113 research outputs found

    O idioma na sanidade galega

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    Material de apoyo para la mejora de las habilidades psicológicas de los jugadores de fútbol

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    Obra ressenyada : A. PONCE, Programa práctico para futbolista. Habilidades Psicológicas en el fútbol. Santiago de Chile : Diseño Propio Ltda, 2011

    Implicación de la disfunción de la cadena respiratoria mitocondrial en la modulación de la respuesta inflamatoria en la artrosis en condrocitos humanos normales en cultivo : efecto de la disfunción mitocondrial en un modelo animal de inflamación articula

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    [Resumen] La artrosis (OA) es la patología articular más frecuente en la población, afectando a más del 70% de los mayores de 65 años. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza por la degradación progresiva del cartílago articular hialino, engrosamiento del hueso subcondral y un grado variable de inflamación sinovial. Actualmente hay un consenso general señalando a la inflamación como factor clave en su progresión, siendo las citoquinas interleuquina 1b (IL-1b) y el factor de necrosis tumoral a (TNF-a) dos de los principales mediadores implicados en esta patología. Diversos estudios ex vivo e in vitro han demostrado que los condrocitos humanos artrósicos tienen alterada la función mitocondrial. Esta disfunción mitocondrial puede afectar a varias de las vías patológicas que median en la degradación del cartílago, destacando la respuesta defectuosa del condrocito al crecimiento y a la biosíntesis de su matriz, el incremento de la apoptosis en el condrocito y la calcificación de la matriz del cartílago; así como un incremento de la respuesta inflamatoria y destructiva. En relación con el tejido sinovial, existe una asociación entre la mutagénesis mitocondrial y la respuesta inflamatoria en la artritis inflamatoria. Además, se ha observado que diversos mediadores inflamatorios presentes en el tejido artrósico, como IL-1b y TNF-a, pueden alterar la función mitocondrial tanto en el condrocito como en el sinoviocito. Por todo ello, la importancia de la mitocondria y la respuesta inflamatoria en el desarrollo de la OA es evidente. En este trabajo, se demuestra por primera vez que la disfunción mitocondrial amplifica la respuesta inflamatoria inducida por citoquinas en condrocitos humanos normales in vitro, reforzándose la hipótesis de que un daño en la función mitocondrial puede participar activamente en el fenotipo inflamatorio observado en el condrocito artrósico. Este efecto es mediado, al menos en parte, por un incremento del estrés oxidativo y de la activación del factor nuclear NF-kB, así como de la activación de las caspasas. Además, el resveratrol, una molécula anti-oxidante y anti-inflamatoria, presente en algunos alimentos como las uvas y derivados, es capaz de reducir la respuesta catabólica inducida por la sinergia entre la disfunción mitocondrial y las citoquinas; consolidándose como una molécula prometedora para fines terapéuticos y preventivos en la OA. Finalmente, en este estudio se desarrolla in vivo un modelo articular murino de daño mitocondrial, demostrándose que la disfunción mitocondrial en los tejidos articulares puede provocar la destrucción articular, al incrementar la respuesta inflamatoria.[Resumo] A artrose (OA) é a patoloxía articular mais frecuente na poboación, afectando a máis do 70% dos maiores de 65 anos. Esta enfermidade caracterízase pola degradación progresiva da cartilaxe articular hialina, engrosamento do óso subcondral e un grado variable de inflamación sinovial. Actualmente hai un consenso xeral que sinala á inflamación como factor clave na sua progresión, sendo as citoquinas interleuquina 1b (IL-1b) e o factor de necrose tumoral a (TNF-a) dous dos principiais mediadores implicados nesta patoloxía. Diversos estudos ex vivo e in vitro demostraron que os condrocitos humanos artrósicos teñen alterada a función mitocondrial. Esta disfunción mitocondrial pode afectar a varias das vías patolóxicas que median a degradación da cartilaxe, destacando a resposta defectuosa do condrocito ó crecemento e á biosíntese da matriz, o incremento da apoptose no condrocito e a calcificación da matriz da cartilaxe; así como un incremento da resposta inflamatoria e destructiva. En relación ó tecido sinovial, existe unha asociación entre a mutaxénese mitocondrial e a resposta inflamatoria na artrite inflamatoria. Ademais, observouse que diversos mediadores inflamatorios presentes no tecido artrósico, coma IL-1b e TNF-a, poden alterar a función mitocondrial tanto no condrocito coma no sinoviocito. Por todo iso, a importancia da mitocondria e a resposta inflamatoria no desenvolvemento da OA é evidente. Neste traballo, demóstrase por primeira vez que a disfunción mitocondrial amplifica a resposta inflamatoria inducida por citoquinas en condrocitos humanos normais in vitro, reforzando a hipótese de que un dano na función mitocondrial pode participar activamente no fenotipo inflamatorio observado no condrocito artrósico. Este efecto é mediado, polo menos en parte, por un incremento do estrés oxidativo e da activación do factor nuclear NF-kB, así coma da activación das caspasas. Ademais, o resveratrol, unha molécula anti-oxidante e anti-inflamatoria, presente nalguns alimentos como as uvas e derivados, é capaz de reducir a resposta catabólica inducida pola sinerxia entre a disfunción mitocondrial e as citoquinas; consolidándose como unha molécula prometedora para fins terapéuticos e preventivos na OA. Finalmente, neste estudo desenvólvese in vivo un modelo articular murino de dano mitocondrial, demostrándose que a disfunción mitocondrial nos tecidos articulares pode provocar a destrucción articular, ó incrementar a resposta inflamatoria.[Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease, affecting 70% of people over 65 years old. This disease is characterized by a gradual loss articular cartilage integrity, subcondral bone sclerosis and a variable grade of synovial inflammation. Currently, it is known that inflammation plays an important role in the disease progresion, and interleukin 1b (IL-1b) and tumoral necrosis factor a (TNF-a) are considered the main cytokines involved in this pathology. An increasing number of in vitro and in vivo studies have demostrated that osteoarthritic human chondrocytes present an altered mitochondrial function. This mitochondrial dysfunction may affect several pathways that have been implicated in cartilage degradation, including defective chondrocyte biosynthesis and growth responses, increased condrocyte apoptosis and matrix calcification; as well as an increment in destructive and inflammatory response. In relation to synovial tissue, an asociation between mitochondrial mutagenesis and inflammatory response has been described in inflammatory arthritis. Furthermore, diverse pro-inflamatory mediators found in the osteoarthritic condition, such as IL-1b and TNF-a, could alter mitochondrial function in the condrocyte and synoviocyte. Therefore, the role of the mitochodrion and inflammatory pathways in the pathogenesis of OA is evident. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that mitochondrial dysfunction amplifies the inflammatory response induced by cytokines in human normal chondrocytes in vitro, supporting the hypothesis that damage in mitochondrial function could actively participate in the inflammatory phenotype observed in the osteoarthitic chondrocyte. This effect is mediated, at least partially, by an increase in oxidative stress, activation of the nuclear factor NF-kB and caspase activation. Furthermore, resveratrol, an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule, found in certain foods such as black grapes and derivatives, is able to reduce the catabolic response induced by the synergy between mitochondrial dysfunction and cytokines. This finding confirms resveratrol as a hopeful molecule in preventive and therapeutical treatments in OA. Finally, in this thesis an in vivo murine model of articular mitochondrial damage was also developed, showing that mitochondrial dysfunction in articular tissues may trigger the joint destruction by increasing the inflammatory response

