494 research outputs found

    Characterization of the structure of a low Km, rolipram-sensitive cAMP phosphodiesterase. Mapping of the catalytic domain.

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    Considerable structural similarities are present in a region of approximately 270 amino acids in most known cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) sequences, opening the possibility that this region encodes the catalytic domain of the enzyme. To test this hypothesis, the structure of a high affinity cAMP PDE (cAMP-PDE) was analyzed by deletion mutations and site-directed mutagenesis. A ratPDE3 cDNA was mutated using a strategy based on fragment amplification by polymerase chain reaction. The effect of the introduced mutations was determined by expressing wild type and mutated proteins in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The level of expression of the PDE protein was monitored by immunoblot analysis using two specific cAMP-PDE polyclonal antibodies and by measuring the PDE activity. After removal of a 99-amino acid region at the carboxyl terminus flanking the conserved domain, the protein retains its catalytic activity even though its Km and velocity were changed. Internal deletions at the amino terminus of this PDE showed that the enzyme activity was increased when a 97-amino acid fragment (from Tyr49 to Lys145) was removed. Further deletions within the amino terminus produced inactive proteins. Within the domain that appears essential for catalysis, 1 threonine and 2 serine residues are conserved in all PDEs. Substitutions of the invariant threonine (Thr349) present in the most conserved region with alanine, proline, or serine yielded proteins of the correct size and a level of expression comparable to the wild type PDE. However, in both expression systems used, proteins were completely devoid of the ability to hydrolyze cyclic nucleotides, except when the threonine was substituted with a serine. Conversely, mutations of 2 other conserved serine residues (Ser305 and Ser398) present in the catalytic domain either had no effect or produced changes only in Km and Vmax, but did not abolish catalytic activity. In addition, 2 histidine residues (His278 and His311) present in proximity to Thr349 appeared to be essential for the structure of the catalytic domain, since any substitution performed in these residues yielded an inactive enzyme. Mutations of a serine residue (Ser295) in the region homologous to the cAMP binding site of the regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase demonstrated that this region does not have the same function in the two proteins. These data provide direct evidence that a 37-kDa domain, which in part corresponds to the region of conservation in all PDEs, contains the catalytic domain, and that threonine and histidine residues are probably involved in catalysis and/or are essential for the conformation of an active enzyme

    Attenuation of cAMP-mediated responses in MA-10 Leydig tumor cells by genetic manipulation of a cAMP-phosphodiesterase

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    In order to assess the effect of increased cAMP degradation on the responsiveness on an endocrine cell, we have obtained stable transfectants of MA-10 Leydig tumor cells that overexpress a mammalian cAMP-phosphodiesterase. Two novel cell lines, designated MA-10(P+8) and MA-10(P+29), that express high levels of the transfected enzyme were characterized. Although the basal levels of cAMP in the mutant cell lines are comparable to those of the wild-type cells, the increase in cAMP accumulation elicited by human choriogonadotropin (hCG) is severely blunted. Further studies with MA-10(P+29) show that the ability of hCG to stimulate adenylyl cyclase activity is normal. The failure of MA-10(P+29) cells to accumulate cAMP in response to hCG can be correlated with a similar reduction in hCG-stimulated steroidogenesis. On the other hand, the maximal steroidogenic response of MA-10(P+29) cells to dibutyryl cAMP, a cAMP analogue that is fairly resistant to phosphodiesterase degradation, is normal. We also show that the ability of these cells to respond to hCG with increased cAMP accumulation and steroid synthesis can be restored with a specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor. These results demonstrate that overexpression of a cAMP-phosphodiesterase in MA-10 cells limits the levels of cAMP attained under hCG stimulation and supresses the steroidogenic response of these cells to hCG. Since gonadotropins increase the cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity in their target cells, these findings also provide evidence that this regulation plays a major role in the modulation of cell responsiveness. Last, these new cell lines should be valuable in the study of the actions of cAMP because they express a conditional and reversible cAMP-resistant phenotype

    Food Price Shocks and the Political Economy of Global Agricultural and Development Policy

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    The recent spikes of global food prices induced a rapid increase in mass media coverage, public policy attention, and donor funding for food security and for agriculture and rural poverty. This has occurred while the shift from low to high food prices has induced a shift in (demographic or social) location of the hunger and poverty effects, but the total number of undernourished and poor people has declined over the same period. We suggest that the observed pattern can be explained by the presence of a global urban bias on agriculture and food policy in developing countries, and we discuss whether this global urban bias may actually benefit poor farmers. We argue that the food price spikes have succeeded where others have failed in the past: to move the problems of poor and hungry farmers to the top of the policy agenda and to induce development and donor strategies to help them

    ATP13A2 deficiency disrupts lysosomal polyamine export

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    ATP13A2 (PARK9) is a late endolysosomal transporter that is genetically implicated in a spectrum of neurodegenerative disorders, including Kufor-Rakeb syndrome—a parkinsonism with dementia1—and early-onset Parkinson’s disease2. ATP13A2 offers protection against genetic and environmental risk factors of Parkinson’s disease, whereas loss of ATP13A2 compromises lysosomes3. However, the transport function of ATP13A2 in lysosomes remains unclear. Here we establish ATP13A2 as a lysosomal polyamine exporter that shows the highest affinity for spermine among the polyamines examined. Polyamines stimulate the activity of purified ATP13A2, whereas ATP13A2 mutants that are implicated in disease are functionally impaired to a degree that correlates with the disease phenotype. ATP13A2 promotes the cellular uptake of polyamines by endocytosis and transports them into the cytosol, highlighting a role for endolysosomes in the uptake of polyamines into cells. At high concentrations polyamines induce cell toxicity, which is exacerbated by ATP13A2 loss due to lysosomal dysfunction, lysosomal rupture and cathepsin B activation. This phenotype is recapitulated in neurons and nematodes with impaired expression of ATP13A2 or its orthologues. We present defective lysosomal polyamine export as a mechanism for lysosome-dependent cell death that may be implicated in neurodegeneration, and shed light on the molecular identity of the mammalian polyamine transport system

