613 research outputs found

    El Mioceno del borde SW de la Depresión de Guadix

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    Se da a conocer la serie estratigráfica del Mioceno de este borde de la Depresión de Guadix. En ella destaca la enorme potencia total (superior a los 2.000) que contrasta con las de otras depresiones interiores de las Cordilleras Béticas. Igualmente destaca la sucesión de episodios marinos y continentales

    Características sedimentarias del Jurásico subbético en la región Algarinejo-Rute

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    Las series jurásicas de esta región muestran fuertes diferencias de facies y potencias como consecuencia de una subsidencia diferencial que se pone de manifiesto en el geosinelinal subbético a partir del Domerense. Las series meridionales corresponden al Subbético s. str., mientras que las septentrionales son series de tránsito entre éste y el Subbético frontal o externo. [ABSTRACT] The jurassic series croping out in the surveyed region show very conspicuous facies changes as well as thickness variations. All these differences should be related to a differential subsidence developed within the subbetic geosyncline since the Domerian epoch. The southern series are belonging to the sir. s. Subbetic: the northern ones exhibit transition features between the latter and the erterued or "frontal" Subbetic

    An optimized thermal extraction system for preparation of water from fluid inclusions in speleothems.

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    The fluid inclusions present in speleothems (secondary mineral deposits formed in caves) are a relict sample of the parent seepage water from which the speleothem was deposited and determination of their composition can solve the palaeotemperature equation for the precipitation of speleothem carbonate. We have extracted fluid inclusions using a newly-designed thermal vacuum extraction method in stalagmites and stalactites from Nerja Cave, Southern Spain. Optimal conditions were found to involve heating samples crushed to 0.8-2mm for 3 hours at 300-400ºC. Waters extracted from modern aragonitic speleothem samples produced results on the Meteoric Water Line defined by modern infiltration and other waters associated with the cave and hence demonstrate an absence of fractionation effects. This successfully demonstrates the utility of the method

    Una propuesta de clasificación de las cuencas neógenas béticas

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    There are numerous neogene basins in the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain), with a thick sedimentary infill constituted by Miocene, Pliocene and/or Pleistocene materials, in which important stratigraphical differences can be detected. During the Neogene the Betic Cordillera adquired its present configuration and the formation, evolution and total or partial destruction of the Neogene sedimentary basins were highly controlled by the geodynamic situations and the position of the basins in it. We proposed a classification dividing the Betic Neogene Basins in two groups, according to the two main different geodynamic situations existing in the Betic Cordillera in this interval of time. The first group corresponds to the basins formed during the Early and Middle Miocene, coetaneously with the westward drift of the Internal Zones. It is impossible to establish a complete classification of the basins formed during this time, because in many cases only small outcrops remain. The basins formed in the Internal Zones may be considered as back-arc and intrachain basins. In the External Zones, former South Iberian Margin appeared the foreland basin (the North Betic Strait) with an active sector (foredeep), located in front of the new formed reliefs, that received huge olistostromic masses. This foredeep evolved differently in its eastern and western sectors. The second group of basins is constituted by those formed from the Tortonian onward, when the westward drift of the Internal Zones stopped. With the exception of the already existing foreland basin, the basins formed from the Tortonian onwards, are intramontane basins, which can be subdivided according to the different movements of the fault sets that controlled their evolution. The foreland basin (Guadalquivir Basin), located between the Betic Chain and the emerged Iberian Massif, acquired a structure similar to that of the present basin and its extension was also similar to that of the present Neogene outcrops

    Precisiones sobre la edad de las coladas volcánicas jurásicas en la región Algarinejo-Lojilla (Zona subbética)

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    A partir de un estudio geológico-regional, completado con otro paleontológico-estratigráfico de detalle, se precisa la edad de las erupciones volcánicas submarinas, que se intercalan en la serie jurásica de la región Algarinejo-Lojilla. Se datan dichas erupciones dentro de las zonas de murchisone y concavum, Aalenense medio y superior, respectivamente.Se trata de diversas coladas superpuestas, más numerosas en el sector de Lojilla que en el de Algarinejo

