1,408 research outputs found

    Antifungal Activity of Brazilian Medicinal Plants against Candida Species

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    Due to the resistance of Candida sp. to the usual antifungal, the demand for active principles found in the plants has been the target of diverse studies around the world. There are few in vivo and human studies on the antifungal activity of medicinal plants in the mouth. Native and imported medicinal plants, used by the Brazilian population for traditional medicine use, are the subject of study in this chapter. Thirty-eight Brazilian plants were related to information on species, family, name, used part, and medical indication of popular use. All the species mentioned had their extracts tested in vitro against C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, among other species that occur more frequently in the mouth. In the articles consulted, there is a great variation in Candida species tested and in minimum inhibitory concentration. The in vitro studies serve as information for the continuity of studies on the best performing plants, validate the popular belief about the use, and provide subsidies for the development of new products that are effective in the control of oral and systemic candidiasis and that are cheap and accessible for the population

    “Não foi isso que planejei para minha vida” : ocupações de empregadas domésticas que moram no local de trabalho

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    Introdução No Brasil, aproximadamente 20% das mulheres são trabalhadores domésticas. O trabalho doméstico tem uma natureza restritiva, que pode resultar em privação ocupacional e marginalização ocupacional. Esse é possivelmente o caso das trabalhadoras domésticas brasileiras que moram no local de trabalho. Objetivo Identificar quais são as experiências cotidianas de participação em ocupações destas mulheres. Método Um estudo qualitativo, de abordagem fenomenológica foi desenvolvido, 5 participantes foram selecionadas no Plano Piloto, em Brasília, DF, Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada por entrevistas e analisadas usando Systematic Text Condensation. Resultados A análise dos dados levou a um tema e duas categorias. O tema ‘agarrada em ser empregada doméstica’ descreve as constantes confrontações e tensões vividas em suas vidas cotidianas. Essas experiências de lutas em ser empregada doméstica constituem as duas categorias: (i) ‘pertencendo ao papel de trabalhadora’ e (ii) ‘exceções, uma tática de negociação de empregadores’. Conclusão Nosso trabalho contribui para uma perspectiva crítica da ocupação. Nosso foco em como fatores históricos, sociais e políticos contribuem para criação de ambientes opressivos que resultam em um processo de marginalização da condição de empregada doméstica.Introduction In Brazil, nearly 20% of women in the country are domestic workers. Domestic work has a restrictive nature that can lead to occupational deprivation and occupational marginalization. This may be the case of live-in domestic workers in Brazil. Objective Our research question was: What are Brazilian domestic workers' experiences in participating in their occupations in everyday life? Method A qualitative phenomenological was carried out and thought purposive sampling 5 participants were selected in the Plano Piloto region, Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Data was collected through face-face interviews and analyzed using Systematic Text Condensation. Results The data analysis yielded one theme and two categories. The theme, Grappling with being a domestic worker, described the domestic workers ongoing confrontations and tensions experienced in their daily lives. This experience of wresting with the influence of being a domestic worker was constituted through two categories, namely a sense of 'Belonging to the labor role' and 'Exceptionalism: a employers' negotiation tactic'. Conclusion Our work contributes to a critical perspective of occupation. We focus on how historical, social and political factors contribute to creating oppressive environments that influences domestic workers as people who are part of a marginalized group. This occurs in the way that their occupations are constructed in their doing in every-day life

    Isolamento e caracterização de fibroblastos gengivais positivos para fosfatase alcalina de pacientes portadores de periodontite crônica e hiperplasia gengival medicamentosa

