1,655 research outputs found

    Recurrence for persistent random walks in two dimensions

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    We discuss the question of recurrence for persistent, or Newtonian, random walks in Z^2, i.e., random walks whose transition probabilities depend both on the walker's position and incoming direction. We use results by Toth and Schmidt-Conze to prove recurrence for a large class of such processes, including all "invertible" walks in elliptic random environments. Furthermore, rewriting our Newtonian walks as ordinary random walks in a suitable graph, we gain a better idea of the geometric features of the problem, and obtain further examples of recurrence.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Direct Measurement of Ocean Currents

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    Permanent Sequestration of Emitted Gases in the Form of Clathrate Hydrates

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    Underground sequestration has been proposed as a novel method of permanent disposal of harmful gases emitted into the atmosphere as a result of human activity. The method was conceived primarily for disposal of carbon dioxide (CO2, greenhouse gas causing global warming), but could also be applied to CO, H2S, NOx, and chorofluorocarbons (CFCs, which are super greenhouse gases). The method is based on the fact that clathrate hydrates (e.g., CO2 6H2O) form naturally from the substances in question (e.g., CO2) and liquid water in the pores of sub-permafrost rocks at stabilizing pressures and temperatures. The proposed method would be volumetrically efficient: In the case of CO2, each volume of hydrate can contain as much as 184 volumes of gas. Temperature and pressure conditions that favor the formation of stable clathrate hydrates exist in depleted oil reservoirs that lie under permafrost. For example, CO2-6H2O forms naturally at a temperature of 0 C and pressure of 1.22 MPa. Using this measurement, it has been calculated that the minimum thickness of continuous permafrost needed to stabilize CO2 clathrate hydrate is only about 100 m, and the base of the permafrost is known to be considerably deeper at certain locations (e.g., about 600 m at Prudhoe Bay in Alaska). In this disposal method, the permafrost layers over the reservoirs would act as impermeable lids that would prevent dissociation of the clathrates and diffusion of the evolved gases up through pores

    Methane Clathrate Hydrate Prospecting

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    A method of prospecting for methane has been devised. The impetus for this method lies in the abundance of CH4 and the growing shortages of other fuels. The method is intended especially to enable identification of subpermafrost locations where significant amounts of methane are trapped in the form of methane gas hydrate (CH4(raised dot)6H2O). It has been estimated by the U.S. Geological Survey that the total CH4 resource in CH4(raised dot) 6H2O exceeds the energy content of all other fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas from non-hydrate sources). Also, CH4(raised dot)6H2O is among the cleanest-burning fuels, and CH4 is the most efficient fuel because the carbon in CH4 is in its most reduced state. The method involves looking for a proxy for methane gas hydrate, by means of the combination of a thermal-analysis submethod and a field submethod that does not involve drilling. The absence of drilling makes this method easier and less expensive, in comparison with prior methods of prospecting for oil and natural gas. The proposed method would include thermoprospecting in combination with one more of the other non-drilling measurement techniques, which could include magneto-telluric sounding and/or a subsurface-electrical-resistivity technique. The method would exploit the fact that the electrical conductivity in the underlying thawed region is greater than that in the overlying permafrost

    Medical card of a pulmonary tuberculosis in-patient

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    ИСТОРИЯ БОЛЕЗНИОБСЛЕДОВАНИЕ БОЛЬНОГОТУБЕРКУЛЕЗ ЛЕГКИХУЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ ПОСОБИЯФТИЗИОПУЛЬМОНОЛОГИЯУчебно-методическое пособие предназначено для самостоятельной подготовки к курации больных в клинике и написанию учебной истории болезни

    Using in-situ temperature measurements to estimate saturated soil thermal properties by solving a sequence of optimization problems

