186 research outputs found

    Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content in human ovarian cancers.

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    A total of 155 samples from 101 patients with ovarian cancer were investigated using flow cytometry to evaluate the DNA index and the percentage of cells in the various cell cycle phases. Thirty-four samples were DNA diploid tumours, while the other 121 were DNA aneuploid tumours. The DNA index was very stable in different sites and over time in the same patient. Tumour stage and ploidy were significantly associated: stages III and IV tumour stage were more likely to be DNA aneuploid. Patients with residual tumour size at first surgery greater than 2 cm had a significantly larger number of DNA aneuploid than DNA diploid tumours. The DNA index was also related to the degree of differentiation of the tumours. The percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle was significantly higher in DNA aneuploid and in poorly differentiated tumours than DNA diploid and well differentiated tumours. Multivariate analysis using the Cox model showed that the DNA index and the percentage of cells in S phase were not independent prognostic variables in this study. Prospectively collected data should be accumulated before assigning the DNA index an important role as a biological prognostic factor in ovarian cancer

    Surface perfluoroalkyl chains segregation : a tool for reducing calcium deposits in medical grade poly(methyl methacrylate)

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    Intraocular lenses can be manufactured from a wide variety of polymers, but due to the lost cost associated with the use of Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), it is still the preferred material used in the developing countries. However, a major drawback to its use is the build-up of calcium containing deposits that are formed on the intraocular lens over a period of time. In an attempt to hinder this deposition, surface modification of medical grade PMMA has been carried out using perfluoroalkyl chain (1,2,4-trifluoro-3- (C10F21CH2O)-7-(N,N)-dimethylaminoacridine) segregation. The segregation was explored using a 1% 1,2,4-trifluoro-3-(C10F21CH2O)-7-(N,N)-dimethyla- minoacridine in two methods: film casting and spin-coating, a thin film onto preformed PMMA discs. Both methods were compared against control PMMA to determine which method provided the best hindrance against calcium containing deposits when immersed in a simulated aqueous humour solution. Characterisation of the surface using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy; dispersive x-ray analysis indicated that the surface segregation of perfluoroalkyl chains had hindered calcification in both methods. This pleminary research shows promising results of employing perfluoroalkyl chains in the surface segregation of biomaterials that can be employed in intraocular lenses

    Highly enantioselective “inherently chiral” electroactive materials based on a 2,2' -biindole atropisomeric scaffold

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    Chiral oligothiophene monomers with C2 symmetry, based on 3,30 -bithiophene atropisomeric cores with high racemization barriers, have recently been shown to provide excellent chiral starting materials with high electroactivity for the easy preparation of enantiopure electroactive films endowed with powerful chirality manifestations. We now introduce an inherently chiral monomer based on a 2,20 -biindole core, as the prototype of a new inherently chiral monomer family, whose properties could be modulable through functionalization of the pyrrolic N atoms. By fast, regular electrooligomerization the new monomer yields inherently chiral films with high, reversible electroactivity and, above all, impressive enantioselectivity towards very different chiral probes, some of pharmaceutical interest, as generalscope electrode surfaces. Such results, while opening the way to a new, attractive inherently chiral selector class, nicely confirm the general validity of the inherent chirality strategy for chiral electrochemistry. Furthermore, the enantioselectivity of the new selectors not only holds with electroactive chiral probes, but also with circularly polarized light components as well as electron spins, resulting in good chiroptical and spin filter performances, which suggests fascinating correlations between the three contexts

    Experimentally induced and real-world anxiety have no demonstrable effect on goal-directed behaviour.

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    BACKGROUND: Goal-directed control guides optimal decision-making and it is an important cognitive faculty that protects against developing habits. Previous studies have found some evidence of goal-directed deficits when healthy individuals are stressed, and in psychiatric conditions characterised by compulsive behaviours and anxiety. Here, we tested if goal-directed control is affected by state anxiety, which might explain the former results. METHODS: We carried out a causal test of this hypothesis in two experiments (between-subject N = 88; within-subject N = 50) that used the inhalation of hypercapnic gas (7.5% CO2) to induce an acute state of anxiety in healthy volunteers. In a third experiment (N = 1413), we used a correlational design to test if real-life anxiety-provoking events (panic attacks, stressful events) are associated with impaired goal-directed control. RESULTS: In the former two causal experiments, we induced a profoundly anxious state, both physiologically and psychologically, but this did not affect goal-directed performance. In the third, correlational, study, we found no evidence for an association between goal-directed control, panic attacks or stressful life eventsover and above variance accounted for by trait differences in compulsivity. CONCLUSIONS: In sum, three complementary experiments found no evidence that anxiety impairs goal-directed control in human subjects.Research was funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award (TW Robbins 106431/Z/14/Z) and a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (CM Gillan 101521/Z/12/Z). CM Gillan is supported by a fellowship from MQ: transforming mental health (MQ16IP13). AB Brühl was supported by a fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF PASMP3-145749). FH Hezemans is supported by a Cambridge Trust Vice-Chancellor’s Award and Fitzwilliam College scholarship and was previously supported by an Erasmus scholarship. G Savulich was funded by The Wallitt Foundation and Eton College, with support from the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Mental Health theme

    PRS72 How Much Would the Universal Uptake of Gold Recommendations for Italian COPD Patients Cost?

