278 research outputs found

    Environmental Law: Uranium Mining on the Navajo Reservation

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    Hydrologic Response and Watershed Sensitivity to Climate Warming in California's Sierra Nevada

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    This study focuses on the differential hydrologic response of individual watersheds to climate warming within the Sierra Nevada mountain region of California. We describe climate warming models for 15 west-slope Sierra Nevada watersheds in California under unimpaired conditions using WEAP21, a weekly one-dimensional rainfall-runoff model. Incremental climate warming alternatives increase air temperature uniformly by 2°, 4°, and 6°C, but leave other climatic variables unchanged from observed values. Results are analyzed for changes in mean annual flow, peak runoff timing, and duration of low flow conditions to highlight which watersheds are most resilient to climate warming within a region, and how individual watersheds may be affected by changes to runoff quantity and timing. Results are compared with current water resources development and ecosystem services in each watershed to gain insight into how regional climate warming may affect water supply, hydropower generation, and montane ecosystems. Overall, watersheds in the northern Sierra Nevada are most vulnerable to decreased mean annual flow, southern-central watersheds are most susceptible to runoff timing changes, and the central portion of the range is most affected by longer periods with low flow conditions. Modeling results suggest the American and Mokelumne Rivers are most vulnerable to all three metrics, and the Kern River is the most resilient, in part from the high elevations of the watershed. Our research seeks to bridge information gaps between climate change modeling and regional management planning, helping to incorporate climate change into the development of regional adaptation strategies for Sierra Nevada watersheds

    Effect of permafrost thawing on organic carbon and trace element colloidal speciation in the thermokarst lakes of western Siberia

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    To examine the mechanisms of carbon mobilization and biodegradation during permafrost thawing and to establish a link between organic carbon (OC) and other chemical and microbiological parameters in forming thermokarst (thaw) lakes, we studied the biogeochemistry of OC and trace elements (TEs) in a chronosequence of small lakes that are being formed due to permafrost thawing in the northern part of western Siberia. Twenty lakes and small ponds of various sizes and ages were sampled for dissolved and colloidal organic carbon, metals and culturable heterotrophic bacterial cell number. We observed a sequence of ecosystems from peat thawing and palsa degradation due to permafrost subsidence in small ponds to large, km-size lakes that are subject to drainage to, finally, the khasyrey (drained lake) formation. There is a systematic evolution of both total dissolved and colloidal concentration of OC and TEs in the lake water along with the chronosequence of lake development that may be directly linked to the microbial mineralization of dissolved organic matter and the liberation of the inorganic components (Fe, Al, and TEs) from the organo-mineral colloids. <br><br> In this chronosequence of lake development, we observed an apparent decrease in the relative proportion of low molecular weight <1 kDa (1 kDa ~ 1 nm) OC concentration along with a decrease in the concentration of total dissolved (<0.45 μm) OC. This decrease was accompanied by an increase in the small size organic ligands (probably autochthonous exometabolites produced by the phytoplankton) and a simultaneous decrease in the proportion of large-size organic (humic) complexes of allochthonous (soil) origin. This evolution may be due to the activity of heterotrophic bacterioplankton that use allochthonous organic matter and dissolved nutrients originating from peat lixiviation. Most insoluble TEs demonstrate a systematic decrease in concentration during filtration (5 μm, 0.45 μm) exhibiting a similar pattern among different samples. At the same time, there is an increase in the relative proportion of large size particles over the <1 kDa fraction for most insoluble elements along the chronosequence of lake evolution. TEs are likely to be bound to colloidal OC and coprecipitate with the mineral (Fe, Al) part of the colloids. Upon progressive consumption of dissolved OC by the heterotrophic bacteria, there is liberation of Fe, Al, and insoluble TEs in the water column that may be subjected to coagulation in the form of particles or large-size mineral colloids

