1,213 research outputs found

    Seismic Waveguide of Metamaterials

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    We have developed a new method of an earthquake-resistant design to support conventional aseismic designs using acoustic metamaterials. We suggest a simple and practical method to reduce the amplitude of a seismic wave exponentially. Our device is an attenuator of a seismic wave. Constructing a cylindrical shell-type waveguide that creates a stop-band for the seismic wave, we convert the wave into an evanescent wave for some frequency range without touching the building we want to protect.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Clinical Comparison of Retinopathy-Positive and Retinopathy-Negative Cerebral Malaria

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    AbstractCerebral malaria (CM) is a severe and often lethal complication of falciparum malaria. A classic malaria retinopathy is seen in some (retinopathy-positive [RP]) children but not others (retinopathy-negative [RN]), and is associated with increased parasite sequestration. It is unclear whether RN CM is a severe nonmalarial illness with incidental parasitemia or a less severe form of the same malarial illness as RP CM. Understanding the clinical differences between RP and RN CM may help shed light on the pathophysiology of malarial retinopathy. We compared clinical history, physical examination, laboratory findings, and outcomes of RP (N = 167) and RN (N = 87) children admitted to Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. Compared with RN children, RP children presented with a longer history of illness, as well as physical examination and laboratory findings indicative of more severe disease and organ damage. The hospital course of RP children was complicated by longer coma duration and a greater transfusion burden than RN children. Mortality did not differ significantly between RP and RN children (14.4% versus 8.0%, P = 0.14). Further, severity of retinal hemorrhage correlated with the majority of variables that differed between RP and RN children. The data suggest that RP and RN CM may reflect the spectrum of illness in CM, and that RN CM could be an earlier, less severe form of disease

    Interaction between dietary unsaturation and α-tocopherol levels : vitamin E content in thigh meat

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the influence of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), at different levels of dietary supplementation with α-tocopheryl acetate (a-TA), on α-tocopherol (α-Toc) content in raw thigh meat. One hundred and ninety-two female broiler chickens were randomly distributed into 16 experimental treatments resulting from the combination of 4 levels of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (27, 38, 48 and 59 g/kg) and 4 levels of supplementation with α-TA (0, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg). As is to be expected, dietary supplementation with α-TA increased α-Toc content of thigh meat. But the vitamin E enrichment magnitude in meat depends on the dietary PUFA content (P sï 0.001). Furthermore, α-Toc content of thigh meat was reduced as the inclusion of dietary PUFA increased. Thus, in treatments supplemented with 100 mg α-TA/kg, an increase of 32 g dietary PUFA significantly reduced α-Toc content of meat by 52%.Cette expérience a été conduite pour évaluer l'influence des acides gras polyinsaturés alimentaires (PUFA), avec différents niveaux d'acétate de α-tocophérol (α-TA), sur le contenu de α-tocophérol (α-Toc) de la viande crue de la cuisse. Cent quatre-vingt douze femelles de poulet de chair ont été réparties au hasard dans 16 traitements expérimentaux correspondant à 4 niveaux d'acides grasses polyinsaturés alimentaires (27, 38, 48 et 59 g/kg) et 4 niveaux de supplémentation en α-TA (0, 100, 200 et 400 mg/kg). La supplémentation du régime en α-TA augmente le contenu de α-Toc de la viande de la cuisse. Mais l'importance de l'enrichissement en vitamine E dans la viande dépend du contenu des PUFA dans la diète (P< 0.001). De plus, le contenu en α-Toc dans la viande de la cuisse est diminué quand l'apport des PUFA dans la diète 192 augmente. Ainsi, dans les traitements supplémentés avec 100 mg a-TA/kg, une augmentation de 32 g des PUFA dans le régime réduit le contenu de α-Toc de la viande de 52%

    In glacial environments beyond glacial terrains: Human eco-dynamics in late Pleistocene Mediterranean Iberia

