70 research outputs found

    Habitability on Mars from a Microbial Point of View

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    International audienceExtraterrestrial habitability is a complex notion. We briefly review what is known about the origin of life on Earth, that is, life based on carbon chemistry and water. We then discuss habitable conditions (past and present) for established life and for the survival of microorganisms. Based on these elements, we propose to use the term habitable only for conditions necessary for the origin of life, the proliferation of life, and the survival of life. Not covered by this term would be conditions necessary for prebiotic chemistry and conditions that would allow the recognition of extinct or hibernating life. Finally, we apply this concept to the potential emergence of life on Mars where suitable conditions for life to start, proliferate, and survive have been heterogeneous throughout its history. These considerations have a profound impact on the nature and distribution of eventual traces of martian life, or any precursor, and must therefore inform our search-for-life strategies. Key Words: Mars-- Microbial life--Punctuated habitabilit

    Habitability on Early Mars and the Search for Biosignatures with the ExoMars Rover

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    Finally, we would like to recognize the help and support of ESA, Roscosmos, the European states and agencies participating in the ExoMars program, and NASA. We really are doing this together for the benefit of all.The second ExoMars mission will be launched in 2020 to target an ancient location interpreted to have strong potential for past habitability and for preserving physical and chemical biosignatures (as well as abiotic/prebiotic organics). The mission will deliver a lander with instruments for atmospheric and geophysical investigations and a rover tasked with searching for signs of extinct life. The ExoMars rover will be equipped with a drill to collect material from outcrops and at depth down to 2 m. This subsurface sampling capability will provide the best chance yet to gain access to chemical biosignatures. Using the powerful Pasteur payload instruments, the ExoMars science team will conduct a holistic search for traces of life and seek corroborating geological context information.European Space AgencyRoscosmosExoMars programNational Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA

    Habitability on Early Mars and the Search for Biosignatures with the ExoMars Rover

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    The second ExoMars mission will be launched in 2020 to target an ancient location interpreted to have strong potential for past habitability and for preserving physical and chemical biosignatures (as well as abiotic/prebiotic organics). The mission will deliver a lander with instruments for atmospheric and geophysical investigations and a rover tasked with searching for signs of extinct life. The ExoMars rover will be equipped with a drill to collect material from outcrops and at depth down to 2 m. This subsurface sampling capability will provide the best chance yet to gain access to chemical biosignatures. Using the powerful Pasteur payload instruments, the ExoMars science team will conduct a holistic search for traces of life and seek corroborating geological context information. Key Words: Biosignatures—ExoMars—Landing sites—Mars rover—Search for life. Astrobiology 17, 471–510

    Common mental disorders prevalence among maritime workers of Rio de Janeiro

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    Objective: To describe the prevalence of common mental disorders among seafarers. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 316 employees in a water transport company. Research was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research under number CAAE 0271.0.258.258-11, data collection was conducted in 2012. The variable common mental disorder was investigated according to the Self Reporting Questionnaire. Results: It was found 14.24% of prevalence. It was noted that the depressed and anxious mood symptoms group was the most significant. Female gender, family income below average, high weekly working hours, self-reported stress, thinking of abandoning job, category machinery sailor, sedentary lifestyle and not smoking were associated with common mental disorder. Conclusion: The creation of occupational consistent projects is necessary, with multidisciplinary teams, in order to promote health and quality of life in the workplace and mental disorders reduction


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    O objetivo desse estudo é conhecer e discutir as concepções dos usuários hipertensos e diabéticos sobre a repercussão do grupo educativo no cuidado com a vida. Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa. O cenário do estudo foi numa unidade básica de saúde, no município de Niterói, RJ, em um grupo de adultos e idosos com hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus. A coleta de dados foi efetuada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 12 usuários, realizadas entre dezembro de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019. A técnica de análise foi de conteúdo tipo temática. O perfil sociodemográfico dos entrevistados aponta predominância da faixa etária de 60 a 70 anos (42%), em sua maioria do sexo feminino (58%), aposentados (75%) e casados (50%). Os resultados foram analisados e organizados nas seguintes categorias temáticas: grupo como promotor de vivências; grupo como formulador e mantenedor de relações com o serviço de saúde; grupo como promotor do autocuidado. Conclui-se que as concepções dos usuários evidenciam que a atividade no grupo em saúde repercute positivamente no bem-estar do usuário, melhora a socialização, integra o mesmo ao serviço de saúde. Por conseguinte, facilita o acesso aos serviços prestados, bem como estimula a corresponsabilidade no contexto do cuidado com a vida diante do lidar com as doenças crônicas. Enfim, o grupo apresenta repercussões relevantes na ampliação e na emancipação no cuidado com a vida, que se exerce de modo dialogado e interativo numa atividade de educação em saúde

