1,357 research outputs found

    Modeling of "groove" rolling defect on internal surface of pipes at lengthwise rolling

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    The research has been conducted in pipe forming at rolling off by lengthwise rolling mill with stub mandrel; the patterns of change in dimensionless parameters were determined, which characterize deformation in side angle depending on http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?t=424995_2_1elongation ratio. The model of formation of lengthwise groove on internal surface of pipes has been proposed

    Electrical discharges in the atmosphere of Venus

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    Data received from Venera 11 and 12 experiments involving the electrical activity of the atmosphere of Venus show that the electrical discharges occur in the cloud layer. Their energy is roughly the same as in terrestrial lightning, but with a pulse repetition frequency of the discharges which is much greater

    Вікова та породна сприйнятливість собак до збудника цистоізоспорозу

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    Cystoisosporosis refers to a protozoan parasitic disease caused by coccidia of the genus Cystoisospora canis in dogs, especially young ones. Pathogens are localized in the small intestine of animals and lead to an imbalance of microflora, indigestion, enteritis, and diarrhea. Knowledge of the epizootological features of this invasion makes it possible to carry out complex preventive measures more effectively and maintain well-being in certain territories. The research aimed to establish the dependence of the infection of dogs with the causative agent of cystoisosporosis on their age and breed. The conducted studies established that the age-related dynamics of cystoisosoporosis in the conditions of the city of Kharkiv were characterized by a decrease in the extent of infestation with the age of the dogs. The most affected were young animals up to 6 months of age, where the extent of infestation was 32.0 %. In dogs aged 6–12 months and 1–3 years, the extent of cystoisosporous infestation decreases to 18.9 and 4.7 %, respectively. Dogs aged 3 to 6 years and older than six were the least affected by cystoisospor oocysts, where the extent of infestation is 4.7 and 2.7 %, respectively. Breed susceptibility to cystoisosprosis is characterized by the most excellent infestation of mixed-breed dogs and purebred animals, where their average infestation was at the level of 22.0 %. Cystoisosporosis was less often diagnosed in dogs of hunting, service, and decorative breeds; the extent of infestation ranged from 10.3 to 14.3 %. In terms of breeds, the highest infestation by protozoan organisms was found in labrador retrievers (extensive infestation 6.0 %), German shepherds (3.9 %), dachshunds (3.5 %), Yorkshire terriers (3.2 %) and cocker spaniels (2.8 %). The obtained data allow us to take into account the obtained results regarding the age and breed susceptibility of dogs to coccidia of the genus Cystoisospora for timely diagnosis and prevention of cystoisosporosis.Цистоізоспороз є протозойним паразитарним захворюванням, що викликається коцидіями роду Cystoisospora canis у собак, особливо молодняку. Збудники локалізуються у тонкому кишечнику тварин і призводять до дисбалансу мікрофлори, розладу травлення, ентериту, діареї. Знання епізоотологічних особливостей даної інвазії дає змогу більш ефективно проводити комплексні профілактичні заходи та підтримувати благополуччя на певних територіях. Метою досліджень було встановити залежність інвазування собак збудником цистоізоспорозу від їх віку та породи. Проведеними дослідженнями встановлено, що вікова динаміка цистоізоспорозу в умовах міста Харків характеризувалася зниженням показників екстенсивності інвазії з віком собак. Найбільш ураженими виявилися молоді тварини віком до 6-місячного віку, де екстенсивність інвазії становить 32,0 %. У собак віком 6–12 місяців та 1–3 роки екстенсивність цистоізоспорозної інвазії знижується до 18,9 та 4,7 % відповідно. Найменш ураженими ооцистами цистоізоспор виявилися собаки віком від 3 до 6 років та старші, де екстенсивність інвазії становить 4,7 та 2,7 % відповідно. Породна сприйнятливість за цистоізоспорозу характеризується найбільшим інвазуванням метисів та безпородних тварин, де середня їхня інвазованість була на рівні 22,0 %. Рідше цистоізоспороз діагностували у собак мисливських, службових та декоративних порід, екстенсивність інвазії коливалася у межах від 10,3 до 14,3 %. У розрізі порід найвищу інвазованість найпростішими організмами встановлено у лабрадор-ретриверів (екстенсивність інвазії 6,0 %), німецьких вівчарок (3,9 %), такс (3,5 %), йоркширських тер’єрів (3,2 %) та кокер-спанієлів (2,8 %). Отримані дані дозволяють враховувати результати щодо вікової та породної сприйнятливості собак до кокцидій роду Cystoisospora з метою своєчасної діагностики та профілактики цистоізоспорозу

    An Effect of Co–W Barrier Sublayer on the Functional Characteristics of Au–Ru Contact Coatings

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    Funding Information: Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the frame of the state assignment FSSN-2020-0003. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The performance characteristics (microhardness, porosity, roughness, and transient resistance) of Au–Ru coatings with and without the Co–W alloy barrier sublayer electrodeposited on the surface of contact blades of commercially produced reed switches were investigated. It was found that the barrier sublayer reduces the average roughness of the coatings without significant change in their porosity. The Au–Ru coatings without sublayer exhibited a greater variation in the transient resistance during an increase in the pressing force. The service time of reed switches with the barrier sublayer increased in both testing modes: in low-power (50 mV, 5 µA, 50 Hz) by more than 4 × 106 switching cycles, and in mean-power (12 V, 0.25 A, 50 Hz) by more than 1.8 × 106 switching cycles.publishersversionpublishe

