144 research outputs found

    Blind Frequency Synchronization in OFDM via Diagonality Criterion

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    Solariumien käyttöpaikkatarkastukset 1998-1999

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    Significance of Elevated Blood Metal Ion Levels in Patients with Metal-on-Metal Prostheses: An Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers

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    It is widely known that cobalt and chromium ions can enhance the production of reactive oxygen species, known to be damaging to cells by disturbing their redox status and then generating oxidative stress. The aim of the present study was to determine if increased metal ion levels induce a state of oxidative stress in patients with metal-on-metal (MM) hip arthroplasty. Results indicated that there was no significant difference in the concentration of oxidative stress markers (total antioxidants, peroxides, and nitrated proteins) in the patients with MM bearings compared to patients without prostheses. The activity antioxidant enzymes was stable (catalase and glutathione peroxidase) or slightly decreased (superoxide dismutase and heme oxygenase-1) over time. This work is the first to determine the biological effects of metal ions released from MM hip implants with regards to mid-term systemic oxidative stress and showed that the increased levels of Co and Cr ions are not associated with significant oxidative stress damage in the plasma of patients with these implants

    Monitoring and Scoring Counter-Diffusion Protein Crystallization Experiments in Capillaries by in situ Dynamic Light Scattering

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    In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of using in situ Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) to monitor counter-diffusion crystallization experiments in capillaries. Firstly, we have validated the quality of the DLS signal in thin capillaries, which is comparable to that obtained in standard quartz cuvettes. Then, we have carried out DLS measurements of a counter-diffusion crystallization experiment of glucose isomerase in capillaries of different diameters (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mm) in order to follow the temporal evolution of protein supersaturation. Finally, we have compared DLS data with optical recordings of the progression of the crystallization front and with a simulation model of counter-diffusion in 1D

    Physical and sports activity after hip arthroplasty

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    A artroplastia é utilizada para reconstrução da articulação do quadril, visando minimizar a dor e possibilitar o retorno às atividades de vida diária, esportivas e de lazer. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar na literatura as indicações e contraindicações referentes à prática de atividade física, esportiva e lazer após a artroplastia de quadril. Essa revisão aborda estudos publicados entre os anos de 1980 e 2009, obtidos por buscas em bancos de dados eletrônicos Medline, Scielo, Ovid, Infomaworld, Sciencedirect, Springerlink, Interscience, Sportdiscuss, Bireme, Informglobal, Opas, Ovid, Diseasedex, Eric, que totalizaram 39 artigos. Os artigos analisados apontam para a utilização de atividade física, esportiva e de lazer de baixo impacto. como a caminhada, natação, boliche, ciclismo, dentre outras. Outra indicação constatada na literatura é a utilização da atividade física e esportiva visando à manutenção do condicionamento físico, qualidade óssea e controle do peso corporal. Há ressalvas na literatura sobre a utilização de atividades de alto impacto, esporte com giro como o basquete e futebol ou com grande intensidade como tênis e a corrida, bem como os esportes de luta. As atividades físicas, esportivas e de lazer mais indicadas após uma atroplastia de quadril são as de baixo impacto como a hidroginástica, natação, caminhada, dentre outras. O início dessas atividades deve aguardar a liberação do médico, mas em média iniciam 60 dias após a cirurgia.Hip arthroplasty is used for reconstruction of the hip joint to reduce pain and to make the return to daily life, physical, sports and leisure activities possible. The objective of this article was to analyze in the literature the indications and counter-indications referring to practice of physical, sportive and leisure activities after hip arthroplasty. This revision approaches studies published between 1980 and 2009, obtained in searches in the Medline, Scielo, Ovid, Infomaworld, Sciencedirect, Springerlink, Interscience, Sportdiscuss, Bireme, Informglobal, Opas, Ovid, Diseasedex and Erics electronic databases with a total of 39 articles. The analyzed articles point to the use of physical, leisure and sports of low impact activities such as walking, swimming, bowling, cycling and others. Another indication evidenced in the literature is the use of physical and sportive activity aiming at the maintenance of physical fitness, bone quality and body weight control. The literature shows concerns with the use of activities of high impact or with great intensity like tennis and jogging, as well as fights

    Treatments for people who use anabolic androgenic steroids: a scoping review.

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    BACKGROUND: A growing body of evidence suggests that anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are used globally by a diverse population with varying motivations. Evidence has increased greatly in recent years to support understanding of this form of substance use and the associated health harms, but there remains little evidence regarding interventions to support cessation and treat the consequences of use. In this scoping review, we identify and describe what is known about interventions that aim to support and achieve cessation of AAS, and treat and prevent associated health problems. METHODS: A comprehensive search strategy was developed in four bibliographic databases, supported by an iterative citation searching process to identify eligible studies. Studies of any psychological or medical treatment interventions delivered in response to non-prescribed use of AAS or an associated harm in any setting were eligible. RESULTS: In total, 109 eligible studies were identified, which included case reports representing a diverse range of disciplines and sources. Studies predominantly focussed on treatments for harms associated with AAS use, with scant evidence on interventions to support cessation of AAS use or responding to dependence. The types of conditions requiring treatment included psychiatric, neuroendocrine, hepatic, kidney, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and infectious. There was limited evidence of engagement with users or delivery of psychosocial interventions as part of treatment for any condition, and of harm reduction interventions initiated alongside, or following, treatment. Findings were limited throughout by the case report study designs and limited information was provided. CONCLUSION: This scoping review indicates that while a range of case reports describe treatments provided to AAS users, there is scarce evidence on treating dependence, managing withdrawal, or initiating behaviour change in users in any settings. Evidence is urgently required to support the development of effective services for users and of evidence-based guidance and interventions to respond to users in a range of healthcare settings. More consistent reporting in articles of whether engagement or assessment relating to AAS was initiated, and publication within broader health- or drug-related journals, will support development of the evidence base