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in gingival fibroblasts from individuals with chronic periodontitis (CP) and drug-induced gingival hyperplasia (DGH) induced by diphenylhydantoin. METHODS: Gingival fragments were obtained from 13 patients (8 women and 5 men, from 22 to 74 years of age), with 4 fragments from clinically normal gingiva (NG), 5 from biopsy of periodontal pockets with CP, and 4 from DGH induced by diphenylhydantoin. Using an enzymatic digestion procedure, gingival cell suspensions containing ALP-positive fibroblasts were prepared without affecting ALP activity. Cytochemistry and histochemistry analyses were performed. RESULTS: Fibroblasts from NG presented low levels of ALP when compared to CP and DGH, which showed elevated and intermediate levels of ALP, respectively. Little cell proliferation was observed for fibroblasts from CP and DGH as compared to NG. However, the quantity of cells recovered from the subcultures was similar to the quantity recovered from the initial cell culture for the three sources. CONCLUSION: The expression of ALP is increased in CP and DGH, and fibroblasts in CP and DGH show low proliferation. This suggests that periodontal inflammation and diphenylhydantoin may influence ALP expression and human gingival fibroblast expansion. Other studies are necessary to better assess the importance of ALP in the development and progression of CP and DGH.OBJETIVO: Investigar a expressão da atividade de fosfatase alcalina (ALP) em fibroblastos gengivais de sujeitos com periodontite crônica (PC) e hiperplasia gengival medicamentosa (HGM) induzida por difenilhidantoína. METODOLOGIA: Os fragmentos gengivais foram obtidos de 13 pacientes (8 mulheres e 5 homens, 22 a 74 anos), sendo 4 fragmentos procedentes de gengiva clinicamente normal (GN), 5 de biópsias de bolsas periodontais com PC e 4 de HGM induzida pela difenilhidantoína. Através de digestão enzimática, suspensões de células gengivais foram preparadas contendo fibroblastos ALP-positivos sem afetar a atividade da enzima ALP. Análises citoquímica e histoquímica foram realizadas. RESULTADOS: Fibroblastos de GN apresentaram fraca positividade para ALP quando comparados com PC e HGM. PC e HGM exibiram níveis elevados e intermediários, respectivamente, de ALP. Observou-se menor proliferação celular na cultura de células em PC e HGM que em GN. Entretanto, a quantidade de células recuperadas das sub-culturas foi similar à quantidade recuperada na cultura inicial para as três linhagens. CONCLUSÕES: A expressão de ALP na PC e na HGM encontra-se aumentada e ocorre baixa proliferação de fibroblastos na PC e na HGM. Isto sugere que a inflamação periodontal e a difenilhidantoína podem influenciar a expressão de ALP e a multiplicação de fibroblastos gengivais humanos. Outros estudos são necessários para melhor avaliar a importância de ALP no desenvolvimento e na progressão de PC e HGM.545

    Can high altitude influence cytokines and sleep?

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    The number of persons who relocate to regions of high altitude for work, pleasure, sport, or residence increases every year. It is known that the reduced supply of oxygen (O-2) induced by acute or chronic increases in altitude stimulates the body to adapt to new metabolic challenges imposed by hypoxia. Sleep can suffer partial fragmentation because of the exposure to high altitudes, and these changes have been described as one of the responsible factors for the many consequences at high altitudes. We conducted a review of the literature during the period from 1987 to 2012. This work explored the relationships among inflammation, hypoxia and sleep in the period of adaptation and examined a novel mechanism that might explain the harmful effects of altitude on sleep, involving increased Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production from several tissues and cells, such as leukocytes and cells from skeletal muscle and brain.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psicobiol, São Paulo, BrazilCEPE, São Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Dept Biociencias, BR-11030400 Santos, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Estudos Psicobiol & Exercicio, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Judas Tadeu, Lab Movimento Humano, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med, Inst Coracao InCor, Unidade Hipertensao, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psicobiol, São Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Dept Biociencias, BR-11030400 Santos, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Estudos Psicobiol & Exercicio, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Osteoradionecrosis prevalence and associated factors : a ten years retrospective study

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    Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is one of the most serious complications of head and neck radiotherapy and is considered a public health problem worldwide. This study aims to determine the prevalence and associated factors of ORN in patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck malignancy. A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted, in which all medical records of patients undergoing head and neck radiation in the period between 2006 to 2015 (10 years) were examined. Clinical and demographic data were extracted. Multivariate Poisson regression analysis with robust variance was employed to access the relationship between ORN and independent variables (p<0.05; 95% CI). The sample comprised 413 medical records of patients undergoing radiotherapy. The prevalence of ORN was 9.7 %. Most participants were males (78.2%). The mean age of subjects was 55 years (± 14 years). The mandible was the main site of occurrence of ORN (85.0%). The following variables were associated with ORN : presence of oral mucositis (PR = 3.03; 95% CI: 1.30-7.03), history of smoking (PR = 0.23; 95% CI: 0.07-0.74), number of teeth removed before radiotherapy (PR = 1.06; 95% CI: 1.01-1.11) and visit to the dentist before radiation (PR = 0.08; 95% CI: 1.02-1.11). The prevalence of ORN was low and was associated with the presence of oral mucositis and the number of removed teeth before radiation. Visiting the dentist before radiotherapy and stop-ping smoking were protective factors for ORN

    Influência de tensoativo na liberação de própolis de cimentos ionoméricos modificados em diferentes períodos de tempo.

