204 research outputs found

    Financial stability and its impact on national security state : organizational and legal aspects

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    Purpose: This paper analyzes the financial stability, the reasons for the low level of financial stability and their impact on the national security of Ukraine. Design/Methodology/Approach: By observation, monitoring of causes and effects of financial stability. Findings: The study found that the main financial stability issues that affected national security in Ukraine were the ineffective regulatory legislation, the high level of distrust in the financial sector, the low growth rates of securities, the high level of credit rates. Also the fact that the financial sector is not capable of securing redistribution of funds in the Ukrainian economy, inefficient use of deposits by the banking sector, insufficient capital of the banking system, low dependence of the banking system on market activity, low level of ability of banks' own capital to cover losses. At the same time banks were exposed to the risk of insolvency of non-financial corporations with insufficient level of money market security and monetization in Ukraine. Practical Implications: A number of problems that negatively affect national security have been systematized. Measures have been developed that will contribute to the development of the financial sector. Originality/Value: With this article we show that the financial stability of the state, its financial dependency / independence can significantly affect national security, economic security, social security, scientific and technological, military and other types of securities.peer-reviewe

    Investment security management in transition economies : legal and organizational aspects

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    Purpose: There are significant differences between countries in transition from socialism to market economy, and hence differences in investment flows. As a result, the level of economic growth, competitiveness, and integration into the world markets differs significantly. Different transformation strategies, economic policies, and the level of openness of the economy explain the differences between countries. It is revealed that the level of political rights, civil liberties and economic freedom significantly affect investment flows. The aim of this article is to highlight these differences and evaluate them. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data from 18 countries in transition are used to analyze investment security management. Findings: The study has found that countries in transition have a low level of investment flows and a low level of investment security. On average, net investment inflows account for 3.5% of GDP. There is a positive relationship between investment outflows and gross capital formation, gross savings, GDP growth, and the index of economic freedom, however, on the other hand there is negative relationship between capital outflows and the index of political rights and civil liberties. Originality/Value: Investment security management depends on institutions and institutional infrastructure as well as the ability to stimulate investment in the country. Reducing trade barriers and opening up the economy also contributes to increase investment in the country. Over the past ten years, investments in countries in transition have declined considerably due to weak investment security management.peer-reviewe


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    In the article, on the basis of the previous metric characteristics of craniofacial structures using methods of Ricketts R. M., Burstone C. J. and Harvold E. P. in Ukrainian young men and women with orthognathic bite, the features of the cephalometric profile of Ukrainian young men and women were analyzed in comparison with the values of analogical indices of the data determined by the authors of these techniques on residents of other populations and ethnic groups. The established features of the cephalometric characteristics of the juvenile Ukrainian population confirm the need for the creation and further study of normative cephalometric data for various ethnic, age and gender groups of the population.In the article, on the basis of the previous metric characteristics of craniofacial structures using methods of Ricketts R. M., Burstone C. J. and Harvold E. P. in Ukrainian young men and women with orthognathic bite, the features of the cephalometric profile of Ukrainian young men and women were analyzed in comparison with the values of analogical indices of the data determined by the authors of these techniques on residents of other populations and ethnic groups. The established features of the cephalometric characteristics of the juvenile Ukrainian population confirm the need for the creation and further study of normative cephalometric data for various ethnic, age and gender groups of the population

    Theoretical study of the conditions of the maximum allowable slipping of wheel tractors

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    Received: October 1st, 2022 ; Accepted: March 15th, 2023 ; Published: March 17th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] process of tractor wheels slipping is accompanied by two forms of ground deformation: displacement and shearing. From the point of view of preserving the structure of the soil environment, wheel slip should be limited to displacement only. The limit of soil strength [σo] at this deformation can be a standardizing parameter. In this article an analytical dependence is developed, which allows using the parameter [σo] to establish the maximum permissible level of slipping of wheeled tractors. Of the soil parameters, the specified dependence includes the coefficient of sliding friction between the particles of soil medium and the coefficient of wheel rolling resistance on a particular agrotechnical background. Theoretical studies have established that the greater the value of this coefficient, the smaller should be the maximum permissible value of tractor slipping with a more economical effect on the soil environment. Compared to a tractor with a nominal drawbar pull of 14 kN, the use of a heavier tractor with a drawbar pull of 30 kN is possible with higher values of maximum permissible towing. This result is due to the magnitude of the vertical load on the wheel of the heavier tractor, which gives it a greater friction force between the tire wheel and the ground and allows the same contacting traction force to be realized at a lower level of slipping. The results of mathematical modeling using the developed analytical relationships indicate that with increasing the value of the angle of placement (slope) of the tractor wheel to the longitudinal axis of symmetry, the maximum permissible level of its slipping should be less. This will help to reduce the value of deformation (longitudinal shift) of the soil by the tractor during its working movement. When using the ground shear strength limit [σo] у as a limiting parameter for increasing the pitch and height of the tractor tire, as well as the width of the tractor wheel tyre, the maximum permissible level of its towing is more than 15%, which is an undesirable fact

    The informational dimension of hybrid warfare

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    Текст статті українською та англійською мовами.Жорстокі протести, очолювані бойовиками-посередниками, фінансованими з-за кордону, не можна подолати виключно військовими методами. Автори нагадують читачам про те, що «гібридна війна» – це явище, у якому домінує цивільний компонент. Планування, підготовка та ведення такої війни відрізняються від клаузевіцького уявлення про ідеальну війну, коли оперативний контроль покладено на професійних військових. Натомість успішність наступальних гібридних кампаній залежить від координації між цивільним і військовим компонентами, при цьому керівна роль відводиться цивільному компоненту. Для протидії руйнівній тактиці, яку використовують учасники такої війни, необхідні також комплексні зусилля всього державного апарату.Brutal protests led by militant intermediaries, financed from abroad, cannot be overcome solely with military means. The authors remind readers that the “hybrid war” is a phenomenon dominated by a civilian component. Planning, preparation and conduct of such a war differ from Clausewitz’s idea of an ideal war, when operational control is entrusted to professional military personnel. Instead, success of offensive hybrid campaigns depends on coordination between civilian and military components, with leadership assigned to the civilian component. In order to counteract the destructive tactics used by participants in such a war, comprehensive efforts of the entire state apparatus are also necessary.Жестокие протесты, возглавляемые боевиками-посредниками, которых финансируют из-за границы, невозможно победить исключительно военными методами. Авторы напоминают читателям о том, что «гибридная война» – это явление, в котором доминирует гражданский компонент. Планирование, подготовка и ведение такой войны отличаются от клаузевицкого представления про идеальную войну, когда оперативный контроль положен на профессиональных военных. В свою очередь успешность наступательных гибридных кампаний зависит от координации между гражданским и военным компонентами, при этом главная роль отводится гражданскому компоненту. Для противодействия разрушающей тактике, которую используют участники такой войны, необходимы также комплексные усилия всего государственного аппарата