcriptomic meta-analysis indicated that MDS gene expression is linked to hypoxic response not only under MV, but also in standard growth conditions. This article is part of the theme issue 'Retrograde signalling from endosymbiotic organelles'.Peer reviewe

    Interaction of methyl viologen-induced chloroplast and mitochondrial signalling in Arabidopsis

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are key signalling intermediates in plant metabolism, defence, and stress adaptation. In plants, both the chloroplast and mitochondria are centres of metabolic control and ROS production, which coordinate stress responses in other cell compartments. The herbicide and experimental tool, methyl viologen (MV) induces ROS generation in the chloroplast under illumination, but is also toxic in non-photosynthetic organisms. We used MV to probe plant ROS signalling in compartments other than the chloroplast. Taking a genetic approach in the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), we used natural variation, QTL mapping, and mutant studies with MV in the light, but also under dark conditions, when the chloroplast electron transport is inactive. These studies revealed a light-independent MV-induced ROS-signalling pathway, suggesting mitochondrial involvement. Mitochondrial Mn SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE was required for ROS-tolerance and the effect of MV was enhanced by exogenous sugar, providing further evidence for the role of mitochondria. Mutant and hormone feeding assays revealed roles for stress hormones in organellar ROS-responses. The radical-induced cell death1 mutant, which is tolerant to MV-induced ROS and exhibits altered mitochondrial signalling, was used to probe interactions between organelles. Our studies suggest that mitochondria are involved in the response to ROS induced by MV in plants.Peer reviewe

    CIP2A Interacts with TopBP1 and Drives Basal-Like Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis

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    Basal-like breast cancers (BLBC) are characterized by defects in homologous recombination (HR), deficient mitotic checkpoint, and high-proliferation activity. Here, we discover CIP2A as a candidate driver of BLBC. CIP2A was essential for DNA damage-induced initiation of mouse BLBC-like mammary tumors and for survival of HR-defective BLBC cells. CIP2A was dispensable for normal mammary gland development and for unperturbed mitosis, but selectively essential for mitotic progression of DNA damaged cells. A direct interaction between CIP2A and a DNA repair scaffold protein TopBP1 was identified, and CIP2A inhibition resulted in enhanced DNA damage-induced TopBP1 and RAD51 recruitment to chromatin in mammary epithelial cells. In addition to its role in tumor initiation, and survival of BRCA-deficient cells, CIP2A also drove proliferative MYC and E2F1 signaling in basal-like triple-negative breast cancer (BL-TNBC) cells. Clinically, high CIP2A expression was associated with poor patient prognosis in BL-TNBCs but not in other breast cancer subtypes. Small-molecule reactivators of PP2A (SMAP) inhibited CIP2A transcription, phenocopied the CIP2A-deficient DNA damage response (DDR), and inhibited growth of patient-derived BLBC xenograft. In summary, these results demonstrate that CIP2A directly interacts with TopBP1 and coordinates DNAdamage-induced mitotic checkpoint and proliferation, thereby driving BLBC initiation and progression. SMAPs could serve as a surrogate therapeutic strategy to inhibit the oncogenic activity of CIP2A in BLBCs. Significance: These results identify CIP2A as a nongenetic driver and therapeutic target in basal-like breast cancer that regulates DNA damage-induced G2-M checkpoint and proliferative signaling.Peer reviewe

    Arabidopsis RCD1 coordinates chloroplast and mitochondrial functions through interaction with ANAC transcription factors

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent signaling pathways from chloroplasts and mitochondria merge at the nuclear protein RADICAL INDUCED CELL DEATH 1 (RCD1). RCD1 interacts in vivo and suppresses the activity of the transcription factors ANAC013 and ANAC017, which mediate a ROS-related retrograde signal originating from mitochondrial complex III. Inactivation of RCD1 leads to increased expression of mitochondrial dysfunction stimulon (MDS) genes regulated by ANAC013 and ANAC017. Accumulating MDS gene products, including alternative oxidases (AOXs), affect redox status of the chloroplasts, leading to changes in chloroplast ROS processing and increased protection of photosynthetic apparatus. ROS alter the abundance, thiol redox state and oligomerization of the RCD1 protein in vivo, providing feedback control on its function. RCD1-dependent regulation is linked to chloroplast signaling by 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate (PAP). Thus, RCD1 integrates organellar signaling from chloroplasts and mitochondria to establish transcriptional control over the metabolic processes in both organelles

    Viinien kaupallinen maahantuonti

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää mitä pitää ottaa huomioon, kun yritykset tuovat viiniä EU:sta ja EU:n ulkopuolelta Suomeen. Tämä opinnäytetyö voi toimia ohjeistuksena viiniä tuoville tuontiyrityksille. Viinien maahantuonnille on olemassa joukko erilaisia asiakirjoja, joita tuoja joutuu täyttämään lupien saamiseksi. Työn lopussa oleva Liite 1 kertoo kuvion avulla mitä maahantuojan on otettava huomioon ennen toiminnan alkamista. Työssä on kuvattu, mitä Suomen virastot vaativat viinien maahantuojalta. Työssä kerrotaan erilaisista asiakirjoista, luvista ja mistä niitä saa. Olennaiset asiakirjat on esitetty opinnäytetyön liitesivuilla. Työssä keskitytään myös alkoholijuoma- ja juomapakkausveroihin sekä pakkausmerkintöihin. Lopuksi käsitellään luomuviinien maahantuontia ja työssä tehtyjä johtopäätöksiä. Työn lopputuloksena on saatu kuvio (Liite1), mikä kertoo mitä Suomen virastot vaativat viinien maahantuojalta lupien saamiseksi. Kuviossa on eritelty tuonti EU:n alueelta sekä EU:n ulkopuolelta.The aim of this thesis was to research which documents companies need to import wine from the EU and outside the EU to Finland. This thesis gives basic information for the Finnish companies that are starting to import wine. There are plenty of documents which the importer needs to fill. Appendix 1 which can be found at the end of this thesis tells about those documents. The thesis begins with an introduction to Finnish authorities and which documents the importer must have in order to import wine. The most important documents are presented as appendices in this thesis. The thesis also focuses on alcohol- and packing taxes. The package labeling has also been described. At the end of the thesis organic wine and conclusions are presented. The result of the thesis is a figure where all important documents are presented