336 research outputs found

    The Ability of Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus polyphemus) To Detect Changes in Temperature

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    Previous studies have suggested that horseshoe crabs prefer warm water, suggesting that they may be able to detect changes in water temperature. The overall goal of this study was to test this hypothesis. Our specific objectives were to: 1) find out if horseshoe crabs can detect temperature changes; 2) determine the magnitude of temperature change they can detect, and; 3) determine whether their temperature receptors are located internally or externally. Animals were placed in a light-tight chamber that received a constant flow of cooled seawater. Their heart rates were continuously recorded and a change in heart rate following the addition of warmer water was used as an indicator that they sensed the change in temperature. The results showed that 50% of horseshoe crabs responded to a temperature change of 1°C, while 100% responded to a temperature change of 2.6°C. Over half of the horseshoe crabs also responded to a rate of temperature change of less than 1.5°C. Both of these results indicate that horseshoe crabs can, indeed, sense temperature changes. Also, the horseshoe crabs typically showed a response before their internal temperature changed, indicating that their temperature receptors are most likely located externally

    Future Developments of Residential Differentiation in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area: Are We Following the European Model?

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    One of the main findings in the study on social inequality and spatial segregationin seven European cities is that, in spite of the scale of social differences in thedifferent cities, a similar pattern of urban spatial development is evident. Thephysical pattern of area differentiation shows a strong spatial pattern of continuityin the location of advantaged and less advantaged neighbourhoods. In addition, aclustering of both advantaged and deprived neighbourhoods was observed. Thesame pattern of change appears both in London and Helsinki - cities that stand atopposite ends of the spectrum of social and spatial difference (BETWIXT i; McIntoshand Vaattovaara 2001).The spatial clustering of advantaged and more deprived neighbourhoods appearsboth in Helsinki and London, but the grounds for change are different. Are we stillfacing a similar future? The aim in this paper is to compare patterns of residentialdifferentiation in Helsinki and London. Thus, the differences and connectionsbetween social and spatial differentiation and segregation are elaborated. GIS andcensus data will be utilized to examine social and spatial developments. A twophasemodel for the background of the developments in the Helsinki area isintroduced, resulting in a formulation for a model for future developments inresidential differentiation in the Helsinki metropolitan area

    Removing the barriers to research engagement - teacher motivation for research-based teaching development in language centres

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    This article draws on several workshops we have held on teacher research engagement. These recent workshops have indicated that many language centre teachers in Finland identify the same barriers that prevent them from doing research. In the same vein, these teachers tend to agree on the factors that drive them to do research. Based on our workshop at the Language Centres in Higher Education: Sharing Innovations, Research, Methodology and Best Practices conference, European language centre teachers share similar thoughts about research engagement: they like the idea of doing research and they often do some research, but sometimes find the barriers in their professional lives too great. Using research findings as well as data collected in the Brno workshop, we aim to discuss 1) the motives of teachers to carry out or follow research in fields related to teaching and learning and 2) ways and methods that encourage or facilitate teacher research. To help us reach these aims, we present the story of Johanna, to exemplify a teacher's experiences in becoming research engaged while taking part in in-house pedagogical training that fostered research orientation.

