244 research outputs found

    Ihmismäisen robotin pään, silmien ja suun liikkeiden kehittäminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Perinteisesti robotit ovat olleet tärkeässä roolissa muun muassa tehdastyön tehokkuuden kasvattamisessa, mutta viime vuosina robotiikan huomio on keskittynyt yhä enemmän ihmistä muistuttaviin robotteihin eli humanoidirobotteihin, joita voitaisiin käyttää useissa tehtävissä ihmisten korvikkeena. Ihmisen muoto kuitenkin aiheuttaa useita haasteita robotin suunnittelussa, suurimpien joukossa luonnollisilta vaikuttavien liikkeiden toteuttaminen. InMoov-robotin päälle toteutettiin ohjausjärjestelmä, joka parantaa aiemmin toteutettua kasvojen seuraamista yhdistämällä siihen pään liikkeet, ja lisää puhesynteesin perusteella liikkuvan leuan sekä erinäisiä pään eleitä ihmisen ja robotin vuorovaikutuksen parantamiseksi. Järjestelmän suoriutumista testattiin käyttötarkoituksen mukaisessa ympäristössä kahdella erillisellä kerralla, joissa ilmi tulleita havaintoja käytettiin järjestelmän parantamiseen. Lopullinen järjestelmä pystyy kääntämään robotin silmiä sekä päätä ihmismäisesti kohti tunnistettuja kasvoja ja suorittamaan valmiiksi ohjelmoituja pään eleitä, minkä lisäksi siinä on valmius yhdistää leuka liikkumaan ulkoisen ohjelmiston puheen mukaan. Robotin kokoonpano koostuu päästä, kaulasta, torsosta ja olkavarsista.Developing head, eye, and jaw movements of a humanoid robot. Abstract. Traditionally robots have had an important role in making factories more efficient, among other things, but in recent years the field of robotics has been more and more focused on robots that resemble humans, also known as humanoid robots, which could be used in many tasks as replacements for human workers. However, designing such robots poses many challenges, one of the greatest being the difficulty of creating human-like movements. In this work, a control system for the head of an InMoov robot, which improves on its previously implemented face tracking capabilities by adding head movement and implements speech synthesis-based jaw movements along with various head gestures in order to improve human-robot interaction with the robot, was implemented. The system was tested in its intended environment on two separate occasions in order to observe where the system could be improved further. The final system is able to turn the robot’s eyes and head towards detected faces in a human-like fashion and execute pre-programmed head gestures, in addition to which it has the capability to move its jaw according to speech synthesised in an external program. The robot consists of a head, a neck, a torso, and upper arms

    Enterprise Education Competitions: A Theoretically Flawed Intervention?

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    The demand for including enterprise in the education system, at all levels and for all pupils is now a global phenomenon. Within this context, the use of competitions and competitive learning activities is presented as a popular and effective vehicle for learning. The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate how a realist method of enquiry – which utilises theory as the unit of analysis – can shed new light on the assumed and unintended outcomes of enterprise education competitions. The case developed here is that there are inherent flaws in assuming that competitions will ‘work’ in the ways set out in policy and guidance. Some of the most prevalent stated outcomes – that competitions will motivate and reward young people, that they will enable the development of entrepreneurial skills, and that learners will be inspired by their peers – are challenged by theory from psychology and education. The issue at stake is that the expansion of enterprise education policy into primary and secondary education increases the likelihood that more learners will be sheep dipped in competitions, and competitive activities, without a clear recognition of the potential unintended effects. In this chapter, we employ a realist-informed approach to critically evaluate the theoretical basis that underpins the use of competitions and competitive learning activities in school-based enterprise education. We believe that our findings and subsequent recommendations will provide those who promote and practice the use of competitions with a richer, more sophisticated picture of the potential flaws within such activities.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Ética na pesquisa com crianças: ausências e desafios

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    Valendo-se da sociologia da infância, o texto discute as questões da infância, da pesquisa e da ética que devem enformar todos os procedimentos desencadeados no processo de pesquisa com crianças. Será inicialmente apresentado o estado da arte acerca das discussões que têm caraterizado esse debate, que, sendo recente, conta com uma significativa reflexão. Apresentamos, ainda, alguns desafios que são fundamentais serem enfrentados para que se consiga uma ética viável na investigação com crianças, que passam pela indispensabilidade de se pensar as questões de poder que se estabelecem entre adultos e crianças; que passam também pelo enfrentamento do desafio que decorre das hierarquias protocolares e a maneira como estas podem contribuir para a invisibilidade epistemológica das crianças na pesquisa; que passam, finalmente, por um questionamento crítico relativamente à forma como é salvaguardada a autoria, quer de crianças, quer de adultos, na análise, interpretação e produção dos dados.This paper discusses, from the sociology of childhood, the issues of childhood, research and ethics which must shape the methodological procedures undertaken in the research processes with children. We, firstly, will present the state-of-the-art theoretical discussions that have been characterizing this debate, which, although recent, are already very significant. We also present some challenges, which are essential to face, in order to achieve a feasible ethic in research with children, which are related to the need to think about the power issues between adults and children. We also have to consider that the challenge stems from the protocol hierarchies and how sometimes these can contribute to the epistemological invisibility of children in research. Finally, a third challenge that mobilizes a critical analysis related to the way issues of authorship of children and adult, in the analysis, interpretation and production of scientific texts, are respected.Valiéndose de la sociología en la infancia, el texto discute las cuestiones de la infancia, de la investigación y la ética que deben conformar todos los procedimientos desencadenados en el proceso de investigación con niños y niñas. En primer lugar se presenta el estado de la arte acerca de las discusiones que vienen caracterizando a tal debate, que aun siendo reciente, ya cuenta con una significativa reflexión. Presentamos también algunos de los desafíos que resulta fundamental afrontar para alcanzar una ética viable en la investigación con niños y niñas, que pasan por la obligada necesidad de pensar las cuestiones de poder que se establecen entre adultos y niños; que pasan también por el afrontamiento al desafío que resulta de las jerarquías protocolarias y la forma cómo estas pueden contribuir para la invisibilidad epistemológica de los niños y niñas en la investigación. Que pasan, por fin, por un cuestionamiento crítico en cuanto a la forma como se salvaguarda la autoría, ya sea de niños o de adultos, en el análisis, interpretación y producción de datos.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), PortugalFundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) no âmbito do CIEC (Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, da Universidade do Minho) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00756