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    The Iberian Peninsula south of the Ebro River enjoyed one of the mildest climates of Pleistocene Europe, but still experienced significant and rapid environmental shifts caused by global climate regimes. We examine the interplay between technological, social, and land-use dynamics as culturally mediated responses to climate change outside the periglacial zone. We combine information from excavated sites across eastern and southeastern Spain with systematic survey data from an intensive study area within this larger region to examine Upper Paleolithic behavioral adaptations to the environmental shifts of the late Pleistocene (late MIS-3 through MIS-2). We define indexes that serve as proxies for land-use strategies, technological specialization, and hunting practices. Variation in these indices across space and through time provides the basis for a model of Upper Paleolithic eco-dynamics. A consistent pattern of land-use, involving inland (and possibly coastal) base-camps and near-coastal hunting zones spanned the Mediterranean facade and was sufficiently flexible and resilient to environmental change to persist throughout the late Pleistocene

    Biological activities of histidine-rich peptides; merging biotechnology and nanomedicine

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    Histidine-rich peptides are commonly used in recombinant protein production as purification tags, allowing the one-step affinity separation of the His-tagged proteins from the extracellular media or cell extracts. Genetic engineering makes feasible the post-purification His-tag removal by inserting, between the tag and the main protein body, a target site for trans-acting proteases or a self-proteolytic peptide with regulatable activities. However, for technical ease, His tags are often not removed and the fusion proteins eventually used in this form. In this commentary, we revise the powerful biological properties of histidine-rich peptides as endosomolytic agents and as architectonic tags in nanoparticle formation, for which they are exploited in drug delivery and other nanomedical applications. These activities, generally unknown to biotechnologists, can unwillingly modulate the functionality and biotechnological performance of recombinant proteins in which they remain trivially attached

    Neanderthal diets in central and southeastern Mediterranean Iberia

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    During recent decades, Neanderthal diet has been a major research topic in palaeoanthropology. This has been accelerated by the maturation of different techniques, which have produced a plethora of new information. However, this proliferation of data has led to confusing and contradictory results. Furthermore, most of the ecological dietary studies have been carried out on specimens drawn from different time periods and regions, almost exclusively those characterized by cold, open environmental conditions. Subsistence models based on these fragmentary data have been applied to Neanderthals living in a variety of different regions and environments, even though their dietary strategies may have been as variable as regions they inhabited. In this paper we integrate different dietary approaches (studies of the zooarchaeology, stable isotopes and plant remains) from the central and southeastern Mediterranean coast of Iberia in order to develop a broader and more complex picture of Neanderthal diet in different Mediterranean environmental conditions. Our results suggest that there may have been some minor dietary variation due to climatic or environmental differences, but that Neanderthal diet focussed on large terrestrial game, supplemented by plant foods when these were available

    Clinical Approach to Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis: A Spanish Delphi Consensus

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    Despite emerging evidence and advances in the management of atopic dermatitis there a lack of consensus regarding the diagnostic criteria, therapeutic approach, method to assess severity, and patient follow-up for this condition. An expert consensus study was conducted to provide recommendations on the management of patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. The study used Delphi-like methodology based on a literature review, a summary of the scientific evidence, and a 2-round survey. The agreement of 60 panellists on 21 statements was evaluated. Consensus was pre-defined as ≥ 80% agreement of all respondents. In the first round 6 statements reached consensus. Unanimous consensus was achieved regarding therapeutic goals and patient satisfaction (maintained in the long term and periodic goals reassessment recommended every 3-6 months). In the second round, half of the statements reached consensus, all related to patient follow-up, treatment goals, and atopic comorbidities. The statements that did not reach consensus were related to diagnosis (biomarkers, allergy, and food testing) and starting patients on conventional systemic treatment rather than advanced treatment. The study assessed expert opinion regarding a variety of topics related to the clinical approach to patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, in order to provide guidance on the diagnosis and management of patients with atopic dermatitis