    Identification of morphological biosignatures in martian analogue field specimens using in situ planetary instrumentation

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    We have investigated how morphological biosignatures (i.e., features related to life) might be identified with an array of viable instruments within the framework of robotic planetary surface operations at Mars. This is the first time such an integrated lab-based study has been conducted that incorporates space-qualified instrumentation designed for combined in situ imaging, analysis, and geotechnics (sampling). Specimens were selected on the basis of feature morphology, scale, and analogy to Mars rocks. Two types of morphological criteria were considered: potential signatures of extinct life (fossilized microbial filaments) and of extant life (crypto-chasmoendolithic microorganisms). The materials originated from a variety of topical martian analogue localities on Earth, including impact craters, high-latitude deserts, and hydrothermal deposits. Our in situ payload included a stereo camera, microscope, Mössbauer spectrometer, and sampling device (all space-qualified units from Beagle 2), and an array of commercial instruments, including a multi-spectral imager, an X-ray spectrometer (calibrated to the Beagle 2 instrument), a micro-Raman spectrometer, and a bespoke (custom-designed) X-ray diffractometer. All experiments were conducted within the engineering constraints of in situ operations to generate realistic data and address the practical challenges of measurement

    The WISDOM Radar: Unveiling the Subsurface Beneath the ExoMars Rover and Identifying the Best Locations for Drilling

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    The search for evidence of past or present life on Mars is the principal objective of the 2020 ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Rover mission. If such evidence is to be found anywhere, it will most likely be in the subsurface, where organic molecules are shielded from the destructive effects of ionizing radiation and atmospheric oxidants. For this reason, the ExoMars Rover mission has been optimized to investigate the subsurface to identify, understand, and sample those locations where conditions for the preservation of evidence of past life are most likely to be found. The Water Ice Subsurface Deposit Observation on Mars (WISDOM) ground-penetrating radar has been designed to provide information about the nature of the shallow subsurface over depth ranging from 3 to 10 m (with a vertical resolution of up to 3 cm), depending on the dielectric properties of the regolith. This depth range is critical to understanding the geologic evolution stratigraphy and distribution and state of subsurface H2O, which provide important clues in the search for life and the identification of optimal drilling sites for investigation and sampling by the Rover's 2-m drill. WISDOM will help ensure the safety and success of drilling operations by identification of potential hazards that might interfere with retrieval of subsurface samples

    PrevalĂŞncia de transtornos mentais comuns entre trabalhadores marĂ­timos do Rio de Janeiro Common mental disorders prevalence among maritime workers of Rio de Janeiro

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    Objetivo: descrever a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns entre trabalhadores marítimos. Método: trata-se de  estudo transversal realizado com 316 funcionários de empresa de transporte hidroviário. A pesquisa foi aprovada no CEP sob o  CAAE 0271.0.258.258-11, a coleta dos dados foi realizada em 2012. A variável transtorno mental comum foi investigada de acordo com o Self Reporting Questionnaire. Resultados: constatou-se a prevalência geral de 14,24%. Notou-se que o grupo de sintomas humor depressivo e ansioso foi o mais expressivo.  Sexo feminino, renda familiar abaixo da média, alta carga horária semanal, estresse autorreferido, pensamento de abandono do emprego, categoria marinheiro de máquinas, sedentarismo e não tabagismo mostraram-se associados ao desfecho. Conclusão: é necessária a criação de projetos ocupacionais consistentes, com equipes multidisciplinares, tendo em vista a promoção da saúde e qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho e a redução de transtornos mentais

    PrevalĂŞncia de transtornos mentais comuns entre trabalhadores marĂ­timos do Rio de Janeiro Common mental disorders prevalence among maritime workers of Rio de Janeiro

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    Objetivo: descrever a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns entre trabalhadores marítimos. Método: trata-se de  estudo transversal realizado com 316 funcionários de empresa de transporte hidroviário. A pesquisa foi aprovada no CEP sob o  CAAE 0271.0.258.258-11, a coleta dos dados foi realizada em 2012. A variável transtorno mental comum foi investigada de acordo com o Self Reporting Questionnaire. Resultados: constatou-se a prevalência geral de 14,24%. Notou-se que o grupo de sintomas humor depressivo e ansioso foi o mais expressivo.  Sexo feminino, renda familiar abaixo da média, alta carga horária semanal, estresse autorreferido, pensamento de abandono do emprego, categoria marinheiro de máquinas, sedentarismo e não tabagismo mostraram-se associados ao desfecho. Conclusão: é necessária a criação de projetos ocupacionais consistentes, com equipes multidisciplinares, tendo em vista a promoção da saúde e qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho e a redução de transtornos mentais
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