889 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    AbstractMore than 90% of cases of hepatocellular carcinoma occur on the background of chronic liver disease. Its diagnosis should therefore be based on six-month ultrasound screening, which should be started in these patients. The positive diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma is based on its vascularization examined on dynamic CT or MRI images after contrast enhancement. Arterial hypervascularization followed by a washout from the lesion in the portal and/or late phases on a background of cirrhosis provides a positive diagnosis of HCC without histology for nodules over a centimeter in size (international guidelines). Any other appearances require needle biopsy of the nodule and extra-nodular area to confirm the diagnosis. The local staging assessment predominantly involving portal invasion and the general patient assessment should be combined with assessment of the underlying liver disease to guide the treatment decision. The information obtained should be contained in as standardized a report as possible with all of the information required for patient management

    Evaluating kernels on Xeon Phi to accelerate Gysela application

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    This work describes the challenges presented by porting parts ofthe Gysela code to the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, as well as techniques used for optimization, vectorization and tuning that can be applied to other applications. We evaluate the performance of somegeneric micro-benchmark on Phi versus Intel Sandy Bridge. Several interpolation kernels useful for the Gysela application are analyzed and the performance are shown. Some memory-bound and compute-bound kernels are accelerated by a factor 2 on the Phi device compared to Sandy architecture. Nevertheless, it is hard, if not impossible, to reach a large fraction of the peek performance on the Phi device,especially for real-life applications as Gysela. A collateral benefit of this optimization and tuning work is that the execution time of Gysela (using 4D advections) has decreased on a standard architecture such as Intel Sandy Bridge.Comment: submitted to ESAIM proceedings for CEMRACS 2014 summer school version reviewe

    Recursion relations and branching rules for simple Lie algebras

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    The branching rules between simple Lie algebras and its regular (maximal) simple subalgebras are studied. Two types of recursion relations for anomalous relative multiplicities are obtained. One of them is proved to be the factorized version of the other. The factorization property is based on the existence of the set of weights Γ\Gamma specific for each injection. The structure of Γ\Gamma is easily deduced from the correspondence between the root systems of algebra and subalgebra. The recursion relations thus obtained give rise to simple and effective algorithm for branching rules. The details are exposed by performing the explicit decomposition procedure for A3⊕u(1)→B4A_{3} \oplus u(1) \to B_{4} injection.Comment: 15p.,LaTe

    On graviton production in braneworld cosmology

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    We study braneworlds in a five dimensional bulk, where cosmological expansion is mimicked by motion through AdS5_5. We show that the five dimensional graviton reduces to the four dimensional one in the late time approximation of such braneworlds. Inserting a fixed regulator brane far from the physical brane, we investigate quantum graviton production due to the motion of the brane. We show that the massive Kaluza-Klein modes decouple completely from the massless mode and they are not generated at all in the limit where the regulator brane position goes to infinity. In the low energy limit, the massless four dimensional graviton obeys the usual 4d equation and is therefore also not generated in a radiation-dominated universe.Comment: 9 pages, minor changes, references correcte

    Gastrointestinal imaging: tips and traps in the diagnosis of small HCC

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    Improvement in survival of patients with HCC depends on detecting small lesions. This is possible by screening all patients with cirrhosis for HCC. However, these small lesions are difficult to characterise as only 50 to 80% of lesions less than 3cm have a typical HCC appearance, depending on the imaging technique used. MRI, with its various possibilities (dynamic sequences, diffusion-weighting, liver-specific contrast agents), is currently the most effective imaging technique for characterising these small HCCs, but at present we do not know the best combination of imaging examinations for diagnosing the condition

    From simplicial Chern-Simons theory to the shadow invariant II

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    This is the second of a series of papers in which we introduce and study a rigorous "simplicial" realization of the non-Abelian Chern-Simons path integral for manifolds M of the form M = Sigma x S1 and arbitrary simply-connected compact structure groups G. More precisely, we introduce, for general links L in M, a rigorous simplicial version WLO_{rig}(L) of the corresponding Wilson loop observable WLO(L) in the so-called "torus gauge" by Blau and Thompson (Nucl. Phys. B408(2):345-390, 1993). For a simple class of links L we then evaluate WLO_{rig}(L) explicitly in a non-perturbative way, finding agreement with Turaev's shadow invariant |L|.Comment: 53 pages, 1 figure. Some minor changes and corrections have been mad

    Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library

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    We give a concise presentation of the Univalent Foundations of mathematics outlining the main ideas, followed by a discussion of the UniMath library of formalized mathematics implementing the ideas of the Univalent Foundations (section 1), and the challenges one faces in attempting to design a large-scale library of formalized mathematics (section 2). This leads us to a general discussion about the links between architecture and mathematics where a meeting of minds is revealed between architects and mathematicians (section 3). On the way our odyssey from the foundations to the "horizon" of mathematics will lead us to meet the mathematicians David Hilbert and Nicolas Bourbaki as well as the architect Christopher Alexander

    Study of a Class of Four Dimensional Nonsingular Cosmological Bounces

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    We study a novel class of nonsingular time-symmetric cosmological bounces. In this class of four dimensional models the bounce is induced by a perfect fluid with a negative energy density. Metric perturbations are solved in an analytic way all through the bounce. The conditions for generating a scale invariant spectrum of tensor and scalar metric perturbations are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure
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