    Aplicación profesional del coaching en el deporte: un estudio de caso único

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    Los objetivos del presente trabajo son el de realizar un análisis crítico del estado actual del coaching y ejemplificar su aplicación con un caso práctico. El concepto del coaching proviene del ámbito deportivoy como método se ha desarrollado en el ámbito empresarial, y en los últimos años ha regresado al contexto deportivo. El coaching proviene delmodelo deportivo (entrenador-deportista), sus fundamentos derivan principalmente de la Psicología y se define como una estrategia de intervención psicológica en modificación de la conducta. Se concluye que el coaching es una estrategia psicológica eficaz en modificación de la conducta, aunque se requiere continuar investigando al respecto y comparar su utilidad frente a otras estrategias o intervención multicomponente

    ADESSE. A Database with Syntactic and Semantic Annotation of a Corpus of Spanish

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    This is an overall description of ADESSE ("Base de datos de verbos, Alternancias de Diátesis y Esquemas Sintactico-Semánticos del Español"), an online database (http://adesse.uvigo.es/) with syntactic and semantic information for all clauses in a corpus of Spanish. The manually annotated corpus has 1.5 million words, 159,000 clauses and 3,450 different verb lemmas. ADESSE is an expanded version of BDS ("Base de datos sintácticos del español actual"), which contains the grammatical features of verbs and verb-arguments in the corpus. ADESSE has added semantic features such as verb sense, verb class and semantic role of arguments to make possible a detailed syntactic and semantic corpus-based characterization of verb valency. Each verb entry in the database is described in terms of valency potential and valency realizations (diatheses). The former includes a set of semantic roles of participants in a particular event type and a classification into a conceptual hierarchy of process types. Valency realizations are described in terms of correspondences of voice, syntactic functions and categories, and semantic roles. Verbs senses are discriminated at two levels: a more abstract level linked to a valency potential, and more specific verb senses taking into account particular lexical instantiations of arguments.The devolopment of ADESSE has been supported by the projects ADESSE (BFF2002-01197), ADESSE-II (HUM2005-01573) and ALEXSYS (FFI2008-01953) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Morningness-eveningness analysis in high performance young athletes

