454 research outputs found

    Superfluid drag of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices

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    We study two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in quasi two-dimensional optical lattices of varying geometry and potential depth. Based on the numerically exact Bloch and Wannier functions obtained using the plane-wave expansion method, we quantify the drag (entrainment coupling) between the condensate components. This drag originates from the (short range) inter-species interaction and increases with the kinetic energy. As a result of the interplay between interaction and kinetic energy effects, the superfluid-drag coefficient shows a non-monotonic dependence on the lattice depth. To make contact with future experiments, we quantitatively investigate the drag for mass ratios corresponding to relevant atomic species.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in its original form but minor changes have been don

    Thermal mass impact on energy performance of a low, medium and heavy mass building in Belgrade

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    Heavy mass materials used in building structures and architecture can significantly affect building energy performance and occupant comfort. The purpose of this study was to investigate if thermal mass can improve the internal environment of a building, resulting in lower energy requirements from the mechanical systems. The study was focused on passive building energy performance and compared annual space heating and cooling energy requirements for an office building in Belgrade with several different applications of thermal mass. A three-dimensional building model was generated to represent a typical office building. Building shape, orientation, glazing to wall ratio, envelope insulation thickness, and indoor design conditions were held constant while location and thickness of building mass (concrete) was varied between cases in a series of energy simulations. The results were compared and discussed in terms of the building space heating and cooling energy and demand affected by thermal mass. The simulation results indicated that with addition of thermal mass to the building envelope and structure: 100% of all simulated cases experienced reduced annual space heating energy requirements, 67% of all simulated cases experienced reduced annual space cooling energy requirements, 83% of all simulated cases experienced reduced peak space heating demand and 50% of all simulated cases experienced reduced peak space cooling demand. The study demonstrated that there exists a potential for reducing space heating and cooling energy requirements with heavy mass construction in the analyzed climate region (Belgrade, Serbia)

    Risk Factors for Neonatal Sepsis and Method for Reduction of Blood Culture Contamination

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    Background: False-positive blood cultures findings may lead to a falsely increased morbidity and increased hospital costs.Method: The survey was conducted as retrospective - prospective study and included 239 preterm infants (born before 37 weeks of gestation) who were treated in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Institute for Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina during one year (January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2012). The retrospective part of the study focused on examination of incidence of neonatal sepsis and determination of risk factors. In the prospective part of the study infants were sub-divided into two groups: Group 1- infants hospitalized in NICU during the first 6 months of the study; blood cultures were taken by the ā€˜ā€™clean techniqueā€™ā€™ and checklists for this procedure were not taken. Group 2- neonates hospitalized in NICU during last 6 months of the study; blood cultures were taken by ā€˜ā€™sterile techniqueā€™ā€™ and checklists for this procedure were taken.Results: The main risk factors for sepsis were prelabor rupture of membranes, low gestational age, low birth weight, mechanical ventilation, umbilical venous catheter placement, and abdominal drainage. Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative Staphylococcus were the most frequently isolated microorganisms in false-positive blood samples.Conclusions: Education of employees, use of checklists and sterile sets for blood sampling, permanent control of false positive blood cultures, as well as regular and routine monthly reports are crucial for successful reduction of contamination rates

    Polymers Based on Renewable Raw Materials ā€“ Part II

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    A short review of biopolymers based on starch (starch derivatives, thermoplastic starch), lignin and hemicelluloses, chitin (chitosan) and products obtained by degradation of starch and other polysaccharides and sugars (poly(lactic acid), poly(hydroxyalkanoates)), as well as some of their basic properties and application area, are given in this part. The problem of environmental and economic feasibility of biopolymers based on renewable raw materials and their competitiveness with polymers based on fossil raw materials is discussed. Also pointed out are the problems that appear due to the increasing use of agricultural land for the production of raw materials for the chemical industry and energy, instead for the production of food for humans and animals. The optimistic assessments of experts considering the development perspectives of biopolymers based on renewable raw materials in the next ten years have also been pointed out.At the end of the paper, the success of a team of researchers gathered around the experts from the company Bayer is indicated. They were the first in the world to develop a catalyst by which they managed to effectively activate CO - and incorporate it into polyols, used for the synthesis of polyurethanes in semi-industrial scale. By applying this process, for the first time a pollutant will be used as a basic raw material for the synthesis of organic compounds, which will have significant consequences on the development of the chemical industry, and therefore the production of polymers

    Controlling qubit arrays with anisotropic XXZ Heisenberg interaction by acting on a single qubit