    Osteogenesis imperfecta: the audiological phenotype lacks correlation with the genotype

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    Contains fulltext : 97190.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a heritable connective tissue disorder mainly caused by mutations in the genes COL1A1 and COL1A2 and is associated with hearing loss in approximately half of the cases. The hearing impairment usually starts between the second and fourth decade of life as a conductive hearing loss, frequently evolving to mixed hearing loss thereafter. A minority of patients develop pure sensorineural hearing loss. The interindividual variability in the audiological characteristics of the hearing loss is unexplained. METHODS: With the purpose of evaluating inter- and intrafamilial variability, hearing was thorougly examined in 184 OI patients (type I: 154; type III: 4; type IV: 26), aged 3-89 years, with a mutation in either COL1A1 or COL1A2 and originating from 89 different families. Due to the adult onset of hearing loss in OI, correlations between the presence and/or characteristics of the hearing loss and the underlying mutation were investigated in a subsample of 114 OI patients from 64 different families who were older than 40 years of age or had developed hearing loss before the age of 40. RESULTS: Hearing loss was diagnosed in 48.4% of the total sample of OI ears with increasing prevalence in the older age groups. The predominant type was a mixed hearing loss (27.5%). A minority presented a pure conductive (8.4%) or pure sensorineural (12.5%) loss. In the subsample of 114 OI subjects, no association was found between the nature of the mutation in COL1A1 or COL1A2 genes and the occurrence, type or severity of hearing loss. Relatives originating from the same family differed in audiological features, which may partially be attributed to their dissimilar age. CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms that hearing loss in OI shows a strong intrafamilial variability. Additional modifications in other genes are assumed to be responsible for the expression of hearing loss in OI

    Excitability of the Motor Cortex Ipsilateral to the Moving Body Side Depends on Spatio-Temporal Task Complexity and Hemispheric Specialization

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    Unilateral movements are mainly controlled by the contralateral hemisphere, even though the primary motor cortex ipsilateral (M1ipsi) to the moving body side can undergo task-related changes of activity as well. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate whether representations of the wrist flexor (FCR) and extensor (ECR) in M1ipsi would be modulated when unilateral rhythmical wrist movements were executed in isolation or in the context of a simple or difficult hand-foot coordination pattern, and whether this modulation would differ for the left versus right hemisphere. We found that M1ipsi facilitation of the resting ECR and FCR mirrored the activation of the moving wrist such that facilitation was higher when the homologous muscle was activated during the cyclical movement. We showed that this ipsilateral facilitation increased significantly when the wrist movements were performed in the context of demanding hand-foot coordination tasks whereas foot movements alone influenced the hand representation of M1ipsi only slightly. Our data revealed a clear hemispheric asymmetry such that MEP responses were significantly larger when elicited in the left M1ipsi than in the right. In experiment 2, we tested whether the modulations of M1ipsi facilitation, caused by performing different coordination tasks with the left versus right body sides, could be explained by changes in short intracortical inhibition (SICI). We found that SICI was increasingly reduced for a complex coordination pattern as compared to rest, but only in the right M1ipsi. We argue that our results might reflect the stronger involvement of the left versus right hemisphere in performing demanding motor tasks

    Lipid degradation promotes prostate cancer cell survival

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    Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer and androgen receptor (AR) is the major driver of the disease. Here we show that Enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2 (ECI2) is a novel AR-target that promotes prostate cancer cell survival. Increased ECI2 expression predicts mortality in prostate cancer patients (p = 0.0086). ECI2 encodes for an enzyme involved in lipid metabolism, and we use multiple metabolite profiling platforms and RNA-seq to show that inhibition of ECI2 expression leads to decreased glucose utilization, accumulation of fatty acids and down-regulation of cell cycle related genes. In normal cells, decrease in fatty acid degradation is compensated by increased consumption of glucose, and here we demonstrate that prostate cancer cells are not able to respond to decreased fatty acid degradation. Instead, prostate cancer cells activate incomplete autophagy, which is followed by activation of the cell death response. Finally, we identified a clinically approved compound, perhexiline, which inhibits fatty acid degradation, and replicates the major findings for ECI2 knockdown. This work shows that prostate cancer cells require lipid degradation for survival and identifies a small molecule inhibitor with therapeutic potential.</p

    The role of social capital in participatory arts for wellbeing: findings from a qualitative systematic review

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    BACKGROUND:Social capital is often cited as shaping impacts of participatory arts, although the concept has not been systematically mapped in arts, health and wellbeing contexts. In wider health inequalities research, complex, differential, and sometimes negative impacts of social capital have been recognised. METHODS:This paper maps of social capital concepts in qualitative research as part of the UK What Works for Wellbeing evidence review programme on culture, sport and wellbeing. RESULTS:Studies often cite positive impacts of bonding and, to a lesser extent, bridging social capital. However, reported challenges suggest the need for a critical approach. Forms of linking social capital, such as reframing and political engagement to address social divisions, are less often cited but may be important in participatory arts and wellbeing. CONCLUSIONS:Future research should further specify dimensions of social capital as well as their nuanced effects in arts, and wellbeing contexts