    Elämänkulku ja toimijuus : Lapin maaseudun nuorista aikuisiksi 1990–2011

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    Tarkastelen Lapin maaseudulta lähtöisin olevien nuorten elämänkulkua ja toimijuutta. Tutkimukseni edustaa tieteidenvälistä, kerronnallista ja feminististä elämänkulun tutkimusta, jossa on pitkittäistutkimuksen asetelma. Kohteena oleva ajanjakso ulottuu vuodesta 1990 vuoteen 2011. Tutkimuksessani kysyn, millaisia toimijuuden tiloja tutkimukseen osallistuvien elämänkuluissa on avautunut? Millaisia toimijuuden rakentumiseen liittyviä ydinepisodeja kertomuksista voidaan kiteyttää? Millä tavoin toimijuus sukupuolittuu kertomuksissa? Tarkoituksena on tuoda tutkimuskeskusteluun analyyseja kasvukeskusten ulkopuolelta lähtöisin olevien naisten ja miesten elämänkuluista. T utkimukseni taustalla on vuonna 1989 kyselyllä kerätty aineisto, jossa oli mukana 232 Kolarin, Posion ja Sodankylän kunnista kotoisin olevaa 18–25 -vuotiasta alemman tai ylemmän keskiasteen ammatillisen koulutuksen suorittanutta nuorta. He olivat työttöminä työnhakijoina tai erilaisin tukitoimenpitein sijoitettuna töihin. Tutkimukseni aineistoina painottuvat näiden henkilöiden kirjeet vuosilta 2001–2002 (N=29) ja lisäksi kirjeen kirjoittaneiden haastattelut vuodelta 2011 (N=10). Tutkimukseni paikantuu Lappiin. Tutkimuksessa mukana olevien henkilöiden elämänkulkua määrittää paikan vaihtaminen. Analysoin, millä tavoin ja millaista toimijuutta elämänvalinnat tuottavat toimijuusanalyysiin liittyvien modaliteettien eli kykenemisen, täytymisen, voimisen, tuntemisen, haluamisen ja osaamisen vuoropuhelun avulla tarkasteltuna. Analyyseissa olen keskittynyt kertomusten ydinepisodeihin eli merkityksellisiksi kerrottuhin elämänkulun tapahtumiin, jotka toimivat toimijuuden rakennusaineina. Tutkimustulokseni osoittavat, että koulutusjärjestelmä ja yhteiskuntakehitys vaatimuksineen ovat rekrytoineet aikuistuvia nuoria koulutukseen, mutta tuottaneet monille pettymyksiä luomalla toteutumattomia toiveita valmistua työelämää varten. Koulutusalat eivät ole vastanneet työelämän odotuksia. Työuran avautumisen ehtona on ollut hakeutuminen kotipaikkakunnalta muualle koulutukseen tai sieltä kokonaan pois muuttaminen. Keski-iän kynnyksellä työurat ovat kuitenkin vakiintuneet ja omien lasten kohdalla uskotaan koulutuksen avaavan ovia työmarkkinoille. Toimijuuden tilat osoittautuvat Lapissa sukupuolittuneiksi erityisesti perinteisessä perhemallissa: nainen on kotona töissä ja mies kodin ulkopuolella. Nais- tai miestapaisuus saattoi purkautua niissä kertomuksissa, joissa haluttiin tehdä irtiotto entisestä uudenlaisten, omien tilojen löytämiseen. Naisten elämänkulussa lähteminen laajensi toimijuuden tilaa usein ristiriitaisten ja jännitteisten tapahtumien jälkeen. Miehet taas rakensivat uudenlaista toimijuuttaan useimmiten ammatillisen suuntautumisen kautta.This research examines the life course and agency of young people who were born and grew up in rural Lapland. The work represents an interdisciplinary, narrative and feminist study of life courses with a longitudinal research design spanning the period from 1990 to 2011. The research questions addressed in the work are: What kinds of spaces for agency have opened up in the life courses of the participants in the research? What kinds of essential episodes for agency can be pinpointed in the narratives and how is agency gendered in the narratives? One aim of the study is to introduce the research community to analyses of the life courses of women and men who were born and grew up outside of growth centres. Underpinning my study is a set of data (N=232) collected in a survey in 1989. The respondents were young people between the ages of 18 and 25 from the communities of Kolari, Posio and Sodankylä who held a lower or higher secondary-level vocational qualification. At the time, they were unemployed or working in placements created through various employment support measures. The focal data for the later stages of the research comprise letters (N=29) written by the original participants in the years 2001–2002 and interviews with a subset of them conducted in 2011 (N=10). My research is situated in Finnish Lapland. The life courses of the participants are characterized by their having had to move from one location to another. I analyse how choices in life produce agency and what kind of agency they produce, with agency defined here in terms of the interplay of six modalities: ability, obligation, opportunity, feeling, desire and competence. In the analyses, I have focused on essential episodes in the narratives, that is, events that the participants point to as being significant in their life course and that have helped them to create agency. The research shows that the educational system, as well as developments in society that brought new demands induced the young people to pursue an education but left many of them disappointed. The hopes instilled in them of qualifying for working life went unrealized, for the educational programmes available to them did not match the needs of the job market. Making a career at the time required moving away from home to get a qualification or moving away from one’s hometown altogether. However, today, on the threshold of middle age, the participants have stable careers and believe that education will open doors on the job market for their children. Spaces of agency in Lapland proved to be gendered, especially in the traditional model of the family: women work at home, men outside the home. Typical male and female behavior came to the fore in the narratives in which informants indicated a desire to break free from the past in order to find new spaces, spaces of their own. In the life courses of women, moving away expanded the space of agency, often after conflicts and tension-ridden events. For their part, men built new agency for themselves primarily through their choice of occupation