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    We investigate anisotropic XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chains with control fields acting on one of the end spins, with the aim of exploring local quantum control in arrays of interacting qubits. In this work, which uses a recent Lie-algebraic result on the local controllability of spin chains with "always-onā€ interactions, we determine piecewise-constant control pulses corresponding to optimal fidelities for quantum gates such as spin-flip (NOT), controlled-NOT (CNOT), and square-root-of-SWAP (). We find the minimal times for realizing different gates depending on the anisotropy parameter Ī” of the model, showing that the shortest among these gate times are achieved for particular values of Ī” larger than unity. To study the influence of possible imperfections in anticipated experimental realizations of qubit arrays, we analyze the robustness of the obtained results for the gate fidelities to random variations in the control-field amplitudes and finite rise time of the pulses. Finally, we discuss the implications of our study for superconducting charge-qubit array

    Rat duodenal motility in vitro: Prokinetic effects of DL-homocysteine thiolactone and modulation of nitric oxide mediated inhibition

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    Homocysteine is a significant but modifiable risk factor for vascular diseases. As gastrointestinal smooth musculature is similar to blood vessel muscles, we investigated how elevated homocysteine levels affect nitric oxide-mediated neurotransmission in the gut. There is accumulated evidence that a dysfunction of NO neurons in the myenteric plexus may cause various diseases in the gastrointestinal tract such as achalasia, diabetic gastroparesis and infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. In the present study, we aimed to assess the effects of homocysteine on NO-mediated responses in vitro, and to examine the effects of DL-homocysteine thiolactone on the spontaneous motility of rat duodenum and nitrergic neurotransmission. DL-homocysteine thiolactone concentration of 10 Ī¼mol/L leads to the immediate increase in tone, amplitude and frequency of spontaneous movements in isolated rat duodenum. L-NAME (30 Ī¼mol/L) leads to an increase in basal tone, amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions. The relaxations induced by EFS were significantly reduced in duodenal segments incubated in DL-homocysteine thiolactone compared with the control group. EFS-induced relaxations were inhibited by L-NAME in both experimental and control groups. These results suggest that a high level of homocysteine causes an important impairment of non-adrenergic non-cholinergic innervation of the rat duodenum. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175043

    Implikacije koncepta fer vrednosti na pouzdanost finansijskih izveŔtaja

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    The primary task of financial reporting is creation, presentation and disclosure of high-quality and reliable financial reports, which represent a large informational potential for investors, creditors, managers, financial analysts and other financial reports` beneficiaries. The reliability of financial reports, as a result of joint qualitative characteristics, is one of the preconditions for the stability of the financial system and a determinant of the investorā€™s security. Since the financial statements can be considered expedient only if they represent a credible and valid informational base, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the concept of fair value has significant implications for the reliability of financial reports, that is their internal use, for the purposes of determining a taxable income, distribution of profit, management decisions, as well as their external use, which implies informing investors, government authorities, agencies, tax authorities, banks, financial institutions and the rest of the public. For the purpose of achieving above mentioned objective, this doctoral thesis encompasses a theoretical research based on a contemporary literature available in the domain of financial reporting and empirical research based on a modern financial reporting regulatory framework and its application. The empirical studies were based on the application of the comparative method used to confirm the differences in the value of assets, with application of the fair value concept in relation to the concept of historical cost, together with the application of case studies method during the analysis of implementation of various balance sheet items, as well as analysis - synthesis methods applied to fully understand the impact of the fair value on the financial position and performances of the entity. The research results obtained during the preparation of the doctoral thesis, formulated using the method of induction and deduction, as well as the content analysis method, indicate the existence of obvious and significant implications of the fair value concept on the reliability of financial reporting, both in terms of stable economic conditions, and in the circumstances of financial crisis, and that the application of the fair value concept contributes to achieving the primary goal of financial reporting ā€“ that is providing a trustworthy insight into the financial situation and the contributory position of the reporting entity

    Taxonomic-faunistical study of butterflies and moths (Insecta : Lepidoptera) of mt. FruŔka Gora

