6,024 research outputs found

    Fractional Aharonov-Bohm effect in mesoscopic rings

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    We study the effects of correlations on a one dimensional ring threaded by a uniform magnetic flux. In order to describe the interaction between particles, we work in the framework of the U ∞\infty Hubbard and tt-JJ models. We focus on the dilute limit. Our results suggest the posibility that the persistent current has an anomalous periodicity Ï•0/p\phi_{0}/p, where pp is an integer in the range 2≤p≤Ne2\leq p\leq N_{e} (NeN_{e} is the number of particles in the ring and Ï•0\phi_{0} is the flux quantum). We found that this result depends neither on disorder nor on the detailed form of the interaction, while remains the on site infinite repulsion.Comment: 14 pages (Revtex), 5 postscript figures. Send e-mail to: [email protected]

    Vibration Responses of Test Structure No. 2 During the Edward Air Force Base Phase of the National Sonic Boom Program

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    In order to evaluate reaction of people to sonic booms of varying overpressures and time durations, a series of closely controlled and systematic flight tests/studies were conducted from June 3 to June 23, 1966. The dynamic responses of several building structures were measured, with emphasis on a two-story residence structure. Sample acceleration and strain recordings from F-104, B-58, and XB-70 sonic boom exposures are included, along with tabulations of the maximum acceleration and strain values measured for each one of about 140 flight tests. These data are compared with similar measurements for engine noise exposures of the building during simulated landing approaches and takeoffs of KC-135 aircraft

    Effect of Particle-Hole Asymmetry on the Mott-Hubbard Metal-Insulator Transition

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    The Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition is one of the most important problems in correlated electron systems. In the past decade, much progress has been made on examining a particle-hole symmetric form of the transition in the Hubbard model with dynamical mean field theory where it was found that the electronic self energy develops a pole at the transition. We examine the particle-hole asymmetric metal-insulator transition in the Falicov-Kimball model, and find that a number of features change when the noninteracting density of states has a finite bandwidth. Since, generically particle-hole symmetry is broken in real materials, our results have an impact on understanding the metal-insulator transition in real materials.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Compressibility of the Two-Dimensional infinite-U Hubbard Model

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    We study the interactions between the coherent quasiparticles and the incoherent Mott-Hubbard excitations and their effects on the low energy properties in the U=∞U=\infty Hubbard model. Within the framework of a systematic large-N expansion, these effects first occur in the next to leading order in 1/N. We calculate the scattering phase shift and the free energy, and determine the quasiparticle weight Z, mass renormalization, and the compressibility. It is found that the compressibility is strongly renormalized and diverges at a critical doping δc=0.07±0.01\delta_c=0.07\pm0.01. We discuss the nature of this zero-temperature phase transition and its connection to phase separation and superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Investigations of meltwater refreezing and density variations in the snowpack and firn within the percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    The mass balance of polythermal ice masses is critically dependent on the proportion of surface-generated meltwater that subsequently refreezes in the snowpack and firn. In order to quantify this effect and to characterize its spatial variability, we measured near-surface (26%, resulting in a 32% increase in net accumulation. This 'seasonal densification' increased at lower elevations, rising to 47% 10 km closer to the ice-sheet margin at 1860 m a. s. l. Density/depth profiles from nine sites within 1 km2 at ∼1945 m a.s.l. reveal complex stratigraphies that change over short spatial scales and seasonally. We conclude that estimates of mass-balance change cannot be calculated solely from observed changes in surface elevation, but that near-surface densification must also be considered. However, predicting spatial and temporal variations in densification may not be straightforward. Further, the development of complex firn-density profiles both masks discernible annual layers in the near-surface firn and ice stratigraphy and is likely to introduce error into radar-derived estimates of surface elevation

    Dispersion Instability in Strongly Interacting Electron Liquids

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    We show that the low-density strongly interacting electron liquid, interacting via the long-range Coulomb interaction, could develop a dispersion instability at a critical density associated with the approximate flattening of the quasiparticle energy dispersion. At the critical density the quasiparticle effective mass diverges at the Fermi surface, but the signature of this Fermi surface instability manifests itself away from the Fermi momentum at higher densities. For densities below the critical density the system is unstable since the quasiparticle velocity becomes negative. We show that one physical mechanism underlying the dispersion instability is the emission of soft plasmons by the quasiparticles. The dispersion instability occurs both in two and three dimensional electron liquids. We discuss the implications of the dispersion instability for experiments at low electron densities.Comment: Accepted version for publicatio

    Sum rules for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra in strongly correlated ferromagnets

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    It is proven that the sum rules for X-ray magnetic dichroism (XMCD) spectra that are used to separate spin and orbital contributions to the magnetic moment are formally correct for an arbitrary strength of electron-electron interactions. However, their practical application for strongly correlated systems can become complicated due to the spectral density weight spreading over a broad energy interval. Relevance of incoherent spectral density for the XMCD sum rules is illustrated by a simple model of a ferromagnet with orbital degrees of freedom.Comment: 4 pages, final versio

    Assessment of the GW Approximation using Hubbard Chains

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    We investigate the performance of the GW approximation by comparison to exact results for small model systems. The role of the chemical potentials in Dyson's equation as well as the consequences of numerical resonance broadening are examined, and we show how a proper treatment can improve computational implementations of many-body perturbation theory in general. GW and exchange-only calculations are performed over a wide range of fractional band fillings and correlation strengths. We thus identify the physical situations where these schemes are applicable

    Climate or rural development policy?

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    Being heavily energy dependent, it is not much of a surprise that Europe pays special attention to reducing the use of fossil fuels. Each one of the ten new member states is characterized by relatively low per capita energy consumption and relatively low energy efficiency, and the share of renewables in their energy mix tends to be low, too. The paper examines the problem when policy measures create a decrease in environmental capital instead of an increase. In this case it hardly seems justified to talk about environmental protection. The authors describe a case of a Hungarian rapeseed oil mill which would not be of too much interest on its own but given that almost all similar plants went bankrupt, there are some important lessons to learn from its survival. The enterprise the authors examined aimed at establishing a micro-regional network. They completed a brown-field development to establish a small plant on the premises of a former large agricultural cooperative. By partnering with the former employees and suppliers of the sometime cooperative, they enjoyed some benefits which all the other green-field businesses focusing on fuel production could not. The project improved food security, energy security and population retention as well
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