160 research outputs found

    Mobile Instant Messaging: Whatsapp and its Potential to Develop Oral Skills

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    This study investigates the benefits of Mobile Mediated Communication (MMC) to develop oral skills in second-language learners. A total of 80 Spanish students taking a B1 English course at the University of Almería were studied in this research. According to treatment type, subjects were divided in two groups, experimental and control. A “Whatsapp” group was created where 40 of these students participated in a daily interaction during six months. The samples collected in the application as well as a speaking were used to measure the students’ degree of oral development and the type and triggers of the language related episodes (LRE) given rise to mobile chat-based oral interaction. This study focuses on such interaction and seeks to measure the students’ degree of oral development through a mixed analysis approach. A temporal axis is used to measure the differences between the groups studied. Significant improvements in term of oral proficiency were observed in the experimental group and negotiations were the LRE most common throughout the activity. It is worth mention that Mobile learning offers an environment where learners can ubiquitously negotiate meaning, reflect and evaluate on their own performance through authentic interaction and feedback, constituting a powerful tool for developing second language proficiency

    Das AltersTraumaZentrum DGU - Ergebnisse der Pilotphase eines prospektiven Patientenregisters

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    Hintergrund Mit steigendem Alter wächst das Frakturrisiko, immer häufiger kommt es zu operationsbedürftigen Verletzungen von generell oft sehr multimorbiden Patienten. Die meisten dieser Frakturen sind osteoporose- assoziiert, wobei diese häufig nicht diagnostiziert und somit auch nicht behandelt wird. Zur Verbesserung der Versorgung dieser komplexen geriatrisch- traumatologischen Patienten wurde im Jahr 2014 das AltersTraumaRegister DGU® gegründet. Seit 2014 können sich Kliniken, in denen interdisziplinär unfallchirurgisch- geriatrische Patienten behandelt werden, als AltersTraumaZentrum DGU® zertifizieren. Für die Messung der Behandlungsqualität in den Zentren wurde das AltersTraumaRegister DGU aufgebaut. Patienten und Methoden Es wurden 118 Patienten mit proximaler Femurfraktur oder implantatassoziierter Fraktur sowie einem Alter von über 70 Jahren eingeschlossen. Erfasst wurden verschiedene Parameter bezüglich der Patientencharakteristika, der Behandlung sowie der Ergebnisse. Die Ermittlung der Lebensqualität erfolgte mittels EQ- 5D in der ersten postoperativen Woche. Ergebnisse Die operative Versorgung erfolgte bei 87% der Patienten innerhalb von 24Std. Die spezifische Osteoporosetherapie konnte im stationären Verlauf von 4 auf 63 Patienten gesteigert werden. Die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität war in der ersten postoperativen noch stark erniedrigt. Schlussfolgerung Gemessen an den Behandlungsparametern „Operationszeitpunkt“ sowie „Einleitung einer Osteoporosetherapie“ scheint die Behandlung an den Zentren erfolgreich zu sein. Zur besseren Bewertung der Ergebnisqualität in den AltersTraumaZentren DGU® ist aber die Etablierung einer Nachuntersuchung im AltersTraumaRegister DGU essenziell, welche in bereits zertifizierten AltersTraumaZentren DGU routinemäßig nach 120 Tagen durchgeführt wird

    Treatment of Retinopathy of Prematurity with topical ketorolac tromethamine: a preliminary study