    Fate of colloids during estuarine mixing in the Arctic

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    The estuarine behavior of organic carbon (OC) and trace elements (TE) was studied for the largest European sub-Arctic river, which is the Severnaya Dvina; this river has a deltaic estuary covered in ice during several hydrological seasons: summer (July 2010, 2012) and winter (March 2009) baseflow, and the November–December 2011 ice-free period. Colloidal forms of OC and TE were assessed for three pore size cutoffs (1, 10, and 50 kDa) using an in situ dialysis procedure. Conventionally dissolved (< 0.22 μm) fractions demonstrated clear conservative behavior for Li, B, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Sr, Mo, Rb, Cs, and U during the mixing of freshwater with the White Sea; a significant (up to a factor of 10) concentration increase occurs with increases in salinity. Si and OC also displayed conservative behavior but with a pronounced decrease in concentration seawards. Rather conservative behavior, but with much smaller changes in concentration (variation within ±30%) over a full range of salinities, was observed for Ti, Ni, Cr, As, Co, Cu, Ga, Y, and heavy REE. Strong non-conservative behavior with coagulation/removal at low salinities (< 5&permil;) was exhibited by Fe, Al, Zr, Hf, and light REE. Finally, certain divalent metals exhibited non-conservative behavior with a concentration gain at low (~ 2–5&permil;, Ba, Mn) or intermediate (~ 10–15&permil;, Ba, Zn, Pb, Cd) salinities, which is most likely linked to TE desorption from suspended matter or sediment outflux. <br><br> The most important result of this study is the elucidation of the behavior of the "truly" dissolved low molecular weight LMW<sub>< 1 kDa</sub> fraction containing Fe, OC, and a number of insoluble elements. The concentration of the LMW fraction either remains constant or increases its relative contribution to the overall dissolved (< 0.22 μm) pool as the salinity increases. Similarly, the relative proportion of colloidal (1 kDa–0.22 μm) pool for the OC and insoluble TE bound to ferric colloids systematically decreased seaward, with the largest decrease occurring at low (< 5&permil;) salinities. <br><br> Overall, the observed decrease in the colloidal fraction may be related to the coagulation of organo-ferric colloids at the beginning of the mixing zone and therefore the replacement of the HMW<sub>1 kDa–0.22 μm</sub> portion by the LMW<sub>< 1 kDa</sub> fraction. These patterns are highly reproducible across different sampling seasons, suggesting significant enrichment of the mixing zone by the most labile (and potentially bioavailable) fraction of the OC, Fe and insoluble TE. The size fractionation of the colloidal material during estuarine mixing reflects a number of inorganic and biological processes, the relative contribution of which to element speciation varies depending on the hydrological stage and time of year. In particular, LMW<sub>< 1 kDa</sub> ligand production in the surface horizons of the mixing zone may be linked to heterotrophic mineralization of allochthonous DOM and/or photodestruction. Given the relatively low concentration of particulate versus dissolved load of most trace elements, desorption from the river suspended material was less pronounced than in other rivers in the world. As a result, the majority of dissolved components exhibited either conservative (OC and related elements such as divalent metals) or non-conservative, coagulation-controlled (Fe, Al, and insoluble TE associated with organo-ferric colloids) behavior. The climate warming at high latitudes is likely to intensify the production of LMW<sub>< 1 kDa</sub> organic ligands and the associated TE; therefore, the delivery of potentially bioavailable trace metal micronutrients from the land to the ocean may increase

    Der Verbleib kupferbasierter Fungizide in Weinbergböden: Eine Fallstudie der stabilen Kupfer-Isotopenverhältnisse und Elektronenspinresonanz von Calco- und Vertisolen in Soave (Italien)