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    U studiji je dat prikaz jedanaestogodiÅ”njih istraÅ£ivanja insekata iz reda Lepidoptera na FruÅ”koj gori. Registrovane su 934 vrste leptira i moljaca. Za 382 vrste Lepidoptera ili 40,89% od ukupnog broja vrsta izvrÅ”ena je taksonomska verifikacija analizom hitinskih armatura genitalnih aparata. U periodu od 2001. do 2011. godine sakupljani su leptiri i moljci uglavnom uz pomoć svetlosne klopke (Å£ivine sijalice TEÅ¢ WTF od 250 W, ā€œPhilips Mlā€œ od 100, 160, 250 i 400 W i petromaks lampe od 400 W), iza koje je postavljeno belo pamuĉno platno. 934 zabeleÅ£ene vrste su svrstane u 22 superfamilije, 47 familija i 564 rodova. Broj od 934 vrste Lepidoptera predstavlja u odnosu na evropsku faunu leptira (8478 vrsta) 11,01%. Sve vrste leptira i moljaca FruÅ”ke gore svrstane su u 7 zoogeografskih kategorija. PreovlaĊuju evroazijske vrste (449 vrsta ili 48,07% od ukupnog broja vrsta). Evropskih vrsta je 236 (25,27% od ukupnog broja vrsta). Mediteransko-azijski elementi su zastupljeni sa 162 vrste ili 17,34% od ukupnog broja vrsta. Holarktiĉki elementi zastupljeni su sa 44 vrste ili sa 4,71% od ukupnog broja vrsta, a palearktiĉki sa 25 vrsta ili 2,68% od ukupnog broja vrsta. Paleotropsko-suptropski elementi zastupljeni su sa 10 vrsta ili sa 1,07% od ukupnog broja vrsta. Kosmopolitskih vrsta je 8 vrsta ili 0,86% od ukupnog broja vrsta. Sve evidentirane vrste u ovoj studiji grupisane su u pet skupova: mali moljci, veliki moljci, dnevni leptiri, zemljomerke i sovice. Ukupno 287 vrsta malih moljaca svrstano je u 16 superfamilija i 31 familiju. ViÅ”e od 5% vrsta malih moljaca Evrope (5,16%) je zastupljeno na FruÅ”koj gori. Veliki moljci (Lasiocampidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Drepanidae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae i Arctiidae) su zastupljeni na FruÅ”koj gori sa 77 vrsta . ViÅ”e od ĉetvrtine vrsta velikih moljaca Evrope (27,5%) je zastupljeno na FruÅ”koj gori. Dnevni leptiri (Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae i Nymphalidae) su zastupljeni na FruÅ”koj gori sa 115 vrsta. ViÅ”e od ĉetvrtine vrsta dnevnih leptira Evrope (26,13%) je zastupljeno na FruÅ”koj gori. Zemljomerke su zastupljene na FruÅ”koj gori sa 187 vrsta. Oko petine vrsta zemljomerki Evrope (20,43%) je zastupljeno na FruÅ”koj gori. Sovice (Noctuidae, Pantheidae, Nolidae) su zastupljene na FruÅ”koj gori sa 268 vrsta. ViÅ”e od petine vrsta sovica Evrope (20,87%) je zastupljeno na FruÅ”koj gori. Najbrojnija je grupa malih moljaca sa 287 zabeleÅ£enih vrsta ili sa 30,73% od ukupnog broja utvrĊenih vrsta. Zatim sledi grupa sovica sa 268 zabeleÅ£enih vrsta ili 28,69% od ukupnog broja utvrĊenih vrsta. Na trećem mestu po zastupljenosti nalazi se grupa zemljomerki sa 187 zabeleÅ£enih vrsta ili sa 20,02% od ukupnog broja utvrĊenih vrsta. Slede dnevni leptiri (sa 115 vrsta ili 12,31% od ukupnog broja vrsta) i veliki moljci (sa 77 vrsta ili 8,24% od ukupnog broja vrsta). Na FruÅ”koj gori je zabeleÅ£eno 129 vrsta Lepidoptera (13,80% od ukupnog broja vrsta) koje mogu naneti Å”tetu liŔćarskom i ĉetinarskom drveću. IstraÅ£ivanjima na FruÅ”koj gori identifikovana je 61 vrsta Lepidoptera iz grupe migratornih vrsta, tj. selica. Sezonskih selica prvog reda ima 7 vrsta, sezonskih selica drugog reda 1 vrsta, selica iseljenika (lokalnih selaca prvog i drugog reda) 36 vrsta, selica raseljenika (povremenih selaca) 10 vrsta, selica raseljenika (vrsta koje proÅ”iruju svoj areal) 2 vrste, dok mogućih selica ima 5 vrsta. U odnosu na zabeleÅ£eni broj od 934 vrste leptira, procenjuje se da je poznato svega oko jedne trećine vrsta koje bi se mogle otkriti na FruÅ”koj gori. PronaĊene su 133 nove vrste iz reda Lepidoptera za faunu Srbije. Prvi put u Srbiji, ali i u zemljama u sastavu bivÅ”e SFRJ je kao prilog poznavanju faune Lepidoptera u ovoj studiji dat detaljan prikaz hitinskih armatura genitalnih aparata sa opredeljujućim taksonomskim karakteristikama za 250 vrsta (26,76% od ukupnog broja vrsta) uglavnom iz grupe malih moljaca i za nekoliko izdvojenih taksona ostalih grupa. Dat je uporedni prikaz brojnosti vrsta po familijama i superfamilijama za FruÅ”ku goru, Timoĉku krajinu, Evropu, Rumuniju, rumunski Banat i MaĊarsku. Lepidoptera su veoma slabo istraÅ£eni na pojedinim podruĉjima FruÅ”ke gore. Ovo se prvenstveno odnosi na podruĉje juÅ£no od Dunava oko NeÅ”tina, Suseka, BanoÅ”tora i Ĉerevića, deo od Sremskih Karlovaca do Petrovaradina i Ĉortanovaca, od KruÅ”edola i Neradina do Iriga sa juÅ£ne strane FruÅ”ke gore i od Vrdnika do LeÅ£imira sa jugozapadne strane (izuzimajući podruĉje oko grgurevaĉkog lovaĉkog doma, selo Grgurevci). Neophodno je da se faunistiĉka i ekoloÅ”ka istraÅ£ivanja nastave. Veliki broj lokaliteta je nedovoljno istraÅ£en, na pojedinim mikrolokalitetima istraÅ£ivanja nisu ni otpoĉela, a potencijalno su na njima se mogu naći zanimljivi nalazi.This thesis presents results of an eleven-year research on insects belonging from order Lepidoptera on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora. Total of 934 species were recorded. For 382 species Lepidoptera, or 40.89% of the total number of species, a taxonomic verification has been performed by the analysis of chitinous armatures of genital apparatus. In the 2001-2011 period, the specimens were collected mostly by light trap (mercury bulb TEÅ¢ WTF of 250W, ā€œPhilips Mlā€œ of 100, 160, 250 and 400W, and Petromax lamp of 400W), with a white cotton sheet propped in behind. 