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    BACKGROUND: Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a common retinal neovascular disorder of premature infants. It is of variable severity, usually heals with mild or no sequelae, but may progress to blindness from retinal detachments or severe retinal scar formation. This is a preliminary report of the effectiveness and safety of a new and original use of topical ketorolac in preterm newborn to prevent the progression of ROP to the more severe forms of this disease. METHODS: From January 2001 to December 2002, all fifty nine preterm newborns with birthweight less than 1250 grams or gestational age less than 30 weeks of gestational age admitted to neonatal intensive care were eligible for treatment with topical ketorolac (0.25 milligrams every 8 hours in each eye). The historical comparison group included all 53 preterm newborns, with the same inclusion criteria, admitted between January 1999 and December 2000. RESULTS: Groups were comparable in terms of weight distribution, Apgar score at 5 minutes, incidence of sepsis, intraventricular hemorrhage and necrotizing enterocolitis. The duration of oxygen therapy was significantly longer in the control group. In the ketorolac group, among 43 children that were alive at discharge, one (2.3%) developed threshold ROP and cryotherapy was necessary. In the comparison group 35 children survived, and six child (17%) needed cryotherapy (Relative Risk 0.14, 95%CI 0.00 to 0.80, p = 0.041). Adjusting by duration of oxygen therapy did not significantly change these results. Adverse effects attributable to ketorolac were not detected. CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary report suggests that ketorolac in the form of an ophthalmic solution can reduce the risk of developing severe ROP in very preterm newborns, without producing significant adverse side effects. These results, although promising, should be interpreted with caution because of the weakness of the study design. This is an inexpensive and simple intervention that might ameliorate the progression of a disease with devastating consequences for children and their families. We believe that next logical step would be to assess the effectiveness of this intervention in a randomized controlled trial of adequate sample size

    Effect of sewage sludge or compost on the sorption and distribution of cooper and cadmium in soil

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    The application of biosolids such as sewage sludge is a concern, because of the potential release of toxic metals after decomposition of the organic matter. The effect of application of sewage sludge (Sw) and compost (C) to the soil (S) on the Cu and Cd sorption, distribution and the quality of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the soil, was investigated under controlled conditions. Visible spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy, sorption isotherms (simple and competitive sorption systems), and sequential extraction methods were used. The E4/E6 (k at 465 and 665 nm) ratio and the infrared spectra (IR) of DOM showed an aromatic behaviour in compost–soil (C–S); in contrast sewage sludge–soil (Sw–S) showed an aliphatic behaviour. Application of either Sw or C increased the Cu sorption capacity of soil. The Cd sorption decreased only in soil with a competitive metal system. The availability of Cu was low due to its occurrence in the acid soluble fraction (F3). The Cu concentration varied in accordance with the amounts of Cu added. The highest Cd concentration was found in the exchangeable fraction (F2). The Sw and C applications did not increase the Cd availability in the soil

    Statistical Characterization of the Chunk Size Distribution in DASH

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    We present a statistical characterization of the segment size distribution of video streaming services based on dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH). We first obtain the empirical distributions from traffic captures of available data sets encoded with different quality and segment size duration. Then, we determine the distributions that provide a better fit to the empirical data. We show that Weibull and truncated logistic distributions are adequate to modeling the chunk size distributions for a wide range of video qualities and segment size duration. Results are used to develop a source model for DASH traffic, implementing a synthetic generator of DASH-like video traces.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto Plan Nacional (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) TEC2016-80090-C2-1-R, y Universidad de Malag

    Ética y actividad empresarial / los valores éticos de los empresarios algarveños

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    Los objetivos que perseguimos con este trabajo de investigación son: conocer el significado de la ética empresarial, así como poner de manifiesto las ventajas competitivas que pueden desprenderse de la gestión ética y los problemas a los que se enfrenta la misma. Y a través del estudio empírico conocer la importancia que los gestores algarveños confieren a los valores éticos con relación a otro tipo de valores de naturaleza no ética.The main objective of this study is to present on the one hand, the meaning of business ethics and to show the competitive advantages of ethic management, and on the other hand, some results of a survey made near the executive directors of the algarvian companies about ethic values versus some another non ethics values

    Evaluación de cinco láminas de riego en el cultivo de cannabis (cannabis sp.) bajo invernadero en el Campus Salache – UTC, cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi, 2022-2023.

