109 research outputs found

    Atmospheric, long baseline, and reactor neutrino data constraints on θ13\theta_{13}

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    A new atmospheric neutrino oscillation tool which utilizes full three neutrino oscillation probabilities and a full three neutrino treatment of the MSW effect is combined with a standard analysis of the K2K, MINOS, and CHOOZ data to examine the bounds on θ13\theta_{13} implied by existing data, including the recent, more finely binned, Super-K atmospheric data. In the region L/Eν104L/E_\nu\gtrsim 10^4 km/GeV, we have previously found that the sub-dominant expansion does not converge and that terms linear in θ13\theta_{13} can be significant. The current analysis confirms this and leads to the conclusion that θ13\theta_{13} is bounded from above by the atmospheric data while CHOOZ provides the lower bound. We trace the origin of this result to fully contained data in the previously mentioned very long baseline region, to a combination of a quadratic in θ13\theta_{13} term in Pee{\mathcal P}_{ee} and a linear term in Peμ{\mathcal P}_{e\mu} and their contribution to ReR_e, a broad MSW resonance for the solar mass-squared difference at 180 MeV, and an increase in θ12\theta_{12} due to this resonant matter effect which alters the sign of the linear in θ13\theta_{13} term. Assuming CP is conserved in the lepton sector, we find θ13=0.070.11+0.18\theta_{13}=-0.07^{+0.18}_{-0.11}, the asymmetry being a reflection of the importance of the linear in θ13\theta_{13} terms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected, manuscript shortene

    Could One Find Petroleum Using Neutrino Oscillations in Matter?

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    In neutrino physics, it is now widely believed that neutrino oscillations are influenced by the presence of matter, modifying the energy spectrum produced by a neutrino beam traversing the Earth. Here, we will discuss the reverse problem, i.e. what could be learned about the Earth's interior from a single neutrino baseline energy spectrum, especially about the Earth's mantle. We will use a statistical analysis with a low-energy neutrino beam under very optimistic assumptions. At the end, we will note that it is hard to find petroleum with such a method, though it is not too far away from technical feasibility.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, EPL LaTeX. Final version to be published in Europhys. Let

    Floquet theory of neutrino oscillations in the earth

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    We review the Floquet theory of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients and discuss its applications to neutrino oscillations in matter of periodically varying density. In particular, we consider parametric resonance in neutrino oscillations which can occur in such media, and discuss implications for oscillations of neutrinos traversing the earth and passing through the earth's core.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages, 8 eps figures. Contribution to the special issue of Yad. Fiz. dedicated to the memory of A.B. Migda

    Progress in the physics of massive neutrinos

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    The current status of the physics of massive neutrinos is reviewed with a forward-looking emphasis. The article begins with the general phenomenology of neutrino oscillations in vacuum and matter and documents the experimental evidence for oscillations of solar, reactor, atmospheric and accelerator neutrinos. Both active and sterile oscillation possibilities are considered. The impact of cosmology (BBN, CMB, leptogenesis) and astrophysics (supernovae, highest energy cosmic rays) on neutrino observables and vice versa, is evaluated. The predictions of grand unified, radiative and other models of neutrino mass are discussed. Ways of determining the unknown parameters of three-neutrino oscillations are assessed, taking into account eight-fold degeneracies in parameters that yield the same oscillation probabilities, as well as ways to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale (from beta-decay, neutrinoless double-beta decay, large scale structure and Z-bursts). Critical unknowns at present are the amplitude of \nu_\mu to \nu_e oscillations and the hierarchy of the neutrino mass spectrum; the detection of CP violation in the neutrino sector depends on these and on an unknown phase. The estimated neutrino parameter sensitivities at future facilities (reactors, superbeams, neutrino factories) are given. The overall agenda of a future neutrino physics program to construct a bottom-up understanding of the lepton sector is presented.Comment: 111 pages, 35 figures. Update

    On the New Conditions for a Total Neutrino Conversion in a Medium

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    We show that the arguments forming the basis for the claim that the conditions for total neutrino conversion derived and studied in detail in [1,2] ``are just the conditions of the parametric resonance of neutrino oscillations supplemented by the requirement that the parametric enhancement be complete'', given in [4] have flaws which make the claim physically questionable. We show also that in the case of the transitions in the Earth of the Earth-core-crossing solar and atmospheric neutrinos the peaks in the relevant transitions probabilities PabP_{a b}, associated with the new conditions, maxPab=1max P_{a b} = 1, are of physical relevance - in contrast to what is suggested in [4]. Actually, the enhancement of PabP_{a b} in any region of the corresponding parameter space are essentially determined by these absolute maxima of PabP_{a b}. We comment on few other aspects of the results derived in [1,2,3] which have been misunderstood and/or misinterpreted in [4].Comment: 8 pages, late