    Empowered by planning law: unintended outcomes in the Helsinki region

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    What are the unintended outcomes produced by Finland’s planning system? This analysis of present-day planning in Finland addresses how positive aims and promised designs and plans are diluted by the planning process. It shows how changes in the legislation governing planning are empowering the role of institutional needs rather than fostering the desired outcomes. Three levels are analysed: the development and crucial boundary conditions of planning-related legislation; the structure of urban development within the region; and a case study of the 30-year development of an orbital light-rail project. In contrast to claims in the planning literature, the communicative turn has not led to clear positive changes in the process and implementation. This research shows how institutional stakeholders are empowered in current planning practice. The attempt to make planning more inclusive and participatory has paradoxically led into the empowerment of institutional players. The actual outcomes of the planning process are side-tracked, and the evaluation is outsourced in the process, which calls into question the legitimacy of planning actions. There is a need for planning-related studies to address the legislative boundaries and the concrete outputs of the planning process.Peer reviewe

    KYTKEYDYN - KUULUN - VOIMAANNUN. Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden mediavalintojen modaalisuus diskursiivisessa tarkastelussa

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    Tutkielmassani oli tavoitteena tarkastella sitä, millä tavoin mediankäyttö ohjaa yliopisto-opiskelijoiden arkea ja elämää. Tarkentavat kysymykset olivat: millaisista tekijöistä median merkityksellisyys rakentuu, ja millaisiin diskursseihin mediavalinnat kiinnittyvät? Aineisto koostui Lapin yliopiston opiskelijoiden mediapäiväkirjoista (N=57), joita he kirjoittivat mediataito-opintojaksolla keväällä 2017. Analyysityökaluiksi valitsin kolme toimijuusanalyysiin liittyvää modaliteettia. Olin kiinnostunut siitä, millä tavoin opiskelijoiden mediavalinnat kiinnittyvät pakkoon, välttämättömyyksiin, rajoitteisiin tai esteisiin (täytyä), millä tavoin valintoja ohjaavat tunteet, arvot ja arvostukset (tuntea) ja millä tavoin tavoitteellisuus, päämäärähakuisuus tai motiivit (haluta) ohjaavat mediankäyttöä. Tulokset osoittavat, että yliopisto-opiskelijoiden mediavalintojen modaalisuus kiinnittyy kytkeytymisen, kuulumisen ja voimaantumisen diskursseihin. Kytkeytymisessä painottuu täytyminen, johon sisältyvät erityisesti digitalisaatio, läsnäolon pakko ja koukuttuminen, poissaolo tylsyydestä ja turhista hetkistä sekä pelko siitä, että jää paitsi jostakin. Kuulumisen diskurssi painottuu tunteisiin, jolloin puhutaan sosiaalisuudesta, mielihyvästä, esilläolosta, viihtymisestä, elämän kuvaamisesta ja jakamisesta. Voimaantumisen diskurssissa painottuu haluaminen, kuten ajassa eläminen, uusien näkökulmien avautuminen, visuaalisuus, tukiverkostot ja lähipiirin kuulumiset sekä kriittisyys median ilmiöitä kohtaan.The aim of my research was to examine, how the usage of media affects university students’ everyday life and living. The research questions were: on which factors does the meaning of media lean, and to which discourses does the mediarelated choices connect? The data consist of university diaries of their usage of media (N=57) which they were writing in the Media Proficiency Course during the spring 2017. I chose three modalities connected to the analysis for agency as my analyzing tool. I was interested in knowing how the university students’ choices of media are connected with compulsion, necessities, limitations or obstacles (obligation); how the choices are guided by emotions, values and valuations (feeling); and how ambition, determination or motives (desire) are guiding the usage of media. The research shows that the modalities of university students’ choices of media are connected to the discourses of the engagement, belonging and empowerment. The discourse of the engagement emphasized especially obligation consisting of digitalization, compulsory presence, addiction, absence from bluntness and superfluous moments and the fear of missing out (FoMO). The discourse of belonging emphasized emotions, related to sociability, pleasure, being in the public eye, enjoying oneself, picturing and sharing the life. The discourse of empowerment emphasized desire to, for example, live in time, open new perspectives, as well as interest in visuality, support networks and the news of the circle of friends, and critical attitudes towards the media-related phenomena

    Sosiolingvistinen teoria ja aikamme ilmiöt

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    Arvioitu teos: Nikolas Coupland (toim.): Sociolinguistics. Theoretical debates. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016. 458 s. isbn 978-1-107-63575-3

    Kieli sosiaalisena ilmiönä : Kielenkäyttäjän näkökulman merkityksestä

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    Identiteetistä sosiolingvistiikan tavoittein ja keinoin

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    [Omoniyi, Tope & White, Goodith (toim.): Sociolinguistics of identity
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