176 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The goal of the reported project is to test and evaluate 3D surveying and modelling methods to document the remaining ancient byzantine city walls of the archaeological site of Aquileia in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy. The objectives are threefold: (1) to use 3D data to create maps, facades and sections that provide information useful for archaeological purposes such as the investigation of architectural construction techniques or construction phases, (2) to evaluate and compare photogrammetric and laser scanner data in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the two 3D surveying techniques for archaeological applications and needs and (3) to draw broader conclusions about the applicability of photogrammetry and laser scanning for documenting and analysing ancient walls within a particular set of environmental circumstances. The paper presents the employed 3D surveying techniques, the obtained 3D results and 2D products and some critical comments

    Extracciones dentarias en pacientes en tratamiento con anticoagulantes: revisión de la literatura

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    Objetivo del trabajo. En pacientes en terapia con anticoagulantes orales, una simple extracción puede provocar hemorragias importantes. En la literatura se describen dos enfoques terapéuticos en casos de intervenciones quirúrgicas en esta categoría de pacientes. Uno propone la reducción de la dosis terapéutica del fármaco, mientras que el segundo sugiere la sustitución con heparina. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar la literatura que trata este tema con el fin de obtener un protocolo ideal. Conclusiones. En caso de extracciones simples es suficiente usar anestesia con vasoconstrictor (en el caso de que no haya otras contraindicaciones), realizar suturas bien tensadas, aplicar coadyuvantes hemostáticos locales y ácido tranexámico tópico. Solo en casos de intervenciones más complejas, o con valores de INR mayores a 3,5, será necesario reducir la dosis del fármaco y consecuente sustitución con heparina de acuerdo a las instrucciones del hematólogo y del cardiólogo. Aim of the work. In patients treated with oral anticoagulants, even simple tooth extractions can produce large hemorrhages. There are two main therapeutic outlines suggested in literature in case of little oral surgery. The first one is based on the reduction of the therapeutic dose of the drug, and the second one on the substitution with heparin. The aim of this paper was to review the.literature on the management of patients treated with anticoagulants in order to obtain univocal guidelines. Conclusion. In case of simple tooth extractions generally a vasoconstrictive anaesthetic (if there are no other contraindications), tight sutures, the application of hemostats and tronexamic acid are enough. Only in case of more complex surgery or of INR values higher than 3,5 it is necessory to reduce the anticoagulant dose or to change the therapy with heparin, if agreed by the hoemotologist and/ or the cardiologist


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    The paper deals with a new sequential procedure to perform unsupervised LIDAR points classification by iteratively studying skewness and kurtosis for elevation and intensity point distribution values. After a preliminary local shape analysis of elevation and intensity point distributions, carried out from the original discrete frequencies by a non parametric estimation of the density functions, the procedure starts by choosing the category of data (elevation or intensity) to analyse at first: the choice falls on the category better showing by a testing procedure a bi or a multi clustering distribution. The first point cluster is identified by studying the distribution skewness and kurtosis variations, after removing at each step the largest data values. The selected cluster is furthermore analysed by studying higher order moments behaviour of the complementary data category. This makes possible to find out potential sub clusters of the original selected one, permitting, in this way, a more effective point classification. Successive clusters are identified by applying the same iterative procedure to the still unclassified LIDAR points. For complex point distribution shapes or for the classification of large areas, a progressive analysis method, based on the partition of the entire data set into regular subsets, is proposed. Some real numerical experiments confirm the capability of the method proposed. The classification total errors in the experiments range from a minimum value of 1,2% to a maximum value of 8,9%

    Study for the development of a rapid and non-destructive method for copper analysis in vineyards towards a precision fungal defense strategy

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    In the defense against downy mildew, copper is still widely used, particularly in organic management. At any rate, specific investigations are needed to significantly reduce the use of copper and minimize its environmental impact. This study, conducted in several farms in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Northeast Italy), aimed to evaluate the concentration of copper on leaves in various climatic conditions, in order to create an important database for the development of a rapid control system through image analysis. The tests involved sampling leaves and grapes from bud break until the last treatment with copper-based products. After copper recovery using a nitric acid solution, the copper values were analyzed via ICP-AES analysis. Cuprotesmo imprints were also made on the same leaves to develop an application (APP) capable of quickly and non-destructively detecting copper on the leaf surface through image analysis. The analytical data revealed significant correlations between image analysis and copper values only in certain situations involving adult leaves. However, due to the variability in treatment situations, the use of the APP with image analysis for all copper defense scenarios is not yet feasible. Nevertheless, the results are encouraging and will serve for further extensive investigations to develop an image analysis system capable of detecting truly active copper and optimizing pesticide treatments for a precision defense strategy. This strategy aims to ensure low environmental impact, production sustainability, and grape quality