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the influence of a surfactant on the release of propolis from a modified ionomeric cement at different periods. Methods: Twenty test specimens were made with propolis modified glass ionomer powder. To obtain the modified powder, 20% of green propolis (Propolis Pharmanéctar - Belo Horizonte - MG) was incorporated into the powder of the glass ionomer, and then homogenized. The modified powder and the liquid of the ionomer were used in group A, and in group B, in addition to the modified powder, the liquid was added a surfactant (50% alcohol). As a negative control, specimens were prepared without the presence of propolis, and as a positive control the pure propolis. The release was measured at 1h, 2h, 4h, 24h, 7 days, 15 days and 30 days using a spectrophotometer. Measurements were performed at 300nm length, and the results were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey’s test (p = 0.05). Results: The results indicated that the release was significantly higher at 24 hours (mean of 166.6μg for group A and 118.9μg for group B) and 7 days (Group A: 134.4μg; Group B: 168μg); when compared to the other periods studied. Conclusion: The release of propolis varied significantly as a function of the release time, with propolis release peaks in the periods of 24 hours and 7 days. The use of a surfactant solution altered the release pattern without altering the final amount of propolis released.Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro a influência de um tensoativo na liberação de própolis de um cimento ionomérico modificado, em diferentes períodos de tempo. Métodos:  Vinte corpos-de-prova foram confeccionados e divididos em dois grupos, sendo que no grupo A foi utilizado o pó modificado e o líquido do ionômero e no grupo B além do pó modificado e o líquido foi adicionado um tensoativo (álcool 50%). A liberação foi mensurada nos tempos de 1h, 2h,4h, 24h, 7 dias, 15 dias e 30 dias através de um espectrofotômetro. As mensurações foram realizadas no comprimento de 300nm, e os resultados submetidos à análise de variância (p=0,05). Resultados: Os resultados apontaram que a liberação foi significativamente maior nos tempos de 24 horas (média de 166,6µg para o grupo A e 118,9µg para grupo B) e 7 dias (Grupo A:134,4µg; Grupo B:168µg), quando comparado aos demais períodos estudados.  Conclusão:  A própolis incorporada ao cimento ionomérico modificado foi liberada, sendo sua liberação influenciada pelo período de liberação, e não havendo diferença significante em função do uso ou não de tensoativo

    Including drugs and social vulnerability subjects in academic training through university extension project: the case of the University of Brasilia, Campus Ceilândia

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    Esse artigo tem como intuito apresentar a percepção dos participantes do Projeto de Extensão Roda de debate sobre crack, outras drogas e vulnerabilidades associadas, realizado na comunidade acadêmica com o objetivo de contribuir para criar, aperfeiçoar e constituir uma relação de comunicação constante e vinculada entre a universidade e a sociedade sobre o tema “drogas”. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa de caráter misto sequencial, de amostra aleatória, com resultados quantitativos (obtidos por questionários de auto-relato dos alunos) e qualitativos (obtidos com auxílio de entrevista semiestruturada com mediador). Os resultados demonstraram, tanto na percepção discente quanto do mediador, que esse tipo de iniciativa gera conhecimento ao estudante da universidade sobre o tema e contribui na formação acadêmica. Pode-se concluir que a atividade de extensão foi considerada um espaço para desenvolver e estimular o conhecimento, além de auxiliar na formação acadêmica dos universitários, permitindo aos estudantes a reflexão crítica sobre o tema.This article aims to present and discuss the university extension project towards the academic community, entitled Roda de debate sobre crack, outras drogas e vulnerabilidades associadas, whose goal is to create, improve and support the dialogue between university and society over several issues on drugs.To this end, data was collected among participants, using a combined methodology of quantitative (self-report questionnaires) and qualitative (semi-structured interview by a mediator) perspectives. The results indicate that both students and mediators found that such activity increase general knowledge over drug issues among students, as well as contribute to academic training. In conclusion, this university extension activity was considered as a successful alternative to develop and stimulate knowledge and critical reflection

    Clinical Evidence of the Efficacy of a Mouthwash Containing Propolis for the Control of Plaque and Gingivitis: A Phase II Study

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    The aim of this study was to evidence the clinical efficacy of an alcohol-free mouthwash containing 5.0% (W/V) Brazilian green propolis (MGP 5%) for the control of plaque and gingivitis. Twenty five subjects, men and women aging between 18 and 60 years old (35 ± 9), were included in a clinical trials phase II study who had a minimum of 20 sound natural teeth, a mean plaque index of at least 1.5 (PI), and a mean gingival index of at least 1.0 (GI). They were instructed to rinse with 10 mL of mouthwash test for 1 minute, immediately after brushing in the morning and at night. After 45 and 90 days using mouthwash, the results showed a significant reduction in plaque and in gingival index when compared to samples obtained in baseline. These reductions were at 24% and 40%, respectively (P < .5). There were no important side effects in soft and hard tissues of the mouth. In this study, the MGP 5% showed evidence of its efficacy in reducing PI and GI. However, it is necessary to perform a clinical trial, double-blind, randomized to validate such effectiveness