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    Impact on Prehospital Delay of a Stroke Preparedness Campaign: A SW-RCT (Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial)

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    Background and Purpose—Public campaigns to increase stroke preparedness have been tested in different contexts, showing contradictory results. We evaluated the effectiveness of a stroke campaign, designed specifically for the Italian population in reducing prehospital delay. Methods—According to an SW-RCT (Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial) design, the campaign was launched in 4 provinces in the northern part of the region Emilia Romagna at 3-month intervals in randomized sequence. The units of analysis were the patients admitted to hospital, with stroke and transient ischemic attack, over a time period of 15 months, beginning 3 months before the intervention was launched in the first province to allow for baseline data collection. The proportion of early arrivals (within 2 hours of symptom onset) was the primary outcome. Thrombolysis rate and some behavioral end points were the secondary outcomes. Data were analyzed using a fixed-effect model, adjusting for cluster and time trends. Results—We enrolled 1622 patients, 912 exposed and 710 nonexposed to the campaign. The proportion of early access was nonsignificantly lower in exposed patients (354 [38.8%] versus 315 [44.4%]; adjusted odds ratio, 0.81; 95% confidence interval, 0.60–1.08; P=0.15). As for secondary end points, an increase was found for stroke recognition, which approximated but did not reach statistical significance (P=0.07). Conclusions—Our campaign was not effective in reducing prehospital delay. Even if some limitations of the intervention, mainly in terms of duration, are taken into account, our study demonstrates that new communication strategies should be tested before large-scale implementation. Clinical Trial Registration—URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01881152

    The effects of acute serotonin challenge on executive planning in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), their first-degree relatives, and healthy controls

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    © 2020 Springer-Verlag. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-020-05597-7.Rationale: OCD is characterized by executive function impairment and by clinical responsivity to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Executive planning deficits constitute a candidate endophenotype for OCD. It is not known whether this endophenotype is responsive to acute serotonin manipulation. Objective: To investigate the effects of acute SSRI administration on executive function in patients with OCD, first-degree relatives of patients with OCD and healthy controls. Methods: A randomized double-blind crossover study assessed the effects of single dose escitalopram (20mg) and placebo on executive planning in 24 patients with OCD, 13 clinically unaffected first-degree relatives of patients with OCD and 28 healthy controls. Performance on a Tower of London task measuring executive planning was assessed 4 hours after oral administration of the pharmacological challenge / placebo, and compared across and within groups using a mixed model ANOVA. Results: On the outcome measure of interest, i.e. the mean number of choices to obtain the correct solution, there was a marginally significant effect of group (F(2, 59)=3.1; p=0.052), with patients (Least square [LS] mean: 1.43; Standard Error [SE]: 0.06; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.31-1.55) and their relatives (LS mean: 1.46; SE: 0.08; 95% CI, 1.30-1.62) performing worse than matched healthy controls (LS mean: 1.26; SE: 0.05; 95% CI, 1.15-1.37) on placebo. There was a trend towards a significant group x treatment interaction (F(2, 58)=2.8, p=0.069), with post hoc tests showing (i) patients (p=0.009; LS mean difference: 0.23; SE: 0.08) and relatives (p=0.03; LS mean difference: 0.22; SE: 0.10) were more impaired compared to controls and (ii) escitalopram was associated with improved executive planning in patients with OCD (p=0.013; LS mean difference: 0.1; SE: 0.04), but not other groups (both p>0.1; controls: LS mean difference: -0.03; SE: 0.04; relatives: LS mean difference: 0.02; SE: 0.05). Conclusion: Our findings are consistent with a view that there is impaired executive planning in OCD, and that this constitutes a behavioral endophenotype. In patients with OCD, but not in relatives, acute SSRI administration ameliorated this deficit. Further investigation is needed to understand common and differential involvement of neurochemical systems in patients with OCD and their relatives.Peer reviewe

    Brain-behaviour modes of covariation in healthy and clinically depressed young people.

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    Understanding how variations in dimensions of psychometrics, IQ and demographics relate to changes in brain connectivity during the critical developmental period of adolescence and early adulthood is a major challenge. This has particular relevance for mental health disorders where a failure to understand these links might hinder the development of better diagnostic approaches and therapeutics. Here, we investigated this question in 306 adolescents and young adults (14-24 y, 25 clinically depressed) using a multivariate statistical framework, based on canonical correlation analysis (CCA). By linking individual functional brain connectivity profiles to self-report questionnaires, IQ and demographic data we identified two distinct modes of covariation. The first mode mapped onto an externalization/internalization axis and showed a strong association with sex. The second mode mapped onto a well-being/distress axis independent of sex. Interestingly, both modes showed an association with age. Crucially, the changes in functional brain connectivity associated with changes in these phenotypes showed marked developmental effects. The findings point to a role for the default mode, frontoparietal and limbic networks in psychopathology and depression.Wellcome Trus
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