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    International audienceWe describe an approach to find an initial approximation to the thermal properties of soil horizons. This technique approximates thermal conductivity, porosity, unfrozen water content curves in horizons where no direct temperature measurements are available. To determine physical properties of ground material, optimization-based inverse techniques are employed to fit the simulated temperatures to the measured ones. Two major ingredients of these techniques are an algorithm to compute the soil temperature dynamics and a procedure to find an initial approximation to the ground properties. In this article we show how to determine the initial approximation to the physical properties and present a new finite element discretization of the heat equation with phase change to calculate the temperature dynamics in soil. We successfully apply the proposed algorithm to recover the soil properties for the Happy Valley site in Alaska using one-year temperature dynamics. The determined initial approximation is utilized to simulate the temperature dynamics over several consecutive years; the difference between simulated and measured temperatures lies within uncertainties of measurements

    Numerical modeling of permafrost dynamics in Alaska using a high spatial resolution dataset

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    Climate projections for the 21st century indicate that there could be a pronounced warming and permafrost degradation in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. Climate warming is likely to cause permafrost thawing with subsequent effects on surface albedo, hydrology, soil organic matter storage and greenhouse gas emissions. <br><br> To assess possible changes in the permafrost thermal state and active layer thickness, we implemented the GIPL2-MPI transient numerical model for the entire Alaska permafrost domain. The model input parameters are spatial datasets of mean monthly air temperature and precipitation, prescribed thermal properties of the multilayered soil column, and water content that are specific for each soil class and geographical location. As a climate forcing, we used the composite of five IPCC Global Circulation Models that has been downscaled to 2 by 2 km spatial resolution by Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning (SNAP) group. <br><br> In this paper, we present the modeling results based on input of a five-model composite with A1B carbon emission scenario. The model has been calibrated according to the annual borehole temperature measurements for the State of Alaska. We also performed more detailed calibration for fifteen shallow borehole stations where high quality data are available on daily basis. To validate the model performance, we compared simulated active layer thicknesses with observed data from Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) stations. The calibrated model was used to address possible ground temperature changes for the 21st century. The model simulation results show widespread permafrost degradation in Alaska could begin between 2040–2099 within the vast area southward from the Brooks Range, except for the high altitude regions of the Alaska Range and Wrangell Mountains

    Tissue oxidative metabolism can increase the difference between local temperature and arterial blood temperature by up to 1.3oC: Implications for brain, brown adipose tissue, and muscle physiology

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    Tissue temperature increases, when oxidative metabolism is boosted. The source of nutrients and oxygen for this metabolism is the blood. The blood also cools down the tissue, and this is the only cooling mechanism, when direct dissipation of heat from the tissue to the environment is insignificant, e.g., in the brain. While this concept is relatively simple, it has not been described quantitatively. The purpose of the present work was to answer two questions: 1) to what extent can oxidative metabolism make the organ tissue warmer than the body core, and, 2) how quickly are changes in the local metabolism reflected in the temperature of the tissue? Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that, at equilibrium, given that heat exchange with the organ is provided by the blood, the temperature difference between the organ tissue and the arterial blood is proportional to the arteriovenous difference in oxygen content, does not depend on the blood flow, and cannot exceed 1.3oC. Unlike the equilibrium temperature difference, the rate of change of the local temperature, with respect to time, does depend on the blood flow. In organs with high perfusion rates, such as the brain and muscles, temperature changes occur on a time scale of a few minutes. In organs with low perfusion rates, such changes may have characteristic time constants of tens or hundreds of minutes. Our analysis explains, why arterial blood temperature is the main determinant of the temperature of tissues with limited heat exchange, such as the brain

    The KπK\pi form factors from Analyticity and Unitarity

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    Analyticity and unitarity techniques are employed to obtain bounds on the shape parameters of the scalar and vector form factors of semileptonic Kl3K_{l3} decays. For this purpose we use vector and scalar correlators evaluated in pQCD, a low energy theorem for scalar form factor, lattice results for the ratio of kaon and pion decay constants, chiral perturbation theory calculations for the scalar form factor at the Callan-Treiman point and experimental information on the phase and modulus of KπK\pi form factors up to an energy \tin=1 {\rm GeV}^2. We further derive regions on the real axis and in the complex-energy plane where the form factors cannot have zeros.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; Seminar given at DAE-BRNS Workshop on Hadron Physics Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India October 31-November 4, 2011, submitted to Proceeding