934 recorded species of Lepidoptera belong to 22 superfamilies, 47 families and 564 genera. The number of 934 species represents 11,01% of European fauna of Lepidoptera (8,478 species). The Lepidoptera species from Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora are classified into seven zoogeographical categories. Eurasian species are prevailing (449 species or 48.07% of the total number of species). We recorded 236 European species (25.27% of the total number of species) and 162 Mediterranean-Asian species (17.34% of the total number of species). Holarctic elements are represented by 44 species (4.71% of the total number of species), Palearctic elements by 25 species (2.68% of the total number of species), while Paleotropical-subtropical elements are represented by 10 species (1.07% of the total number of species). Finally, cosmopolitan elements are represented by eight species (0.86% of the total number of species). Within the research, all registered species were classified into five groups: Microlepidoptera (micromoths), macromoths, butterflies, geometrid moths and owlet moths. 287 species of micromoths are classified into 16 superfamilies and 31 families. More than 5% of European species of micromoths (5.16%) are present on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora. Macromoths (Lasiocampidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Drepanidae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae and Arctiidae) are represented on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora with 77 species. More than one quarter of European species of macromoths (27.5%) are recorded on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora. Butterflies (Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae) are represented on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora with 115 species, which is more than a quarter of the butterfly species of Europe (26.13%). Geometrid moths are represented by 187 species on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora, which is about one fifth of European species of Geometridae (20.43%). Owlet moths (Noctuidae, Pantheidae and Nolidae) are represented on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora by 268 species, which is more than a fifth of the European owlet moth species (20.87%). The micromoths are the most numerous group with 287 recorded species, or 30.73% of the total number of species recorded on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora. They are followed by the group of owlet moths with 268 recorded species (28.69% of the total number of species), geometrid moths with 187 recorded species (20.02% of the total number of species), butterflies (with 115 species or 12.31% of the total number of species), and macromoths (with 77 species or 8.24% of the total number of species). Of all Lepidoptera species recorded in Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora, 129 (or 13.80% of the total number of species) may be harmful for deciduous and coniferous trees. Research also revealed 61 species of Lepidoptera belonging to the group of migratory species. Seven species are first-order seasonal migratory species (eumigrators), one seasonal species is second-order migratory species (paramigrator), and 36 species are emigrants (first- and second-order local migrants). Finally, among the dismigrators there are two invasive species that expand their areas and five species that are possibly migratory. Regarding the recorded number of 934 species of Lepidoptera, it is estimated that this is just one third of the species that might exist on Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora and the rest could be recorded in the future. From Lepidoptera species recorded, 133 are new for the fauna of Serbia. For the first time in Serbia, but also in other former Yugoslav countries, a detailed analysis of chitinous armatures of genital apparatus with presenting specific taxonomic characteristics for 250 species (26.76% of the total number of recorded species), mostly for micromoths and some selected taxa. A comparative overview is given of species population number within families and superfamilies in investigated FruÅ”ka Gora area, as well as for Timoĉka Krajina, Europe, Romania, Romanian Banat, and Hungary. The order Lepidoptera is not sufficiently investigated in some areas of Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora. This primarily refers to the area south of the Danube River around NeÅ”tin, Susek, BanoÅ”tor, and Ĉerević, to the part between Sremski Karlovci, Petrovaradin and Ĉortanovci, from KruÅ”edol and Neradin to Irig on the south slope of Mt. FruÅ”ka Gora, and from Vrdnik to LeÅ£imir on the southwest slope (except the area around hunterā€™s house in the village of Grgurevci). Therefore, it is necessary to continue further faunistic and ecological research. A large number of localities are not explored enough, while at some microlocalities investigations have not even started, although they could be very interesting with possible new findings