    Efetividade da política brasileira de vacinação contra influenza, uma revisão sistemática

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    Since 1999, Brazil has undertaken annual influenza vaccine campaigns, free of charge, targeting the elderly population, health professionals, and immune-deficient patients. We conducted a systematic review of literature in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative. We used the keywords influenza, vaccine, Brazil and effectiveness to search the main databases. Thirty-one studies matched our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Influenza vaccine coverage among the elderly is high, though not as high as suggested by the official figures. Estimates on effectiveness are scarce. The majority come from ecological studies that show a modest reduction in mortality and hospital admissions due to influenza-related causes. Such reduction is not evident in the North and Northeastern states of Brazil, a finding that is probably related to the different seasonal pattern of influenza in equatorial and tropical regions. Brazilian epidemiologists still owe society better-designed studies addressing the effectiveness of influenza vaccine campaigns.Desde 1999 o Brasil realiza campanhas anuais de vacinação contra influenza. A vacinação é gratuita, e tem como grupos alvo os idosos, os profissionais de saúde e os pacientes com comprometimento imunitário. Nós realizamos uma revisão sistemática da literatura, com o propósito de avaliar a efetividade desta iniciativa. Foram usadas as palavras chave influenza, vacina, Brasil e efetividade, para a busca nas bases de dados mais relevantes. Trinta e um estudos se encaixaram nos nossos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. A cobertura vacinal nos idosos é alta, porém não tão alta como apresentado nos dados oficiais. Estimativas de efetividade são escassas. A maioria delas vem de estudos ecológicos, que demonstram um modesto efeito na redução da mortalidade e internações hospitalares por causas relacionadas à influenza. Esta redução não se evidencia nos estados do Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, achado que provavelmente relaciona-se ao padrão distinto de sazonalidade da influenza nas regiões equatoriais e tropicais. Os epidemiologistas brasileiros ainda devem à sociedade estudos com desenhos mais adequados à análise da efetividade das campanhas de vacinação contra influenza

    Synovial cysts of the temporomandibular joint: an immunohistochemical characterization and literature review.

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    Synovial cysts of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are very rare, and to date, only 12 cases of a synovial cyst in the TMJ region have been reported in the literature. In this paper, we present the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of one such lesion affecting a 48-year-old woman, presented with a mass in the left preauricular region.We describe the usefulness of immunohistochemical analysis for recognizing the synovial lining, which allowed for clear differentiation between ganglion and synovial cysts. Immunohistochemical analyses can be used to diagnose synovial cysts with certainty; however, using at least two markers is advisable to distinguish the two existing synovial cell subtypes. Our findings indicate that synovial cysts of TMJ possess an internal lining dominated by type B (fibroblast-like) synoviocytes

    Discontinuidades estratigráficas en el Jurásico de Sierra Gorda (Subbético intnerno, Provincia de Granada)

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    En el Jurásico de la unidad de Sierra Gorda (Subbético interno, prov. Granada) se reconocen cinco discontinuidades estratigráficas:en el Carixiense, en la base del Dogger, en la base del Calloviense en la base del Oxfordense y en el Kimmeridgiense. En el sector septentrional de la unidad se detectan por superficies de omisión y hardgrounds, mientras que en el borde meridional muesitran gran desarrollo de diques neptúnicos

    La sedimentación liásica en el sector central del Subbético medio: registro de la evolución de un rift intracontinental

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    Durante el Lias medio tuvo lugar el paso brusco de la sedimenta-ción carbonatada somera a la pelágica en la Zona Subbética, en relación con la evolución de un rift intracontinental. Se han podido delimitar cuatro etapas con sus sedimentos correspondientes: a) Etapa prerruptura (sedimentación marina somera). b) Inicio de la rup-tura (hardgrounds y paleokarst). c) Comienzo de la sedimentación hemipelágica (niveles de calizas  condensadas). d) Individualización del surco subbético (ritmita  calizas/margas)