    A relational database to identify differentially expressed genes in the endometrium and endometriosis lesions

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    Endometriosis is a common inflammatory estrogen-dependent gynecological disorder, associated with pelvic pain and reduced fertility in women. Several aspects of this disorder and its cellular and molecular etiology remain unresolved. We have analyzed the global gene expression patterns in the endometrium, peritoneum and in endometriosis lesions of endometriosis patients and in the endometrium and peritoneum of healthy women. In this report, we present the EndometDB, an interactive web-based user interface for browsing the gene expression database of collected samples without the need for computational skills. The EndometDB incorporates the expression data from 115 patients and 53 controls, with over 24000 genes and clinical features, such as their age, disease stages, hormonal medication, menstrual cycle phase, and the different endometriosis lesion types. Using the web-tool, the end-user can easily generate various plot outputs and projections, including boxplots, and heatmaps and the generated outputs can be downloaded in pdf-format.Availability and implementationThe web-based user interface is implemented using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Plotly and R. It is freely available from https://endometdb.utu.fi/

    An experimental study on the response of blanket bog vegetation and water tables to ditch blocking

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    We studied the effect of ditch blocking on vegetation composition and water-table depths in a blanket peatland. Measurements were made for a period of four years (water tables) and five years (vegetation) in the inter-ditch areas of three experimental treatments: (i) open ditches, (ii) ditches blocked with closely-spaced dams and (iii) ditches partially infilled with peat and blocked with dams. It is often assumed that ditch blocking will lead to an increase in the abundance of Sphagnum and, potentially, a reduction in the abundance of sedges, particularly the cotton grasses. However, our data show no treatment effects on the abundance of either group. We did find an effect of time, with the abundance of both sedges and Sphagnum spp. varying significantly between some years. For the sedges there was no systematic change over time, while for the Sphagnum spp. abundance tended to increase through the study period. This systematic change was not related to a measure of the vigour of the sedges, although vigour was lower towards the end of the study compared to the beginning. Our vegetation data are consistent with our water-table data. As with plant type abundance, we did not find any statistically significant differences in water-table depths between treatments, both for annual averages and summer averages. We comment on why ditch blocking does not seem to have affected water tables and vegetation composition at our study site

    Controlled intermittent shortening contractions of a muscle-tendon complex: muscle fibre damage and effects on force transmission from a single head of rat EDL

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    This study was performed to examine effects of prolonged (3 h) intermittent shortening (amplitude 2 mm) contractions (muscles were excited maximally) of head III of rat extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL III) on indices of muscle damage and on force transmission within the intact anterior crural compartment. Three hours after the EDL III exercise, muscle fibre damage, as assessed by immunohistochemical staining of structural proteins (i.e. dystrophin, desmin, titin, laminin-2), was found in EDL, tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor hallucis longus (EHL) muscles. The damaged muscle fibres were not uniformly distributed throughout the muscle cross-sections, but were located predominantly near the interface of TA and EDL muscles as well as near intra- and extramuscular neurovascular tracts. In addition, changes were observed in desmin, muscle ankyrin repeat protein 1, and muscle LIM protein gene expression: significantly (P < 0.01) higher (1.3, 45.5 and 2.3-fold, respectively) transcript levels compared to the contralateral muscles. Post-EDL III exercise, length-distal force characteristics of EDL III were altered significantly (P < 0.05): at high EDL III lengths, active forces decreased and the length range between active slack length and optimum length increased. For all EDL III lengths tested, proximal passive and active force of EDL decreased. The slope of the EDL III length-TA + EHL force curve decreased, which indicates a decrease of the degree of intermuscular interaction between EDL III and TA + EHL. It is concluded that prolonged intermittent shortening contractions of a single head of multi-tendoned EDL muscle results in structural damage to muscle fibres as well as altered force transmission within the compartment. A possible role of myofascial force transmission is discussed. © Springer 2005


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    The monograph generalises vast data characterising the diversity of the biota in Russian Karelia. The data pool includes both materials of long-term studies, and new data collected in 1997–2000 within the Russian-Finnish project “Inventory and studies of biological diversity in Republic of Karelia”. The volume is composed of four interrelated chapters. Chapter one provides a detailed account of the climatic, geological, geomorphological, hydrological and soil conditions in which the regional biota has been forming. Chapter two describes and evaluates the diversity of forest, mire and meadow communities, and the third chapter details the terrestrial biota at the species level (vascular plants, mosses, aphyllophoroid fungi, lichens, mammals, birds, insects). A special section is devoted to the flora and fauna of aquatic ecosystems (algae, zooplankton, periphyton, macrozoobenthos, fishes). Wide use is made of various zoning approaches based on biodiversity-related criteria. Current status of the regional biota, including its diversity in protected areas, is analysed with elements of the human impact assessment. A concise glossary of the terms used is annexed. This is an unprecedentally multi-faceted review, at least for the taiga zone of European Russia. The volume offers extensive reference materials for researchers in a widest range of ecological and biological fields, including graduate and post-graduate students. The monograph is also available in Russian