    The Stalin modernization and the material and legal statusof the ural teaching in the first half of the 1930s

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    The article consider the issues of social status and real working and living conditions of the Urals in the first half of the 1930s in the conditions of complete collectivization. Problem of comparing the declarative and actual situation of the village school workers is important. The authors come to the conclusion that to solve the problem of social security, to improve the material status of teachers only by administrative and command methods in the early 1930s was impossible. In the conditions of a budget deficit, the state tried to shift the costs of ensuring the material situation of teachers in rural areas to collective farms, public organizations, and consumer co-operation bodies in the cities, obliging their leaders to allocate funds, without taking into account the existing financial possibilities.В статье освещены вопросы социального статуса и реальных условий труда и быта учительства Урала в первой половине 1930-х гг. в условиях сплошной коллективизации

    The role of customer service in increasing the competitive ability and competitiveness of service organizations

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    The essence of service and service as a product of the service business, including the core of the service, its customized variants, atmosphere, architecture and contact personnel, has been characterized. It has been found out that customer orientation is a key characteristic of a business in the service sector and reflects a combination of understanding of its strategic vectors, its essential characteristics and the vision of the organization through the eyes of the client (internal - employee and external - consumer). It has been determined that a customer-oriented service consists in focusing attention on the customer, rather than on a product-centered marketing strategy. The components of a successful customer-oriented service have been highlighted, based on the quality of services provided, the level of accompanying service, the range of services provided and the availability of after-sales service. It has been noted that nowadays there is a shift in the relationship between sellers and buyers from onetime transactions to long-term partnership relations


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    The article describes a method for verification of a statistical model, which, firstly, is represented by the time series of original data and, secondly, is linear in the estimated parameters. Experience in statistical calculations on real empirical data shows that the most well-known and conventionally used in the econometric modeling of mathematical-statistical methods (least squares, maximum likelihood method, and similar methods) often do not ensure successful verification of theoretically required forms of econometric models. The developed method which is called an alternative method of linear regression (AMLR) provides an account of a priori restrictions on the absolute values and signs of the parameters identified by the model. The AMLR based on the concept of best linear index, is known in the theory of statistics from the end of the 1950s. Mathematically AMLR it based on the method of principal components. The article analyzes conditions for applying the AMLR in econometric modeling and methods of transformation of the initial statistical information to ensure correct application of the developed evaluation procedures.Special problems of the proposed method are to determine the level of accuracy of approximation of the dependent variable of the model. In this regard, to assess the level of precision of the statistical model verifiable by using the AMLR, was developed an original method of decomposition of the time series on the regular and stochastic components. The author analyzes the properties of the proposed method of decomposition and gave a numerical illustration of its use in econometric calculations.В статье описан метод верификации статистической модели, которая, во-первых, представлена временными рядами исходных данных и, во-вторых, является линейной по оцениваемым параметрам. Опыт статистических расчетов на основе реальных эмпирических данных свидетельствует о том, что наиболее известные и традиционно применяемые в практике эконометрического моделирования математико-статистические методы (метод наименьших квадратов, метод максимального правдоподобия и близкие к ним методы) очень часто не позволяют обеспечить успешную верификацию теоретически требуемых форм эконометрических моделей. Разработанный метод, называемый альтернативным методом линейной регрессии (АМЛР), обеспечивает учет априорных ограничений абсолютных значений и знаков параметров идентифицируемой модели. В основе АМЛР лежит концепция наилучшего линейного индекса, известная в теории статистики с конца 1950-х годов. В математическом отношении АМЛР основывается на методе главных компонент. Проанализированы условия применения АМЛР в эконометрическом моделировании и методы преобразования исходной статистической информации, обеспечивающие корректность применения разработанной процедуры оценивания.Специальной проблемой предложенного метода является определение уровня точности аппроксимации зависимой переменной модели. В связи с этим для оценки уровня точности статистической модели, верифицируемой при помощи АМЛР, разработан оригинальный метод декомпозиции временного ряда на регулярную и стохастическую компоненты. Проанализированы свойства предлагаемого метода декомпозиции и дана числовая иллюстрация его применения в эконометрических расчетах

    Integral cross sections for electron-impact excitation of the 4 2P state in copper

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    We report integral cross sections for electron-impact excitation of the 4 2P state in copper for incident electrons with energies in the range from threshold to 100 eV. Measurements, based on an optical excitation function procedure, are compared with coupled-channel and coupled-channel-optical method calculations that we have also performed as a part of this study. Agreement between our measurements and theory was generally only modest. The present measurements are also found to be in quite good accord with the early near-threshold integral cross sections of Flynn et al. and the higher energy measurements from Ismail and Teubner. Where possible, comparison of our data is also made with earlier theory


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    A comparative analysis of the categories, that form the concepts of competitiveness and competitive stability in relation to the organization of the services sector, has been conducted. The main approaches to the definition of categories and concepts, such as «competitive position», «competitive status», «competitive potential», «competitive advantages» have been analyzed. Their clarifications regarding the organizations of the service sector have been made. Based on the conducted comparative analysis, the concept of competitive advantages has been formulated as a basis for the formation of competitiveness and potential competitive stability of the organization of the services sector