    Nove klase funkcija za sintezu dvokanalne hibridne banke filtara

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    This PhD discusses the research related to the approximation and implementation of the twochannel hybrid filter banks. Special attention is paid to the analogue part, i.e. analysis part of the hybrid filter banks. Two approximations of the filter bank pair for analysis have been proposed. The first approximation of the transfer function of the low-pass filter is based on the simple adaptation of the orthogonal Jacobi polynomials in order to obtain the Pseudo-Jacobian polynomials. In relation to other known approximations, the Pseudo-Jacobian polynomial one has two prime parameters, which can adjust the characteristics of the filter in wide ranges. This approximation can be successfully applied for the realization of a complementary bank of filters. It is known that recursive double-complementary digital filter banks can be implemented with all-pass filters, and research has shown that double-complementary filter banks can also be realized in the analogue domain. The realization of the proposed filter bank has been done in two steps. In the first step, with the complementary decomposition, the prototype transfer function is obtained by two all-pass filters, while in the second step, by their addition or subtraction, transfer functions of lowpass and highpass filters are obtained. The advantage of such a system is that the same hardware can be used for realization of both low frequency and high frequency transfer functions. Monte Carlo simulation of the realization of a double complementary analog filter pair based on a parallel connection of two analogue all-pass filters showed that all-pass realization is characterized by a small sensitivity of the attenuation characteristics to the component tolerances in the filter pass-band, while the sensitivity in the stop-band is substantially higher compared to the case of a standard cascade realization of the low-pass filter and the high-pass filter. By a suitable selection of the analysis filter bank and the synthesis filter bank, a condition for suppressing the effects arising from the overlapping of the spectrum in banks for analysis and synthesis can be fulfilled. The all-pass complementarity of an analogue filter bank points to the fact that amplitude distortion, which is introduced by the analog bank of the analysis filters, can be completely suppressed, so that the non-linearity of the group delay characteristics is the predominant distortion. In order to achieve a near perfect reconstruction of the signal, a new realization of the group delay corrector was proposed, which makes it possible for the group delay to be constant in a flat sense, i.e. with a number of flatness at the origin. An analysis of the sensitivity has shown that the sensitivity of the correction of the group waveform in the filter pass-band that is proportional to the square of the Q -factor of the pole. In other words, the group delay corrector is very sensitive to the component tolerances

    Electrical Characterization and Impedance Response of Lanthanum Doped Barium Titanate Ceramics

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    The dielectric permittivity and dissipation factor of La-doped and undoped BaTiO3 were investigated as a function of frequency and temperature. The impedance response was used to study the electrical properties of La-doped BaTiO3 over the temperature range from room temperature (RT) to 350 degrees C. La-doped and undoped BaTiO3, obtained by a modified Pechini method, were sintered in air at 1300 degrees C for 2 and 16 hours. The impedance spectra were analyzed in terms of equivalent circuits involving resistors, capacitors and constant phase elements (CPE). The most suitable electrical circuit for the interpretation of experimental results is found to be the equivalent circuit consisting of resistors and CPE elements which replace the capacitor elements. The contribution of grain boundary resistance to the total resistance of a system is remarkable at low temperature. Dielectric permittivity of doped BaTiO3 was in the range of 8000 to 12000 at 1 kHz and the dissipation factor was less than 1%
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