    Critical factors and guidelines for 3D surveying and modelling in Cultural Heritage

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    The 3D digitization of sites or objects, normally referred to “realitybased 3D surveying and modelling”, is based on 3D optical instruments able to deliver accurate, detailed and realistic 3D results. Nowadays many non-experts are facing the 3D world and its technologies (hardware and software) due to their easiness of use but a not correct use leads to wrong results and conclusions. The goal of the article is to critically report the 3D digitization pipeline with some Cultural Heritage examples. Based on our experiences, some guidelines are drawn as best practices for non-experts and to clearly point out the right approach for every goal and project

    The sunrise summer school: An innovative learning-by-doing experience for the documentation of archaeological heritage

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    The first edition of the SUNRISE (Seashore and UNderwater documentation of aRchaeological herItage palimpSests and Environment) summer school was carried out in Marina di Ragusa in Sicily (Italy) from 3rd to 9th September 2022. It was jointly organized by Politecnico di Torino, IUAV, University of Sassari, FBK, University of Udine and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with the support of SIFET, ISPRS Student Consortium, private companies (Images, Microgeo, Stonex, Leica and Geomax) and the municipality of Santa Croce Camerina.The five days of summer school were attended by 20 students from Europe, Asia and USA. After the first day of lectures focused on the theoretical basis of surveying, photogrammetry, LiDAR, and SLAM, the field activities took place in a submerged and terrestrial scenario. The underwater surveying involved a submerged amphora, and the terrestrial activity was focused on the Arab bath of Mezzagnone, a 6th-century AD building that has been fully preserved until today. The paper deal with this experience and underline the followed approach. Finally some results achieved by the students are reported

    Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECR) Observation Capabilities of an "Airwatch from Space'' Mission

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    The longitudinal development and other characteristics of the EECR induced atmospheric showers can be studied from space by detecting the fluorescence light induced in the atmospheric nitrogen. According to the Airwatch concept a single fast detector can be used for measuring both intensity and time development of the streak of fluorescence light produced by the atmospheric shower induced by an EECR. In the present communication the detection capabilities for the EECR observation from space are discussed.Comment: 3 pages (LaTeX). To appear in the Proceedings of TAUP'9

    Therapeutic immunization with HIV-1 Tat reduces immune activation and loss of regulatory T-cells and improves immune function in subjects on HAART.

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    Although HAART suppresses HIV replication, it is often unable to restore immune homeostasis. Consequently, non-AIDS-defining diseases are increasingly seen in treated individuals. This is attributed to persistent virus expression in reservoirs and to cell activation. Of note, in CD4(+) T cells and monocyte-macrophages of virologically-suppressed individuals, there is continued expression of multi-spliced transcripts encoding HIV regulatory proteins. Among them, Tat is essential for virus gene expression and replication, either in primary infection or for virus reactivation during HAART, when Tat is expressed, released extracellularly and exerts, on both the virus and the immune system, effects that contribute to disease maintenance. Here we report results of an ad hoc exploratory interim analysis (up to 48 weeks) on 87 virologically-suppressed HAART-treated individuals enrolled in a phase II randomized open-label multicentric clinical trial of therapeutic immunization with Tat (ISS T-002). Eighty-eight virologically-suppressed HAART-treated individuals, enrolled in a parallel prospective observational study at the same sites (ISS OBS T-002), served for intergroup comparison. Immunization with Tat was safe, induced durable immune responses, and modified the pattern of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cellular activation (CD38 and HLA-DR) together with reduction of biochemical activation markers and persistent increases of regulatory T cells. This was accompanied by a progressive increment of CD4(+) T cells and B cells with reduction of CD8(+) T cells and NK cells, which were independent from the type of antiretroviral regimen. Increase in central and effector memory and reduction in terminally-differentiated effector memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells were accompanied by increases of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses against Env and recall antigens. Of note, more immune-compromised individuals experienced greater therapeutic effects. In contrast, these changes were opposite, absent or partial in the OBS population. These findings support the use of Tat immunization to intensify HAART efficacy and to restore immune homeostasis. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00751595