123 research outputs found

    On the transverse symbol of vectorial distributions and some applications to harmonic analysis

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    AbstractThe transverse symbol of a vector-valued distribution supported on a submanifold is introduced and a micro-local vanishing theorem for spaces of such distributions invariant under a Lie group is proved. We give transparent proofs of results of Bruhat and Harish-Chandra on the irreducibility of parabolically or normally induced representations, and of Harish-Chandra in Whittaker theory

    Structure, classifcation, and conformal symmetry, of elementary particles over non-archimedean space-time

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    It is known that no length or time measurements are possible in sub-Planckian regions of spacetime. The Volovich hypothesis postulates that the micro-geometry of spacetime may therefore be assumed to be non-archimedean. In this letter, the consequences of this hypothesis for the structure, classification, and conformal symmetry of elementary particles, when spacetime is a flat space over a non-archimedean field such as the pp-adic numbers, is explored. Both the Poincar\'e and Galilean groups are treated. The results are based on a new variant of the Mackey machine for projective unitary representations of semidirect product groups which are locally compact and second countable. Conformal spacetime is constructed over pp-adic fields and the impossibility of conformal symmetry of massive and eventually massive particles is proved

    Airy functions over local fields

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    Airy integrals are very classical but in recent years they have been generalized to higher dimensions and these generalizations have proved to be very useful in studying the topology of the moduli spaces of curves. We study a natural generalization of these integrals when the ground field is a non-archimedean local field such as the field of p-adic numbers. We prove that the p-adic Airy integrals are locally constant functions of moderate growth and present evidence that the Airy integrals associated to compact p-adic Lie groups also have these properties.Comment: Minor change

    Fomenko-Mischenko Theory, Hessenberg Varieties, and Polarizations

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    The symmetric algebra g (denoted S(\g)) over a Lie algebra \g (frak g) has the structure of a Poisson algebra. Assume \g is complex semi-simple. Then results of Fomenko- Mischenko (translation of invariants) and A.Tarasev construct a polynomial subalgebra \cal H = \bf C[q_1,...,q_b] of S(\g) which is maximally Poisson commutative. Here b is the dimension of a Borel subalgebra of \g. Let G be the adjoint group of \g and let \ell = rank \g. Identify \g with its dual so that any G-orbit O in \g has the structure (KKS) of a symplectic manifold and S(\g) can be identified with the affine algebra of \g. An element x \in \g is strongly regular if \{(dq_i)_x\}, i=1,...,b, are linearly independent. Then the set \g^{sreg} of all strongly regular elements is Zariski open and dense in \g, and also \g^{sreg \subset \g^{reg} where \g^{reg} is the set of all regular elements in \g. A Hessenberg variety is the b-dimensional affine plane in \g, obtained by translating a Borel subalgebra by a suitable principal nilpotent element. This variety was introduced in [K2]. Defining Hess to be a particular Hessenberg variety, Tarasev has shown that Hess \subset \g^sreg. Let R be the set of all regular G-orbits in \g. Thus if O \in R, then O is a symplectic manifold of dim 2n where n= b-\ell. For any O\in R let O^{sreg} = \g^{sreg}\cap O. We show that O^{sreg} is Zariski open and dense in O so that O^{sreg} is again a symplectic manifold of dim 2n. For any O \in R let Hess (O) = Hess \cap O. We prove that Hess(O) is a Lagrangian submanifold of O^{sreg} and Hess =\sqcup_{O \in R} Hess(O). The main result here shows that there exists, simultaneously over all O \in R, an explicit polarization (i.e., a "fibration" by Lagrangian submanifolds) of O^{sreg} which makes O^{sreg} simulate, in some sense, the cotangent bundle of Hess(O).Comment: 36 pages, plain te

    The Spin-Statistics Theorem for Anyons and Plektons in d=2+1

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    We prove the spin-statistics theorem for massive particles obeying braid group statistics in three-dimensional Minkowski space. We start from first principles of local relativistic quantum theory. The only assumption is a gap in the mass spectrum of the corresponding charged sector, and a restriction on the degeneracy of the corresponding mass.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. Citation added; Minor modifications of Appendix

    Testing axioms for Quantum Mechanics on Probabilistic toy-theories

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    In Ref. [1] one of the authors proposed postulates for axiomatizing Quantum Mechanics as a "fair operational framework", namely regarding the theory as a set of rules that allow the experimenter to predict future events on the basis of suitable tests, having local control and low experimental complexity. In addition to causality, the following postulates have been considered: PFAITH (existence of a pure preparationally faithful state), and FAITHE (existence of a faithful effect). These postulates have exhibited an unexpected theoretical power, excluding all known nonquantum probabilistic theories. Later in Ref. [2] in addition to causality and PFAITH, postulate LDISCR (local discriminability) and PURIFY (purifiability of all states) have been considered, narrowing the probabilistic theory to something very close to Quantum Mechanics. In the present paper we test the above postulates on some nonquantum probabilistic models. The first model, "the two-box world" is an extension of the Popescu-Rohrlich model, which achieves the greatest violation of the CHSH inequality compatible with the no-signaling principle. The second model "the two-clock world" is actually a full class of models, all having a disk as convex set of states for the local system. One of them corresponds to the "the two-rebit world", namely qubits with real Hilbert space. The third model--"the spin-factor"--is a sort of n-dimensional generalization of the clock. Finally the last model is "the classical probabilistic theory". We see how each model violates some of the proposed postulates, when and how teleportation can be achieved, and we analyze other interesting connections between these postulate violations, along with deep relations between the local and the non-local structures of the probabilistic theory.Comment: Submitted to QIP Special Issue on Foundations of Quantum Informatio

    On the realization of Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics

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    The aim of this paper is to give a simple, geometric proof of Wigner's theorem on the realization of symmetries in quantum mechanics that clarifies its relation to projective geometry. Although several proofs exist already, it seems that the relevance of Wigner's theorem is not fully appreciated in general. It is Wigner's theorem which allows the use of linear realizations of symmetries and therefore guarantees that, in the end, quantum theory stays a linear theory. In the present paper, we take a strictly geometrical point of view in order to prove this theorem. It becomes apparent that Wigner's theorem is nothing else but a corollary of the fundamental theorem of projective geometry. In this sense, the proof presented here is simple, transparent and therefore accessible even to elementary treatments in quantum mechanics.Comment: 8 page

    Spinor Algebras

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    We consider supersymmetry algebras in space-times with arbitrary signature and minimal number of spinor generators. The interrelation between super Poincar\'e and super conformal algebras is elucidated. Minimal super conformal algebras are seen to have as bosonic part a classical semimisimple algebra naturally associated to the spin group. This algebra, the Spin(s,t)(s,t)-algebra, depends both on the dimension and on the signature of space time. We also consider maximal super conformal algebras, which are classified by the orthosymplectic algebras.Comment: References added, misprints corrected. Version to appear in the Journal of Geometry and Physic

    Rotational symmetries of crystals with defects

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    I use the theory of Lie groups/algebras to discuss the symmetries of crystals with uniform distributions of defects

    Reproducing subgroups of Sp(2,R)Sp(2,\mathbb{R}). Part I: algebraic classification

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    We classify the connected Lie subgroups of the symplectic group Sp(2,R)Sp(2,\mathbb{R}) whose elements are matrices in block lower triangular form. The classification is up to conjugation within Sp(2,R)Sp(2,\mathbb{R}). Their study is motivated by the need of a unified approach to continuous 2D signal analyses, as those provided by wavelets and shearlets.Comment: 26 page
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