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la relación entre la matutinidad-vespertinidad, la edad, el sexo, la ansiedad rasgo y la modalidad deportiva en deportistas adolescentes. La muestra estaba formada por 102 jóvenes atletas españoles de alto rendimiento (54 mujeres y 48 hombres) con una edad entre los 14 y 17 años. Se midió la matutinidad-vespertinidad mediante la Escala Compuesta de Matutinidad-Vespertinidad (CS) y la ansiedad rasgo mediante el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (STAI). Los resultados indican que no existe relación entre el cronotipo, la edad, el sexo y la ansiedad de los deportistas, mientras que estos son más matutinos que la población general de adolescentes y los velocistas/vallistas son más vespertinos que el resto de modalidades. Se concluye que la práctica deportiva de alto rendimiento puede que sea un Zeitzbergs externo que modifica aspectos psicológicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos de los jóvenesThe relationship between morningness-eveningness, age, sex, anxiety trait and sports modality among adolescent athletes was studied. 102 high performance young Spanish athletes (54 woman and 48 men) between 14 and 17 years old participated in this study. Morningness-Eveningness was measured by the Composite Scale Morningness-Eveningness (CS) and anxiety trait was measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The results indicate that there is no relationship between chronotype, age, sex and anxiety of athletes, as these are more morningness than the general population of adolescents; and sprinters / hurdlers are more eveningness than other modalities. We conclude that high sports performance may be an external Zeitzbergs amending psychological, physiological and biochemical aspects of yout

    Hydrogen sulfide biosynthesis is impaired in the osteoarthritic joint

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    [Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and it is a leading cause of disability in the elderly. Its complete etiology is not known although there are several metabolic, genetic, epigenetic, and local contributing factors involved. At the moment, there is no cure for this pathology and treatment alternatives to retard or stop its progression are intensively being sought. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a small gaseous molecule and is present in sulfurous mineral waters as its active component. Data from recent clinical trials shows that balneotherapy (immersion in mineral and/or thermal waters from natural springs) in sulfurous waters can improve OA symptoms, in particular, pain and function. Yet, the underlying mechanisms are poorly known. Hydrogen sulfide is also considered, with NO and CO, an endogenous signaling gasotransmitter. It is synthesized endogenously with the help of three enzymes, cystathionine gamma-lyase (CTH), cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS), and 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (3-MPST). Here, the expression of these three enzymes was demonstrated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and their protein abundance [by immunohistochemistry and Western blot (WB)] in human articular cartilage. No significant differences were found in CBS or CTH expression or abundance, but mRNA and protein levels of 3-MPST were significantly reduced in cartilage form OA donors. Also, the biosynthesis of H2S from OA cartilage, measured with a specific microelectrode, was significantly lower than in OA-free tissue. Yet, no differences were found in H2S concentration in serum from OA patients and OA-free donors. The current results suggest that reduced levels of the mitochondrial enzyme 3-MPST in OA cartilage might be, at least in part, responsible for a reduction in H2S biosynthesis in this tissue and that impaired H2S biosynthesis in the joint might be a contributing factor to OA. This could contribute to explain why exogenous supplementation of H2S, for instance with sulfurous thermal water, has positive effects in OA patients.Instituto de Salud carlos III; PI12/00329Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI16/02124Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RETIC-RIER-RD12/0009/0018Xunta de Galicia; IN607A 2017/1

    A statistical recommendation model of mobile services based on contextual evidences

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    [EN] Mobile devices are undergoing great advances in recent years allowing users to access an increasing number of services or personalized applications that can help them select the best restaurant, locate certain shops, choose the best way home or rent the best film. However this great quantity of services does not require the user to find and select those services needed for each specific situation. The classical approaches link some preferences to certain services, include the recommendations given by other users or even include certain fixed rules in order to choose the most appropriate services. However, since these methods assume that user needs can be modelled by fixed rules or preferences, they fail when modelling different users or makes them difficult to train. In this paper we propose a new algorithm that learns from the user's actions in different contextual situations, which allows to properly infer the most appropriate recommendations for a user in a specific contextual situation. This model, by using of a double knowledge diffusion approach, has been specifically designed to face the inherent lack of learning evidences, computational cost and continuous training requirements and, therefore, overcomes the performance and convergence rates offered by other learning methodologies. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work is partially underwritten by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade of the Government of Spain under the research project CENIT-2008-1019Picón, A.; Rodríguez-Vaamonde, S.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Mocholí Agües, JB.; García, D.; Cadenas, A. (2012). A statistical recommendation model of mobile services based on contextual evidences. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(1):647-653. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2011.07.056S64765339

    Study of Fucoidans as Natural Biomolecules for Therapeutical Applications in Osteoarthritis

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    [Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent articular chronic disease. Although, to date there is no cure for OA. Fucoidans, one of the main therapeutic components of brown algae, have emerged as promising molecules in OA treatment. However, the variability between fucoidans makes difficult the pursuit of the most suitable candidate to target specific pathological processes. By an in vitro experimental approach in chondrocytes and fibroblast-like synoviocytes, we observed that chemical composition of fucoidan, and specifically the phlorotannin content and the ratio sulfate:fucose, seems critically relevant for its biological activity. Nonetheless, other factors like concentration and molecular weight of the fucoidan may influence on its beneficial effects. Additionally, a cell-type dependent response was also detected. Thus, our results shed light on the potential use of fucoidans as natural molecules in the treatment of key pathological processes in the joint that favor the development of rheumatic disorders as OA.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/0