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    Kupferbasierte Fungizide sind im Weinbau weit verbreitet und im biologischen Weinbau die einzig erlaubten Pestizide zur Bekämpfung von falschem Mehltau. Durch den intensiven, dauerhaften Gebrauch von Kupfer reichert sich dieser, mit wachsenden ökotoxikologischen Konsequenzen, in Weinbergböden an. In dieser Studie untersuchen wir den Verbleib von Kupfer in einem Calcosol und einem Vertisol aus Soave (Italien). Beide Böden werden seit über 50 Jahren mit Kupfer behandelt. Wir stellen Massenbilanzen auf und nutzen die innovative Kombination aus Messung stabiler Cu-Isotopenverhältnisse und Elektronenspinresonanzspektroskopie (ESR), um Einblicke in die biogeochemischen Mechanismen der Kupferbindung zu erlangen. Die untersuchten Böden weisen hohe exogene Kupfergehalte auf, welche eine Akkumulation der heutigen maximalen Behandlungsmenge über 50 Jahre überschreiten. Dies belegt, dass einmal sehr viel größere Mengen Cu im Weinbau verwendet wurden und dass ein Großteil dieses Kupfers in den jeweiligen Böden verbleibt. In Vertisolen fallen die Cu-Konzentrationen unter dem vertischen Horizont schnell auf die geogene Hintergrundkonzentration, wobei in Calcosolen dieser Abfall progressiver erfolgt. Isotopenverhältnisse unterscheiden sich zwischen den verschieden Bodentypen (δCu-65 zwischen 0.12 und 0.37 ‰), obwohl sie die gleiche Behandlung erfahren haben. Kupferisotope in Oberböden sind schwerer als in Unterböden und Citratextraktionen zeigen, dass mobiles Kupfer isotopisch schwerer ist als der Gesamtgehalt. Die Horizonte des Calcosols sind systematisch leichter als die des Vertisols, was auf unterschiedliche biogeochemische Bindungsmechanismen von Kupfer hinweist. Dies wird durch die ESR-Spektren bestätigt. In Oberböden zeigen sie eine Kupferbindung an organisches Material, wobei es im gesamten Bodenprofil Unterschiede in der Cu-Bindung zwischen den beiden Bodentypen gibt. Wenn jedoch Horizonte des Calcosols mit Säure entkalkt werden, nähren sich deren ESR-Spektren denen der Vertisole an, wohingegen letztere nicht auf eine Säurebehandlung reagieren. Somit wird gezeigt, dass in Calcosolen Karbonate an der Bindung von Kupfer beteiligt sind wobei in Vertisolen der vertische Horizont eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Darüber hinaus wird durch die analoge Variation von ESR-Spektren und Isotopenverhältnissen wird die Anwendbarkeit von Cu-Isotopenanalysen und ESR-Spektroskopie zur Aufklärung von biogeochemischen Prozessen in Böden demonstriert

    Behavior and Impact of Zirconium in the Soil–Plant System: Plant Uptake and Phytotoxicity

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    Because of the large number of sites they pollute, toxic metals that contaminate terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly of environmental and sanitary concern (Uzu et al. 2010, 2011; Shahid et al. 2011a, b, 2012a). Among such metals is zirconium (Zr), which has the atomic number 40 and is a transition metal that resembles titanium in physical and chemical properties (Zaccone et al. 2008). Zr is widely used in many chemical industry processes and in nuclear reactors (Sandoval et al. 2011; Kamal et al. 2011), owing to its useful properties like hardness, corrosion-resistance and permeable to neutrons (Mushtaq 2012). Hence, the recent increased use of Zr by industry, and the occurrence of the Chernobyl and Fukashima catastrophe have enhanced environmental levels in soil and waters (Yirchenko and Agapkina 1993; Mosulishvili et al. 1994 ; Kruglov et al. 1996)

    Performance reporting for consumers: issues for the Australian private hospital sector

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    A group of consumers of private hospital services and their carers collaborated with staff of a Melbourne private hospital and with industry representatives to develop a consumer-driven performance report on cardiac services. During the development process participating consumers identified situational and structural barriers to their right to be informed of costs, to choice and to quality care. Their growing appreciation of these barriers led them to a different perspective on performance reporting, which resulted in their redirecting the project. The consumer participants no longer wanted a performance report that provided comparative quantitative data. Instead they designed a report that outlined the structures, systems and processes the hospital had in place to address the quality and safety of services provided. In addition, consumer participants developed a decision support tool for consumers to use in navigating the private health care sector. The journey of these consumers in creating a consumer driven performance report for a private hospital service may assist those responsible for governance of Australia's health system in choosing appropriate strategies and mechanisms to enhance private hospital accountability. The situational and institutional industry barriers to choice, information and quality identified by these consumers need to be addressed before public performance reporting for private hospitals is introduced in Australia