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    The paper describes a clinical case of testicular capillary hemangioma in a 24-year-old man undergone a partial resection of the testis with the intraoperative morphological examination. Testicular capillary hemangioma is a rare benign tumor of a vascular origin, which can be similar to malignant testicular tumors on the clinical presentation, as well as on the imaging methods, in particular to seminoma. The intraoperative histological study can assist in avoiding organ-removing surgical interventions in diagnostically ambiguous cases if a benign testicular tumor is diagnosed.Представлено клиническое наблюдение капиллярной гемангиомы яичка у мужчины 24 лет, которому была выполнена резекция яичка со срочным гистологическим исследованием. Капиллярная гемангиома яичка — редкая доброкачественная опухоль сосудистого происхождения, которая клинически и по результатам обследования может имитировать злокачественную опухоль яичка, в частности семиному. Выполнение интраоперационного срочного гистологического исследования в диагностически неоднозначных случаях поможет избежать органоуносящих оперативных вмешательств при выявлении доброкачественной опухоли яичка

    Energy loss of pions and electrons of 1 to 6 GeV/c in drift chambers operated with Xe,CO2(15%)

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    We present measurements of the energy loss of pions and electrons in drift chambers operated with a Xe,CO2(15%) mixture. The measurements are carried out for particle momenta from 1 to 6 GeV/c using prototype drift chambers for the ALICE TRD. Microscopic calculations are performed using input parameters calculated with GEANT3. These calculations reproduce well the measured average and most probable values for pions, but a higher Fermi plateau is required in order to reproduce our electron data. The widths of the measured distributions are smaller for data compared to the calculations. The electron/pion identification performance using the energy loss is also presented.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.

    A Study of the Day - Night Effect for the Super - Kamiokande Detector: I. Time Averaged Solar Neutrino Survival Probability

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    This is the first of two articles aimed at providing comprehensive predictions for the day-night (D-N) effect for the Super-Kamiokande detector in the case of the MSW \nu_e \to \numt transition solution of the solar neutrino problem. The one-year averaged probability of survival of the solar \nue crossing the Earth mantle, the core, the inner 2/3 of the core, and the (core + mantle) is calculated with high precision (better than 1%) using the elliptical orbit approximation (EOA) to describe the Earth motion around the Sun. Results for the survival probability in the indicated cases are obtained for a large set of values of the MSW transition parameters Δm2\Delta m^2 and sin22θVsin^22\theta_{V} from the ``conservative'' regions of the MSW solution, derived by taking into account possible relatively large uncertainties in the values of the 8^{8}B and 7^{7}Be neutrino fluxes. Our results show that the one-year averaged D-N asymmetry in the νe\nu_e survival probability for neutrinos crossing the Earth core can be, in the case of sin22θV0.13sin^22 \theta_{V} \leq 0.13, larger than the asymmetry in the probability for (only mantle crossing + core crossing) neutrinos by a factor of up to six. The enhancement is larger in the case of neutrinos crossing the inner 2/3 of the core. This indicates that the Super-Kamiokande experiment might be able to test the sin22θV0.01sin^22\theta_{V} \leq 0.01 region of the MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem by performing selective D-N asymmetry measurements.Comment: LaTeX2e - 18 Text Pages + 21 figures = 39 Pages. - Figures in PS + text file sk1b14.tex requires two auxiliary files (included