    Ensayo clínico aleatorizado de una intervención intensiva sobre los estilos de vida de pacientes con hiperfibrinogenemia en prevención primaria de las enfermedades cardiovasculares en el ámbito de la atención primaria de salud

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    ObjetivosEstudiar el efecto de un programa intensivo de modificación del estilo de vida en los valores de fibrinógeno plasmático en pacientes sin enfermedad cardiovascular, con fibrinógeno elevado y valores normales de colesterol. Analizar si el efecto sobre el fibrinógeno es independiente del efecto sobre los lípidos.DiseñoEnsayo clínico controlado y aleatorizado.EmplazamientoOnce áreas básicas de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat y Barcelona.ParticipantesSe incluirá a 436 pacientes, 218 en cada grupo, de 35-75 años, sin enfermedad cardiovascular (cardiopatía isquémica, accidente cerebrovascular y arteriopatía periférica) con hiperfibrinogenemia (fibrinógeno > 300 mg/dl) y colesterol plasmático < 250 mg/dl.IntervencionesUn grupo de pacientes recibirá una intervención intensiva (en frecuencia e intensidad del consejo y tratamiento) sobre cambios de estilo de vida: dejar de fumar, dieta hipocalórica en caso de sobrepeso u obesidad y ejercicio físico. El seguimento del grupo intervención se realizará cada 2 meses. El grupo control seguirá los cuidados habituales.MedicionesSe determinarán los valores de fibrinógeno plasmático. Además, se registrarán otros acontecimientos de interés (modificación de los factores de riesgo, cambios en la calidad de vida, acontecimientos cardiovasculares y muerte) durante un seguimiento de 2 años.DiscusiónLa instauración de una intervención intensiva de prevención primaria (cambios de estilo de vida) en los pacientes que presentan hiperfibrinogenemia podría ser una medida más eficaz que la intervención habitual para reducir las cifras de fibrinógeno plasmático. Además, estas medidas podrían traducirse en una disminución del riesgo cardiovascular y en una mejora de la calidad de vida del paciente.ObjectivesTo study the effect of an intensive programme to modify life-style on levels of plasma fibrinogen in patients without cardiovascular pathology, with high fibrinogen and normal cholesterol levels. To analyse whether the effect on fibrinogen is independent, or otherwise, of the effect on lipids.DesignRandomised clinical trial with a control.Setting11 health districts in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and Barcelona.Participants436 patients will be included, 218 individuals between 35 and 75 years old in each group, and without cardiovascular pathology (ischaemic cardiopathy, cerebral vascular accident or peripheral arteriopathy), with hyperfibrinogenaemia (fibrinogen ›300 mg/dL) and with plasma control ‹250 mg/dL.InterventionsOne group of patients will receive an intensive intervention (in frequency and intensity of counselling and treatment) for life-style changes, i.e. stopping smoking, low-calorie diet in case of overweight or obesity, and physical exercise. The follow-up of the intervention group will be every 2 months. The control group will follow customary treatments.MeasurementsLevels of plasma fibrinogen. In addition, other relevant events will be recorded over a 2-year monitoring period: modification of risk factors, changes in quality of life, cardiovascular events or death.DiscussionThe introduction of an intensive primary prevention intervention (life-style changes) in patients with hyperfibrinogenaemia could be a more effective measure than the habitual intervention for reducing plasma fibrinogen figures. In addition, these measures could be translated into a reduction of cardiovascular risk and an improvement in the patient́s quality of life

    Dos nuevas subespecies del género Jasione L. (Campanulaceae) en el Noroeste de la Peninsula Iberica

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    Se propone la división de Jasione montana L. en dos subespecies: subsp. montana y subsp. paivae (nova) en base al diferente número cromosómico encontrado y a las diferencias morfológicas detectadas. También se propone la división de Jasione maritima (Duby) Merino en tres subespecies: subsp. maritima, subsp. sabularia y subsp. finisterrae (nova), división basada en la cantidad de DNA y las diferencias encontradas en los caracteres morfológicos estudiados