33 research outputs found

    Obstetric and perinatal risks after the use of donor sperm : A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Donor sperm is widely used in infertility treatments. The purpose of the study was to investigate, whether use of donor sperm in intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatments affect maternal and perinatal risks compared with spontaneously conceived pregnancies or use of partner sperm in IUI, IVF or ICSI. We provide a systematic review and meta-analyses on the most clinically relevant obstetric and perinatal outcomes after use of donor sperm compared with partner sperm: hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, preeclampsia, low birth weight, and preterm birth. Our meta-analyses showed an increased risk for preeclampsia (pooled adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.77, 95% CI 1.26-2.48) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (pooled aOR 1.55, 95%, CI 1.20-2.00) in pregnancies resulting from IUI with donor sperm compared with IUI with partner sperm. No increased risk was seen for low birth weight or preterm birth after the use of donor sperm in IUI compared with the use of partner sperm in IUI. Subgroup analysis for singletons only did not change these results. The meta-analysis on low birth weight showed a lower risk after in IVF with donor sperm compared with IVF with partner sperm (pooled aOR 0.89, 95% CI 0.83-0.94). For hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, preeclampsia and preterm birth, no difference was found between IVF with donor sperm vs. partner sperm. Patients need to be informed about the moderately increased risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and preeclampsia in pregnancies after IUI with donor sperm.Peer reviewe

    Anonimato e segredo na reprodução humana com participação de doador: mudanças em perspectivas

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    Resumo As tecnologias reprodutivas, ao separar a sexuali dade da reprodução, interferiram nĂŁo somente nas relaçÔes entre os sexos, mas tambĂ©m nas relaçÔes de filiação, possibilitando o surgimento de configu raçÔes familiares decorrentes do acesso a material genĂ©tico de terceiros (doadores de Ăłvulos, sĂȘmen ou embriĂŁo). O segredo e o anonimato que sempre envolveram os doadores de gametas tĂȘm sido desa fiados. Nos Ășltimos vinte anos, diversos paĂ­ses alte raram sua legislação adotando a identidade aberta do doador de material genĂ©tico. A possibilidade de conhecer e ter acesso a esta identidade (chegando Ă  maioridade) ou mesmo a busca por meios irmĂŁos pode ser uma realidade em muitos paĂ­ses para crianças nascidas por meio do acesso Ă  tecnologia reprodutiva. O artigo enfatiza a questĂŁo do segredo e do anonimato envolvendo o uso de material ge nĂ©tico de terceiros em tecnologias reprodutivas. A discussĂŁo Ă© explorada por meio do debate ocorrido no Reino Unido relativo Ă  abolição do anonimato e suas implicaçÔes sob a perspectiva dos doadores, dos casais demandantes e da criança concebida. O estudo reflete ainda sobre as concepçÔes de famĂ­lia envolvidas nessa discussĂŁo

    Psychological and ethical issues in third party assisted conception and surrogate motherhood

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    The continuing increase in babies born via third party assisted conception (AC) and surrogate motherhood across the world shows the success of and medical and social demand for third party interventions in family building. However, with the increasing use of such interventions world-wide, commercialisation and commodification have proliferated. This in turn has led to inequality in access to AC services, in choice of third party input, and in questionable human rights and psychosocial welfare issues. Transitioning to parenthood using third party AC and surrogate motherhood, in addition to requiring equality in access, also demand accuracy of birth and genetic information. In the absence of accurate record keeping, continuing practices of anonymity, and marginalization of the contribution of donors and surrogates, psychological, social, health and ethical questions are raised for donors, recipients and potentially for (genetic, gestational) part, half and full offspring, siblings and others in the extended family such as grandparents