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    Hemp (Cannabis sp) is a plant with many lights and shadows that helps to restore soils contaminated with heavy metals. It has been proven that this plant has the property of absorbing and accumulating nickel, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper and chromium. in their tissues, especially in their leaves. The main objective of this research work is to evaluate the application of five irrigation sheets in the cultivation of cannabis (Cannabis sp.) under a greenhouse on the Salache - UTC campus, Latacunga canton, Cotopaxi province, 2022-2023. The treatments consisted of applying a lamina with 100% crop evapotranspiration (control), a 110% excess lamina and three deficient laminas 90%, 80% and 70% of crop evapotranspiration (Etc), under localized high-frequency irrigation. in the cultivation of Cannabis sp. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with 5 repetitions under greenhouse conditions. The results allowed to identify the phenological phases and vegetative development. The Cannabis sp crop during its vegetative development was affected by whitefly and nitrogen deficiency. The analysis of variance and Tukey's test at 5% determined that there are no significant differences in the growth and diameter of the stem at 30, 60 and 92 days of the crop. That is, the applications of the five sheets do not influence the vegetative development of the Cannabis sp crop up to 92 days. A substrate for the development of Cannabis sp is recommended in a mixture of coconut fiber: 25%, blonde peat: 45%, perlite: 10%, earthworm humus: 10% and biocompost: 10%.El cáñamo (Cannabis sp) es una planta con muchas luces y sombras que ayuda a la restauración de suelos contaminados con metales pesados, se ha comprobado que esta planta tiene la propiedad de absorber y acumular níquel, plomo, cadmio, cinc, cobre y cromo en sus tejidos, especialmente en sus hojas. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la aplicación de cinco láminas de riego en el cultivo de cannabis (cannabis sp.) bajo invernadero en el campus Salache – UTC, cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi, 2022-2023”. Los tratamientos consistieron en aplicar una lámina al 100% de evapotranspiración de cultivo (testigo), una lámina en exceso 110% y tres láminas deficitarias 90%, 80% y 70% de evapotranspiración de cultivo (Etc), bajo riego localizado de alta frecuencia en el cultivo de Cannabis sp. El diseño experimental fue de bloques completamente al azar con 5 repeticiones bajo invernadero. Los resultados permitieron identificar las fases fenológicas y desarrollo vegetativo. El cultivo de cannabis sp durante su desarrollo vegetativo se vio afectado por la mosca blanca y déficit de nitrógeno. El análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey al 5% determinó que no existen diferencias significativas en el crecimiento y diámetro del tallo a los 30, 60 y 92 días del cultivo. Es decir, las aplicaciones de las cinco láminas no influyen en el desarrollo vegetativo del cultivo de cannabis sp hasta los 92 días. Se recomienda un sustrato para el desarrollo de cannabis sp en una mezcla de fibra de coco: 25%, turba rubia: 45%, perlita: 10%, humus de lombriz: 10% y biocompost: 10%

    Finanzas Valoración de la viabilidad financiera de la inversión por la compra de un eduficio para la Institución Ingles para todos para el periodo 2019

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    En el presente trabajo, se abordó la temática de Finanzas específicamente la valoración de la viabilidad de la inversión de la compra de un edificio para la Institución “Ingles para todos S.A.” proyectado para el periodo 2019 La Institución se encuentra en un momento de crecimiento por lo que las instalaciones en donde estaban ubicados no daban abasto a las necesidades de los clientes, se necesitaba más espacio para llevar a cabo las actividades diarias de la Institución. La solución analizada a esta problemática era la compra de un edificio con el fin de abastecer las necesidades de la Institución y seguir con la línea de crecimiento. Se llevó a cabo el marco conceptual, el cual sirvió como guía para la correcta y sistemática forma de llevar cabo la inversión económica. Del cual se obtuvo información imprescindible. Con el caso práctico se estudió la liquidez de esta Institución lo cual fue clave para definir los indicadores de su bienestar financiero que, en última instancia, permite conocer la sostenibilidad del negocio. Lo cual definió las pautas a seguir y las opciones que se tenían para el proyecto. El presente estudio está enmarcado en el tipo de investigación proyectiva fundamentada en el estudio financiero de inversión, requerimos una serie de presupuestos como el de inversión, financiamiento el flujo de caja y los estados financieros proyectados con una línea de crecimiento del 10 % anual