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    Objective: to evaluate the prognostic value of microvascular and perineural invasion on radical prostatectomy specimens in prostate cancer patients. Subjects: 144 patients with prostate cancer pT1-4N0-1M0 underwent radical prostatectomy at the Cancer Center in 1997 to 2008. The median age was 60.06.4 (43-73) years. The median preoperative PSA level was 10.413.7 (0.8-95.7) ng/ml (PSA<10 ng/ml; n = 67 (46.5%), PSA ≥10 ng/ml; n = 77 (53.5%). Histological study verified adenocarcinoma in all specimens. The median Gleason score was 6.01.4 (Gleason score <7; n = 112 (77.8%), Gleason score ≥7; n = 32 (22.2%)). Extracapsular tumor extension was revealed in 47 (32.6%), seminal vesicle invasion in 13 (9.0%), regional lymph node metastases in 9 (6.3%), positive margin in 9 (6.3%), microvascular invasion in 58 (40.3%), perineural invasion in 61 (42.4%) of the 144 cases. The median follow-up was 36.615.2 months. Results: microvascular invasion was associated with an increase of Gleason score≥7 rate from 15.1 to 32.8% (p=0.015), extracapsular extension rate from 17.4 to 55.2% (p<0.0001), seminal vesicle invasion rate from 1.2 to 20.7% (p<0.0001) and category N+ rate from 3.5 to 10.3% (p=0.095). Perineural invasion was associated with an increase of extracapsular extension rate from 19.3 to 50.8% (p<0.0001) and seminal vesicle invasion rate from 0.0 to 21.3% (p<0.0001). Microvascular and perineural invasion did not influence positive margin rate (p>0.05). Prostate cancer recurrence developed in 19 (13.2%) of the 144 patients. Relapses were registered more frequently in patients with microvascular (from 8.1 to 20.7% respectively, p=0.028) and perineural (from 8.4 to 19.7% respectively; p=0.043) invasion. Five-year overall, specific and PSA recurrence-free survival in a group of 144 patients was 97.6, 98.3, and 82.1%, respectively. Microvascular invasion significantly decreased 5-year PSA recurrence-free survival from 90.0 to 66.8% (p=0.050), but this difference did not translate into a statistically significant reduction in overall (98.8 and 96.0%, respectively, p=0.812) and specific (100.0 and 96.0% respectively, p=0.251) survival. Perineural invasion was associated with a significant decrease in 5-year PSA recurrence-free survival from 92.4 to 68.2% (p=0.045). Overall (100.0% and 94.1% respectively, p=0.090) and specific (100.0% and 95.7% respectively, p=0.217) survival differences between the groups without and with perineural invasion did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: microvascular and perineural invasion is associated with the worst pathological findings in prostatectomy specimens, higher recurrence rate and lower PSA recurrence-free survival in patients with prostate cancer pT1-4N0-1M0.Objective: to evaluate the prognostic value of microvascular and perineural invasion on radical prostatectomy specimens in prostate cancer patients. Subjects: 144 patients with prostate cancer pT1-4N0-1M0 underwent radical prostatectomy at the Cancer Center in 1997 to 2008. The median age was 60.06.4 (43-73) years. The median preoperative PSA level was 10.413.7 (0.8-95.7) ng/ml (PSA<10 ng/ml; n = 67 (46.5%), PSA ≥10 ng/ml; n = 77 (53.5%). Histological study verified adenocarcinoma in all specimens. The median Gleason score was 6.01.4 (Gleason score <7; n = 112 (77.8%), Gleason score ≥7; n = 32 (22.2%)). Extracapsular tumor extension was revealed in 47 (32.6%), seminal vesicle invasion in 13 (9.0%), regional lymph node metastases in 9 (6.3%), positive margin in 9 (6.3%), microvascular invasion in 58 (40.3%), perineural invasion in 61 (42.4%) of the 144 cases. The median follow-up was 36.615.2 months. Results: microvascular invasion was associated with an increase of Gleason score≥7 rate from 15.1 to 32.8% (p=0.015), extracapsular extension rate from 17.4 to 55.2% (p<0.0001), seminal vesicle invasion rate from 1.2 to 20.7% (p<0.0001) and category N+ rate from 3.5 to 10.3% (p=0.095). Perineural invasion was associated with an increase of extracapsular extension rate from 19.3 to 50.8% (p<0.0001) and seminal vesicle invasion rate from 0.0 to 21.3% (p<0.0001). Microvascular and perineural invasion did not influence positive margin rate (p>0.05). Prostate cancer recurrence developed in 19 (13.2%) of the 144 patients. Relapses were registered more frequently in patients with microvascular (from 8.1 to 20.7% respectively, p=0.028) and perineural (from 8.4 to 19.7% respectively; p=0.043) invasion. Five-year overall, specific and PSA recurrence-free survival in a group of 144 patients was 97.6, 98.3, and 82.1%, respectively. Microvascular invasion significantly decreased 5-year PSA recurrence-free survival from 90.0 to 66.8% (p=0.050), but this difference did not translate into a statistically significant reduction in overall (98.8 and 96.0%, respectively, p=0.812) and specific (100.0 and 96.0% respectively, p=0.251) survival. Perineural invasion was associated with a significant decrease in 5-year PSA recurrence-free survival from 92.4 to 68.2% (p=0.045). Overall (100.0% and 94.1% respectively, p=0.090) and specific (100.0% and 95.7% respectively, p=0.217) survival differences between the groups without and with perineural invasion did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: microvascular and perineural invasion is associated with the worst pathological findings in prostatectomy specimens, higher recurrence rate and lower PSA recurrence-free survival in patients with prostate cancer pT1-4N0-1M0